Longevity Species

Chapter 842 One operation is as fierce as a tiger, opening the treasure house is a waste of work (se

There are two pagodas in the treasure house.

These two pagodas are infinitely tall. Although the cave is only that big, the pagodas seem to be infinitely tall. Lei Dao knew very well that this was not a contradiction. It involved the rules of space. With the strength of the sage Xi, it was not a big deal to create Xumi Cave, let alone just two pagodas.

But the key is these two pagodas, one with "life" written on it, and the other with "death" written on it.

"The Pagoda of Life and Death?"

"what happened?"

"Sage Xi hides these two pagodas in his own treasury. Is this a long-awaited preparation?"

"No way, a dignified sage, you still have precautions in your own treasure house? This is really...too cautious?"

"This pagoda of life and death, which one should I choose?"

For a moment, the bull demon master and others were dumbfounded and a little frustrated.

They worked so hard, they were looking for the son of luck, and they were trying to crack the formation. They operated like a tiger, and finally opened the treasure house, but they waited for the two towers of "life and death".

Was this played by the sage Xi?

For a while, the atmosphere of Lei Dao and the other five people seemed a little dull.

"Tower of Life and Death, how to choose?"

Many people looked at each other, but none of them made a decision. In the end, everyone looked at Lei Dao, wanting to know Lei Dao's decision. The reason is very simple, Lei Dao is the son of luck, who made Lei Dao rich in luck?

Lei Dao's choice must be right!

Lei Dao is also in a panic now, what kind of operation is this? Tower of Life and Death? Even Lei Dao was dumbfounded, he had never met Saint Xi, and he didn't know Saint Xi's "hobbies".

But what kind of evil is it to play a "tower of life and death" in one's own cave, and play a trick of life and death step by step?

However, no matter what, the sage Xi did so, and now Lei Dao had to make a choice.

"There are so many precious treasures in the so-called treasure house? Now you have to make a choice, and even if you are not careful, you are in danger of falling..."

Lei Dao retreated a bit.

He knew very well that once he entered the tower of life and death, his speed might not have any advantages. It was a closed space, and if there was any danger, how would Lei Dao escape?

It is really stupid to put oneself in danger for this inexplicable, even illusory treasure.

However, Lei Dao was still hesitating.

The tower of life and death, as the name suggests, simply according to the literal meaning, if you enter the tower of life, you can live, and if you enter the tower of death, you may die.

Just, is it really that simple?


At this moment, the entire cave was shaking violently again, as if the cave was about to collapse.

"That's... Saint Gu?"

The Bull Demon Ruler's expression sank.

Saint, there is actually a saint coming.

In fact, the area where the Hollow Cave Mansion is located is the territory of Saint Gu, and it is also very close to the City of Death. I did not expect that the birth of the Hollow Cave Mansion would alarm the Saint so soon, and even lead the Saint to personally take action to collect the Hollow Cave Mansion.

"It's over, the saints have appeared, we have no chance."

"How about escaping?"

"No, escape now, maybe Saint Gu will destroy us later. Wait, we can only wait now. I don't think the ancestor will just sit idly by."

"Ancestor? You mean, ancestor Shang?"

"That's right, Patriarch Shang is also very close to the Kongkong Cave Mansion. Even the ancient capital of saints has come, so Patriarch Shang must not be far away."

At this time, there is not much that Bull Demon Master and others can do, they can only wait.

Lei Dao's heart sank even more.

He felt that this time it was really bad luck.

He ran all the way to the Void Cave Mansion, but got nothing, and even fell into a crisis.

Even the saint has done it, what else can he do?

No matter how fast he is, can he be faster than a saint?

So, for now, stay honestly.


At this moment, in the void.

Saint Gu is a man wearing a Chinese robe, but his whole person looks like a vicissitudes and ancient atmosphere. Saint Gu is not a very old saint. On the contrary, Saint Gu has only experienced a catastrophe in the era, that is, in the last era, Saint Gu became a saint.

The reason why sage Gu looks vicissitudes and ancient is because the way that sage himself walked out is quite special.

Now, Saint Gu arrived at the location of the Void Cave Mansion first.

Therefore, the sage Gu seemed very happy.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect Saint Xi's Void Cave Mansion to be on my site. It is said that Saint Xi deduces Wushuang. As expected, his deduction skills have reached unimaginable levels, even if the Void Cave Mansion is placed on my site. , I don’t know either. However, I still got it now, come here!”

The sage Gu immediately stretched out his big hand, and grabbed it directly towards the void cave.


The Void Cave Mansion began to tremble, as if struggling crazily.

"Huh? The Void Cave Mansion is actually connected to the space channel, but it's useless, come here!"

Saint Gu's big hand is like a giant holding up the sky, no matter how much the void cave man struggles, he can't break free from his big hand. Gradually, the Void Cave Mansion was slowly captured by Saint Gu.

In fact, the sage Gu also saw Lei Dao and other five masters in the Void Cave Mansion. He knew that this was an "extraterritorial demon", but he didn't care.

