Longevity Species

Chapter 854 I'm afraid that after a long time, I will be in trouble if I become the ancestor (s

"No, I can't just forget about it. I worked so hard to get a Tianlong tree. How can these seventy-two seeds of life be wasted? No matter what, I have to find a way to absorb them. It's just that the great calamity of the era The power of destruction is a trouble..."

Raido gritted his teeth.

In any case, he didn't want to waste these seventy-two life seeds.

Maybe, he can change the method.

"Is it possible to absorb the power of destruction? Once the power of destruction is absorbed, wouldn't it be possible to absorb the vitality in the seventy-two life seeds?"

Lei Dao had a whim.

It is a fine tradition of Leidao to solve problems when they encounter problems.

The problem encountered now is the destructive power of the Great Tribulation of the Era, which is very difficult to deal with.

At least for now, there is no good solution for Lei Dao.

However, Lei Dao thought about it again, and even tried, using some treasures to draw out the power of destruction, but it didn't work. Once the power of destruction comes out, the vitality will also be lost.

If you really want to draw out all the power of destruction, then these life seeds will have no effect.

This approach will not work.

"Then there is only one way, forcibly refining it..."

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he just refined a little life force of the seed of life, and was affected by the shattering power of the great calamity of the era. Hesitant Lei Dao was a little panicked when he came into contact with the power of destruction for the first time, so the refinement was interrupted.

Now, Lei Dao has to try to see if he can continue refining.

Thus, Lei Dao began to slowly refine the seeds of life.


The next moment, a large amount of vitality in the life seed poured into Lei Dao's body, and at the same time, a trace of destructive force also poured into Lei Dao's body.


Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body was almost destroyed at the touch of a touch, and it shattered in an instant with almost no resistance.

However, Lei Dao is still refining.

"I have the characteristic of immortality, I can still carry it once, let's see how long it can last?"

Lei Dao held on firmly.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths...


In the end, Lei Dao only lasted for twenty breaths before his Kunpeng Divine Body shattered. However, the next moment, Lei Dao regained his Kunpeng Divine Body.

This is the characteristic of immortality!

The undead characteristic belonging to the Kunpeng clan is really very powerful, and it recovers in an instant, and it still returns to its peak state.

Lei Dao continued to refine the seeds of life.

However, this time Lei Dao only lasted for ten breaths, so he didn't dare to continue refining.

This time, there is no immortality feature. In case of serious injuries or even some unexpected situations, it will really be "death".

Therefore, for about thirty breaths, Lei Dao was able to persist.

"Let me see, during these 30 breaths, probably 1% of the vitality has been refined? It takes me about three days to regain my immortality. That is to say, refining once every three days can only It takes almost a year to refine one percent of the life seeds?"

Lei Dao frowned.

One year, this is a bit long for him.

It's not a little bit, it's very long.

He just set a small goal, to become a master before the age of thirty.

Now it seems that this small goal seems a bit "too big".

Based on this calculation, it would take Lei Dao 72 years to refine the 72 seeds of life? This is really too long. After all, Lei Dao has only been practicing for eleven years. Seventy-two years, Lei Dao thinks it is enough for him to become the first ancestor.

Therefore, we have to find another way.

"Wait, the key now is the destructive power of the Great Tribulation of the Era. It seems to be very powerful, destroying everything. My divine body can only last for thirty breaths. What if my divine body is stronger? Can it prolong the resistance time? ?”

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

This seems to be a good way to strengthen the divine body and extend the time for the divine body to resist.

It is actually very simple to enhance the divine body, that is to directly improve the Immortal Kongming Art. Now Lei Dao's Immortal Kongming Art is only a small achievement.

Lei Dao felt that his speed was enough, and it would not make much sense to continue to improve his Immortal Kong Ming Gong, so he kept it on.

Now it seems that improving the Undead Kongming Art and continuing to strengthen Kunpeng's divine body is still useful.

Therefore, Lei Dao has made up his mind to improve the Immortal Kongming Art as soon as possible. Of course, it takes a billion years of lifespan to improve the Immortal Kongming Art from a small to a great achievement.

Now Lei Dao doesn't have a lifespan of one billion years, and he has to rely on the seeds of life to increase his lifespan by one billion years.

So, Lei Dao checked his current physical data.

Name: Lei Dao (29 years old)

Lifeform: Master

Lifespan: 45,236,279 years

Inner World: Eighteen Territories (can be upgraded)

Undead Kongming Gong: Xiaocheng (can be improved)

"The lifespan has increased by about 10 million years, and I have only refined the life seed by about one percent. That is to say, if the entire life seed is increased by at least one billion years?"

Lei Dao's heart was surging.

Lifespan of a billion years!

Ten life seeds are ten billion, but how many life seeds does he have?


Think about it, that's an astronomical figure.

