Longevity Species

Chapter 902 Too ruthless, this is going out of the house! (Second more)

In the hall of the cave mansion, the Bull Demon Master was waiting quietly with his eyes closed.

This time when he returned to Pancheng, the bull demon ruler reflected on it.

I found that he has indeed been a little swollen recently.

Since getting the Hualong Pond, the bull demon ruler has grown a little swollen, feeling that no one is his opponent, but the number one master of Pancheng.

Now that he was defeated by Lei Dao and his momentum plummeted, he seemed to suddenly realize it.

What is the number one ruler of Pancheng is just a false name.

What is his purpose in coming to the ancient continent?

Achievement ancestor!

That's the only purpose!

In the face of achieving the goal of the ancestor, what is the use of the false name of the first master? It doesn't do anything at all.

This time, although the bull demon master obtained the most precious sycamore wood of the Huofeng tribe, in fact, the sycamore wood did not help him in his cultivation.

Now, with the help of Hualongchi, the Bull Demon Lord has reorganized his physical body once, so he has finally reached the critical point. If you go one step further, you will be an asker!

The bull demon master has been "finding the way" recently. He wants to find the path of the ancestor, find the direction to achieve the ancestor, and then embark on the path of the ancestor and become an aspirant.

It's just that he kept looking for it, but he couldn't find it.

This is because his chances are not enough, he needs some great treasures, some incredible treasures. And such a treasure is hard to come by, and any top master who got it would never trade it.

Therefore, even if the Bull Demon Lord is very "rich" now, owns the Longchi, and even relies on the Longchi's quota, I don't know how many treasures he has obtained, but none of the treasures that help him embark on the path of the ancestors are worthless. No.

Such a treasure, which top master is not dreaming of it, and wants to get it at all costs?

And now, the opportunity has come!

Saint treasure house!

Lei Dao got the treasure house of saints!

This made the bull demon ruler extremely envious. After all, how many good things are there in the saint's treasure house? I'm afraid that some of them will be of great benefit to these top masters.

It can even help people ask questions!

Yes, just ask!

There is no shortage of such examples in the ancient continent. Some sages gave treasures to some top emperors, and as a result, they really realized some avenues and became aspirants.

Of course, the aspirant is the aspirant, and the sage is the sage.

Becoming an aspirant does not mean that one can become a saint, and even most aspirants cannot become saints.

The Ming Realm is the same.

The number of aspirants is actually not small, but how many can be the ancestors? In this era, there is only the ancestor Shang alone.

But even so, you have to become an aspirant to have a chance to become the first ancestor. The bull demon master has not become an aspirant now. He only hopes to get a treasure and have the opportunity to become an aspirant. For this reason, he is willing to spare no effort. All the price!

So, the bull demon master came here.

There is nothing he can do if he is envious of the saint's treasure house. After all, the bull demon master can't beat Lei Dao. Since he can't beat Lei Dao, he has to find another way.

Some treasures are even used for trading.

Perhaps, this is the opportunity for the Bull Demon to dominate.

"Lord of the bull demon, come here, Lei Mou welcomes you from afar."

Soon, Lei Dao finally appeared.

"Master Lei, please be polite, I took the liberty to visit and disturbed Master Lei."

The bull demon ruler also said with a smile.

The two of them were acquainted with each other before, and although they had some unpleasant experiences in the Yuanling Dojo, in the final analysis, it was all for their own interests. What's more, the Bull Demon Master didn't even make a move at that time.

"Master the Bull Demon, what orders do you have here?"

"Where do you dare to order Master Lei? In fact, I am here this time to ask for something."

"Is there anything you want to ask? Please speak directly, Lord Bull Demon."

"It's very simple. Master Lei got the treasure house of the Yuanling Dojo this time, which is the treasure house of saints. I want to know, is there any treasure in the treasure house that can help people ask? If so, please tell Master Lei truthfully. I am willing Pay any price and trade that treasure with Master Lei."

"A treasure that helps people ask questions?"

Lei Dao pondered for a long time, and immediately thought of the complete destructive power, isn't that a treasure that can help people ask questions?

Originally, Lei Dao wanted to publicize this complete power of destruction, and then choose an opportunity to auction it off. However, if the Lord Bull Demon can give something that satisfies Lei Dao, then Lei Dao doesn't mind handing over the complete power of destruction to the Lord Bull Demon.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao smiled and said, "How precious is this treasure that helps people ask questions? However, there is indeed such a thing in the treasure house of the dojo, but I don't know if it is the treasure that the bull demon master needs."

"What treasure?"

The Bull Demon Lord's eyes lit up.

He was right. In the treasure house of the sage, there are really treasures that can help people ask questions.

"A complete force of destruction!"

Lei Dao said directly.

"Is... is it the tribulation power of the Great Tribulation of the Era?"

The bull demon master immediately became agitated, and even his voice trembled a little.

"The robbery power? That's right, it's the robbery power of the Great Tribulation of the Era."

Raidou nodded.

This complete power of destruction is indeed the power of the last great calamity of the Era, which was intercepted by the sage Yuan, and has been kept until now.

