Longevity Species

Chapter 853 Seems to be cheated! (first update)

"Epoch Treasure..."

Lei Dao was shocked.

He has heard of Ji Yuan Treasure.

As we all know, when the Great Tribulation of the Era comes, everything will be turned into ashes, no matter whether it is the ancient continent or the Ming world, everything will be turned into ashes.

The first ancestors and saints, some of them can have the method of crossing the catastrophe, and they can survive it safely.

But below the ancestors and sages, there is almost no way to resist, which shows that the catastrophe of this era is so powerful that it destroys everything, destroys everything, and repeats itself.

The Great Tribulation of the Era destroys everything, but if there are some things that can survive the Great Tribulation of the Era, it will be very powerful, and it is called the Treasure of the Era.

It can be regarded as a treasure of the era if it can go through the catastrophe of the era once.

The more eras and catastrophes it has experienced, the more precious it is.

And these seventy-two life seeds, although they don't know why they can resist the destructive power of the era of catastrophe, they have survived five times of era catastrophe to this day.

But it is an era treasure, there is no doubt about it!

An Era Treasure that has gone through five Era Tribulations, even ten Tianlong Trees can't match it, why does Fengxue Master trade it?

Lei Dao also said directly: "Master Fengxue, please forgive me. These seventy-two life seeds have far exceeded the value of a Tianlong tree. It is a genuine treasure of the era, why are you willing to take it out?" exchange?"

It's not that Lei Dao doubts Master Fengxue, there must be a demon if things go wrong, and Master Fengxue can become a top master, and he certainly won't be so stupid. Then there must be a reason for this, and Lei Dao wanted to know the specific reason.


Lord Fengxue smiled, and slowly said: "It's actually very simple, because I need that Tianlong tree more! These seventy-two life seeds are indeed treasures of the era, but compared with other treasures of the era, they are There is no advantage. It has no strong attack power, nor strong defense power, and it can't even assist in cultivation. As for the power of the Great Tribulation of the Era, it is even more absurd, even the ancestors can't comprehend it The power of the great calamity of the era. Therefore, these seventy-two life seeds are very tasteless to me, so why not use them in exchange for the Heavenly Dragon Tree that I urgently need?"

Lei Dao understood.

This is what everyone needs.

However, are these seventy-two life seeds really useless?

"These seventy-two life seeds must have a role, right? As an era treasure, they must have a special aspect. What are their functions?"

Raido asked.

He knew that it was impossible for Master Fengxue to bid for a worthless treasure, otherwise, how could Lei Dao agree to the deal?

After all, no matter how famous a treasure is, it has to be useful.

"These seventy-two life seeds actually don't have much effect on other masters or gods and demons, but it's different for Lei Master. The only effect of these life seeds is to The vitality is extremely strong. These life seeds, just need a little breath of life, can prolong people's life. Isn't Master Lei always looking for life-extending treasures? These life seeds are the most suitable for Master Lei's requirements."


Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

He just sensed the strong vitality contained in the life seed.

This vitality can actually be used to recover from injuries.

But the top master, who needs life seeds to recover from injuries?

If you are injured, rest for a period of time, no matter how serious the injury is, you can recover.

Other than that, it's life extension.

And life extension, what is the significance to the top master or master?

The Juggernaut and the Great Juggernaut already have a very long lifespan. Even if their lifespan is short, they can have other life-enhancing treasures, which are very cheap. How can they use seventy-two Life Seeds?

Therefore, over time, these seventy-two life seeds became embarrassing treasure representatives with empty names but no one was interested in.

However, this is exactly the treasure Lei Dao needs.

"Okay, deal! This Heavenly Dragon Tree belongs to Master Fengxue."

With a wave of Lei Dao's hand, he immediately threw Tianlongshu to Master Fengxue.

Master Fengxue also smiled slightly, and seventy-two life seeds also fell into Lei Dao's hands.

As soon as these life seeds fell into Lei Dao's hands, Lei Dao immediately felt the strong vitality, causing Lei Dao to tremble slightly.

It was so comfortable.

With such a strong vitality, how much lifespan does it need to increase?

It's unimaginable.

Billions of years?

Maybe more!

In short, this time it is a big profit!

The Tianlongshu auction is over.

This auction was an eye-opener for many Masters and Great Masters.

The most shocking thing was the appearance of the era treasure.

Even though the seventy-two seeds of life seem to be a bit of a misnomer, Lei Dao and Master Fengxue are obviously happy.

"That's an Era Treasure. If it's other Era Treasures, each one can even cause crazy competition from the top masters. It's just that the general Era Treasures are in the hands of the ancestors."

"That is, these seventy-two life seeds are really useless, otherwise, how could the ancestors miss it?"

"That's right, if these seventy-two life seeds really have other functions, they would have been obtained by the ancestors long ago. How can we have the pleasure to see them?"

"What a pity..."

Many masters secretly shook their heads and sighed.

Treasures of the Epoch Times are rare to even see.

That is to say, seventy-two life seeds, they really don't have much effect, so Master Fengxue will take them out to trade Tianlongshu. But even so, relying on the title of Epoch Treasure, Fengxue Master has been collecting it until now.

