Longevity Species

Chapter 879 Please help me, brother, I want to become the master! (third change)

"Junior Brother, I don't know how to address him?"

After a while, Master Xinghe seemed to have finally come to his senses, and came before Lei Dao.

"Brother called me Lei Dao."

"Junior Brother Lei, I am the ruler of Xinghe, the leader of the Xinghe Clan. I didn't expect to be the only one who came this time. Fortunately, I am here. Otherwise, I am afraid I will be doomed this time."

The Master of Galaxy sighed, and he still has lingering fears. He almost fell, and this time, it can be regarded as the most dangerous time for him to practice for so many years.

In fact, this is also related to his character.

Ever since the Lord of the Galaxy has worshiped the ancestor Kong as his teacher, he has been a little slack in his practice. Although he had been to the Ancient Desolate Continent, he didn't stay there for long. Later, he felt that the Ancient Desolate Continent was too dangerous, so he came out again and stayed in the Galaxy Territory.

Without the adventurous spirit, without the belief in bravery and diligence, his practice has stagnated naturally. After so many years, he is still only a senior master, and has never been able to become a top master.

"There are so many disciples under Master's command, and I'm the only one here?"

Lei Dao was a little surprised.

"This is also normal. Most of the disciples under Master's command are in the ancient continent. It is my luck to have a junior come here."

"I see."

Raidou nodded.

However, he knew that there were many strongholds in the ancient continent, and Master's disciples might be distributed in those strongholds, and the masters who really stayed in the Ming Realm were actually not too many.

"By the way, has the brother reported the news here to the master?"

"I reported it, but the master didn't know why, so he didn't respond."

"Then the master may be dealing with other more important matters. What is going on with this blue-robed ruler?"

Lei Dao's expression also gradually became dignified.

"Actually, this incident was also an accident, and I didn't know the identity of the master of the blue robe. Originally, I was investigating a strange incident among the Galaxy clan, which involved those gods and demons from the ancient continent. These gods and demons have changed into I changed the appearance of the Xinghe Clan, and then hibernated among the Xinghe Clan, this time I accidentally showed my feet and was noticed by me, so I tracked down these gods and demons all the way."

"Fortunately, these gods and demons rely on the power of the Dao. No matter how strong they are in the ancient continent, they are not strong in the Ming Realm without the Dao. Thinking of that blue-robed master coming, he wants to kill me and take away these gods and demons from the ancient continent."

"I suspect that the blue-robed master has a close relationship with these gods and demons of the ancient continent. Even if there are so many gods and demons in the ancient continent at once, I am afraid that it is the conspiracy of the blue-robed master and the forces behind him."

As the master of the galaxy spoke, Lei Dao's expression became more and more serious.

This matter is related to the gods and demons of the ancient continent, and there is even a faint conspiracy, so Lei Dao can't let this matter go. Lei Dao is very clear about the dangers of the gods and demons of the ancient continent in the bright world, although the master does not seem to be too serious. I care, but Lei Dao feels that since I have encountered it, I still have to eradicate it completely.

"Go and interrogate these gods and demons."

Lei Dao flew directly towards these gods and demons.


Soon, Lei Dao flew in front of these gods and demons.

Lei Dao glanced at these gods and demons, and there were about six of them.

Six Gods and Demons from the Desolate Ancient Continent lurked in the Ming Realm unknowingly. It was terrifying, really terrifying! Wouldn't it be a great disaster if these gods and demons were not discovered and they really understood the rules of the Ming Realm in the future, or let the saints of the ancient continent understand the rules of the Ming Realm?

Although Master said that this possibility is very slim, but even if there is a slight possibility, it must be completely eliminated.

"Tell me, how did you all get to the Ming Realm? Do you know the blue robe ruler from before?"

Lei Dao directly asked two questions.

These gods and demons glanced at Lei Dao, and then sneered: "Hey, I didn't expect that you, the master, could defeat the top master. You must be the top genius of the Ming Realm. It's a pity that your Ming Realm is not monolithic. We How did you come here, don’t you know very well? There is a statue of the ancestor of your bright world sitting in the dark world. It is very difficult to send us to the bright world with the saints of our ancient continent alone. But this time, let’s Dozens of gods and demons have come here, hehe, thanks to you people from the Ming Realm."

"Huh? You mean, we have someone from the Ming Realm to take care of you?"

Lei Dao's eyes were fixed, and there was already a killing intent on his body.

If these gods and demons come to the Ming Realm by chance, that's fine, but if someone responds, it will be a big problem. It is enough to prove that some people in the Ming Realm are really colluding with the gods and demons to try to cholera the Ming Realm.

For Lei Dao, who considers himself to be in the "lawful" camp, those practitioners who collude with gods and demons are all unforgivable sins and should be killed!

"Hahaha, there is no one to meet us, how can we enter so many gods and demons into the Ming Realm at once? We don't know the blue-robed master just now, but he should have something to do with the strong man from the Ming Realm who escorted us. "

"What kind of strength does that strong man from the Ming Realm take care of?"

