Longevity Species

Chapter 897 Low-key is no longer in line with Lei Dao's identity! (third change)

In the Yuanling Dojo, more and more masters gathered together. They all sensed the news that the formation of the Yuanling Dojo was broken, so they came quickly.

Unexpectedly, when I came here, I saw such a powerful scene.

Dojo treasure house!

However, the treasury of the dojo seems to be occupied by people, and the master Xuanzun and the bull devil are confronting each other.

"Who is that ruler?"

"Hey, you don't know Lei Yidao from Pancheng?"

"Lei Yidao? Is that the ancestor Kong's disciple, Master Lei Dao? At the beginning, Master Lei took advantage of the Tianlong tribe, obtained a Tianlong tree, and ruthlessly slaughtered those top masters."

"That's right, Master Lei seems to have great luck, and every time he goes out, he can get huge gains."

"But isn't Master Lei just a master? Why does he look at his aura now, it seems...it seems to be the great master?"

"The Great Master? Yes, I didn't pay attention to the induction just now, but now I look at it, it really is the Great Master, no wonder he dared to confront the Xuanzun Great Master. But what? Master and Bull Demon Master, most of the dojo treasure house this time belongs to Bull Demon Master and Xuanzun Grand Master."

Many masters have arrived.

Although they were surprised that Lei Dao could become a great master, they saw that the treasury of the dojo was the focus of attention at present. Everyone was staring at the treasury of the dojo, wanting to get a piece of the action.

After all, this is the treasure house of saints, which can be encountered but not sought after. Only this time, they had the opportunity to see the treasure house of Yuanling Dojo because the formation of Yuanling Dojo was broken for some reason.


Lei Dao saw more and more people, but he didn't show any fear.

Step by step, he stood with his hands behind his back, and came to the sky above the treasure house, his eyes seemed to be overlooking everyone, and he said calmly, one word at a time: "Only because of this saint dojo, it was Lei who brought it down!"


Lei Dao's words immediately shocked many people.

Was the Yuanling Dojo brought down by Lei Dao?

How can this be?

No one would believe it. After all, the Yuanling Dojo is a sage dojo, and the strongest is not the gods and demons or the emperor in the dojo, but the formation.

The formation in the Yuanling Dojo was arranged by the sage himself, and no one below the sage can break through it.

But now, Lei Dao actually said that Yuanling Dojo was built by him, which means that Lei Dao broke the formation of the dojo, is this possible?

Master Xuanzun looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Master Lei, you brought down this Yuanling Dojo? This is a bit of a joke. The formation of Yuanling Dojo is the formation of a saint. Breaking, you won't say that you broke the dojo formation, right?"

Lei Dao nodded and said: "That's right, you're really right, the dojo formation was broken by Lei. Do I have to tell you the details of how I broke the dojo formation?"


The master Xuanzun didn't know what to say.

Without morals, anything is possible.

Lei Dao is so shameless that he claims to have broken the formation of the Yuanling Dojo, what else can he say?

Since there is nothing to say, it is only hands-on.

He will not give up the treasure house of the dojo.

Even the Bull Demon Master would not give up.

Generally speaking, when there are many masters in public, in fact, the masters will not really fight each other. However, if huge interests are really involved, it will be different. Even the big masters will fight each other, and even shoot.

Obviously, this treasury of the dojo is enough for Xuanzun and the master to do it openly.

"Huh? You want to rob the treasure house?"

Lei Dao's eyes narrowed slightly, and fell on Xuanzun's master.

The Great Master Xuanzun didn't speak, but his aura began to exude, which already showed his attitude.

Lei Dao turned his attention to the Bull Demon Lord again: "Bull Demon Lord, what about you?"

The two of them used to be regarded as "sympathetic to each other", and even the plan of the Hualongchi quota that the bull demon master was inspired by Lei Dao, so that the bull demon master made a fortune.

Therefore, the expression of the bull demon master is very complicated.

But when it comes to interests, he has no choice but to retreat.

After all, he has already used the Hualong Pond to restructure his physical body once. If he wants to go further, even if it is only a little bit, ordinary treasures may not be useful to him.

Only the sage's treasury in the dojo's treasury may collect treasures that are useful to him, and he doesn't want to give up.

Seeing that the Bull Demon Master didn't speak, Lei Dao suddenly nodded and said, "I understand, the benefits are touching! Senior sister once said, in the ancient continent, don't believe anyone, anyone may treat me Take a shot. But I didn’t feel such a situation before, and now, I understand, it’s just that I didn’t encounter that situation before.”

Lei Dao did understand.

Judging from the attitude of the bull demon master, he knew that the bull demon master definitely didn't want to give up the treasure house of the dojo.