At this moment, Lord Bull Demon looked at the beaming Lei Dao, and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Lord Lei for obtaining the treasure, the treasure of the era, even I have never seen it before, so I am really envious..."

The bull demon ruler also looked enviously at the seventy-two life seeds in Lei Dao's hands.

The treasure of the era, that is the supreme treasure that even the bull demon ruler has never seen, but it was unexpectedly obtained by Lei Dao today.

"The Bull Demon Lord is just joking. If you are willing to sell Longchi, even if the Epoch Treasure is precious, you may still have a chance to get it."

Reid said with a smile.

This is not a false statement, Longchi is not inferior to the treasures of the era, and even more precious, but the bull demon master is definitely reluctant to trade Longchi.

Afterwards, all the masters in Leidao Cave Mansion took their leave and left, leaving only Leidao alone.

Holding the seeds of life in his hand, Lei Dao could clearly feel the turbulent, nearly endless vitality in each seed of life, and he was extremely excited in his heart.

"Seed of Life..."

Raidou murmured softly.

These life seeds are seventy-two kinds of life created by the ancestors.

To create life, only the great ancestors could have such miraculous means.

Lei Dao's heart moved.

If one can comprehend a thing or two about the means by which the ancestor created life, among other things, the territory within Lei Dao's body alone may be able to give birth to life, so that it is no longer lifeless.

By that time, perhaps Lei Dao's internal territory will undergo earth-shaking changes.

After all, the practice system of the world imitates the entire Ming Realm. There are small worlds, big worlds, borders, realms, etc., these bright worlds, and Lei Dao's body world also has them.

But there is no life!

This is the biggest difference between the world's practice system and the bright world. Of course, there is no dark world. However, Lei Dao faintly feels that the most important thing is whether there is life.

But it is also a fact that the internal body world cannot place life.

As for the birth of life, that is even more impossible.

There are so many human beings, whose territory gave birth to life? None of them, perhaps, this is related to the means by which the ancestors created life, and it should be that the masters did not comprehend it.

If there is a means to create life, maybe that is the real perfection of the world's practice system!

Lei Dao immersed his mind in one of the seeds of life.


The next moment, the strong vitality surged, as if it was about to explode.

However, during the eruption, there was a faint force to destroy everything, and Lei Dao felt as if he had been hit hard in an instant.

"This... is this the power of the Great Tribulation of the Era?"

Lei Dao was shocked.

He originally wanted to comprehend the magical means of the ancestors to create life. He didn't need to comprehend thoroughly, just a little comprehension was enough.

However, the ancestor did not understand the means of creating life, but he realized the power of the era of catastrophe.

In the life seed, there is a terrifying destructive power, which seems to have been entrenched in the life seed all the time, and it is indistinguishable from the life seed.

And this kind of power destroys everything, destroys everything, it seems that no power can compete with it, it is very overbearing.

Lei Dao immediately thought of the Great Tribulation of the Era.

After all, the Seed of Life has gone through five Epoch Tribulations, so it is understandable that some Epoch Tribulation power remains in it, it is normal.

"No, these five forces... seem to have some deviations. There are five destructive forces. Does it represent five eras of catastrophe?"

Lei Dao felt very miraculous.

Aren't all eras the same?

Why are there five powers of the Great Tribulation of the Era?

Does it represent some characteristics of those five eras?

The breath of the five epochs, in fact, this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Being able to comprehend the power of the five epoch catastrophes from time to time is also good for practice.

If it is given to the top emperor among gods and demons, it will definitely be a treasure!

But the key point is that Thunder Dao is the ruler of the Ming Realm, so what's the use if you don't comprehend these at all?

Even Lord Fengxue was willing to exchange the life seeds for the Tianlongshu, which showed that the power of the Era Tribulation in the life seeds could not comprehend anything at all.

"By the way, the power of these epoch catastrophes will also prevent me from absorbing the vitality in the life seeds!"

Lei Dao's heart sank.

Impatiently, he immediately tried it.


With the influx of a large amount of life force, suddenly, a trace of destructive power poured in, and Lei Dao's divine body began to collapse in an instant, and even his Kunpeng divine body could not resist it.

"Damn it, how can I absorb the vitality in the seeds of life to increase my lifespan with such a terrifying power of epoch catastrophe?"

Lei Dao was dumbfounded.

He felt that he had accepted a hot potato.

The treasure of the era was exchanged for a Tianlong tree. Although it is a life-extending treasure, how could it be so easy?

There is a hole in it!

The power of the Great Tribulation of the Era is a trap!

"It seems that I was cheated, but I was actually cheated..."

Lei Dao's face was cloudy and uncertain.

I was pitted, and the pit was big.

Lei Dao never imagined that he would be cheated when he publicly auctioned the Tianlongshu.

Moreover, the key point is that he has nothing to do.

The master of wind and snow did not hide any information about the seeds of life.

After five eras of catastrophe, life-prolonging treasures, etc., are very tasteless.

It's all said and done.

Even Lord Fengxue probably didn't know that the vitality of the seeds of life couldn't be absorbed. After all, Lord Fengxue didn't lack lifespan and didn't need to prolong his life. How could he need the vitality in the seeds of life?

Therefore, Lei Dao has nowhere to complain about this pit, so he can only fill it in himself!

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