Longevity Species

Chapter 901 Ability upgrade again! (first update)

The news that Lei Dao obtained the saint's treasure house spread like wildfire, and quickly caused a sensation in Pancheng. Many masters had a "new" understanding of the famous "Lei Yi Dao".

The current "Lei Yidao" is even more ruthless than "Niu Yidao", and not only is it ruthless, it is also stronger. Even the bull demon master is no match for Lei Dao.

Although Lei Dao didn't find life-extending treasures in the treasury, it doesn't matter, Lei Dao can "realize".

He began to sell some treasures little by little. These treasures are very precious. After all, there is no ordinary treasure in the saint's collection.

Moreover, during this period of time, many masters and masters in Pancheng have gone out to snatch resources. Therefore, many masters and masters in Pancheng have obtained some good things one after another.

This is equivalent to the "wealth" of Pancheng has also greatly increased, and there are naturally many life-extending treasures among them.

Therefore, Lei Dao shot one after another, and also obtained a large number of life extension treasures.

These life-extending treasures added a lot of life to Lei Dao.

It's just that it's completely different from the past, and now Lei Dao's required lifespan is not a little bit, even 100 to 200 million years is not of much use.

What he wants is a lifespan of tens of billions of years.

Therefore, it takes a long time to accumulate, and it cannot be accumulated in a short period of time.

Time passed by little by little, and two months passed in a blink of an eye.

During this month, Lei Dao sold about 30 treasures one after another, one treasure every two days on average, and each one was more precious than the other, and more and more life-extending treasures were harvested.

"about there."

Lei Dao feels that he has encountered some difficulties in selling treasures recently. It seems that there are not many life-extending treasures.

As for other treasures, Lei Dao is not rare.

Therefore, Lei Dao thinks that Pancheng's "potential has been exhausted", and if he really wants to get more life-extending treasures, he has to wait a little longer, or go to other strongholds to exchange them.

During this period of time, Lei Dao refined life-extending treasures and gained a lot of life span. Lei Dao immediately mobilized his ability to check.

Name: Lei Dao (33 years old)

Life Form: Great Master

Lifespan: 20 billion to 10 million years

Internal world: twice the domain (expandable)

Undead Ancestor Peng Gong: Xiaocheng (can be improved)

Lei Dao glanced at his age, he was already thirty-three years old, and his realm still hadn't been improved, not to mention being an ancestor, not even an aspirant.

Moreover, with the improvement of realm and strength, Lei Dao found that it is becoming more and more difficult for him to improve a little now, not only consuming more life span, but also consuming more resources. It even took longer. It took two full months just to sell the treasures and refine life-extending treasures.

If it was in the past, two months would have been enough for Lei Dao to improve a lot.

However, Lei Dao has gained a lot in the past two months.

Thirty treasures were sold, and a lifespan of 15 billion years was obtained.

It's unimaginable.

You know, even if it was a seed of life back then, it only increased the lifespan by one billion years, and the lifespan of 15 billion years is equivalent to fifteen seeds of life.

But how precious are the seeds of life? How can it be so easy to obtain?

Treasures like life seeds are something that can be encountered but not sought after, and it is almost impossible to obtain a life seed. Lei Dao was able to obtain seventy-two life seeds, which was almost a stroke of luck.

But even so, the quality is not enough, and Lei Dao relies on quantity to make up. Anyway, during this period of time, the masters have obtained a lot of resources. The accumulation of various resources has also increased Lei Dao's lifespan by 15 billion years. Adding the previous life span of 5 billion years, it just reached 20 billion years. years of life.

"Twenty billion years of lifespan is enough to improve the Undead Zu Penggong!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Lei Dao immediately began to improve the Undead Zu Peng Gong.

"Promote the Undead Ancestor Peng Gong to great success!"


As Lei Dao's voice fell, Lei Dao's Zu Peng divine body immediately manifested, from small to great, this is a gradual process, but Lei Dao relies on supernatural powers to complete this process in a short period of time finished.

There will naturally be great pain in it.

However, pain is only a trivial matter, and what Lei Dao is least afraid of is pain.

Even, Lei Dao still has a little expectation, he has now focused his practice on the Undead Ancestor Peng Gong, because that is the way of his ancestor!

Perhaps, his ancestor's path must be continued by the immortal ancestor penggong, so he is naturally valued by Lei Dao.

With the passage of time, Lei Dao's Zu Peng divine body is constantly transforming, with stronger power, stronger defense, and even more sensitive to space.


After a long time, Lei Dao let out a long sigh of relief, and he opened his eyes.

"It's done! Zu Peng's divine body is complete!"

Lei Dao's Zu Peng's divine body has been completed, and he can clearly feel that Zu Peng's divine body has been improved in all aspects, whether it is strength, defense, or speed.

Of course, the sense of space is also crucial.

Lei Dao reckoned that if he tried to travel through space again, it might not only be ten steps, but hundreds of steps!

And entering the space channel seems to be a little easier.

