Longevity Species

Chapter 852 If only there were ten or eight dragon trees! (third change)

A month passed by in a hurry.

In Lei Dao's cave, there are many top masters gathered. Even the top masters do not have such ability to auction the Tianlong tree. It is possible to photograph this dragon tree.

Moreover, many top masters also attach great importance to Tianlongshu.

This is a treasure that can continuously produce dragon fruits. Even if it was in the Tianlong tribe back then, it was also a treasure among the treasures. It seems that Longchi is more precious than Tianlongshu, but in fact, in the long run, Tianlongshu is more precious.

"The bull demon dominates."

Lei Dao saw that the Bull Demon Master was also coming.

The bull devil master smiled and said: "Master Lei, this time your Tianlongshu auction is much more dynamic than my Longchi quota auction."

"Master the Bull Demon, you are just bidding for a quota. If you are willing to take out the Longchi, the movement will not be small at all."

Lei Dao also knew that the bull demon master was joking.

The Bull Demon Overlord relied on Longchi to collect countless resources. Unless he needed some insight, otherwise, the Bull Demon Overlord was not in a hurry at all when it came to resource needs.

The income from Longchi is enough to support the Bull Demon Lord to practice until the first ancestor.

Of course, the premise is that the bull demon master can become the ancestor, this is the most important thing.

"Master Lei, this time there are many top masters who came here for your Tianlongshu. You see, the master of Fengxue is one of the oldest masters in the city of Shang. Even he is here, you You don’t have to worry about not being able to bid for a good price this time.”

The bull demon master secretly introduced some top masters to Lei Dao.

The fact that so many top masters came this time is due to the propaganda of the bull demon master and the top masters in Shangcheng. Otherwise, it would be impossible for so many top masters to come here alone. The Great Lord is coming.

"Thank you very much."

Lei Dao thanked the Bull Demon Master.

The bull demon master also accepted it generously. Anyway, he was very optimistic about Lei Dao, especially this trip to the Void Cave Mansion. Many people felt baffled that the Void Cave Mansion collapsed, and even the sage Xi fell.

But the bull demon master had some vague guesses.

Could this have something to do with Lei Dao?

This idea is so amazing that no one will believe it even if it is said. How could the downfall of a majestic saint be related to an ordinary master of Lei Dao?

But in fact, that's what the Overlord Bull Demon thinks.

Of course, the Bull Demon Master didn't think that Lei Dao had something to do with the fall of the sage Xi, but that Lei Dao was on the tower of life, had he broken into the ninth floor? Then what was obtained that caused the Tower of Life and Death, and even the entire Void Cave Mansion to collapse?

This is just the conjecture of the Bull Demon Lord.

In such a short period of time, Lei Dao might not be able to reach the ninth floor of the Tower of Life at all.

But considering Lei Dao's terrible luck, who can be sure?

Everything is possible!

However, the Bull Demon Lord will not ask anything. At this time, the most important thing is to make friends with Lei Dao and handle the relationship well. Maybe in the future, the Bull Demon Lord will also need Lei Dao to help him.

Soon, the time was up, and Lei Dao saw that almost everyone had arrived, so he closed the cave.

This time the Heavenly Dragon Tree was auctioned, one hundred and thirty-eight masters came to Lei Dao's cave, two-thirds of them were big masters, and some very ancient masters also wanted to try it.

After all, these masters who have stayed in the ancient continent for a very long time have reaped a lot of money, accumulating a terrifying wealth, so they naturally have the confidence to compete for the Dragon Tree.

"Everyone, this Tianlongshu auction has the same rules as last time. Only bids for life-extending treasures are accepted. As for the value, Lei will judge. Alright, now we can start bidding."

Lei Dao didn't talk nonsense, he took out the Tianlong tree directly, and just appeared in front of many masters.

"Tianlongshu, it really is Tianlongshu!"

"The Tianlong tree of the Tianlong tribe has really fallen into the hands of Master Lei."

"The Dragon Pond and Tianlong Tree of the Tianlong Tribe fell into the hands of the Bull Demon Lord and the Thunder Lord respectively. These two are called Niu Yidao and Lei Yidao respectively. This time the auction will not cause a lot of bleeding. It's a dragon tree."

In fact, it's not like no one secretly has some ideas.

But Lei Dao's identity is not vegetarian.

Just the status of "disciple of the first ancestor" has made many people calm down and lose their minds.

Moreover, there are some well-informed people who know that Lei Dao's own strength is no small matter. Although he is only a master, he has a Kunpeng divine body and has unparalleled speed. Even the top master's speed can catch up with Lei Dao.

Therefore, in the barren ancient continent, in a sense, Lei Dao is already invincible.

Since all kinds of methods can't help Lei Dao, we can only follow Lei Dao's rules and bid honestly.

