Longevity Species

Chapter 882 Finally become the master! But why no joy? (third change)


The Galaxy Palace is the palace of the ruler of the Galaxy, located within the Galaxy Realm. As for the Galaxy Realm, it is not just as simple as one big world, but it is comparable to ten big worlds!

This is the "old lair" that the Master of Galaxy has operated for countless years.

But now, the entire Galaxy Realm is shaking violently, as if a terrifying force is recovering, and above the entire Galaxy Realm, faintly, it seems that there are magnificent and huge worlds connected together, forming a vast Incomparable world.

"What happened?"

"It's His Majesty's Xinghe Palace. Could it be that His Majesty has broken through again?"

"Your Majesty the Ruler has long been the Great Ruler, what breakthrough can you make? Unless it is the achievement of the ancestor, but it is simply impossible."

"This... it seems that someone has become the master!"

Many people looked into the void in shock.

After a while, another phantom of an extremely huge Kunpeng appeared. The size of the kun was thousands of miles away. Although it was only a phantom, the terrifying aura made people feel palpitations.

"This... seems like someone has become the master?"

"The Great Master? Who became the Great Master and made such a big noise, even shaking the entire Galaxy Realm?"

"It can't be the Great Master, right? That world, and that huge Kunpeng, such a huge movement, it's impossible for the Great Master to make out..."

There is no shortage of masters in the Galaxy Realm, even great masters. After all, this is the core of the Galaxy Clan, and there are Masters of the Galaxy sitting in charge. But no matter how many masters and great masters they have seen, they have never seen a scene like this one.

The same is true for the master of the galaxy.

Even if he is the ancestor's disciple, his eyes are wide open at this moment, staring at the huge world in the void, with a dumbfounded look.

Others don't know it, but he knows it very clearly.

Because, that direction is where Lei Dao's secret room is, and it is the direction of Lei Dao's retreat.

"Could it be that Junior Brother Lei has really become the Great Ruler? Besides, with such a big commotion, that phantom of the world, no, it's not a phantom of the world, if I'm not mistaken, it's a phantom of the realm..."

The Galaxy Master was shocked.

It's not that he hasn't seen breakthrough masters, even those top masters, top geniuses, when they broke through to become masters, there was no such huge movement.

Even, when Xinghe ruled himself back then, he was himself the top genius. Otherwise, it is impossible to be favored by the ancestor Kong and finish the disciple.

You must know that the first ancestor Kong advocated teaching without discrimination, and he can finish his disciples with anyone, but the premise is that he must be good enough. The fact that Master of Galaxy can win the favor of Ancestor Kong proves that he is a top genius in the Ming Realm.

But even so, when he became a master, let alone compared with Lei Dao, he was not even one percent of Lei Dao's power.

They are both masters, so why is there such a big difference?

The Master of Galaxy is most concerned about the phantom of the domain, but the huge phantom of the Kunpeng, so the Master of Galaxy doesn't care much. Master Xinghe knew that the master of the Kunpeng tribe had it in his hands.

Even the master of the galaxy had practiced before, but there was really no way to cultivate to great success.

But now, seeing the phantom of the kunpeng in the void, the master of Xinghe understood that it was a kunpeng at the level of the great master. Lei Dao's talent in Kunpeng Kung Fu also far surpassed that of Master Galaxy.

This can't help but make the Galaxy Lord look forward to it.

When Lei Dao was the master, he was able to defeat the great master. Now that he has broken through to the great master, how far has his strength improved by leaps and bounds? Moreover, with the Kunpeng Clan's Dharma Gate, and even the Kunpeng Divine Body has been cultivated to the level of the Great Master, who else can kill Lei Dao in the Ming Realm except the First Ancestor?

Lei Dao itself is already in an invincible position.

"I'm looking forward to it, the blue-robed master is coming soon..."

There was a smile on the corner of Master Xinghe's mouth.

The hard work during this period of time was finally not in vain, Lei Dao really became the master!

At this moment, in the secret room.

Lei Dao's aura is getting stronger and stronger. With the transformation of Kunpeng's divine body, Lei Dao has activated the Immortal Zupeng Art, and the entire Kunpeng's divine body is changing towards the "Zupeng's divine body".

However, this "Zu Peng" is just the top masters of the Kunpeng clan, who spent endless years deriving it, and it doesn't exist at all.

Therefore, to what extent this "Zupeng" can be promoted in the end, I am afraid that even the masters of the Kunpeng clan don't know.


Lei Dao opened his eyes abruptly.

He sensed it a little bit, as if he could feel the territory in his body, no, it is already a domain now, and there is a huge pressure on the entire galaxy.

So, Lei Dao yelled lightly: "Take it!"

The next moment, the phantom of the realm completely restrained. It cannot be said that no breath was leaked, but it did not have any impact on the galaxy realm.

"It's finally done!"

Lei Dao let out a long sigh of relief.

Great dominate!

He has become a master!

Just, why didn't he feel joy?

"Why, I have become a master, but I don't feel any joy?"

Raidou murmured softly.

He seemed to finally understand.

This master seems to have been "forced" to achieve it, not the most perfect moment in Lei Dao's plan, the master who came naturally.

According to Lei Dao's idea.

At the very least, more territory in the body must be opened up, one hundred territories is not the limit, then two hundred or even three hundred.

But under the pressure of the master in blue robe, Lei Dao could only reluctantly accept the achievement of master in one hundred territories. For Lei Dao, this is a broken way, and the loss is too great!

Therefore, Lei Dao mobilized his abilities to check his current physical condition.

