Longevity Species

Chapter 855 I said I was lost, do you believe it? (third change)

It is not easy to leave the ancient continent from Pancheng. In other words, it is too easy for Lei Dao to come to the ancient continent. After all, Lei Dao can be regarded as "specially" brought into the ancient continent by the master ancestor Kong. How can it be inconvenient?

But it is more difficult for a person to come to the ancient continent.

Similarly, it is also very difficult for a person to leave the ancient continent.

But there is a way, or rather, there is a path.

Lei Dao came to the passage of Pancheng. Through this passage, you can return to the dark world, and then return to the bright world through the dark world. The speed will definitely not be very fast. Moreover, after returning to the dark world, you can Where to go in the Ming Realm depends on luck.

This is also why at least the master can enter the ancient continent.

After all, if it is a great lord, he can't even travel through space, and he can't travel to and from the ancient desolate continent alone, so why go to the ancient desolate continent?

Only Juggernaut can at least travel through space, no matter where he goes in the Ming Realm, he can travel through space to leave.

Before leaving, Lei Dao got a seal of Pancheng, with this seal, even in the dark world, he could sense the location of the passage.

At that time, you will be able to successfully find the dark passage, and then enter the ancient continent.

There is only one sigil, and only the ruler in Pancheng can obtain it.

If other people want to enter the ancient continent, they are usually brought into the ancient continent by people with sigils, or simply like Lei Dao, who is directly led by the ancestor Kong to tear the space of the ancient continent and forcibly enter the ancient continent .

"It's finally time to leave Pancheng, I'm really reluctant..."

Lei Dao looked back at Pancheng.

In just a few months, less than a year, Lei Dao has gained a lot, and he has broken through from the great master to the master. If this is in the human territory, in the bright world, it is simply impossible.

Therefore, Lei Dao is still very reluctant to Pancheng and the ancient continent.

But no matter how reluctant he is, if he continues to stay in the ancient continent now, Lei Dao will not do much. After all, in the current barren ancient continent, everyone stays in the stronghold and rarely goes out. This is no different from staying in the Ming Realm.


The next moment, Lei Dao's figure flickered, he got into the passage directly, and disappeared without a trace.


In the passage, Lei Dao was obviously squeezed strongly, and this squeeze was even greater than the squeeze of the space shuttle. The pressure of space shuttle nowadays is not worth mentioning to Lei Dao.

But this can be regarded as "shuttle between two worlds".

Of course, even though there is a lot of pressure, Lei Dao is now in charge, and it is not a problem to resist this pressure.

In almost an instant, Lei Dao had already walked out of the passage.

It was pitch black all around, and nothing could be seen, and even the range covered by divine thoughts was very limited.

However, this feeling made Lei Dao very familiar.

Dark World!

This is the breath of the dark world!

"Dark Realm..."

Raidou murmured softly.

He turned around again, and indeed found a passage behind him.

There seems to be a stable force in this channel. No master or great master can destroy this channel. This is the power of the ancestors that is stabilizing the channel. It should be the power of the ancestor plate.

Although the dark world is always flowing, the passage will not change.

Lei Dao sensed it with the sigil in his hand, and he could indeed sense the channel clearly, and it didn't affect it in the dark world. As expected of a sigil made by the ancestor himself.

This dark world is vast and boundless, and there is nothing in it. Lei Dao felt it quietly. He used to be a great master and couldn't sense anything, but now, he is already a master, not even an ordinary master.

However, when he sensed it carefully, he found that he still couldn't sense anything.

"Sage Xi once calculated that the source of the Great Tribulation of the Era is likely to be in the Dark Realm, but why did Saint Xi fall? Could it be that the Dark Realm also hides murderous intentions?"

Lei Dao hesitated.

At the beginning, the phantom of the sage Xi used his luck to calculate, but in the end only got some clues about the dark world. But the sage Xi didn't have much of a surprise. What does this mean?

It shows that the real body of the sage Xi, or the deity, has actually been searched in the dark world, and there are some clues. But in the end, the sage Xi fell.

Dark Realm, really hiding murderous intentions?

Lei Dao doesn't know, at least the dark world has been born for so long, and no one in the bright world has discovered the hidden murderous intentions in the dark world, but they will get lost in the dark world.

Lei Dao thought about it, and now is not the time for him to explore the dark world.

"Forget it, let's go back to the Ming Realm first."

Lei Dao didn't hesitate anymore, so with a wave of his hand, the dark world was torn apart in an instant, and the whole person stepped out and disappeared without a trace.


"Is this the legendary Qiluan Treasure Land?"

"Yes, this is the treasure land of Qiluan!"

"The bright world is empty, and it is the only thing to have such a wonderful scene."

"There are many treasures in Qiluan Treasure Land, and this time it is really developed."

In a void of the bright world, there are a total of more than a dozen venerables, looking greedily at this strange void of the bright world. Among these venerables, four are great venerables, and they are also top venerables.

After going through hardships, they finally found the treasure land of Qiluan.

Although this Qiluan treasure land is the void of the bright world, there is a piece of desolate land fragment, which is extremely desolate and even full of dead silence.

Everyone stepped into it and began to look for the "treasure".

It's just that, after searching and searching, they failed to find the treasure.

"Wait, here seems to be a formation. Where there is a formation, there is a formation. If we work together, if we break the formation, the formation will naturally be broken. At that time, we may be able to find the treasure!"

