Longevity Species

Chapter 896 Let Lei Dao solve it all, don't they want to lose face? (Second more)


Emperor Lingji crazily mobilized the formation power of the Yuanling Dojo, because he felt the danger, the danger of death. Lei Dao is desperate, what kind of hatred is this?

If he can't stop it, he will die!


The formations of the entire Yuanling Dojo were mobilized by Emperor Lingji, but Emperor Lingji forcibly mobilized the power of the formations, which actually caused some damage to the formations, and they were no longer perfect.

Although it is possible to increase the power of Lingji Emperor crazily, in fact, it will weaken the formation of the entire Yuanling Dojo.


Finally, Lei Dao's punch fell, and he went forward without hesitation, seeing death as home, and punched with all his strength on the formation of Yuanling Dojo, and immediately made the formation violently oscillate, oscillate, and oscillate again.

A wave of aftermath continuously impacted the entire dojo formation.


Finally, a crack appeared in the formation, and the terrifying power was like a volcanic eruption, following the crack, and passing through in an instant.


The Lingji Emperor roared crazily, but he was powerless, he could only watch helplessly as Lei Dao's terrifying power from the realm attacked his body directly through the formation.


The next moment, Emperor Lingji had no resistance at all, and his body was pulverized by Lei Dao's punch. Immediately afterwards, the formation of the entire Yuanling Dojo collapsed instantly.

The terrifying aftermath even knocked all the gods and demons and emperors flying, and most of the gods and demons were turned into dust. Only a few emperors survived, but they were also severely injured.

The smoke and dust cleared away, and only Lei Dao's figure stood in the void. However, Lei Dao's eyes seemed to reveal a trace of bewilderment.

"Dead? The formation is also broken?"

Lei Dao was really at a loss.

He was working desperately, and even prepared for the collapse of Zu Peng's divine body, and then quickly activated the immortality of Zu Peng's divine body to restore his divine body. However, no matter what, he never imagined that the mighty Lingji Emperor who seemed to have infinite power just now was blown apart by his punch and turned into dust.

Even the dojo formation was smashed.

The dojo formation that was agreed upon can't be broken by saints below?

Lei Dao is confused now.

Not only Lei Dao was dumbfounded, and the rest were still alive, but the emperors who were hit hard were the most dumbfounded, they couldn't believe their eyes.

what did they see

Lingji Emperor actually died?

It's incredible, how could Emperor Lingji die?

That's a saint's personal biography!

In the sage dojo, the sage's personal disciple, Emperor Lingji, actually died?

For a moment, all the great emperors looked at Lei Dao with panic. The extraterrestrial demon in front of him was a bit terrifying. Not only did Emperor Lingji die, but even the formation of the dojo was broken.

Once the formation is broken, one can imagine what kind of catastrophe the entire Yuanling Dojo will face next?


At this time, two figures also flew from outside, they were Lord Qinglian and Lord Xinghe.

The two hurried over and shouted anxiously: "Junior Brother Lei, we are late, are you okay? Such a big commotion must have alarmed the gods and demons and the emperor in the dojo, we have to hurry... "

However, before the words were finished, the voices of the two stopped suddenly.

what did they see

There are ruins all over the ground, and a strong smell of blood, as well as a few gods and demons lying on the ground, no, those are not gods and demons, they are the Great Emperor!

Several great emperors were all severely injured.

Even, the entire dojo has been torn apart and looks like a mess.

"What... what's going on here?"

"How come there are so many gods and demons and great emperors?"

"Could it be that Junior Brother Lei, you have already fought these gods and demons?"

In fact, they had already guessed what was going on, but they seemed unable to believe it.

The three of them agreed to act together.

As agreed, the two of them can still hold Lei Dao back.

But now?

Lei Dao solved all the problems by himself, what should they do?

They are also masters, even top masters, don't they want to lose face?

It's not their style to just go through the motions and get treasures.

"Wait, there should be a saint in the dojo, right? It is rumored that this saint is called Lingji Emperor. He is so powerful that it is unimaginable. Even the Lord of the Bull Demon dare not say that he is the opponent of Lingji Emperor. We have to Be careful, with such a big commotion, maybe the Lingji Emperor will appear soon."

Master Qinglian looked wary.

The saint's personal biography, just hearing the name is scary, not to mention the once famous Lingji Emperor, even if he is the master of the bull demon, he really has no confidence in the Lingji Emperor.

This top emperor, Master Qinglian is very afraid.

What's more, this place is still in Yuanling Dojo.

Hearing Master Qinglian's words, Master Xinghe nodded hurriedly, and immediately became vigilant, trying to find the "Master Lingji" to prove their existence.

Anyway, they are also a team this time, and Lei Dao can't do it all by himself. They have to contribute more or less, otherwise they will be a little embarrassed when dividing the treasures.

Hearing this, Lei Dao twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, but in the end, Lei Dao still said quietly: "If I heard correctly, a top emperor who claimed to be the Great Spirit Emperor has arrived just now. "

"What? It's here, where is it?"

Master Qinglian immediately became vigilant and looked around.

"I was blown away..."

Lei Dao's words made Master Qinglian's expression froze slightly.

Here we go, here we go again!

Why is this tone, this scene so familiar?

A feeling of déjà vu.

"Are you sure, that's really Lingji Emperor?"