"It's worthy of the ancestor Yuan's painstaking efforts to create seventy-two kinds of earth-shattering life. The vitality contained in this life seed is simply incredible..."

Lei Dao was overjoyed.

From this point of view, with seventy-two seeds of life, he can open up hundreds of territories?

It's exciting to think about.

"Calm down, be sure to stay calm!"

Lei Dao has always been in front of the Taishan collapse without changing his expression. Although Te is also very excited, but now he needs to calm down.

The seventy-two life seeds contain a huge amount of life force, which can provide Lei Dao with countless life spans. In fact, there is no doubt about it, otherwise, it would not be worthy of being called a treasure of the era.

Even, Lei Dao suspected that even when the original ancestor created these seventy-two life seeds, the vitality might not be so strong.

It should be that the seed of life has gone through five more epochs, absorbing some vitality from the five epochs, and finally, over time, it has become such a terrifying seed of life.

In other words, these seventy-two life seeds contain the vitality of five epochs, which is naturally very terrifying.

Of course, the premise is that Lei Dao has to refine the seventy-two life seeds as soon as possible, otherwise, it will take seventy-two years, and for Lei Dao, the day lily will be cold.

After all, he is a man who became a master in ten years!

He couldn't bear the fact that it would take another seventy-two years to become a master, it was an insult to his efforts.

Relying on Lei Dao's hard work, even if he didn't have seventy-two life seeds, it would not take seventy-two years to become the master.

Therefore, everything depends on Kunpeng's divine body.

Lei Dao had no other choice but to refine the life seeds for the time being.

Moreover, he still needs a year.

Therefore, during this year, Lei Dao could only endure this kind of "turtle speed" cultivation.

"Forget it, let's relax for a year and take a vacation. Return to the human territory first, and it will probably take a few months to come and go, but it's not too slow."

Lei Dao has already made up his mind, he can still wait for a year!

Just treat it as a vacation. After so many years of practice, Lei Dao hasn't relaxed much, so take this opportunity to relax.

Therefore, Lei Dao made another "big purchase" in Pancheng. Apart from auctioning the Heavenly Dragon Tree, he has a lot of treasures himself, so it's not a problem to buy them casually.

Lei Dao's purchase this time is not for himself, but for human domination.

Some treasures can only be found in the ancient continent, and they are of great help to the improvement of the body's territory and divine body. These are all external forces, without delaying the practice of the masters, but can increase the speed and even strength of the masters, why not do it?

After a few days of big purchases, Lei Dao bid farewell to Master Bull Demon, Master Qinglian and others.

Master Qinglian looked strangely and said: "Junior Brother Lei, how long have you been in the ancient continent? You've done everything you can, and within a year, you're going back?"

From Master Qinglian's point of view, let alone a year, so what if it's a year?

If you come to the ancient continent once and don't stay there for a thousand or eight hundred years, you are ashamed to say that you have stayed in the ancient continent.

What is a year?

They closed their eyes for more than a year.

"Senior Sister, I can't compare with you. I have worked hard and calculated, and I have only been cultivating for nearly eleven years. For me, one year is already a long time. If I were given another ten or eight years, I might become the first ancestor." , At that time, when I return to the human territory, the day lily will be cold. Therefore, I can only return to the human territory to take a look now, so as not to take a long time. If I have achieved the ancestor and then go back, it will be a bit unreasonable."

"Uh... Junior Brother Lei is really ambitious!"

What else can Master Qinglian say.

It can only be said that Lei Dao has "high ambitions".

What does it mean to become the ancestor and then go back, is it unreasonable?

It's as if he could really become the ancestor.

What is the ancestor of Lei Dao?

Find something?

For so many years, the Ming Realm can become the first ancestor, and it is only the first ancestor Shang.

Even, it should not be said that it has been so many years, but it should be said that since the beginning of this era, only one ancestor has been born in the Ming Realm.

Not to mention a few years, even if it is hundreds of millions of years, tens of billions of years, if you can't become the ancestor, you will never be the ancestor.

Moreover, Lei Dao is a mere master, and now he thinks about becoming the ancestor, isn't it a bit drifting?

"Junior Brother Lei, it's better to be steady. The first ancestor was not achieved by hard work, or even by talent, but by chance."

"Fate? Maybe, but I always think that the chance is not bad. This time I will go back to see the situation of human beings, and then arrange it properly. Finally, I will return to the ancient continent and attack the ancestors wholeheartedly!"

This is also what Lei Dao said in his heart.

The last time I left in a hurry, there was actually no arrangement.

But this time is different.

Lei Dao has made a lot of purchases, and when the arrangements are made properly, Lei Dao will have no worries, and he can wholeheartedly attack the ancestors in the ancient continent.

Master Qinglian didn't want to say anything more, so Lei Dao and Master Qinglian bid farewell without hesitation, and began to leave the ancient continent.

ps: The third chapter is around 18:00

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