Longevity Species

Chapter 883 Lord Lei doesn't want to lie, he is really not sure! (first update)


Lei Dao stepped out of the secret room and came outside the secret room. At this moment, outside the secret room, the Master of Galaxy has already been waiting.

After seeing Lei Dao's figure, Master Xinghe's eyes lit up.

"Junior Brother Lei, congratulations to Junior Brother for successfully becoming the Great Master. Now, Junior Brother can be regarded as standing at the top of the entire Ming Realm!"

"Yeah, it's not easy to stand in the top row."

Lei Dao let out a long sigh, it was really not easy!

The Great Master, in theory, is already the pinnacle of practice, as for the ancestor, that is another level. What's more, the ancestors basically see the head and see the tail, and rarely appear. It is these great masters who really appear in front of people.

Therefore, after reaching this step, Lei Dao has reached the peak.

It's really not easy to think about it. Lei Dao is thirty-two years old now, and it took almost thirteen years to get to where he is today.

"Ten years is a flick of a finger. Perhaps when I was practicing martial arts, I never thought that I would be able to get to where I am today..."

Lei Dao was in a trance.

Back then when he practiced martial arts, he just wanted to save his life.

It's just that, after practicing, it seems to be a super god, now save your life? It is no longer needed, a lifespan of five billion years, which is a lifespan that Lei Dao didn't even dare to think about before.

But five billion years is nothing.

Now Lei Dao's vision is bigger.

He is very clear that an era is twelve trillion years, so what is the life span of five billion to tens of billion years? Compared to an era, it is simply a drop in the bucket, not worth mentioning.

What's more, if you don't become the ancestor, you will eventually turn into ashes. Once the era of catastrophe arrives, all the glory and all the hard work will be wiped out.

Only by becoming the first ancestor can we truly live at ease until the next era.

For a while, many thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind, and he also associated many.

"Master of the Galaxy, the blue-robed master hasn't come yet?"

Lei Dao naturally did not forget the Master of Galaxy.

He even hated the Master of the Galaxy very much, because he was worried about the revenge of the Master of the Galaxy, so Lei Dao had to "urgently" break through and become the Great Master.

Otherwise, if Lei Dao doesn't open up hundreds of territories, how can it be worthy of the solid foundation laid before?

But now, everything is hopeless, he has become a master, and he can never go back to the past. Lei Dao naturally hated the blue-robed master very much, this almost cut off his "way"!

"Yes, he hasn't come yet, perhaps, he is not completely sure yet."

There was a brilliant light in the eyes of the Master of Galaxy.

In fact, Master Xinghe didn't want the blue-robed master to come, even though Lei Dao had already become a great master, and his strength had increased many times. But how could the blue-robed ruler be unprepared?

At that time, it will depend on who is more prepared.

But if the blue-robed ruler never came, the Galaxy ruler would be a little worried.

After all, the blue-robed master can't come now, but if Lei Dao leaves after a long time, then the blue-robed master will come again, wouldn't it be more ominous for the Galaxy master?

Therefore, the ruler of Galaxy is very contradictory deep in his heart.

"Junior Brother Lei, can you give me a guarantee that you have become a master now, how sure are you of those top masters? I mean, any top masters!"

The tone of the Master of Galaxy is very dignified.

He must have a bottom in his heart, otherwise, he will not be able to settle down.

"Uh... If it's any top master, I'm not completely sure."

Lei Dao shook his head, he didn't want to deceive the ruler of Xinghe, he didn't want to just say good things to the ruler of Xinghe. The reason is very simple, Lei Dao is indeed not sure, after all, according to Lei Dao's speculation, among the top masters, there are also many levels.

For example, above the top, for example, several times the body is sufficient above the top, etc. These are very important indicators.

Lei Dao knew that the Bull Demon Lord of Pancheng back then was actually very powerful, and he was one of the top masters of Pancheng. But even so, after being baptized by the Longchi, the bull demon master has gained another body, and his strength has become even stronger, even to the point of unfathomable.

But the bull demon master is still the great master, and has not become the first ancestor.

Lei Dao is not sure that he can deal with the bull demon master now, so how can Lei Dao be absolutely sure? What's more, in the entire barren ancient continent, in the entire bright world, there are not many masters who are stronger than the Bull Demon Lord, so how dare Lei Dao say that he is absolutely sure?

Therefore, Lei Dao is still quite honest, he will not use good words to deceive the master of Xinghe, if he says something, he can do it, and if he can't, he can't.

"There is no surety..."

The Galaxy Master was very disappointed.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that he had too high expectations for Lei Dao.

Is it possible to expect Lei Dao to break through and become a master, and then be invincible, invincible, and sweep all directions? Lei Dao has only just broken through and become a master. Even if he is a genius, how can he sweep all directions and become invincible all at once?

