Longevity Species

Chapter 895 Desperate right from the start? Have you forgotten that you are the intruder! (first upd

Emperor Lingji's expression was solemn. He never thought that someone could actually break into the formation of the Yuanling Dojo. You must know that this formation is said to be controlled by him, but in fact, even he can only control the formation. It's just part of the power.

Forcibly breaking into the formation, even he couldn't do it.

But the top ruler of the extraterrestrial demons in front of him did it.

"Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon, you have crossed the border! This is the dojo of the great saint Yuan, which is the root of the saint. If you destroy the dojo, once the great saint returns, he will not be able to spare you."

Emperor Lingji said coldly.

"Sage yuan?"

Lei Dao shook his head and said, "Then I won't destroy the dojo. Besides, I don't intend to destroy the dojo either. Well, I'm just here to get some treasures. Presumably the saint won't be stingy with a little treasure, right?"


The spirit is extremely strong, the emperor is extremely angry, take some treasures?

How brave is it to come to the Saint Dojo to get treasures? How arrogant is it?

But the fact in front of him is indeed the case, Lei Dao is here to get the treasure, and Emperor Lingji is not sure.

Lei Dao also had some thoughts in his heart.

He has already come, can he still go back?

What's more, even if Saint Yuan came back, would he still be able to reach Pancheng?

So, what's more, Lei Dao felt that he was already very "polite". He really didn't think about destroying Yuanling Dojo. This ashram has such a beautiful scenery, it's a pity to destroy it.

"So, are you determined?"

Emperor Lingji's face was gloomy.

Lei Dao didn't answer, but silence is the best answer.

"In that case, I can only kill you!"

At this moment, Emperor Lingji exuded a strong killing intent.

These killing intents were as cold as a sharp edge, even all the gods and demons present could feel it, but many gods and demons couldn't understand it, why did Emperor Lingji talk so much with an extraterrestrial demon?

Wouldn't it be over if he beheaded?

But Emperor Lingji was very cautious in his heart. He was more cautious and cautious, and he didn't even want to do anything unless it was absolutely necessary. There is only one reason, in his induction, Lei Dao is very strong!

Very strong!

Even the bull demon master is not as good as Lei Dao.

It is precisely because of this power that the Lingji master talked so much "nonsense" with Lei Dao, but it seemed that it was useless to say so much.

Still have to fight!

"Extreme cut!"

The next moment, Emperor Lingji made a move.

He is the personal descendant of the sage Yuan, and his strength is unbelievable. Even if he is the ruler of the Bull Demon, he dare not say that he can win the Lingji Emperor steadily.

Emperor Lingji pursued the ultimate Tao, and the rules he comprehended were often the rules of the extreme way, which did not seem to be of great help to comprehend the Tao and achieve the ancestors.

But the improvement in strength is very significant.

To put it simply, this is a fighting top emperor!

Emperor Lingji slashed down with his palm, and the space seemed to be shaken, and Lei Dao felt threatened by the terrifying power.

It's just that this kind of threat doesn't seem to be very big?

But Lei Dao still didn't dare to take it lightly. He tried his best to maximize the power of the domain, and then mobilized twice the domain in his body, and punched out with the same punch.

"This is my strongest blow!"

"You may also be the strongest opponent I have encountered, and I should give you the greatest respect!"

Lei Dao looked solemn.

After all, Emperor Lingji is the guardian of the Daoist field, and he is personally handed down by a saint. Generally, if he does not make a move, he will shake the world. How can Lei Dao take such a peerless powerhouse lightly.

Even going all out, Lei Dao felt a little unsafe. He was even ready to activate the immortality of Zu Peng's divine body. Once he couldn't stop it, he would immediately recover with the immortality.

Big deal, if you lose, then entangle with speed.


Finally, the strength of the two collided fiercely.

The terrifying aftermath, centered on the two, spread in all directions, overturning countless gods and demons.

In the end, it continued to stir in the formation and disappeared without a trace.

It is impossible to destroy the formation.

It is simply impossible to destroy the formation by relying on this aftermath alone.

Even Lei Dao discovered that even if you want to destroy the formation arranged by the saint from the inside, it is no less difficult than the outside. If he forcibly attacks inside, it is very likely that the formation will not be able to be destroyed at all.

"Huh? Where are people?"

The smoke cleared, and everyone looked towards Lei Dao and Emperor Lingji, only to find that Emperor Lingji had disappeared.


Finally, there was a strange noise on the ground.

Only then did everyone see clearly that Emperor Lingji was blasted into the ground abruptly by Lei Dao, creating a big hole, and looking at Emperor Lingji, he was quite miserable.

"How can it be?"

All the gods and the emperor were stunned, as if they couldn't believe it.

In the eyes of the gods and demons, the Great Emperor Ling is the top emperor, passed down by a saint himself, how can this identity be false? Moreover, judging from the several times Lingji Emperor made his moves, there is almost no possibility of failure.

But now, as soon as Emperor Lingji made a move, he was actually beaten to the ground by this strange extraterrestrial demon, smashing a big hole, was he defeated?

