Longevity Species

Chapter 843 Saint and ancestor! (third change)

Saint Yuan and Saint Gu are now the two great saints facing the ancestor Shang.

Even though the first ancestor Shang is very special, he is the first master of the Ming world and the first ancestor who achieved in the ancient continent. But no matter how special it is, facing the two saints, I still feel a lot of pressure.

"Sage Yuan, you are one step ahead of me. Why, you have more saints?"

Suddenly, another figure stepped out of the void.

Ancestor plate!

Immediately, the expressions of Saint Yuan and Saint Gu froze, and their hearts were extremely fearful.

The Ancestor Pan, which has gone through four era catastrophes, is a powerful existence among saints. It is precisely because of the existence of the ancestor plate that Pan City and Shang City can be impregnable, and there are basically no problems.

Otherwise, even if there are two ancestors, if they are similar to the ancestor Shang, then these saints in the ancient continent may not take the risk to attack the two ancestors.

But with the Ancestral Disk, it's different.

No one knows how terrifying a sage or ancestor who has experienced four era catastrophes is. Even the saint Yuan has only experienced three era catastrophes, which is one era less than the ancestor plate.

"Ancestor Pan, even you are here, what do you mean by the Ming Realm? Is it possible to start a big war? I am not afraid of the ancient mainland saints!"

At this time, the sage Yuan also became dignified, and even moved out of the ancient land, raising the height of the topic to the point of the battle between the ancient land and the Ming world.

The first ancestor pan took a deep look at Saint Yuan, and he could naturally see some of Saint Yuan's careful thoughts. However, the ancestor pan didn't care, he said directly: "Void Dongfu, presumably the two saints will not give up, right? And our side of the Ming Realm will naturally not give up either. However, if the sake of a Void Dongfu leads to both of us I am afraid no one can predict the final casualties of the great battle."

"Hmph, in the ancient continent, we saints are immortal, who can do nothing to win us? But you ancestors, even though you are powerful, if you die once, you will really die!"

Saint Yuan sneered.

"Really? You saints are immortal, but if you destroy all your incarnations, what can you do? But you can only watch our ancestors sweeping the ancient continent. What's more, if our ancestors join hands together, it will not be shocking." The ability of the ancient continent, when the time comes, the Epoch Tribulation may come earlier, you saints who have lost all their incarnations, what can you use to resist the Era Calamity?"

The ancestor plate also responded with a sneer and said.

The sage Yuan was also silent, his face was ugly, because he knew that what the ancestor was telling was the truth.

A saint is immortal, but if there is no incarnation, the epoch catastrophe will come, and the saint will fall. This is the biggest drawback of the saint, the saint is most afraid of the catastrophe of the era.

Of course, the Great Tribulation of the Era is the common "enemy" of both saints and ancestors.

It is also difficult for the ancestors to survive the era of calamity.

Moreover, it is difficult to completely destroy the incarnation of the saint. Once there is a battle, the immortal saint is also very difficult to deal with. Unless it is a last resort, there will be no life-and-death battle between the saint and the ancestor.

Maybe one day, a battle will break out between the saint and the ancestor, but it will definitely not be because of an empty cave.

No matter how precious the Void Cave Mansion is, it is only left by the sage Xi.

Here, there are several saints and ancestors who are stronger than the saint Xi. How can the cave left by Shengxi allow several saints to engage in a life-and-death battle with the ancestors?

Since they can't fight each other, and they are afraid of each other, then there is only compromise.

"The Void Cave Mansion cannot be monopolized by you masters of the Ming Realm!"

After a long time, the sage Yuan said in a deep voice, this is the meaning of compromise.

The ancestor Pan also nodded and said: "The Void Cave Mansion can be opened, but our five masters in the Void Cave Mansion cannot be moved out. Since they found the Void Cave Mansion first, they should be given the first chance. For the rest, no matter what means you use to send the others to the Void Cave Mansion."

"Then it's settled like this! If the ancestors and saints can't make a move, let the masters and gods and demons of both sides enter the Void Cave Mansion until someone completely breaks through the tower of life and death."


So the two sides reached an agreement.

Generally speaking, the side of the Ming Realm has gained some advantage, and can allow the five masters including Lei Dao and Bull Demon Lord to continue to wander in the Void Cave Mansion.

This is a first mover advantage.

Of course, with the means of Saint Yuan and Saint Gu, I am afraid that powerful gods and demons will come soon, and Lei Dao and others only have a little first-mover advantage, and the advantage is not great.


The next moment, the sage disappeared, and he had obviously gone to summon many gods and demons.

The ancestor Pan and the ancestor Shang glanced at each other, and the ancestor Pan shook his head and said: "I really didn't expect that they would have such an opportunity. However, the deduction method of the sage Xi is indeed very strong, and he left the tower of life and death. It is his foundation. Treasures come next, if anyone can break through the tower of life and death and master the way of deduction, maybe someone will become the first ancestor in the future!"

The first ancestor Shang said coldly: "If you follow the path of others, you will never become the first ancestor!"

