Longevity Species

Chapter 904 The Ancestor's Road to

Lei Dao emptied the cave of the Bull Demon Lord, and even forced the Bull Demon Lord to retreat. It also made the Bull Demon Lord truly see the power of "Lei Yidao".

However, Lei Dao did not obtain many life extension treasures.

The treasures he obtained from the bull demon ruler had to be slowly exchanged for life-extending treasures. However, when he released the news of Hualongchi, the entire Pancheng and Shangcheng were shocked.

There are countless eyes are watching Lei Dao.

Although this made Lei Dao feel a little uncomfortable, it is also beneficial, that is, his every move can quickly spread to the entire Pancheng and even Shangcheng, which also brought great benefits to his "trading" of life-extending treasures .

In the following time, Lei Dao has been slowly selling the treasures in his hands.

Whether it's the treasures dominated by the Bull Demon, or the treasures in the sage's treasury, in short, they are all selling these treasures bit by bit. Even in strongholds other than Shangcheng and Pancheng, Leidao's treasures were circulated, adding to Leidao's power.

Time passed little by little.

In a blink of an eye, three months passed by.

For Lei Dao, this may be the most peaceful three months he has stayed in the ancient continent. In these three months, he has never left Pancheng, and even rarely left his own cave.

The only thing he did was to keep selling treasures, and then obtained a large number of life-extending treasures, and then he gradually refined these life-extending treasures.

As for how much life expectancy will be increased, Lei Dao is not clear either.

However, Lei Dao could feel that his vitality was too strong, far exceeding any time.

After almost all the treasures were sold by Lei Dao, Lei Dao's vitality had reached an extremely terrifying point. Lei Dao suspected that the increased lifespan this time could even be comparable to seventy-two life seeds.

Last time, the seventy-two life seeds brought huge benefits to Lei Dao, with a lifespan of tens of billions of years.

It's just that Lei Dao's ability has not been upgraded yet, and Lei Dao doesn't know how much life the life-extending treasure will bring him this time.

"It's been three months, the ability should be upgraded soon, right?"

Lei Dao now only hopes that the ability will be upgraded soon.

In any case, he wanted to see if he could continue the path of his ancestor.

"Drip, the ability is initially perfected."

Lei Dao was closing his eyes to rest, suddenly, a familiar voice sounded in his mind, Lei Dao was overjoyed, and opened his eyes suddenly.

"The ability has finally been upgraded. I don't know what kind of changes will happen after this upgrade?"

Lei Dao is also full of expectations.

So, he immediately mobilized his abilities to check his body data.

Name: Lei Dao (33 years old)

Life Form: Great Master

Lifespan: 53 billion 10 million years

Internal world: twice the domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 1% (Kunpeng bloodline mastery)

Lei Dao looked at the ability that had just been "upgraded", with a look of surprise on his face.

His lifespan has reached 53 billion. Obviously, during this time, he sold the treasures in the sage's treasury and all the treasures of the Lord of the Bull Demon, and then exchanged for life-extending treasures with a lifespan of almost 53 billion. .

Obviously, it is not as good as the seventy-two seeds of life.

However, this also proves how rare those seventy-two life seeds are, Lei Dao is so lucky to be able to get them.

Of course, there is also Hualongchi in Leidao.

You can also get various treasures continuously.

Lei Dao was not surprised by the lifespan of more than 50 billion years. What really surprised him was that an "ancestral bloodline" suddenly appeared on the ability panel, and it only reached 1% of the progress.

There is also a reminder later that the Kunpeng blood of the ancestor's blood has reached great success.

But there is no immortal Zu Penggong.

How is this going?

Lei Dao immediately concentrated his mind, and all his attention was focused on the information of "ancestral blood".

Soon, Lei Dao got a piece of information in his mind.

It turned out that this ancestor's bloodline came from the Immortal Ancestral Peng Gong. Originally, the Immortal Ancestral Peng Gong could be directly improved by means of omnipotent supernatural powers.

But the undead Zu Penggong was originally a derived method, which is very imprecise and imperfect. Even the so-called perfect state of this technique does not exist at all, it is completely "thought" by imagination.


The improvement of abilities must be based on "facts" before they can be improved.

The perfect state of Undead Zu Peng Gong is not based on facts at all, so naturally, even supernatural powers cannot be improved. But the power is omnipotent. Since the flaws of the Undead Zupeng Art were detected, it made up for the defects of the Immortal Zupeng Art.

Therefore, there is today's "ancestral bloodline".

The so-called ancestral bloodline is actually a system "created" based on the power of the immortal ancestor Peng, called the bloodline system.

The Immortal Zupeng Art, the top master of the Kunpeng clan, created the Immortal Zupeng Art based on blood. It's just not perfect, and it's very imperfect.

