Longevity Species

Chapter 850 Shocking Change, Saint Falls! (first update)

"Dark Realm?"

Lei Dao's heart trembled, but the picture had been completely shattered, and Lei Dao came back to his senses again, but he was in shock for a long time deep in his heart.

Obviously, Lei Dao realized what this "deduction" really meant.

Saint Xi's phantom sighed and said: "Sure enough, it's the Dark Realm. In fact, I should have thought of it a long time ago. If the Great Calamity of the Era can sweep the barren ancient continent and the Bright Realm at the same time, it can only be in the Dark Realm. But the Dark Realm is too big. It's too big, I can't find the source..."

Even the tone of the sage Xi was full of helplessness and melancholy.

Lei Dao also fell silent.

The dark world, the scene just now, is indeed the dark world!

According to sage Xi's deduction, the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era is in the Dark Realm, but the Dark Realm is pitch black and there is nothing, how could it be the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era?

Moreover, Lei Dao noticed at this moment that the phantom of the sage Xi seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, and one-third of the place had become transparent. Perhaps after a while, this projection would completely disappear.

"Sage Xi, you have been looking for the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era, haven't you found it?"

"Find it? If the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era can be found so easily, then it is not the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era. Originally, I just had some guesses and knew that it was related to the Dark Realm. Now, with the help of your luck calculations, it is almost confirmed that the Great Tribulation of the Era Jie is related to the dark world. Unfortunately, I have no hope..."

"Huh? No hope? Could it be that the Great Tribulation of the Era is about to erupt?"

Lei Dao's heart trembled.

He knew how terrifying the Great Tribulation of the Era was. Even the First Ancestor was trying every means to avoid the Great Tribulation of the Era. Once the Great Tribulation came, everyone except the First Ancestor and the Saint would probably be reduced to ashes.

Lei Dao didn't want the Great Tribulation of the Era to come so soon.

"Hehe, the catastrophe of the era is indeed coming soon, but that time is still quite long for you. I am hopeless. Although I don't know what happened to the main body, my phantom is about to fail. Then there is only one reason, maybe, I have fallen..."

"What? Saints will fall?"

Lei Dao was shocked.

How did the saint fall?

The sage is the primordial spirit entrusted to the ancient continent, how could he fall?

Moreover, when the saint fell, would other saints not know? This is simply not possible.

"I don't know, I'm just a projection, maybe, soon..."

After the sage Xi finished speaking, he waved his hand, Lei Dao felt his world spinning, and when he opened his eyes, he had already appeared outside the Tower of Life.

"Let's go, let's go, the Void Cave Mansion is about to collapse, you have already got what you deserve, let's go quickly..."

The voice of the sage Xi seemed to be echoing in Lei Dao's ears.


Immediately afterwards, the entire Void Cave Mansion was shaken violently, and no matter whether they were gods, demons or masters, they were all expelled from the Void Cave Mansion.

"what happened?"

"There seems to be something wrong with the Void Cave Mansion?"

"Collapse, how could the Void Cave Mansion collapse?"

"I couldn't even break through the first floor, why did it collapse?"

Under the watchful eyes of many gods, demons and rulers, the Void Cave Mansion just collapsed, and finally turned into dust and completely dissipated in the void.

Seeing this scene, all the masters, gods and demons felt incredible.


The next moment, the entire sky seemed to be blood-colored, and the sound of "sobbing" spread throughout the entire ancient continent. Whether it is the master or the gods and demons, they all seem to feel very depressed at this moment, with an invisible depression.

This feeling made all the gods, demons and rulers terrified.

What the hell happened?


The next moment, four figures appeared in the void, namely Saint Yuan, Saint Gu, Ancestor Shang, and Ancestor Pan.

They were all shocked when they saw this scene.

"Meet the saint!"

"Meet the ancestor!"

Everyone felt very uneasy deep in their hearts, as if something big had happened. Especially something, seems to think of something, but dare not say it, trembling all over.


That possibility is really amazing!

I'm afraid it will shake the entire barren ancient continent!

Lei Dao also seemed to realize something, after all, he had heard the words of the sage Xi Xuying.

Perhaps, the sage Xi has really fallen...

At this moment, Saint Gu and Saint Yuan seemed unable to believe the scene in front of them. They said in a daze, "How is it possible? How did Saint Xi fall? The Primordial Spirit he entrusted to the ancient continent...disappeared."

"The disappearance of the primordial spirit means that it has fallen, and it has fallen completely. Who can kill a supreme saint in such a vast and ancient continent?"

"The sage has survived thousands of calamities, how could he fall?"

"First Ancestor Pan, First Ancestor Shang, did your Ancestor use despicable and shameless means to make Saint Xi fall?"

Immediately, Saint Gu and Saint Yuan glared at Ancestor Pan and Ancestor Shang.

The ancestor pan sneered and said: "You saints are immortal, even if we can destroy your incarnations, at most we can only put you into a deep sleep. If you want to make saints fall, unless you smash the ancient continent, do you think it is possible? ? Huh, our ancestors were also shocked by the fall of the sage Xi."