Since the Kunpeng clan created the Undead Ancestral Peng Gong, in fact, no Kunpeng master has been able to cultivate the Immortal Ancestral Peng Gong to the stage of great success.

Therefore, Lei Dao is also the only master of the Ming Realm who has cultivated the Immortal Ancestor Peng Gong to great success.

This is Leidao's advantage!

If it is really possible to travel hundreds of steps, and it is easier to travel through space, it can even play some role in battle, such as teleportation, or flash.

Once Lei Dao was in the Ming Realm, when Kunpeng's divine body was accomplished, he could also flash.

It's similar in the ancient continent.

"try it."

Lei Dao's heart moved, and suddenly, his Zu Peng divine body burst out with all its power, and it actually got into the space channel directly, and it took a short time.


The next moment, Lei Dao had already appeared at the other end of the cave.

"Sure enough, I can travel through space for hundreds of steps, but it's only a hundred steps. This is the limit."

Lei Dao felt quite satisfied.

Traveling through the space for hundreds of steps, very few people can stop Lei Dao in the ancient continent. Even in some dangerous places, Lei Dao can go there.

Even, Lei Dao thought, should he break into the dojo of other saints again? At that time, there will be a steady stream of treasures.

The idea is tempting, but also dangerous.

If Lei Dao really did this, after thinking about it, when these saints return, will there be a large number of saints chasing Pancheng to kill Lei Dao?

Just thinking about this scene makes me shudder.

At that time, even the Ancestral Disk will not be able to cover it, right?

"By the way, the key is the Undead Zu Penggong, can it be directly promoted to perfection?"

Raidou took a deep breath.

Consummation is achieved after the undead ancestor Peng has made great achievements.

But whether it can be consummated, and whether it will really be comparable to the ancestors as the top master of the Kunpeng clan deduced after consummation, Lei Dao does not know.

Therefore, Lei Dao focused on the ability.

Lei Dao saw the mark on the back of the Immortal Zu Penggong at a glance.

"Can it be improved?"

Lei Dao was very excited.

It can be improved, and when the Undead Ancestor Peng Gong reaches a great achievement, it can still be improved.

"The conditions are not enough to improve."

Lei Dao originally wanted to give it a try, to see how much lifespan it would take to upgrade to the perfection of the Undead Ancestral Peng Gong, but it didn't show how much lifespan it would take, instead a reminder of "insufficient conditions" appeared.

This is unprecedented.

Lei Dao has used the ability for so long, and he is very familiar with the ability.

There has never been a situation of "insufficient conditions" in the ability.

In Lei Dao's eyes, abilities have always been omnipotent. As long as there is a lifespan, there is no skill that cannot be improved by abilities.

But now, it does not show that the life expectancy is insufficient, but the conditions are insufficient, which is intriguing.

"The conditions are insufficient, which means that no matter how long the lifespan is, it cannot be improved. But it does not say that it cannot be improved. In other words, as long as the conditions are met, can it be improved to perfection?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, and he had some guesses.

However, what are the conditions for satisfying the Undead Zu Peng Gong? Lei Dao was also at a loss.

"The ability encounters a skill that cannot be improved, and a new situation arises. The ability is fully prepared. During the perfection period, it cannot be used..."

Afterwards, the ability was completely silent, and there was no more movement, and Lei Dao couldn't sense the ability, as if the ability never existed.

Lei Dao was shocked.

It is not the first time that the ability has been silent. In the past, the ability was relatively regular and silent. Lei Dao felt that it was an "upgrade", and the ability after the "upgrade" was destined to be more perfect.

But the ability has not been "upgraded" for a long time. Lei Dao felt that the function of the ability was already perfect. He did not expect to encounter the Undead Zu Penggong now, which would lead to the "upgrade" of the ability.

However, Lei Dao was very happy.

It is a good thing to upgrade the ability, but during this period, he can no longer use the ability.

Anyway, the Undead Ancestor Peng Art has been upgraded to a great achievement, and the ability will not be needed in a short time. After all, it will take a while to accumulate lifespan.

Lei Dao only hopes that the supernatural ability can be "perfected" as soon as possible. At that time, maybe the immortal ancestor penggong can be directly promoted to the perfect state. The road to the ancestors was broken.

"Master, the Bull Demon Ruler is visiting."

Suddenly, the spirit swallowing patriarch reported to Lei Dao outside the secret room.

"The Bull Demon Lord?"

Lei Dao felt a little strange.

This time he was in the Yuanling Dojo, and he had a very unpleasant fight with the bull demon master.

Now the bull demon master came to him, why?

However, the Lord Bull Demon came to visit in person after all, and Lei Dao couldn't avoid seeing him. Besides, his ability was being upgraded now, and Lei Dao's lifespan was exhausted, so it was time to leave the secret room.

"Invite the bull demon master into the cave."

After Lei Dao ordered, he also got up and left the secret room.

ps: The state is not good these days, the second and third updates are later, try to be before 18:00.

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