Master Qinglian is still a little skeptical, she has not seen Lei Dao become the master before making a move, even though Master Xinghe said that Lei Dao defeated the demon master Black and White.

But without seeing it with your own eyes, the feeling is not so real after all.

But now, looking at the devastated Yuanling Dojo, Master Qinglian began to believe it a little bit.

"If Emperor Lingji can manipulate the dojo formation and claim to be a saint himself, then there should be no mistake."

Lei Dao said lightly.

Lei Dao is also very calm now.

So what about the personal biography of the saint?

Wasn't he blown away by his punch, it seems that he still underestimated his own strength a bit. Twice the realm, it is too strong, stronger than Lei Dao's imagination.

Perhaps, this is also related to Lei Dao's previous solid foundation.

Of course, there is another possibility.

That is, the Lingji Emperor has a false appearance!

There is also this possibility, after all, so what if the sage passed it on personally? Lei Dao is also a disciple of the first ancestor, and Master Xinghe is also a disciple of the first ancestor. Calculated, there is no difference between them and the sage's personal transmission, but the gap is huge, and there is a huge difference.

Perhaps, Emperor Lingji only relied on the power of the Yuanling Taoist formation to gain a great reputation, but in fact, although he was not vulnerable, he was not too strong.

However, this has nothing to do with Lei Dao.

Now, Lei Dao has only one goal, and that is the treasure!

"Let's go, the formation is broken, we have to search for treasures quickly, otherwise, we will be in trouble when the other masters come."

Lei Dao was not afraid of other masters, but felt that it would be too embarrassing if the masters fought for treasures at that time. Now, while there is still time, let's search for the treasures in the dojo first.

"Yes, let's look for the treasure first."

Master Qinglian also reacted, she immediately grabbed the severely injured emperors with her big hands, and forced them to tell the treasure house of the dojo.

These great emperors are now disheartened, even the dojo formation has been breached, what hope do they have? Now, apart from the saints, no one can stop these extraterritorial demons.

So, they also happily revealed the location of the treasure house.

Soon, the three of Lei Dao came to the treasure house.

The treasure house of the entire Yuanling Dojo is here, all of which are the private treasury of the sage Yuan. Of course, they are all treasures that he doesn't need, but he doesn't want to let go. They are very precious treasures for many top emperors.

But now, such precious treasures belong to Lei Dao and the others.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look, what is the saint's treasure house like?"

A strange light also flashed in Lei Dao's eyes, with a look of anticipation on his face.

Afterwards, the three of them directly stepped into the gate of the treasure house.



In the void in the distance, a stream of light flew quickly and landed on Yuanling Dojo.

"It's finally here, is this Yuanling Dojo?"

The person who came was obviously the master of the bull demon.

When the bull demon master felt that the formation of the Yuanling Dojo was broken, he flew towards the Yuanling Dojo. His speed is very fast, so he is also the first master to arrive here.

However, looking at the scene in front of him, the Bull Demon Master couldn't believe his eyes.

The Yuanling Dojo is a saint's dojo. He once took a look at the Yuanling Dojo from a distance. It is a holy place in the eyes of gods and demons, an extremely sacred place.

But now, why is the entire Yuanling Dojo turned into ruins?

Who dares to destroy Yuanling Dojo?

Who can destroy Yuanling Dojo?

"Could it be that the ancestor made a move?"

The Bull Demon Master thought of a possibility, but then shook his head again. Now that the saint and the first ancestor have disappeared, not to mention, the first ancestor doesn't look down on a dojo, so how could he personally destroy the saint dojo?

"Hahaha, Master Bull Demon, it seems that I am not too late. This time, you can't monopolize the treasure house of Yuanling Dojo."

At this time, another Great Master flew from a distance, also the top Great Master of Pancheng, called Xuanzun Great Master.

It is comparable to the strength of the Bull Demon Lord. Of course, that was in the past, and the current bull demon ruler is not what it used to be.

The bull demon master didn't bother to pay attention to the Xuanzun master.

"Huh? There is Juggernaut Waves there. Could it be that someone got there first and went to the treasury?"

So, the two quickly flew in the direction of the wave.

Sure enough, they saw the treasure house.

"Hahaha, the treasure house of the saint's dojo is really there. Bull Demon Master, I don't want more this time, how about one person and half?"

Master Xuanzun was very excited. He didn't gain much this time, but unexpectedly, he encountered the treasure house of Yuanling Dojo. Now, he gained a lot.

"Master Xuanzun, even if you don't look at it, the treasure house already has an owner."

The Bull Demon Master poured cold water on the Xuanzun Great Master.

"Is there a master?"

Master Xuanzun looked up, and at some point, a figure had appeared above the treasury of the dojo, with his hands behind his back, walking step by step, and said proudly: "Master Bull Demon, you are late, the treasury belongs to Lei." all!"

"Owned by you?"

Master Xuanzun frowned, and he could naturally see that the strong man in front of him was actually Master Lei Yidao who was once famous in Pancheng.

Moreover, Lei Dao has become a master!

This is very shocking!

However, the key now is the treasure house.

A treasury, or a dojo treasury, first come, first served?

"Master Lei, those who are destined to get the treasures, you may go to the dojo for a while first, but why do you say that the treasure house of the dojo belongs to you?"

Master Xuanzun looked at Lei Dao sharply, he would not give up this treasure house so easily.

ps: The next chapter is still before 18:00.

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