Longevity Species

Chapter 880 I am the one who is 100% sure of becoming the master! (first update)

"Cheng Dazhu?"

The Master of Galaxy was a little surprised.

Since then, it has been so easy to become a master, and from Lei Dao's point of view, it seems that he can become a master at any time.

But in order to become the master, he went through untold hardships and finally became the master. When did it become so easy to become the master?

He didn't quite believe it.

What's more, what is the relationship between becoming a master and longevity treasures?

However, Lei Dao seems to be very determined, and now he hastily refused, which is not very good, after all, Lei Dao saved the Galaxy Master. So, after hesitating for a while, the Master of the Galaxy asked cautiously: "Junior Brother Lei, becoming a Master is not so casual, it requires supreme perseverance, courage, and chance, and it needs to be honed carefully. Accumulate, adjust the state. In the end, you have to rely on some luck to be able to become a master. You must not rashly attack the master. Once you fail..."

The Master of the Galaxy didn't go on, but Lei Dao already knew what the Master of the Galaxy meant.

Once you fail, you will fall, or you will lose the qualification to challenge the Great Master and cut off the path of cultivation. Therefore, you have to be very cautious.

At this time, Lei Dao smiled slightly and said meaningfully: "Master of the Galaxy, have you ever heard that someone is 100% sure to become the Great Master?"

"One hundred percent sure to become the master?"

The Master of the Galaxy hesitated for a moment, frowned and said: "Even if it is those top ancient clans, with all kinds of resources accumulated, and even their own talents are top-notch, it is impossible to achieve 100% if all the conditions are combined. At most, there can be 80% certainty. , it’s pretty amazing.”

"Then I am the one who can 100% become the Great Master!"

Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back, and there seemed to be an invisible "brilliance" on his whole body, which made it impossible for the master of the galaxy to "look directly". If someone else said these words, the Galaxy Master would not believe it at all.

But that's what Raidou said.

He is a monstrous master who can seriously injure a top master when he is a master. What he said, the master of the galaxy must think carefully.

"Junior Brother Lei is really 100% sure of becoming the Great Master?"

"That's right, I'm 100% able to become the Great Master. Even, if it wasn't for me to consolidate the foundation to the extreme or even complete, I would be able to become the Great Master right now. But I hold back, I can't destroy what I worked so hard to consolidate before. The foundation, therefore, still needs the last point to complete, so that I can safely break through and become the master. I hope the master of the galaxy can help me with this last step!"

Lei Dao said very sincerely, but Master Xinghe's face froze suddenly.

Can you become a master now?

But need to tamp the foundation more firmly?

Is this what people say?

Which practitioner is so "easy" to become a master?

However, Master Xinghe really believed it, so he gritted his teeth and said with a big smile: "Okay, I believe you! What's more, you saved my life this time, so I have to do my best to help you Junior Brother Lei, don’t worry, I’m also the leader of the Xinghe Clan, and there will never be any less life-extending treasures, now Junior Brother will follow me back to Xinghe Palace, when the time comes, there will naturally be a lot of life-extending treasures.”

"Then there will be Brother Lao."

Lei Dao heaved a sigh of relief, as long as the Master of Galaxy is willing to help.

Although Lei Dao has absorbed the life seeds, in fact, the increased lifespan is already a lot. Moreover, when he was in the Ming Realm before, searching for life-extending treasures in a territory could not increase Lei Dao's lifespan.

But in the end it's worth a try.

What's more, the territory of the Xinghe clan is not inferior to that of the Lian clan.

But at the beginning, Lei Dao couldn't let Master Qinglian do his best to collect life-extending treasures for Lei Dao in the entire lotus clan.

So, have to give it a try this time.

If it really doesn't work, no matter how difficult it is for Lei Dao to break through and become the Great Master, even if the foundation cannot be perfected, there is still a way to remedy it, so that he won't really be helpless against the blue-robed Lord.

"Hopefully the worst doesn't happen..."

Raidou murmured softly.

The worst situation is that there are not enough life-extending treasures collected, but the blue-robed ruler has come early, and when that time comes, Lei Dao can only forcefully break through.

It's just that Lei Dao's foundation will not be perfect at that time, and it will be difficult to become the ancestor again.

Lei Dao is a perfect person, he just wants to practice quietly and lay a solid foundation, but obviously, with the improvement of his strength, many troubles will come to him intentionally or unintentionally.

Make him unable to practice with peace of mind.

"When all these ghosts and ghosts in the Ming Realm are wiped out, then you can practice quietly in the ancient continent..."

Lei Dao's eyes became more determined.


In an unfamiliar void, the blue-robed ruler staggered and flew out from the space passage.

At this moment, the state of the blue-robed master is not very good, and his mood is also quite bad.

"Damn it, really damn it! Where did a master come out, a mere master, who can actually injure me severely, and even make me have to run around in the dark world..."

The blue-robed ruler gritted his teeth in hatred.

