Longevity Species

Chapter 849 Are you blind? Don't you have any points in your heart? (third change)


Lei Dao was enveloped by another beam of light, and then quickly ascended to the fourth floor of the Tower of Life.

This shows that Lei Dao's answer is actually correct again.

"Sure enough, the answer I analyzed with my wisdom is correct."

Lei Dao is very satisfied.

In his view, the answer to the third layer has no answer at all. To be precise, Feng Wang Shenmo cannot defeat the Great Emperor. This answer is full of traps, but Lei Dao avoided them one by one, and finally chose the correct answer directly.

This is wisdom!

When he reached the fourth floor, Lei Dao naturally got the reward of the tower of life on the third floor, and the reward was still very generous. It's just that the life span added to Lei Dao is only 700 million.

Lei Dao decisively opened up the tenth territory.


Lei Dao attaches great importance to the opening of the tenth territory.

However, after actually owning the tenth territory, Lei Dao didn't see any changes, and the territory in his body still failed to give birth to the power of the realm.

In other words, Lei Dao has not been able to become a master yet.

"The ten territories cannot become the master?"

Raidou frowned.

Although there are previous theories that the ten territories can become masters, and there is a chance to give birth to the power of the realm.

It's a pity that after Lei Dao really tried it, he found that the power of the domain could not be born in the ten territories.

Theory is one thing, practice is another.

However, Lei Dao was not in a hurry.

The power of domains cannot be born in ten territories, so what about a dozen or even twenty?

If twenty is not enough, then thirty, and if thirty is not enough, then forty.

In short, one day, there will definitely be the birth of the power of the realm.

Layer 4 is still a problem.

However, now Lei Dao has completely liked solving problems with wisdom, so with his supreme wisdom, he quickly analyzed the answer and was full of confidence.

And then... there is no more.

Lei Dao continued to rush upwards.

The fourth floor, the fifth floor, the sixth floor, the seventh floor, the eighth floor... all the way to the ninth floor!

The tower of life has only nine floors in total.

The rewards of the ninth floor are also very rich.

Lei Dao broke into the tower of life on the third floor, and he used the rewarded treasures to increase his lifespan by 700 million years.

Passing through the fourth floor of the Tower of Life, Lei Dao's life span has increased by 600 million years, passing through the fifth floor, Lei Dao's life span has increased by 500 million years, passing through the sixth floor, Lei Dao's life span has increased by 400 million years, passing through the fifth floor On the eighth floor, Lei Dao's lifespan has been increased by 300 million years.

Until he broke through the ninth floor, Lei Dao's rewards finally increased greatly.

After all, breaking through the ninth floor is equivalent to "passing the level".

Lei Dao's lifespan has increased by a full two billion years!

The reason why the lifespan decreases the more rewards are added to each floor of the Tower of Life is actually very simple. Because the "resistance" of Lei Dao's body is also increasing.

The more the lifespan is increased, the greater the resistance of Lei Dao will be.

But for breaking through the ninth floor, the rewards are too generous.

After breaking through the fourth floor, Lei Dao's increased lifespan has not been used.

Lei Dao obtained a lifespan of 700 million years before, but only opened up the tenth territory, and his lifespan is 200 million years left.

Adding it all up now, Lei Dao has four billion years left in his lifespan!

This is a terrifying number, enough to increase the number of Lei Dao's territories to eighteen!

However, Lei Dao was not in a hurry.

Now that he has broken through the ninth floor of the tower of life, he has "passed the level". He believes that breaking through the ninth floor of the tower of life is definitely not just as simple as obtaining a little life-extending treasure.


Sure enough, a phantom quickly condensed on the ninth floor of the tower of life.

Although it's just a phantom, the aura on his body is terrifying, far surpassing any master or emperor.

This is a saint!

Lei Dao knew it in his heart, and it was very likely that he was the owner of the Tower of Life, the sage Xi!

"This seat is the sage Xi, I didn't expect that the one who finally broke through the Tower of Life was an extraterrestrial demon..."

The expression on Saint Xixu's shadow became a little complicated.

Lei Dao immediately became vigilant.

But he knew that practitioners in the Ming Realm and those in the ancient continent were in opposition, and now that Saint Xi saw him as the ruler, would he be disgusted by Saint Xi, and even kill him directly?

Although the opponent is just a phantom and doesn't look very powerful, who knows how many methods a majestic saint has? Maybe Lei Dao is dead after blowing one breath.

Therefore, Lei Dao had to be more cautious.

"Great sage Xi, the tests you set up, I solved them one by one without the slightest opportunism, and with supreme wisdom. Besides, the sage and the ancestor have reached an agreement, and everyone can come to the Tower of Life."

Lei Dao was really afraid that Saint Xi would attack him if he disagreed with him, so he said hastily.