One of the great elders had a bright light in his eyes, as if he had discovered something.

The dozen or so venerables were very excited, and immediately started to join forces, bombarding according to the position pointed by the great venerable.


With one attack after another.

Immediately, the fragments of the entire continent began to vibrate, and then, a terrifying aura shot up into the sky.

"Hahaha, 300,000 years, a full 300,000 years, Lord of the Heavenly Sword, you have suppressed this seat for 300,000 years, but this seat is still out of trouble? This seat wants your Heavenly Sword Clan, There is no place to die! Hahaha..."

A burst of cold, sharp laughter echoed in everyone's minds, even if they didn't want to hear it, it was useless.

It was just a burst of laughter, and all the venerables and great venerables felt faintly unbearable, as if they wanted to kneel down and worship.

"No, how could this be?"

"Isn't there a treasure?"

"This... this is the master, a master!"

"We were deceived. What kind of treasure is this Qiluan treasure land? It is clear that a terrifying master is being imprisoned. We released this master."

These venerables and great venerables all turned pale.

Rest assured that a master who has been imprisoned for 300,000 years has been released, and they will not think it is a good thing in the slightest.

Listening to the tone of this master, it is obviously extremely resentful, why would he care that they let him go? Once such a eccentric master is born, it will be a big trouble.

Especially for them, they can't even leave now.

Soon, the mainland was completely shattered.

A skinny old man in a black robe appeared in the void, and there was even a black light all over his body, which made people dare not look directly at him.

"Ex...Senior, we don't intend to offend you. Now that you are out of trouble, can you let us go?"

"Hey, are you here for the treasure land of Qiluan? It's still a treasure that touches people's hearts. It took the old man a hundred thousand years to move a little bit, which confuses some practitioners who come and go and let them spread the news of the treasure land of Qiluan Go out. It's a pity that there are too few people coming and going in the vast Ming Realm, although some people have found this place, but they are only some true gods and venerables, and they can't break the seal of the Heavenly Sword Ruler at all."

"It took another 200,000 years before I waited for you. Four great lords and more than a dozen lords broke the seal of the Heavenly Sword Master. Hahaha, I still have to thank you."

Many venerables felt cold in their hearts.

It turned out that there was no treasure land of Qiluan at all, let alone any treasures. It was all the news spread deliberately by the sealed master, with the purpose of attracting people to break the suppression and release him.

And now, the master's plan has succeeded.

At this moment, these venerables and great venerables felt extremely regretful in their hearts. Seeing that this lord is not a kind person, how could they have a good end if they let him out?

"Don't be afraid. Since you are here for treasures, then I can't say nothing. People die for wealth, birds die for food, and it seems normal to die for treasures, doesn't it?"

The voice of the black-robed ruler became sharper.

After hearing the words of the black-robed master, two of the great masters almost didn't think about it, their figures flashed suddenly, turned into a stream of light, and escaped.

And he escaped extremely resolutely!

"Hey, I want to leave now, it's late..."

The black-robed master sneered, then stretched out his big withered hand, and grabbed the void in the distance.


In the void in the distance, the figures of the two great venerables seemed to freeze at once, each one was terrified, but they couldn't control their bodies at all, and were "grabbed" bit by bit by the black-robed master return.

"No, no, senior, please forgive me..."

The two great venerables were terrified in their hearts, and they watched helplessly as they were pulled in front of the black-robed lord bit by bit. Then, the black-robed lord opened his mouth and threw the two great venerables into his mouth. .


The hearts of many great venerables were shocked.

It actually devoured it directly!

How could it be possible that the two majestic great venerables were directly swallowed by the black-robed ruler?

"Could it be that the legendary ancestor of swallowing spirit?"

"Yes, only the spirit devouring family has such a terrifying ability to devour others directly."

"Isn't the spirit-swallowing patriarch already dead?"

"No, the soul-swallowing family can swallow other lives, store them in the body, and transform them when attacked. How many lives did the soul-swallowing patriarch swallow? Even the great master can't kill the soul-swallowing ancestor, he can only give the soul-swallowing ancestor to Suppression, sealing. Then with the passage of time, the power of Tunling Patriarch gradually disappeared, and finally he killed Tunling Patriarch. However, I did not expect Tunling Patriarch to escape."

"We're fucked……"

Many venerables thought of the identity of the black robe ruler in front of them.

Spirit-swallowing patriarch!

It was a terrifying strong man who was like a nightmare, and now they let him out with his own hands.

"Hey, since you know the name of this seat, then obediently be swallowed by this seat, hahaha..."

The spirit-swallowing patriarch's laughter became sharper and harsher, and then he opened his bloody mouth, like a black hole, and directly began to swallow the remaining dozen or so venerables.

Even the two Great Seniors couldn't resist the devouring of the Spirit-Tuning Patriarch.


At this moment, a trace of space ripples appeared in the void, and then, a huge crack split open instantly, and a figure stepped out of it step by step.


The figure that just appeared had an extremely astonished expression, and met the eyes of the Tunling Patriarch.

Even the soul-swallowing ancestor still maintained a bloody mouth, devouring more than a dozen venerables frantically.

For a moment, the entire void of the Ming Realm seemed to be silent, and the atmosphere between the two parties was even more weird to the extreme.

"Uh... I said I was lost, do you believe it?"

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