He was severely injured by Lei Dao, and he could not heal his injuries in the dark world. In the end, he escaped too far and got lost. Finally, after untold hardships, he found the space teleportation array, and then he was able to return to this void.

"Huh? Those gods and demons didn't die. What are you trying to do, bait?"

The master in blue sneered.

He left something on those gods and demons, and he could know their life and death. Now that these gods and demons are still alive, it is self-evident what Lei Dao wants to do.

"Ancestor Kong was lured to the depths of the Dark Realm by Master, and he will not be able to return for a while. Hmph, since you want to be bait, then I will satisfy you."

A stern look flashed in the eyes of the master in blue robe.

However, the master of the blue robe is also very clear, I am afraid that it will be difficult to kill Lei Dao and the master of Xinghe alone, not to mention that Lei Dao and the master of Xinghe may have found other powerful masters, otherwise, how dare they be bait ?

"This time, we have to find the top master, we have to be absolutely sure, and we have to plan well."

Countless thoughts ran through the mind of the blue-robed ruler.

He knew very well that if Lei Dao and others were to be bait, they must have been fully prepared, even more fully than he imagined. If he wants to fight back, he has to be more thorough.

Otherwise, it is really not certain who will win the game.

He will never underestimate Lei Dao again this time.


Xinghe Palace, the palace ruled by Xinghe.

The Master of Galaxy is the leader of the Galaxy Clan. Therefore, following the Master of Galaxy's order, the entire Galaxy Territory was mobilized, and no matter what kind of life-extending treasures were sent to the Galaxy Palace.

Therefore, within a short period of one month, there are already countless life extension treasures in front of Lei Dao. Even, the master of the galaxy also specially traded to other territories, and there was a steady stream of life-extending treasures sent to the galaxy palace.

Lei Dao saw this scene.

Master Xinghe deserves to be the master of true temperament, and even supports him far more strongly than Master Celebration. Whatever the Master of Galaxy promised, he will definitely do it with all his might.

Lei Dao is also very satisfied.

It was not in vain that he also saved the ruler of Xinghe from the hands of the top ruler. Sure enough, good people will be rewarded naturally.

"I don't know if these life extension treasures can increase the lifespan by 700 million years?"

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he is only 700 million years away from life.

If it was in the barren ancient continent, Lei Dao wouldn't worry about the 700 million-year lifespan at all, but now in the Ming Realm, it would not be easy for Lei Dao to increase his lifespan by 700 million years.

In terms of life-extending treasures, the Ancient Desolate Continent undoubtedly had more advantages than the Ming Realm.

Therefore, Lei Dao began to quickly refine these life-extending treasures.

Ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, one million years, ten million years...

From thousands of years ago, Lei Dao's lifespan increased very slowly.

Ten million years, thirty million years, fifty million years, eighty million years, one hundred million years...

It took a long time to refine a lot of life-extending treasures, and it only increased the lifespan by 100 million years. It is too difficult to increase the lifespan by 700 million years.

But no matter how difficult it is, Lei Dao has to try. What Lei Dao can do now is to continue refining, and he looks forward to his senior brother Master Galaxy giving him a surprise.



On a mountain peak in a big world, an uninvited guest came.

The blue-robed master flew to the top of the mountain.

On the mountain peak, sat an old man.

This old man didn't seem to have any imposing manner, just sitting on the top of the mountain quietly, and didn't seem to be aware of the arrival of the blue-robed master.

"Unexpectedly, the famous master of black and white actually lives in such a small big world, on a lonely mountain peak. Is he preparing to wait for the coming of the era of calamity without any struggle?"

The master in blue robe looked at the old man and spoke slowly.

However, the old man didn't make any movement, didn't even say a word, and was still sitting alone on the mountain peak.

Seeing that the master of black and white was unmoved, a strange light flashed in the eyes of the master in blue robe, and then he continued: "Master of black and white, even if you sit here disheartened, you will still turn into ashes when the catastrophe of the era comes. Hui. Are you really willing? The majestic master of black and white, who was powerful at the beginning, ended up hiding here, are you afraid?"


The void shatters.

It was as if the whole world was shaking.

Immediately afterwards, the cold voice of the old man reached the ears of the ruler in black robe: "I give you two choices, either leave or die! The one behind you may be able to kill me, but before you kill me, you must will die!"

The cold voice, accompanied by a strong killing intent, made one's hair stand on end. Even the blue-robed master, the top master, couldn't help but feel a trace of fear at this moment.

He knew that the mastery of black and white is not a lie, with the character and means of the other party, he can do what he says!

"Wait, master of black and white, I still have a third choice. You also have the hope of surviving the catastrophe of the era, and even become the first ancestor. You help me once, and the master will give you a complete destructive power!"

The master in blue robe felt as if he was about to "collapse". The terrifying aura of the old man directly made him breathless. You know, he is also an imposing top master!


The next moment, the suffocating aura around him seemed to disappear without a trace.

"make a deal!"

The old man's voice echoed in the ears of the blue-robed ruler.

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