It's simply impossible!

"That's right, my expectations for Junior Brother Lei are too high... I hope that the blue-robed master can't find such a powerful top master..."

The Master of Galaxy let out a long sigh.

Now he can only silently hope that the top master found by the blue-robed master is not too strong, but the possibility of this is extremely slim. The cautious character dominated by the blue robe suffered a loss from Lei Dao last time. Once he really wants to make a comeback, how can he not be fully prepared?

Once it really comes, I'm afraid it will be troublesome.

Therefore, in the worrying state of mind of the ruler of Xinghe, Lei Dao consolidated his cultivation and got acquainted with the power of the "domain".

Lei Dao's current domain is twice the domain, and it is still transformed from a hundred territories connected together, and the power has increased by an unknown number of times.

If you don't sort it out and get familiar with it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to completely control it.

As time passed day by day, Lei Dao didn't feel that his time was wasted, and the days were very peaceful. But under this calmness, both Lei Dao and the Master of Galaxy seemed to be silently preparing.

This is the calm before the storm.

They don't know when the blue-robed master will come, but they know that the blue-robed master will definitely come!



In the void, circles of space ripples emerged.

Immediately afterwards, two figures stepped out from the space passage.

"The master of black and white is here!"

The blue-robed master looked at a big world in the distance, and there was a glimmer of brilliance in his eyes.

"This is the Xinghe Clan. It is rumored that the leader of the Xinghe Clan, Xinghe Master, is the disciple of Ancestor Kong. Could it be that you want me to deal with the disciple of Ancestor Kong?"

The master of black and white raised his eyebrows.

Although he promised the blue-robed master that he was going to deal with the first ancestor disciple, the blue-robed master didn't tell the black-and-white master who he was, and the black-and-white master didn't ask.

Anyway, they are all disciples of the ancestor, is there a difference?

He only cares about the complete destructive force, and the master of black and white doesn't care much about the rest.

"Master Black and White, you are wrong, you are not dealing with the Master of Galaxy, but another disciple under the command of the ancestor Kong..."

The master in blue immediately told the master in black and white what happened back then.

This is a disgrace to the master of the blue robe, but since he has already reached the territory of the galaxy, he must tell the master of black and white the whole story, otherwise, black and white may not necessarily make a move.

For a long time, the master of black and white looked at the master of blue robe with strange eyes and said: "If the old man heard correctly, so to speak, you are an imposing master, and you are a top master, and you were actually defeated by a master, and you even had to run away. Into the dark realm?"

"Uh... yes, no. Although this master is just a master, he is not an ordinary master. I suspect that it was the ancestor Kong who accepted the most talented disciple recently. Otherwise, it would be impossible to defeat me as a master. .Besides, I underestimated it at the beginning, so I was taken advantage of by that ruler..."

The master in blue really felt ashamed.

No matter how he covered up or made excuses, he couldn't deny the fact that he was defeated by a master.

This is simply a disgrace!

So many years have passed in this era, who can defeat the top master as a master?

Even the omniscient and omnipotent ancestor, I'm afraid I haven't heard of it.

Although it is rare for a master to defeat a great master, it is not impossible, and there have even been many examples. It is almost impossible for me to defeat the top master, at least in this era, it has never happened.

After all, although there is not such a big qualitative difference between a top master and an ordinary master, the gap is so large that it is difficult to bridge.

"Okay, I don't want to listen to your excuses. If you lose, you lose. There is no reason! I am also very interested in this master. I have never seen so many geniuses in the Ming Realm. I can defeat you as a master. The top master."

The master of black and white narrowed his eyes slightly, obviously very interested in Lei Dao.

Some top masters have defeated big masters, even black and white masters. Those who are astonishingly brilliant, who will become masters in the future, must be the strongest among the top masters.

But it is too rare for a master to beat a top master.

Even the master of black and white has never seen it, or even heard of it.

"Master Black and White, please be careful. Master Xinghe and others may ask some other disciples of Ancestor Kong to help them. Be careful of their ambush."

The master of blue robe reminded cautiously.


The master of black and white suddenly straightened his body, and said proudly: "In front of this old man, no amount of great masters is of any use. What's more, I also understand the disciples of the ancestor Kong. But in front of the old man, which disciple under the command of the ancestor Kong can compare with the old man?"

The master of black and white is full of infinite domineering.

This is also his confidence!

Treat the disciples of the first ancestor as nothing!

Even though the Master of Galaxy felt faintly uneasy, seeing that the Master of Black and White was so confident and domineering, he gradually calmed down deep in his heart.

He invited the master of black and white, who can the master of the galaxy invite?

"Master of the Galaxy, I will crush your Galaxy Clan today! And that ruler must also die!"

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the master in blue robe.

ps: The second is later.

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