Saint Xiyi waved his hand and said: "You don't need to be nervous. In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is an extraterritorial celestial demon or a desolate ancient continent. In my eyes, it's all the same. I don't have any power or descendants. I don't bother to participate in the previous disputes between the Ming world and the desolate ancient continent. But , You said that you cracked the test set by this seat with your supreme wisdom? Are you sure you are telling the truth?"

"Uh... What's the problem? I did go forward with my supreme wisdom and broke through the tests you set one by one. Everything is traceable in the Tower of Life."

Lei Dao said firmly.

On this point, he did not cheat at all.

What's more, with his wisdom, does he need to cheat?

"Hehe, it's interesting, really interesting. This is the first time I've heard someone talk about blindness in such a fresh and refined way. Regarding these questions, except for the first-level questions, the answers to other questions, are you blind? Don't you have points in your heart?"

"What's the meaning?"

Lei Dao felt that something was wrong.

"The tower of life set up by this sage, except that there are a few fixed answers on the first floor that you have been fooled by, the other questions on the second, third, and ninth floors are not problems at all. As long as it is the first floor A practitioner who makes a choice will be sent to a higher level, do you understand? There is no so-called correct answer at all from the second floor to the ninth floor of the Tower of Life. is the successful answer..."


Lei Dao's expression froze.

Dare to quarrel for a long time, he is still lucky?

Not what he called wisdom.

From the second floor to the ninth floor, as long as the practitioner who is the first to answer, can directly pass through.

There is no answer, it's that simple!

Lei Dao didn't know what to say now.

He had vowed before that he could solve everything with his supreme wisdom, but now it seems that it is all a routine. Even he was given a routine by the sage Xi.

"Okay, great sage Xi, you won't reward me with so many treasures for no reason, will you?"

"That's natural. In fact, this saint has taken a fancy to your luck. Practitioners who can do the first question correctly are actually more or less lucky. You can be the first to reach the ninth floor. That’s even more luck.”

"I am going to search for the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era. If I can't find the source, then this sage will probably not be able to survive this time. Since you have obtained the treasure of this seat, then it is also considered that this seat borrows your luck. The bottom line is that everyone gets what they need.”

"What? With my luck, what do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just use your luck to calculate the source of the era's catastrophe. You don't have to do anything, just relax, and it may be of great benefit to you."

After finishing speaking, the sage Xi stretched out his hand and grabbed Lei Daoyao.


Lei Dao was shocked, but that was all. He didn't seem to be hurt, but he felt like something was missing from him.

"Really lucky?"

Lei Dao was puzzled.

The theory of luck has always been illusory, whether it is in the Ming Realm or in the ancient continent, there seems to be a theory of luck.

But what exactly is luck, no one can tell.

Saint Xi said calmly: "Luck is naturally there. It is indeed a miracle that you, a practitioner of the Ming Realm, have such great luck in the ancient continent. With your luck, maybe you can really calculate The source of the Great Tribulation of the Era..."

As the voice of the sage Xi fell, the entire tower of life trembled violently.

At the same time, scenes of scenes seemed to emerge in Lei Dao's mind.

Lei Dao had never experienced these scenes at all, and he didn't know about them, but these pictures seemed to be "forced" into his mind from the void.

"The technique of reckoning..."

Lei Dao suddenly understood a little bit, what is the real calculation.

Sage Xi began to calculate the origin of the Great Tribulation with the help of Lei Dao's luck with his supreme magic power.

This is actually traceable.

The Great Tribulation of the Era itself is closely related to the Desolate Ancient Continent. And luck is also given by the ancient continent, so this is equivalent to using the power of the ancient continent to calculate the catastrophe of the era.

However, Lei Dao didn't understand why the saint Xi didn't use his power as a saint to calculate?

After all, the sage's primordial spirit can mobilize a part of the ancient continent's power by entrusting it to the ancient continent.

As the calculation deepened, more and more pictures appeared in Lei Dao's mind.

What surprised Lei Dao was that these pictures not only included pictures of the ancient continent, but also pictures of the Ming Realm.

This can't help but let Lei Dao have a bold idea.

The great calamity of the Era, could it be that the Ancient Continent and the Ming Realm erupted at the same time?

In other words, the Great Tribulation of the Era swept across the entire Ming Realm and the Desolate Ancient Continent, and no one could escape.

Now Lei Dao faintly felt that this might really be the case.

The ancestors, like the saints, also wanted to avoid robbery.

With more and more pictures, Lei Dao's mind seemed to become more and more chaotic, and he couldn't bear it faintly, as if his head was about to explode completely.


Finally, when a certain image in Lei Dao's mind completely collapsed and exploded, Lei Dao's mind went blank, and the phantom of the saint Xi seemed to dim a lot at once.

Finally, Saint Xi stopped.

There is only one picture in Lei Dao's mind.

That is black!

Endless darkness!

I can't see my fingers, it seems that there is nothing.

"This is……"

Lei Dao was shocked. He felt that the last picture in his mind, the picture of endless darkness, was too familiar. He knew this dark place.

That is the dark world!

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