Maybe it was these five masters that made the Void Cave Mansion come into being, otherwise, it would be impossible for the sage Gu to get the Void Cave Mansion. Grasp the Hollow Cave Mansion first, and as for the masters of the Ming Realm in the Hollow Hole Mansion, Saint Gu can easily erase them at that time.

In the eyes of a saint, everything below a saint is nothing but ants. The difference is the slightly stronger ants and ordinary ants, but the saints have the same shots, crushing them casually.


Just when Saint Gu was about to grab the void cave, suddenly, a figure appeared in the void, and then, another big hand slapped directly on Saint Gu's big hand.

Immediately, Saint Gu's big hand collapsed and shattered, and the Void Cave Mansion stabilized again, quietly suspended in the void.

"Sage Gu, this is earlier than me, but I have finally arrived."

Appearing in the void was a man who looked very young and had a very handsome face, so handsome that some people dare not look directly at him.

However, the sage Gu didn't seem to be affected in any way, he shouted in a low voice: "Ancestor Shang, you are not slow to come. But, don't forget, this area is my territory, why don't you hide in your Shang City, came to my place, is this trying to set off a saint war?"

It turned out that this handsome man who just appeared was actually the Lord of Shang City, the youngest great ancestor of the Ming world——Ancestor Shang!

"Saint war? Saint Gu, don't threaten me with a big war. If you want to fight, I will accompany you!"

First Ancestor Shang's eyes froze, and his whole body seemed to suddenly become extremely fierce.

Saint Gu was furious, but he didn't really make a move.

The reason is simple, the ancestor Shang is not weak!

It stands to reason that the ancestors and saints are similar, and if they can experience the catastrophe of the era one more time, their strength will definitely be greatly improved. The sage Gu is at least a saint accomplished in the last era. He has experienced a catastrophe in the era, and his strength is at least stronger than that of the ancestor Shang.

After all, the first ancestor Shang is only the first ancestor who achieved in this era, and he has not even experienced any era catastrophe.

However, the ancestor Shang is different, his situation is somewhat special.

Ancestor Shang is currently the only one in the entire Ming Realm and Desolate Ancient Continent who combined some powers of the two worlds and finally achieved success! The strength is strong, at least not weaker than Saint Gu.

Moreover, the potential of the ancestor Shang in the future will be very huge.

If you really want to fight, the sage Gu is not necessarily the opponent of the ancestor Shang.

"Ancestor Shang, don't be so aggressive. This is my site, and I was the first to discover the Void Cave Mansion. What's more, this Void Cave Mansion was left by the saints of my Desolate Ancient Continent, and it should be acquired by the saints of my Desolate Ancient Continent."

Saint Gu said with a gloomy expression.

"Sage Gu, I think you made a mistake. It is true that the Hollow Cave Mansion was left by Saint Xi, but Saint Xi didn't say who the Hollow Cave Mansion was left to. As for the fact that you discovered the Hollow Cave Mansion first? That's not necessarily the case, The five rulers in the Void Cave Mansion are my practitioners in the Ming Realm, they discovered the Void Cave Mansion first, and even worked so hard to make the Void Cave Mansion come into being, this Void Cave Mansion must naturally belong to our Ming Realm!"

The first ancestor Shang also saw the situation in the void cave mansion at a glance.

He was also very surprised, he didn't expect that the birth of the Void Cave Mansion was actually related to practitioners of the Ming Realm, and he was also one of the top masters.

Then he has a reason, and it is impossible to refute.

Saint Gu's expression changed.

He really didn't know how to refute.

It's impossible to find the sage Xi now, right?

After all, the sage Xi went to search for the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era, and now it has disappeared without a trace, and no one can find it.

But, would he be willing to give up the Void Cave Mansion?

It's simply impossible!

He Ke is a saint's cave, how could he easily give it up to the ancestor of the Ming world?

"Hehe, the first ancestor Shang is really capable of sophistry. You, a cultivator from the Ming Realm, are sneaky and want to steal the treasures from the great saint's cave in my remote ancient continent. You deserve to be killed for this kind of behavior!"


Following a stern voice, a figure flew out of the space again, and as soon as it appeared, it exuded a powerful aura, far surpassing the aura of the saint Gu.

Another saint!

Also, a very powerful saint.

"Sage Yuan? I didn't expect you to come so fast!"

First Ancestor Shang narrowed his eyes slightly, this time he was a little troublesome, and he was also weighing it in his heart.

The ancient sage, the ancestor Shang was not afraid.

But the sage is different, he is a veteran sage, who once dared to fight against the ancestor. Although he suffered under the hands of the ancestor Kong, it is enough to prove the strength of the saint plate.

After all, the ancestor Kong is one of the oldest ancestors in the Ming world.

Sage Yuan, has experienced three era catastrophes, very powerful!

Moreover, the sage Gu has to be added now, so the ancestor Shang immediately fell into a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

ps: The third update is at night.

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