This is true, for the fall of the sage Xi, the ancestor Pan and the ancestor Shang were actually shocked. Saints are immortal. In terms of survivability, saints are far superior to their ancestors.

Although the sage Xi has not shown his face for almost an era, no one would think that the sage Xi has fallen. Even if the real body is dispatched to search for the source of the great calamity of the era, but the soul is entrusted in the ancient times, how could it fall?

Moreover, the barren ancient continent is still in good shape, and there is no sign of breaking at all.

This is even more strange.

If the sage Xi really encountered trouble and was killed by some kind of force, it meant that the sage was no longer immortal, the sage could no longer be safe, and the ancestors were no longer safe.

After all, the first ancestor did not have the ability to be immortal.

"No, this matter must be investigated thoroughly. The fall of the sage Xi is a major event."

Saint Yuan's face darkened, and then he took a deep look at the ancestor plate, and said in a deep voice: "This is the end of the Void Cave Mansion. During this time, I hope you practitioners of the Ming Realm will not cause trouble."

After all, he waved his hand and took all the gods and demons away.

There are only two ancestors and many masters left in the void.

The first ancestor glanced at everyone, but he didn't seem to notice anything unusual about Lei Dao.

Perhaps, the ancestor was also worried about the sage Xizhi.

After all, the fall of a saint is definitely not a trivial matter.

Since the ancestors discovered the ancient continent, the two sides have gone through countless battles, even if there were many real fires. Exterminate the saint's incarnation, so that the saint can only fall into a deep sleep.

But even so, the ancestors did not behead any saint, neither the ancestor nor the saint actually fell because of the struggle between the two sides.

At best, only during the great calamity of the era will there be saints or ancestors fall.

But apart from the Great Tribulation of the Era, the saints will not fall at all, none of them.

As for the sage Xi, he is now the first sage to perish before the Epoch Tribulation. This is an earth-shattering event, which cannot be ignored by the ancestors.

"That's the end of the Void Cave Mansion, you all go back, try to stay in Pancheng and Shangcheng during this period, don't go out, understand?"

The ancestor pan said in a deep voice.

"I'll wait until I understand!"

The hearts of many masters also trembled slightly, and they also felt that something big might really happen to the ancient continent!

"Okay, then go back!"

The first ancestor Pan and the first ancestor Shang waved their hands, and they brought many masters back to Shang City and Pan City.

Lei Dao chose to return to Pancheng, so he was also brought back to Pancheng by the ancestor Pan.

As soon as he returned to Pancheng, Lei Dao quickly returned to the cave.

In the cave, Lei Dao looked dignified.

He is combing memory.

This time I went to the Void Cave Mansion, and too many things happened.

The biggest event was undoubtedly the fall of the sage Xi.

However, Lei Dao encountered the phantom of the sage Xi, and that phantom didn't seem to have much connection with the body of the sage Xi, or in other words, there was only a little connection.

"Sage Xi's body, is this a premonition?"

Raidou murmured softly.

When he was in the Void Cave Mansion, the sage Xi had not yet fallen.

As a result, Lei Dao broke through the ninth floor of the Tower of Life, and the phantom of the sage Xi appeared. Moreover, the words of the sage Xi Xuying, especially when deducing the source of the great calamity of the era with the help of thunder, it seems that the sage Xi is in danger, but the phantom of the sage Xi did not say it.

"Sage Xi, should know some secrets about the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era."

Lei Dao had some vague guesses.

Otherwise, how could the sage Xi use Lei Dao's luck to deduce the source of the era's catastrophe?

Lei Dao even suspected that the discovery of the Void Cave Mansion by the Bull Demon Master and others was actually the initiative of the Saint Xi, otherwise, how could several great masters break into the Cave Mansion just because the phantom of the Saint Xi manipulated the entire Void Cave Mansion ?

The only explanation is that the sage Xi did it on purpose.

Perhaps, the sage Xi was already in danger at that time, unable to return to the ancient continent by himself, he could only use the Void Cave Mansion to let the Void Cave Mansion be born, and then attract countless gods, demons and masters, specially select those with great luck, and then let them enter Go to the ninth floor of the tower of life and death, so that you can use luck to calculate.

Then... the sage Xi fell at that time.

"Sage Xi must know something. He deduced the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era, and it ended up in the Dark Realm?"

Lei Dao faintly felt that there must be some secrets hidden in the dark world.

The death of the sage Xi may also have something to do with the Dark Realm.

However, these things are too secretive and too important. Lei Dao is a mere master, and no one believes what he said. After all, he is too far away from the saint and ancestor.

"Forget it, no matter how the sage Xi falls, the sages and ancestors must be nervous. There may be major changes in the entire ancient continent. At this time, strength is the most important thing!"

Lei Dao took a deep breath and made up his mind.

Strength, he needs to improve his strength immediately!

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