Longevity Species

Chapter 844 Completely stupefied, what exactly did Saint Xi go through? (first update)


Lei Dao fell to the first floor of the Tower of Life, followed by the bull demon master and another master.

Including Lei Dao, a total of three masters chose to enter the tower of life.

Master Bull Demon said with a half-smile, "Master Lei, why have you changed your mind and are willing to break into the Tower of Life?"

In fact, the bull demon master knows that Lei Dao has an extraordinary demand for life-extending treasures. Once he learns that there are treasures in the tower of life that are more precious than 108 longevity pearls, how can he give up?

Lei Dao didn't seem to feel embarrassed at all, but said with a solemn expression: "The Tower of Life contains the life avenue of the sage Xi, which is very precious, and I naturally want to come and see it."

It sounds like that.

But soon, Lei Dao asked again: "Master the Bull Demon, does this Dao of Life have anything to do with our Master of the Ming Realm? Our Master of the Ming Realm mainly cultivates the physical body, and all means of cultivation are to increase the strength of the physical body. When the Dao of the physical body is To a certain extent, if you break the shackles, you will naturally be able to advance to the realm. The true god is like this, the venerable is like this, and the ruler is like this. Even the first ancestors, are you trying to improve the physical body and strengthen the physical body step by step, hoping that one day you can completely Break through the shackles of the physical body and become the ancestor."

Lei Dao really didn't understand.

Although the ancestors and saints are at the same level, they are actually very different.

After all, the practice system is different.

The cultivation system of the Ming Realm only cultivates the physical body, and does not know any rules or great ways. Even if the world practice system of Lei Dao cultivation is an original creation of human beings, in fact, they will not comprehend any laws, rules and avenues.

It's just that when you are below the true god, you still need to comprehend some laws.

But after becoming a true God, a venerable, and a master, it is enough to only cultivate the flesh body.

The tower of life and the tower of death, even if there is any understanding of the way of life and death of the sage Xi, it has nothing to do with the masters. But why do the bull demon master and others want to enter the tower of life and death so urgently?

this is a problem.

Master Bull Demon shook his head, then said with a smile: "Master Lei just came to the ancient continent not long ago, and he still doesn't know much about cultivation. However, the practice system of the Ming Realm is indeed like this. Cultivating the Dao means only cultivating the physical body. We believe that if the Dao of strength has reached a certain level, then the rest of the problems will not be a problem. Many ancestors also did this step by step. Comprehending the laws and the Dao is actually the practice system of the ancient continent. The ancient continent pays attention to Epiphany, paying attention to talent, they pay attention to communication with heaven and earth, they attach great importance to the law and the Dao, which is also their foundation. Every saint has a very deep understanding of the Dao, and even every saint has mastered his own Unique way, only in this way can one become a saint.”

"We practitioners in the Ming Realm don't practice the Dao. But it is different in the ancient continent. In the Ming Realm, no ancestor has been born for a long, long time. The only ancestor who was born is the ancestor Shang, and he was born in the ancient continent. The first ancestor Shang, just referred to the method of the ancient continent, comprehended certain avenues, and integrated into himself. Finally, he became the ancestor in the ancient continent!"

Lei Dao's heart suddenly brightened.

Although Lei Dao had heard about the deeds of the first ancestor Shang becoming the first ancestor before, Lei Dao knew nothing about the specific situation. Sometimes, there are even some clouds and mist.

For example, it is said that the ancestor Shang is very special, he is the ancestor achieved by the "combination" of the Ming Realm and the Desolate Ancient Continent. But Lei Dao didn't know anything about what was going on, and he was even confused.

But now, Lei Dao understood.

It turns out that the ancestor Shang followed the way of comprehending the "Day" in the ancient continent. Isn't this the way of a saint?

"Wait, Master Bull Demon, you just said that the ancestor Shang accomplished was the ancestor, not the saint? Since he has comprehended the Dao, this is the practice system of the ancient continent, shouldn't he become a saint?"

Lei Dao suddenly thought of a very critical, even fundamental problem.

Is the first ancestor Shang the first ancestor or a saint?

"Uh... Actually, we don't know much about this. But since it is called the first ancestor Shang, it must be the first ancestor. Moreover, it has never been heard that the first ancestor Shang cultivated the primordial spirit, and entrusted the primordial spirit in the ancient In the mainland, if there is no primordial spirit enshrined in the ancient continent, then it will not be a saint no matter what."

"We just know one thing, which is what the ancestor Shang said himself. The great way of the ancient continent is of great help to the masters to achieve the ancestors. It is this sentence that made countless top masters go forward and start to wander in the ancient continent. Even Trying to comprehend the Dao in the ancient continent, but so far only the ancestor Shang has succeeded."

Lei Dao understood.

The so-called Dao is actually the practice system of the ancient continent.

Although the Master of the Ming Realm does not cultivate, he can learn from it, and there is a successful precedent, that is the ancestor Shang.

Since the first ancestor Shang was able to succeed, others had a chance to succeed as well.

Therefore, for this tower of life and death, in fact, the top masters such as the Bull Devil Master think highly of it. This is the way for the saint to achieve the saint's understanding.

