Longevity Species

Chapter 905 Finally found the right direction! (third change)


Unparalleled fun!

This kind of pleasure made Lei Dao addicted to it.

He hadn't felt this kind of "pleasure" for a long, long time.

After all, 40 billion years of lifespan was consumed all at once, which is a very big deal.

The lifespan of 40 billion years has brought earth-shaking changes to Lei Dao's inner body.



Crazy expansion!

Lei Dao's inner body realm suddenly skyrocketed, starting from twice the realm and skyrocketing crazily,

Triple realm, quadruple realm, fivefold realm, sixfold realm, sevenfold realm...

It is unimaginable that Lei Dao's internal body boundary has expanded so much. If you practice step by step, even for hundreds of millions of years, it may not necessarily double the size of the realm.

This way of promotion can only be used by Lei Dao.

Even if he is the master of the sword, if he wants to expand the domain in the future, it will take a long time and accumulate bit by bit. Even if it is from the beginning of the era to the last twelve trillion years, the end of the era, I am afraid that the master of the sword will not be able to expand to a hundred times the level of the realm.

But Raidou is different.

He has supernatural powers, he just needs to work hard to find life-extending treasures to increase his lifespan.

As long as he has a lifespan, Lei Dao feels that even if he doesn't have the path of the ancestor, he can forcibly walk out of the path of the ancestor, and the ability is his greatest confidence!

Lei Dao's internal body realm is still improving crazily, and his strength has expanded by an unknown number of times.

Seven times the realm, eight times the realm, nine times the realm, ten times the realm!

Finally, Lei Dao expanded the internal realm to ten times the extent of the realm, and his 40 billion-year lifespan was exhausted, and the internal realm gradually subsided.

Lei Dao mobilized his ability to check his current physical data.

Name: Lei Dao (33 years old)

Life Form: Great Master

Lifespan: 13 billion 10 million years

Inner world: ten times domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 1% (Kunpeng bloodline mastery)

Lei Dao's internal body world has really reached ten times the realm, and his strength has increased by an unknown number of times. But Lei Dao has no limit, or in other words, there is no feeling of shackles at all.

Could it be that there is no limit to the realm in his body?

"No, there must be a limit, but the limit has not been reached yet. That is to say, in a short time, we can continue to expand the internal domain."

Lei Dao was a little moved.

There are 13 billion years left in his lifespan, and it seems that he can support the expansion of the domain twice.

It's really tempting.

But Lei Dao thought about it, and finally decided to endure the restlessness in his heart. This 13 billion-year lifespan is still of great use. If he finds the top bloodline, but has no lifespan to practice, then how can it be Isn't it troublesome?

"Blood, the most important thing now is to find the blood!"

Lei Dao took a deep breath, his eyes flickering constantly.

The bloodline is very important, it is related to whether he can become the ancestor, so he will put all his energy on the search for the top bloodline.

But is it so easy to find top bloodlines?

"Spirit-swallowing Patriarch."

Lei Dao summoned the ancestor of swallowing spirit.

Ever since Patriarch Tunling followed him, Lei Dao felt that Patriarch Tunling was really useless, wasn't he the famous Patriarch Tunling? Back then, he was so high-spirited and arrogant, why did he stay so low-key when he came under his command?

"Master, what are your orders?"

The spirit swallowing ancestor said cautiously.

Could he not be careful?

Since he followed Lei Dao, he has seen too many masters and top masters, all of whom were defeated and killed by Lei Dao. What else can he do?

Therefore, in front of Lei Dao, Patriarch Tun Ling tried his best to keep a low profile, and he was not qualified to be high profile. He was already very calm if he didn't tremble in front of Lei Dao.

"Looking for exercises, um, whether it is the Ming Realm or the ancient continent, I will find all the exercises for cultivating blood, as long as the top blood."

"A top bloodline technique? Master, what is a top bloodline?"

Lei Dao raised his eyebrows.

Indeed, it is difficult to determine whether it is a top bloodline.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao simply ordered: "Collect all the well-known bloodline cultivation methods in Ming Realm and Desolate Ancient Continent. You can use some treasures, which should be enough to collect."

"Yes, master."

The patriarch Tun Ling left respectfully. Although he didn't know what the use of Lei Dao's collection of blood was for practicing exercises, he didn't need to think about it now, he just needed to execute Lei Dao's order.

The ancestor Tunling soon began to buy up bloodlines to practice exercises in Pancheng, and collected all the famous bloodlines. Moreover, the spirit-swallowing patriarch collected them in the name of Lei Dao, so the collection speed was very fast.

After all, Lei Dao is now the No. 1 ruler of Pancheng in name, and his status has already surpassed the ruler of the bull demon, and his influence is very huge.

Although those bloodline practice methods are also quite precious, they are generally not passed on to the outside world.

But ancestor Tunling used treasures to open the way, how could he fail to collect them?

In just a few days, the ancestor of Tunling collected a large number of bloodline cultivation methods, and then gathered in front of Lei Dao, and will continue to collect bloodline cultivation methods in the future.

Lei Dao was in the secret room, flipping through the exercises one after another. These exercises are all exercises for bloodline cultivation, and they only target certain bloodlines.

Some bloodlines are not top-notch, but they are also very well-known.

For example, the blood of the giant spirit.

The giant spirit clan is a top clan in the ancient continent, and the giant spirit bloodline is also very powerful. However, Lei Dao felt that it should be inferior to the Kunpeng bloodline, not the top bloodline.

However, it is also very good.

Lei Dao also collected the skills of the giant spirit clan, and even Lei Dao defeated a giant spirit emperor in the Ming world.