The ancestor plate did not refute either.

Whether it is the ancestor or the sage, they all need to find their own way.

But it is still useful to learn from other people's paths, and accepting all rivers can also become the ancestor.

What's more, even if you can't become the first ancestor, if you master the way of deduction, it is very likely that there will be a powerful master who is second only to the first ancestor and saint, and it will be a great thing for the entire Ming Realm.

"Those five masters may not know the mysteries of the tower of life and death, so tell them, let them hurry up..."

Therefore, the sage pan personally transmitted the sound.

At this moment, in the Void Cave Mansion, Lei Dao and the other five masters looked around. The cave finally stopped shaking, and the terrifying momentum just now even made the five masters feel like they were being crushed.

It's just momentum.


This must be a saint!

Even, there is more than one saint!

"Are you all gone?"

"Quiet, only the ancestors are left."

"Almost, if the ancestors came later, we would be finished."

"How did the Void Cave Mansion come into being? Sage Xi put us together."

"What should I choose now? To leave, or to break into the Tower of Life and Death? Maybe there is nothing in the Tower of Life and Death."

The five masters also hesitated.

According to Lei Dao's thoughts, he wanted to leave directly, but the Bull Demon Master and others felt unwilling.

They worked so hard for such a long time, but in the end they got nothing, wasting their work for nothing?

At this moment, a voice came from the ears of Lei Mou, Bull Demon Master and others.

"You are all on the same page. Inside the Tower of Life and Death, there is the lifelong treasure of Saint Xi, and this Tower of Life and Death actually refers to the foundation of Saint Xi's achievement in the past, the Dao of Life and Death! What you have obtained by breaking into the Tower of Life is something about the Dao of Life. Treasures and sentiments, if you go to the Tower of Death, you will get the sentiments and treasures on the Avenue of Death. Now we have reached an agreement with the saints of the ancient continent. The master is open. At that time, there will be a large number of gods and demons and masters coming to the tower of life and death. You have the first-mover advantage now. If you decide to go to the tower of life and death, you have to hurry up now."

This burst of sound is the sound of the ancestor plate.

Moreover, after the first ancestor pan finished speaking, he disappeared without a trace together with the first ancestor Shang.

Only the figures of Lei Dao and others in the Void Cave Mansion remained.

"Is it the ancestor plate?"

"It turns out that the Tower of Life and Death really contains treasures, and is it the mystery of the Dao of Saint Xi becoming a Saint?"

"Once you want to break through, the sage realizes that this is the real mystery of the sages and ancestors. Usually, no saint or ancestors will ever teach such a mystery. Perhaps, this is our only chance!"

"Although following other people's way, we will never be able to become the first ancestor, but if we can integrate the avenue of life and death into our own way, our own perception, maybe we can break through the shackles and become the first ancestor!"

Hearing the words of the ancestor plate, the four top masters including the bull demon ruler were very excited.

These top masters are different from Lei Dao.

What they pursue is not the improvement of strength, nor treasures, but the ancestors!

As long as they can become the ancestors, they will flock to them, no matter what the cost.

Now, by breaking into the tower of life and death, one can actually gain the understanding of the avenue of life and death. This is the understanding of a saint, how precious is it? Such an opportunity is rare, and they will never miss it.

Especially the Bull Demon Master, who had already had a chance to reorganize his body in Longchi, and his strength had been raised to an unfathomable level. If you can gain some insights into the Dao of Life and Death from this tower of life and death, maybe you can really transform.

Thus, the bull demon master and others began to make choices one after another.

"I'm going to break into the tower of death. I'm accompanied by killing. I rise from the killing. I have a deep understanding of the way of death. I should be able to gain something."

"I should try to go to the tower of life, maybe I can get the mystery of life."

"The avenue of life and death, I am ready to go for it, now I have to hurry up."

"Master Lei, why don't you give it a try?"

The other four masters have all made a decision, only Lei Dao has not yet made a decision.

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he glanced at the Tower of Life and the Tower of Death, various thoughts flashed through his mind.

In fact, the tower of life and death is indeed a chance, what the four masters said is very reasonable, but there is one point that none of the four masters mentioned.

That is the danger!

In the tower of life and death, you may die!

But, for death, who would care about these four top masters?

To take risks, there are bound to be casualties, and even outright death.

In order to achieve the ancestors, where would they be afraid of death?

But Lei Dao is different. Through his own efforts, Lei Dao firmly believes that sooner or later he will be able to become the ancestor.

Now go on an adventure in the tower of life and death?

Seems a bit unworthy.

"I won't go..."

Raidou shook his head.

"I heard that the sage Xi also liked to collect all kinds of life-extending and life-throwing treasures at the beginning. I'm afraid they all hid them in the Tower of Life. Even the 108 longevity pearls are just ordinary life-related treasures..."

As soon as the bull demon ruler finished speaking, he saw Lei Dao's figure, which almost turned into a stream of light, and flew into the tower of life in an instant.


The four top masters looked at each other and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Afterwards, they all flew into the tower of life and death.

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