Seeing Lei Dao nodding, the bull demon ruler became even more excited.

The power of the Great Tribulation of the Era!

And it's still a complete robbery!

This is simply unbelievable. You must know that although Jieli can destroy everything and shatter everything, in the same way, Jieli will also carry some traces while destroying.

If it is a complete power of destruction, it can carry most of the traces of the era that was destroyed, and there are some avenues in it.

If you feel it for a long time, you may be able to be touched and embark on the path of the ancestor.

A complete destructive power is the most ideal treasure among bull demon masters to help people ask questions, no, it is even beyond the imagination of bull demon masters.

"Master Lei, do you dare to ask this complete destructive force, can you give it away? I know that although Master Lei is the most powerful in Pancheng, many people have even heard that Master Lei has embarked on the path of the ancestor, and they have already started asking. But in fact, Master Lei should only be tyrannical in strength, but in terms of realm, it should not have reached the point of asking, this complete destructive power is of no use to Master Lei right now."

The Bull Demon Lord said cautiously.

He is not stupid either. After confronting Lei Dao in the Yuanling Dojo, he faintly noticed that Lei Dao seemed to be different from other aspirants. Lei Dao only had strong power, which was comparable to that of aspirants.

But in terms of realm, maybe Lei Dao is not an aspirant.

This is also easy to explain, how long did it take for Lei Dao to become a master? There are many ways to improve the strength, but the improvement of the realm is not so easy, it takes time to accumulate.

Lei Dao said with a smile: "Master the Bull Demon, you guessed right, Lei can't use this complete power of destruction for the time being. However, this is only temporary. If Lei reaches the critical point one day, use It is the most suitable to come to understand."

"What's more, if this complete shattering force is publicly auctioned, the bull demon master should know, what a huge sensation it will cause?"

Raidou still smiled.

His meaning is also very clear, this complete destructive power is not worrying about selling!

If he wanted, Lei Dao could sell it at a very high price, and he didn't have to trade with the bull demon master.

The bull demon master's mouth twitched slightly.

He understood what Lei Dao meant.

Lei Dao is known as "Lei Yi Dao", and this method of killing people is not bad, even his "Niu Yi Dao" is nothing in front of Lei Dao.

Lei Dao's intention was clearly to "slay a knife" to the bull demon master, but the key point is that the bull demon master is now willing to be "slaughtered" by Lei Dao.

"Master Lei, I understand what you mean. For a complete destructive power, I can pay any price!"

The bull demon ruler said firmly.

"Any price? Are you sure?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

The reason why he talked so much with the Bull Demon Lord was naturally because he liked some things about the Bull Demon Lord, otherwise, how could he have talked so much with the Bull Demon Lord?

"Yes, any price!"

The bull demon ruler has already made up his mind. No matter what price he pays, he must find a treasure that helps others to ask. He must embark on the path of the ancestor and become an aspirant. Only in this way can he have the opportunity to become the ancestor.

Even if the chance is slim, he is willing to give it a try.

Lei Dao narrowed his eyes slightly and began to ponder.

If the ruler of the entire Pancheng is the wealthiest, he might not necessarily be Lei Dao.

The reason is simple. Although Lei Dao has obtained a lot of treasures this time, it will take time for these treasures to be realized. Secondly, and most importantly, his treasures are limited.

In the entire Pancheng, the richest ruler right now is undoubtedly the bull demon ruler!

There is only one reason, and that is Hualongchi!

At the beginning, the bull demon master created a hundred quotas for Hualongchi, and almost plundered all the treasures in Pancheng. Even many top masters of Shangcheng, or some very wealthy masters came to Pancheng, and the All the treasures accumulated over the years have been exchanged for a place in Longchi.

After all the 100 quotas have been cashed out, do you think it's over?

That would be naive.

The bull demon master turned around and released another 100 places...

For a moment, the entire Pancheng, even Shangcheng, countless masters and great masters were dumbfounded.

Dare to love the 100 quotas that Bull Demon Master kept talking about before, it is impossible to use up Longchi at all. After the 100 quotas are sold out, there will be another 100 quotas!

This is simply...too ruthless!

Even Lei Dao, who knew the "operation" of the bull devil master, felt that it was too ruthless, even more ruthless than him, worthy of the title of "Niu Yidao".

But now, in front of Lei Dao, the famous Niu Yidao was willingly "slaughtered" by Lei Dao, and it was so ruthless that even the bull demon master was dumbfounded.

"Lei's condition is very simple. Give me all the treasures dominated by the bull demon, including the Longchi, including the treasures that were auctioned for the previous 100 places! Well, the cave can be kept, and the bull demon can't be allowed to sleep on the streets. A master still needs a bit of decency."

This is Raidou's condition.

Except for the cave, everything that the bull demon dominates must be given to Lei Dao, this is the condition of Lei Dao's deal!

The Bull Demon Master was dumbfounded.

Too cruel!

What's this?

This is going out of the house!

He slaughtered people all the year round, and now he was finally slaughtered!

ps: The status is not right today, so there will be two updates temporarily. Lao Yue adjusted his status as soon as possible.

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