Practicing the Undead Ancestor Peng Gong, no matter how outstanding the talent is, it will not be able to become the first ancestor. This has nothing to do with talent, but only with skills. After all, the skills of Immortal Zu Peng Gong are not perfect.

According to the information provided by the ability.

The Undead Zupeng Kungfu is cultivated by the Kunpeng bloodline, and now it has reached a great achievement, and there is no way to advance. If you want to continue to improve and reach the ancestor, you must continue to practice other bloodlines, and then integrate into the Kunpeng bloodline.

In that way, the value of the ancestor's bloodline will increase.

From one percent to one hundred percent.

Once it reaches 100%, it will be the ancestor!

Therefore, this ancestor's bloodline is actually an ancestor's road!

"The road of the ancestor? So, I am considered to have embarked on the road of the ancestor?"

Lei Dao was a little baffled.

Even if he embarked on the path of the ancestor?

Didn't it mean that the road to the ancestors is very difficult and requires comprehension?

Why didn't he have any comprehension, and the ability directly followed him on the path of the ancestor? And most importantly, his ancestor's bloodline has reached one percent.

That also means that he has stepped into the path of the ancestor.

What's the matter?

Anyway, Lei Dao is very confused now, unknowingly, he has embarked on the road of the ancestor so inexplicably.

"But the blood of the ancestors can fuse various bloods, but which bloods are useful? Or, which bloods are needed?"

Lei Dao thought again.

This is a key question.

The choice of blood!

For example, Lei Dao's Kunpeng bloodline has been cultivated to the peak, and even the Immortal Ancestral Peng Gong has reached the state of great success, which is almost impossible for any Kunpeng master to reach, but it was achieved by Lei Dao.

But even Dacheng's Kunpeng bloodline, in the evaluation of the ancestor's bloodline in terms of abilities, is only positioned by one percent.

According to this standard, wouldn't Lei Dao have to look for bloodlines of the same level as Kunpeng's bloodline, and cultivate them to the peak, and then fuse them into the ancestor bloodline.

Wouldn't it be necessary to find another ninety-nine top bloodlines?

"It's so difficult, it's almost impossible to complete..."

Lei Dao shook his head, he felt that it was too difficult. The Kunpeng bloodline is already the top bloodline in the Ming world, how difficult is it to find ninety-nine top bloodlines comparable to the Kunpeng bloodline?

Lei Dao doesn't know if there are ninety-nine types in the Ming Realm, even if there are, it must be very difficult.

Even Lei Dao finds it difficult, let alone other masters?

However, Lei Dao is also very clear that if the cultivation method of the "ancestral bloodline" is spread, it will be a hundred times more difficult, and there will probably be countless masters flocking to it, frantically wanting to practice.

the reason is simple.

This does not require comprehension of any avenues!

There is no need to work hard to find the illusory limit.

You only need to follow the steps, find the top bloodline, and then practice slowly, and then integrate into one body, and you will naturally be able to embark on the path of the ancestor.

This is equivalent to having a practice method that can clearly lead to the ancestor, who would take the difficulties to heart?

Even for Lei Dao, he found it difficult, but in fact, he had to try it.

After all, this is the road to the ancestors!

Can lead to the ancestors.

In his world practice system, when the ancestor's path is cut off, the practice of the ancestor's blood can safely achieve the ancestor, so why not do it?

Many thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind.

The ability has found him a path to the ancestor, which is naturally a surprise.

However, Lei Dao also had to have some plans.

What if you can't find so many top bloodlines?

This is also a problem.

Moreover, if you want to find so many top bloodlines, you have to improve your strength, and you have to be very strong. Otherwise, even if you find it, you will never get the method of cultivation.

Who would hand over the core cultivation techniques to others?


Lei Dao knew in his heart that strength is the foundation of everything.

"To improve the strength, we can start from the realm. Now the realm can continue to expand, and every time it expands, the strength will change drastically."

Lei Dao has already made a decision.

He is going to improve the internal realm first.

Expand several times first.

But don't use up your lifespan all at once, you can consume part of it first, and then keep a part for emergency needs. After all, once he finds the second top bloodline, Lei Dao also needs to spend his life to cultivate.

No life is absolutely impossible.

To expand the domain twice, it takes five billion years of life, which is equivalent to expanding the size of a domain. Currently, Lei Dao's domain is twice the domain.

Lei Dao thought for a while, and said directly: "Then increase the realm by eight times, and increase the realm to ten times."

Without the slightest hesitation, Lei Dao immediately mobilized his abilities and began to expand the domain.


A large number of lifespans are being consumed crazily. To increase the realm by eight times, it will need to consume a full 40 billion years of lifespan. This is no longer consuming part of life, but most of life.

However, in order to improve his strength, Lei Dao also thinks it is worth it!

The next moment, there was a roar in Lei Dao's body.

The double domain in the body seemed to be injected with a lot of energy all of a sudden, and began to expand crazily.

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