"Strength? There is an ancestor sitting in the dark world, who can meet us under the nose of the ancestor. What strength do you say?"

"Could it be the ancestor?"

Lei Dao was shocked.

In fact, he should have guessed it long ago.


Only the ancestors can compete with the ancestors!

Moreover, why is the master in blue robe so bold as to dare to kill the master of the galaxy? There must be a powerful existence behind it, even the ancestor, otherwise, who would dare to kill the disciple of the ancestor?

Lei Dao felt very heavy.

If an ancestor is involved, it will be troublesome, and it will be a big trouble.

"Master, you probably don't know? You must know a little bit, but, because of the ancestor, I'm afraid it's not convenient to come forward?"

Raidou frowned.

This matter is too big, there are intricate reasons in it, and it is even related to the game between the ancestors, which is very complicated.

Even the Master of Galaxy is frowning. Obviously, Master of Galaxy also feels that this matter is too difficult.

"If it's really the ancestor, what kind of conspiracy is there to take you gods and demons to the Ming Realm?"

Lei Dao said solemnly.

Ancestor, do you need to deal with these gods and demons?

What is the ancestor still pursuing?

Lei Dao thought of the words of the ancestor Kong Kong.

The Ming Realm is not monolithic.

Every ancestor has a different mind. It seems that the ancestor behind the blue-robed master has a different mind from the ancestor Kong, and even this kind of mind is quite vicious in Lei Dao's view.

"Master of the Galaxy, what are you going to do with these gods and demons?"

Raido asked.

"What should I do? In fact, these gods and demons are actually very tricky. If I guess correctly, these gods and demons are very important to the master of the blue robe. Perhaps, this is his mission. If the mission fails, he will be punished. Therefore, he will definitely come to the Galaxy Territory again, and wants to take away these gods and demons."

The master of the galaxy analyzed.

"Will the blue robe master come again?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up, he was worrying about how to find the blue-robed ruler and others, and even hoped to follow the clues and find out a large number of "evil" practitioners of the Ming Realm.

Now it seems that there is still a chance.

"Yes, the master in blue will definitely come. However, if he wants to come, he will definitely bring a helper. Moreover, this helper must have the strength to completely crush us and ensure that he is safe when he comes next time. Therefore, we have not yet Out of danger, with these gods and demons, it is completely a burden, they are the source of danger!"

The Master of Galaxy said in a deep voice.

In fact, the master of the galaxy is very worried, and their situation is far from good now.

There is only Lei Dao alone, even if the master of the galaxy is restored, so what? He couldn't even defeat the blue-robed master. As for Lei Dao, he barely had the strength of a top master and could compete against the blue-robed master.

But if the blue-robed master invites more powerful helpers, how can they resist?

Perhaps Raidou could escape.

After all, Lei Dao has the Kunpeng divine body, and has already reached perfection. No matter how powerful the master is, it is very difficult to kill a master with a perfect Kunpeng body.

But Galaxy Master is different.

If someone more powerful than the blue-robed master appears, he will die!

"Master of the Galaxy, will you go?"


The Master of Galaxy shook his head, and said with a wry smile: "I have the Galaxy Clan, how can I get out? In fact, those people's targets are only these gods and demons, but it's me, and it's actually not dangerous."

"So, as long as you bring these gods and demons, the blue-robed master will definitely find them?"

"Yes, I will definitely find it!"

Lei Dao closed his eyes, he was weighing.

In fact, he really wanted to bring these gods and demons with him, and even used himself as bait to lure the blue-robed ruler and others to come.

It's just that he is not strong enough now.

Even if he couldn't kill a master in blue robe, if the other party attracted a stronger master, what would Lei Dao do?

"Strength! I must increase my strength, and I must do so quickly, as soon as possible."

Lei Dao thought quickly.

Now that his Kunpeng divine body has reached a perfect state, it is impossible to improve in a short time.

Then the only thing that can be improved is the internal territory.

What's more, there are already ninety-eight territories, and Lei Dao can break through and become a master at any time.

Once he became the master, Lei Dao still had some confidence.

Now that he can compete against the top masters, if he really breaks through and becomes a master, how strong will he be?

At least, for someone like the blue-robed master, Lei Dao can kill them with a single blow.

It's just that if you break through now, if you break through without reaching Lei Dao's "goal", the foundation will be unstable, and all your previous efforts will be in vain. Lei Dao is very unwilling!

"700 million, only 700 million years of lifespan!"

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he raised his head abruptly, and looked at Master Xinghe.

"Senior brother, I have a request, I hope that senior brother can help me! If I succeed, the threat of the blue-robed master will no longer exist!"

"any request?"

"Gather all the life-extending treasures in the territory of the Galaxy Clan and help me break through the last obstacle of the Great Master. I want to become the Great Master!"

Lei Dao's expression was firm, his eyes were piercing, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

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