Name: Lei Dao (32 years old)

Life Form: Great Master

Lifespan: 20 billion to 10 million years

Internal world: a domain (expandable)

Undead Ancestral Penggong: Getting Started (can be upgraded)

Lei Dao looked at his body data, opened his eyes wide, and was extremely shocked deep in his heart.

20 billion years of lifespan!

This is extra life, what does it mean?

It means that Lei Dao was promoted to the Great Master, and he actually gained a lifespan of 20 billion years, which is simply...unbelievable! After all, the last time he was promoted to master, Lei Dao only increased his lifespan by 1.8 billion years.

But now, being promoted to the Great Master has directly increased the lifespan by 20 billion years, which is really incredible.

It's no wonder that those top masters seem to be extremely ancient, and they have lived for too long.

Not to mention 20 billion years, there are only a handful of top masters who can live beyond 10 billion years.

The Undead Zu Peng Gong has indeed been introduced.

Raidou tried it.

"Will it consume 10 billion years of lifespan to improve the Undead Zu Peng Gong?"

Lei Dao's heart trembled.

Sure enough, it takes ten billion years of lifespan for the Immortal Ancestor Peng Gong to advance from entry level to small achievement.

From small to big?

And, most importantly, can one use supernatural powers to raise the Undead Zu Peng Gong from Dacheng to Consummation?

One must know that according to the deduction of the top masters of the Kunpeng tribe, the undead Zupeng Gong in the perfect state can directly become the first ancestor and become the real Zupeng in the legend!

"By the way, there is also the inner body domain, why is it not improved, but expanded?"

Lei Dao noticed that the realm in his body showed a realm on it, but the latter was not promoted, but expanded, which was different from before.

"Could it be that the realm can only be expanded, instead of opening up a second realm?"

Lei Dao recalled carefully, it seems that the world's practice system has disappeared since the Great Juggernaut, there is no follow-up practice method, and there is only a theory.

The theory of the world practice system is that once the territory is transformed into a realm, then the realm will be continuously expanded, and one day, it will be able to expand to be as big as the Ming Realm, which may produce a qualitative change and become the ancestor.

However, how is it possible to expand to the size of the Ming Realm?

In the vast Ming Realm, how many realms are there?

I'm afraid there are too many to count, even if Lei Dao's realm expands another 100 million times, I'm afraid you won't even be able to touch the edge of the Ming Realm. In that case, the world's practice system will not be able to achieve the ancestor in a lifetime?

"Wait, let's see how much lifespan it takes to expand the realm?"

Lei Dao took a deep breath and began to check.

"Will it consume five billion years of lifespan and expand the domain to double its size?"

"Twice the size?"

Lei Dao understood that the so-called double size is actually equivalent to twice the size of a domain, which is to increase the size of a domain.

Lifespan of 5 billion years seems to be less than improving the Undead Zu Peng Gong.

But the point is, Lei Dao is very clear that expanding several times may not play a big role.

Moreover, it would take five billion years of lifespan to expand once. If we really wanted to expand to the size of the Ming Realm, even one era would not be enough time.


Lei Dao knew very well that the real big trouble was coming!

He doesn't seem to have a better way to become the first ancestor.

In particular, the world's practice system has reached its true limit, and it has reached the real "top". Every step that Lei Dao takes after that is actually improving the world's practice system.

"Why don't you try to double the domain first?"

Lei Dao wanted to try it.

Even if there is no big change, it can always increase the strength, which is a good thing after all.

"Then let's expand."

Lei Dao strengthened his confidence.


The next moment, Lei Dao consumed five billion years of lifespan, and suddenly, his internal body domain began to expand crazily, fully doubling in size, and then stopped.

Lei Dao felt it carefully.

It seems that except for a little stronger power, there is not much change.

"Sure enough, you can't completely rely on the world's practice system. After all, this is an imperfect practice system. It is too difficult to become the ancestor, almost impossible."

Lei Dao didn't waste his life to expand the inner domain anymore.

He couldn't help turning his gaze to the Undead Zu Penggong.

Since it seems difficult to achieve the first ancestor in the world's practice system, is it possible to try the Immortal Ancestor Peng Gong?

Thinking of it and doing it, Lei Dao immediately consumed 10 billion lifespans and improved the Undead Zu Peng Gong.

Soon, Lei Dao's Immortal Ancestor Peng Gong also began to change, from entry level to small achievement.

However, Lei Dao still didn't feel much change.

The only change may be that when the Undead Ancestor Peng Gong is promoted to Dacheng, it will take a full 20 billion years of lifespan.

"It seems that if you want to become the first ancestor, you still have to rely on the Undead Ancestral Skill. No matter what, you have to try it to see if the Immortal Ancestor's ability can be improved from Dacheng to Consummation?"

Lei Dao also made up his mind, so he immediately called up the ability to check.

Name: Lei Dao (32 years old)

Life Form: Great Master

Lifespan: 5 billion 10 million years

Internal world: twice the domain (expandable)

Undead Ancestor Peng Gong: Xiaocheng (can be improved)

Lei Dao's Undead Zu Peng Gong needs 20 billion years of lifespan from small to great, but Lei Dao has only 5 billion years of life left at this moment, and cannot be improved any more.

"Forget it, it won't take a while to improve, and there is still 15 billion years of lifespan short. In the Ming Realm, it is difficult to obtain such a long lifespan. It seems that to solve the matter of the blue-robed master, we have to hurry Back to the ancient continent..."

Lei Dao didn't stay in the secret room anymore, he stood up and stepped out of the secret room.

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