"I heard that in the last auction of the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree, a master took out a bucket of the fountain of youth. I don't have the fountain of youth, but I have a bucket of blood from the tortoise. I wonder if I can take this Heavenly Dragon Tree?"

The first ruler made an offer.

Turtle blood!

And it's still a barrel!

This is not an ordinary tortoise blood. In the ancient continent, "turtle" is a special name, which actually refers to the ancient tortoise. This is a very ancient god and demon. Its combat power is not too strong, but there is one thing that can live for a very long time.

The ancient tortoise is the only kind of terrifying god and demon in the ancient continent, who can live through an era after birth.

However, the number of ancient tortoises is extremely rare, and they are usually under the command of a certain saint. How can anyone get the blood of the tortoise?

Lei Daoya's eyes lit up.

He didn't expect the first master to speak, which surprised him.

The tortoise's blood is indeed not inferior to a bucket of fountain of youth, and even stronger and more precious.

"Huh, what is the blood of the tortoise? The ancient tortoise can live for an era, so is it possible that its blood can make people live for another era? I have a plant of the emperor of the great master in my hand! This plant of ginseng, Ginseng Qi alone can prolong the lifespan of gods and demons, and it will be of great help to me and other top masters."

"What, there is also the emperor who dominates?"

"It's incredible, it's incredible, this time it's an eye-opener."

Many masters were dumbfounded.

Last time, when I heard that the Weeping Blood Treasure Tree had auctioned off the Fountain of Youth and one hundred and eight longevity pearls, I thought it was incredible. But now, just the two treasures that were auctioned at the beginning are shocking.

Not to mention, there are even more precious treasures.

The ancient continent is infinite.

These masters who have stayed in the ancient continent for countless years, all of them are really good treasures, and they are all hidden, until now, they are ready to bid for Tianlongshu.

The next auction was very intense.

Every piece of precious and rare treasures made Lei Dao's heart itch.

Now he really felt that one Tianlong tree was not enough, if there were ten or eight trees, wouldn't it be possible to catch all the treasures in the hands of these rulers?

Of course, Lei Dao's idea was a bit too whimsical.

Ten eight dragon trees?

That's simply not possible.

There is only one tree in the entire barren ancient continent, and there is no possibility of another Tianlong tree, which is why the Tianlong tree is so precious.

If there were really ten or eight Heavenly Dragon Trees, maybe there wouldn't be so many masters bidding for them.

The bull devil master looked at Lei Dao's changing expression, and said with a smile: "Master Lei, what's the matter, are you excited? The ancient continent is so vast, and my one hundred and eight longevity pearls are really nothing."

Lei Dao also nodded solemnly.

Indeed, compared with these treasures, one hundred and eight longevity beads are nothing at all.

But Lei Dao is still waiting, he hasn't decided yet.

As time went by, many masters and great masters took out their most precious treasures.

Gradually, the number of auction juggernauts became less and less.

Everyone is self-aware.

Whether the treasures taken out are precious or not can be seen at a glance, and there is no need to argue.

"Everyone, I have seventy-two seeds here. I don't think anyone can be more precious than the treasures in my hands. Master Lei, how about using these seventy-two seeds to exchange for your Heavenly Dragon Tree?"

Finally, Master Fengxue spoke.

The master of wind and snow had never bid before, and he didn't speak until the end.

However, Master Fengxue's tone was so loud that everyone was curious, what kind of seeds could make Master Fengxue confidently bid for Tianlongshu?

"I don't know what kind of wind and snow dominates?"

Lei Dao also asked directly.

He doesn't want to get some inexplicable treasures, he just wants to increase his lifespan as soon as possible, so as to improve his strength.

"Master Lei, have you heard that the ancestors created creatures in the void and created life?"

"Naturally, I have heard that this is the supreme method unique to the ancestor."

Lei Dao knew that the ancestors had many methods, creating creation in the void, and creating life was one of them. Apart from the ancestors, only the saints of the ancient continent could do it.

No one below the ancestor can do it.

"These seventy-two seeds, called the seeds of life, are actually the seventy-two unique lives that the ancestor Yuan wanted to create. However, they have not been created yet, and only seventy-two seeds of life have been created just now. The catastrophe broke out ahead of time, and the ancestor Yuan failed to survive the catastrophe of the era and fell. By coincidence, these seventy-two life seeds fell into my hands. I wonder what Master Lei thinks?"

Feng Xuezhu's words immediately caused an uproar.

"Seventy-two life seeds, this...how is this possible?"

"And more importantly, Ancestor Yuan is the ancestor five epochs ago. The life seed he left behind has become a treasure of the epoch, with strong power of the epoch. This kind of treasure, even if it is exchanged for ten dragon trees It's more than enough."

"The legendary treasures of the Epoch have all appeared..."

Many masters were stunned, and deep in their hearts, there was a turbulent wave, which was extremely shocking!

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