"Master Lei, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to compete with you, and I'm not trying to seize the treasure for no reason. Rather, you're just one step ahead of the dojo treasure house. If you can prove that you really defeated the Yuanling Dojo, then Naturally, I will not compete for the treasure house of the dojo. Otherwise, the treasure is touching, and I will fight for it."

The bull demon master still spoke.

It's just that what he said didn't make any sense.

How to prove that Lei Dao took down the Yuanling Dojo?

If you really have that kind of strength, you don't need to prove it.


Lei Dao smiled, no matter how short his time in the ancient continent was, he still understood the meaning of this sentence.

If it is the master of the bull demon, if it is really said that the Yuanling dojo has been defeated, even if someone doubts it, who dares to let the master of the bull demon prove it?

This is identity!

This is status!

In other words, this is strength!

Lei Dao has always been relatively "subtle" and "low-key" before.

And because of his subtlety and low profile, Lei Dao has indeed received many benefits.

However, now it seems that being reserved and low-key does not seem to be in line with Lei Dao's current state. With the improvement of his strength, he will frequently compete for various treasures in the future, and it is inevitable that he will have disputes with other masters.

Does Lei Dao have to fight those masters every time?

Therefore, what Lei Dao lacks now is status, or in other words, lacks the status that his current strength should have!

"Once upon a time, there was an invincible master who claimed to be invincible across the Ming Realm, and treated Lei as nothing. But in the end, he lost, and he was defeated by Lei's injury. He lost very badly!"

"He's called the Demon Lord!"

"Now, you want me to prove how to conquer the Yuanling Dojo? Well, then Lei will prove it to you, but whether you can resist it or not depends on your ability!"

Lei Dao said every word, and his voice was heard very clearly in the ears of everyone in Yuanling Dojo.

At this time, in fact, more and more masters and great masters gathered in Yuanling Dojo. When they heard Lei Dao's words, they were all very shocked, even at a loss.


Moreover, the invincible demon lord who traversed the Ming Realm immediately reminded them of a name.

Black and white dominate!

The devil masters black and white!

The once mighty, black and white ruler of the demon lord who crossed the Ming world, was actually defeated by Lei Dao in the mouth of Lei Dao. Is this possible?


The next moment, the power of the realm in Lei Dao's body exploded, and the mighty power of the realm descended instantly. A huge phantom of the realm appeared above Lei Dao's head. There seemed to be countless worlds in it, densely packed, making people feel extremely shocked at a glance.

"This power..."

With the arrival of the power of the Thunder Dao Domain, the entire dojo was enveloped in it almost instantly.

No matter how fast the Juggernaut is, he cannot escape.

For a moment, all the masters' faces changed drastically.

"What's going on? Such a terrifying power seems to be suppressing my body. Could it be a formation?"

"No, this is not a formation, but a strange power. It is rumored that Lei's master of practice is a special practice system called the world's practice system. Could it be that this is the power of Lei's master of the world's practice system?"

"That's right, this is the power of Lord Lei, which has actually formed a force similar to a formation, suppressing us."

"Oh my god, it's impossible! Master Lei is actually suppressing all the masters in the entire dojo with his own power, including the top masters such as Lord Bull Demon. How is this possible?"

For a moment, all the rulers were shocked in their hearts.

The eyes looking at Lei Dao are even very frightening.

Didn't Lei Dao just dominate?

Even if he had just been promoted to the Grand Master, it couldn't be so terrifying, right?

It is already an unimaginable miracle to be comparable to the top masters just after being promoted to the Grand Master, unless it is the top genius in the Ming world, it is possible to be comparable to the top Grand Masters when they are just promoted.

But Lei Dao is not as simple as being comparable to the top masters.

But invincible!

Yes, Lei Dao's aura now has a faint tendency to be invincible.

Lei Dao is trying to suppress all the masters and masters in the Yuanling Dojo with his own power. What kind of domineering is this?

"The power of the domain, break it for me!"

Xuanzun's expression changed drastically.

He no longer hesitated, and immediately broke out with all his strength, trying to tear apart Lei Dao's domain.

It's a pity that Lei Dao's domain power is not so easy to tear apart.

Even the Great Master Xuanzun couldn't tear it apart.

Lei Dao walked towards Xuanzun Great Master step by step.

"Don't you want Lei to prove how to take down the Yuanling Dojo? This is it! Lei took down the Yuanling Dojo with this power!"

Lei Dao's words didn't sound like much domineering.

But now, no one can ignore Lei Dao's words.

Lei Dao's domain power exploded and suppressed everyone at once. Based on this alone, Lei Dao is the top master, not inferior to the bull demon master!

Now, everyone is staring at the Bull Demon Juggernaut.

Because, the bull demon master has not made any movement until now.

Although the ruler of the bull demon did not make any movement, everyone knew that if there was any movement from this top powerhouse who could be called the number one ruler of Pancheng, it would definitely be a shocking moment, and he could turn the situation around in an instant!

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on the Bull Demon Lord.

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