If he could comprehend a thing or two with the help of the tower of life and death, it would be impossible to become the second ancestor Shang.

Of course, Lei Dao doesn't feel this way at all now.

He doesn't need to comprehend any Dao at all. After all, Lei Dao is still very young, he has a lot of time, and he can still improve by leaps and bounds, and he has not reached the point where there is no progress.

He entered the tower of life with only one purpose, and that was to obtain life-extending treasures.

A life-extending treasure comparable to or even surpassing one hundred and eight longevity beads.

"By the way, what is the test on the first floor of the Tower of Life?"

Lei Dao discovered that the first floor of the Tower of Life is a great hall, but now the hall is empty, so where is the test?

You have to break through the tower of life to get treasures or enlightenment.


Suddenly, a ray of light appeared on the main hall, instantly covering the three masters including Lei Dao and the bull demon master.

Afterwards, the three masters all saw dense patterns and symbols appearing in front of them.

"Is this a magic circle?"

"A magic circle again?"

The Bull Demon Lord and the others had lingering fears about the magic circle.

They spent countless efforts and energy in the big formation in front of the treasure house, and the result? It was only by Lei Dao's "luck" that he was able to enter the treasure house.

Now it's the magic circle again, what do they use to break through the tower of life?

"Wait, this isn't a magic circle, it's a test. But, this test seems to be... a question? A question?"

Reido was shocked.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

But the truth is there.

In front of Lei Dao and other three masters, the same question appeared at the same time, and this question was really "strange and ridiculous", which made Lei Dao and other three masters dumbfounded.

"God Demon A has comprehended one law of life, God Demon B has comprehended two laws of life, and God Demon C has comprehended three laws of life. If the three gods and demons confirm and communicate with each other, how many new laws of life can they comprehend? ?”

This is the question that arises in front of Lei Dao, it is an extremely weird question.

And there are many answers below, from one law of life to thousands of laws of life, there are thousands of answers.

Which one to choose?

This is a big problem!

The point is, once you make a wrong choice, you will be sent to the Tower of Birth. Although you can re-enter, no matter which floor you are on, you will start to enter the tower from the first floor again.

This kind of design is simply... unreasonable!

Lei Dao can imagine how broken the expressions of those gods, demons and masters will be when they see this scene?

Lei Dao was dumbfounded, and Lei Dao even maliciously speculated, what exactly did this sage Xi go through?

In the first test of the tower of life, such a "one question" was put, which made people feel confused.

Lei Dao was a little stunned.

"How should I choose?"

Lei Dao didn't think much about this question at all, because it didn't make sense at all. Can anyone know what the problem is? Are you sure it's not the bad taste of the sage Xi?

But even if this is Shengren Xi's bad taste, even the answer is only the correct answer that Shengren Xi has set in advance.

How do you choose?

I am afraid that even if other ancestors know this question, they will definitely be confused.

"It is said that the sage Xi is good at deduction. Does this question require a very meticulous deduction ability?"

Lei Dao felt that this question might not be that simple.

A dignified saint, he can't really have evil tastes, can he?

Playing with gods and demons?

Lei Dao shook his head, a dignified sage, really not, I'm afraid this question really has some deep meaning. Reminiscent of the sage Xi who is best at deduction, perhaps, this question requires deduction to know the answer.

Lei Dao and the bull demon master looked at each other.

They have a total of three masters, but, what is this deduction?

The three of them don't know how to deduce at all. Since they don't know how to deduce, how can they choose?

"It can only depend on luck. Anyway, we are only on the first floor. Even if we fail, we will be sent out and come back again! I will try first."

A top ruler of Shangcheng suddenly said in a deep voice.

The answer he chose was the "three" laws of life.


The next moment, the top master had disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared before.


Lei Dao and the bull devil master looked at each other, but they hadn't recovered yet, but there was already one less companion beside them. This also made them wake up. The first test of the tower of life had really begun, and it was not a joke.

Any wrong answer will be sent out.

In fact, this approach seems to have some loopholes.

That is, you can keep trying.

For example, the first answer is wrong, until the hundredth answer, you can organize a lot of things to try.

But what if the answer is last?

As for the final answer, it is not as simple as thousands, there may be more, even if there are so many gods and demons, there is not so much time.

What's more, with such an obvious loophole, would Saint Xi not know about it?

"Master the Bull Demon, you choose first."

Lei Dao said, he really has no confidence.

However, the bull demon master seems to be more vigilant. He thought of the "luck" that Lei Dao showed when he chose the key point before, so the bull demon master said with a smile: "Let's invite the thunder master first. If the thunder master can succeed, I can also keep up with Master Lei and break into the second floor by the way."

The Bull Demon Ruler is about to "beside" Lei Dao.

Who made Lei Dao the "son of luck"?

What if Lei Dao chooses an answer at random and succeeds?

"It's better to be the master of the bull demon, I really don't have much confidence in this answer."

"It doesn't matter, everything depends on luck. I have confidence in the luck dominated by Lei."

"But I have no confidence."

"Master Lei, your lack of confidence is my greatest confidence, just close your eyes and choose whatever you want."

Lei Dao was speechless.

Why does the bull demon master seem more confident than him?

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