"How could Emperor Lingji lose?"

"What happened just now? Why did Emperor Lingji look so embarrassed and was smashed directly into the ground?"

"It seems... It seems that the Lingji Emperor has lost."

All the gods and demons were dumbfounded, as if they couldn't believe their eyes. The majestic Lingji Emperor was thrown directly into the ground by someone, so embarrassing.

"The vitality is still so strong? You are really strong. You are the first opponent that I shot with all my strength but did not die!"

Lei Dao looked solemn.

Sure enough, as he expected, the Lingji Emperor in front of him was indeed very strong. He had already shot with all his strength, but he couldn't do anything to win the Lingji Emperor.

As for being smashed on the ground, forming a big pit, so what?

It's nothing more than losing some face.

Anyway, Lei Dao doesn't care much about face, he only cares about strength.

The Lingji Emperor in front of him didn't die under his full strength punch, which is enough to prove the strength of the opponent, and Lei Dao couldn't help but ignore it.

After all, after Lei Dao has become the master, there are very few opponents who can still catch him with a single punch.

Lingji Emperor is the only one!

"Damn it!"

The Lingji Emperor was actually burning with anger, to the point of extreme anger. But at the same time, he was also faintly afraid. Strong, really too strong, the extraterrestrial demon in front of him is simply unbelievably strong.

Under his full blow, Lei Dao was not affected in any way. On the contrary, it was Lei Dao's punch that made even Emperor Lingji faintly feel like he was in a life-and-death crisis.

Fortunately, he can still control part of the power of the formation.

This is the array arranged by the saint.

At the critical moment, Emperor Lingji mobilized the power of the formation to block most of Lei Dao's power, otherwise, Emperor Lingji might have died just now.

Thinking of this, Emperor Lingji became even more afraid.

However, this also made Emperor Lingji extremely afraid of Lei Dao, and even had a strong killing intent. In the Yuanling Dojo, he still has a saint formation that he can use, but what if he leaves the Yuanling Dojo?

Once he leaves the Yuanling Dojo, without the help of the Saint Dojo, and encounters the extraterritorial demon in front of him, wouldn't he be dead?

He is the majestic Lingji Emperor!

The personal disciple of the sage Yuan Sitting down is the face of the sage!

Now, the saint's face has been beaten into the ground by Lei Dao, what face does he have?

Therefore, Lei Dao must die!


The next moment, Emperor Lingji soared into the sky.

At the same time, the formations of the entire Yuanling Dojo began to gather, even if Emperor Lingji could only mobilize a part of the formation's power, it would be very terrifying.

Waves of terrifying power blessed Lingji Emperor's body, which made Lingji Emperor's aura rise steadily, and quickly increased several times.

The Lingji Emperor, whose aura has increased several times, has also reached its peak at this moment.

"Extraterritorial demons, you should never have broken into the saint dojo. Today, I will let you know, what is the saint dojo?"


As Emperor Lingji's words fell, the entire Yuanling Dojo seemed to vibrate.

Lei Dao also noticed something at this time, as if there were terrifying forces surrounding him in all directions.

This is the power of formations!

"Can you still mobilize the power of the formation?"

Lei Dao looked even more dignified.

Just now, he failed to kill Emperor Lingji with all his efforts, and now Emperor Lingji can actually mobilize the formations of Yuanling Dojo. Once the formation is blessed, wouldn't Lingji Emperor be stronger?

It is estimated that even Lei Dao can't bear it anymore.

"It seems that we can only do our best!"

Lei Dao's eyes were extremely dignified.

Facing this unprecedentedly powerful opponent, Lei Dao also has the determination to go all out. However, Lei Dao is also very clear that it is difficult to make up for the gap in strength alone.

But it was too late for him to regret it now.

No matter how difficult it is to make up for it, he must try.

Because, he has no turning back.

"Come on, let me see the limit of the inner body realm..."

Lei Dao became completely "serious" this time, he had to face the Lingji Emperor squarely. The power of twice the domain in Lei Dao's body exploded, condensed like a substance, and formed a domain within ten feet of Lei Dao.

Use the power of the domain to fight against the dojo formation!

Then, Lei Dao took the lead.

"This punch condensed all my beliefs, mobilized all my strength, and even my will, determination, spirit, etc., all condensed into this punch."

"So, this punch, there is no return, this is a desperate punch!"

Lei Dao let out a loud shout.

The aura of his whole person has indeed climbed to the extreme, and the phantom of the realm above his head is even more condensed like a substance, and his whole person exudes an indomitable and tragic aura.

It seemed that this punch was really desperate.

Seeing Lei Dao's seriousness, and even his crazy and tragic punch, Emperor Lingji was a little confused.

He even felt that this was not Yuanling Dojo, but the hometown of extraterrestrial demons.

Is there such a big hatred and so much resentment?

Desperate as soon as you come up?

Emperor Lingji even wanted to ask Lei Dao, did he forget that it was Lei Dao who broke into the Yuanling Dojo, and Lei Dao was the real intruder!

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