That was the top emperor of the Giant Spirit Clan, but in the Ming Realm, there was no Dao, and he couldn't exert much power, so he was beheaded by Lei Dao.

But there is a characteristic of the giant spirit clan's skills, that is, without the giant spirit clan's blood, it is impossible to practice at all.

How can there be giant spirit blood in Lei Dao's body?

After all, Lei Dao is a genuine practitioner of the Ming Realm.

"Can't you practice without the blood of the giant spirit?"

Lei Dao felt a little strange.

He also doesn't have the blood of the Kunpeng clan, but he can also cultivate the Kunpeng divine body.

"By the way, it's a divine body! The human divine body seems to be very special, and can practice many bloodline methods?"

Lei Dao had never discovered this advantage before.

Even not only Lei Dao, but even the masters of human beings, no one has discovered the advantages of human divine bodies.

The divine body of human beings seems to be just a derivative of the world's practice system, which has always been ignored. After all, compared to those physical body cultivation systems, the effect of spiritual body cultivation alone seems to be a little worse.

Not up or down, without very prominent characteristics, the human divine body will naturally not be valued.

But now, Lei Dao discovered that the human divine body is actually a "panacea", and it doesn't affect any blood.

"Try it."

Lei Dao is going to try the practice method of the giant spirit clan.

The practice method of the giant spirit clan is very simple, and what Lei Dao obtained is the practice method of the emperor level. Whether or not the divine body can be cultivated, Lei Dao has to try it.

If the attempt is successful, then the human divine body will have a unique special ability.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao no longer hesitated, and began to study the practice method of the giant spirit clan with great concentration. As long as he can get started, he can improve the practice method of the giant spirit clan, thereby strengthening the blood of the giant spirit clan.

One day, two days, three days...

As time passed day by day, the Giant Spirit Race was after all practitioners of the ancient continent. They are born with infinite strength, so the method of cultivation is very different from other cultivation methods in the ancient continent

On the contrary, it is somewhat similar to the practice system of the Ming Realm.

Lei Dao used his divine body to practice the Dharma of the Giant Spirit Clan, and he didn't feel a little obscure. In just three days, he actually got started.

"Three days to get started! I don't know how much lifespan it takes to upgrade to Xiaocheng with the giant spirit clan skills?"

With a move in Lei Dao's heart, he immediately mobilized his abilities.

"Will it consume one billion years of lifespan to improve the blood of the giant spirit to a small success?"


Without the slightest hesitation, Lei Dao immediately promoted the bloodline of the giant spirit clan.

However, Lei Dao had a bad premonition in his heart.

The blood of the giant spirit race seemed to be weaker than he imagined. After all, Zu Peng's bloodline needed ten billion years of lifespan from entry to small success.

Now, it only needs a lifespan of one billion years.

This shows that the Juling bloodline is far inferior to the Kunpeng bloodline.

Lei Dao is also not sure whether improving the blood of the giant spirit can strengthen the blood of the ancestors.

But he also had to try.

Lei Dao was shaken all over, having consumed a billion years of life, and his giant spirit bloodline had also been promoted to Xiaocheng, Lei Dao felt as if his whole body was infinitely powerful, and some slight changes had taken place.

But that's all.

"Upgrade to Dacheng!"

Lei Dao spent another two billion years of lifespan to upgrade the blood of the giant spirit to Dacheng.

But it still didn't change the ancestor's bloodline.

"The bloodline of the giant spirit has been raised to perfection."

As soon as Lei Dao gritted his teeth, he simply consumed another five billion years of lifespan to raise the blood of the giant spirit to a perfect state!


This time, Lei Dao finally felt the changes in his divine body. The perfect blood of the giant spirit clan and the blood of the Kunpeng clan seemed to be gradually merging.

Lei Dao consumed a full eight billion years of lifespan and raised the Giant Spirit Race to the realm of perfection.

Therefore, Lei Dao immediately mobilized his abilities to check his physical condition.

Name: Lei Dao (33 years old)

Life Form: Great Master

Lifespan: 5 billion 10 million years

Inner world: ten times domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 1% (Kunpeng's bloodline is perfect, Giant Spirit's bloodline is perfect)

"Huh? The blood of the ancestors is still only one percent?"

Lei Dao's face changed slightly, and he frowned.

Does the blood of the giant spirit clan have no effect?

That's not necessarily true!

After all, the ability has already shown that the ancestor's bloodline already includes the Kunpeng bloodline and the giant spirit's bloodline, but why did it not add any ancestor bloodline when it was integrated into the giant spirit's bloodline in the perfect state?

There is probably only one reason.

That is not enough!

The blood of the giant spirit is far from enough to increase the blood of the ancestor by one percent.

After all, Dacheng's Kunpeng bloodline has only reached one percent of the ancestor's bloodline.

How can the blood of the giant spirit compare to the blood of the Kunpeng?

"So, cultivating bloodlines is useful. However, it must be a very powerful bloodline, even a top-notch bloodline. Otherwise, no matter how much you integrate, it will not improve the ancestor's bloodline."

Lei Dao also gradually understood in his heart that ordinary blood does not have much effect. It must be a strong bloodline, even the top bloodline is the best.

If there are a few more giant spirit bloodlines, maybe the ancestor's bloodline can reach 2%.

"It seems that there is still a long way to go if we want to become the ancestor by condensing the blood!"

Lei Dao's heart was heavy.

Although it is difficult, he finally has a direction to fight for. He is not afraid of hard work and difficulties, even if he can't find the direction.

And now, Lei Dao has obviously found the right direction!

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