Longevity Species

Chapter 907: The Great Kindness Thunder? (Second more)

The Master of Galaxy hesitated for a moment, but finally he gritted his teeth and seemed to have made a decision: "Junior Brother Lei, thank you for your invitation, but I still won't go to this Innate Secret Realm."

"Really not going?"

Lei Dao didn't expect the Master of Galaxy to actually refuse, that is the Innate Secret Realm, and countless top Masters are scrambling to enter the Innate Secret Realm.

"Don't worry, Lei still has some understanding of his own strength. Even if there are many strong people in the innate secret realm, and there are even aspirants, we will not suffer in the innate secret realm. At least, Lei can protect your safety .”

Lei Dao thought that the Master of Galaxy was afraid of his own safety.

After all, the Innate Secret Realm is a place where countless top masters are competing for. The strength of the Galaxy Master is indeed inferior to those top masters.

However, there is Lei Dao, so there is no danger.

Master Xinghe shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Junior Brother Lei, I'm not worried about safety issues. With Junior Brother Lei here, where is there any safety issue? I just think that what I have obtained now is enough. I have practiced for several days in Pancheng. Ten years is enough. Besides, my strength is too weak. In the Ming Realm, I still think it is okay, but in the ancient continent, I have not reached the level of the top master, and almost have no qualifications to compete."

"So, this time, I won't join in the fun in the Innate Secret Realm. Even if I go, what else can I get besides some resources? I'd better raise my strength to the level of the top master first, and even try to go if I can't get in. adventure."

Lei Dao suddenly realized, but he didn't expect the Master of Galaxy to be able to know himself so clearly. Moreover, what is even more commendable is that the Master of the Galaxy can clearly know what he needs and can refuse the "temptation".

The Innate Secret Realm is a place that countless top masters have dreamed of, but the master of the Galaxy has rejected it abruptly because of his clear positioning of himself.

He knew his current strength, even if he had Lei Dao, he would not be able to realize anything if he went to the Innate Secret Realm. If you can't comprehend, you can only get resources, and resources, the last time the master of the galaxy has got enough resources, and there is no problem in practicing for decades.

Therefore, he wants to practice first and reach the top master level before going.

"Senior Sister Qinglian, what about you? You are a top master. You have also been to Hualongchi once and reorganized your physical body. Although there is still a distance from the master of the bull devil, you may not have the opportunity to understand the innate secret realm. Thus embarking on the path of the ancestors!"

Lei Dao set his sights on Master Qinglian.

Master Qinglian also hesitated, but in the end she still gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, Junior Brother Lei, I'll go with you!"

"Oh? Senior Sister Qinglian is willing to go?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

He's going to advertise this time, if he's the only one, wouldn't he be boasting? That would be really embarrassing, and it wouldn't work.

Someone has to follow.

The spirit-swallowing patriarch is not qualified to follow Lei Dao to the innate secret realm at all. But Master Qinglian is the perfect candidate.

"Innate secret realm, if you miss it once, you may not be able to meet it next time. Although I haven't reached the level of bull demon master, I am also a top master. If I continue to use resources to pile up, in fact, I won't be able to accumulate much. If I can enter the innate secret realm , If you have some insights, if you really hope to embark on the road of the ancestors, that is to reach the sky in one step! However, the innate secret realm is as strong as the clouds, and I have to rely on the protection of my juniors, otherwise, I may not be willing to take risks."

Master Qinglian told the truth, and the reason for Master Qinglian was the same as Lei Dao had speculated.

"Okay, it's not too late, then get ready to go."

Lei Dao is also vigorous and resolute. It has been many days since the news spread from the Innate Secret Realm, and many top masters have taken the lead. If they linger, they may not even be able to drink the soup.

"Huh? Since it's all advertisements, should we bring in the Bull Demon Master again?"

Lei Dao thought for a while, should he bring in the bull demon master again?

After all, the face of the bull demon master is much more than Lei Dao's face in other strongholds. Lei Dao is also a recent rise, and has not spread far enough.

It's just that Pancheng and Shangcheng know a little bit about Lei Dao.

Other strongholds don't know Lei Dao.

However, when Lei Dao went to the cave of the Bull Demon Lord, he found that the Bull Demon Lord's cave was completely sealed, and he couldn't contact the Bull Demon Lord at all.

Lei Dao also knew that the bull demon master was determined to retreat and embark on the path of the ancestor, becoming an aspirant.

Before he became an aspirant, the bull demon master would never open the cave.

After all, the most important thing for the bull demon master now is the complete power of destruction in his hand, which is even clearer than the avenue in the innate secret realm, and has a greater effect on the top master.

"Then let's go to the Xiantian Secret Realm. Although there are fewer people, there is not so much trouble. By the way, Senior Sister Qinglian, if you go to the Xiantian Secret Realm, you must cooperate with me and publicize the transformation at the right time." Longchi, senior sister, do you understand?"

Lei Dao said "seriously" to Master Qinglian.

"Uh...I see."

Master Qinglian twitched the corner of her mouth slightly. Others went to the Innate Secret Realm to compete for resources, to get a chance to comprehend the Dao, and to become aspirants.

And what about Raidou?

Dare Lei Dao go to the Innate Secret Realm to promote his Hualongchi?

Master Qinglian had something in her heart and didn't know whether she should say it, but she held back, as long as Lei Dao was satisfied.

"Sister, let's go now."

As a result, Lei Dao and Master Qinglian entered Pancheng's teleportation array and teleported directly to Shangcheng.


The figures of the two appeared in the City of Death.

There is a teleportation array, and the speed is very fast, almost in the blink of an eye.

When they arrived in Shangcheng, the two of them swept away their spiritual thoughts, and the whole Shangcheng was very deserted. There are only some masters, ordinary masters, and those top masters are all gone.

It is estimated that they all went to the innate secret realm.

"By the way, Junior Brother Lei, do you know the exact location of the Innate Secret Realm?"

Lord Qinglian asked suddenly.

"The exact location of the Innate Secret Realm? This..."

Lei Dao hesitated for a moment, as if there really wasn't one.

The news that Tunling Patriarch gave him was that there was a congenital secret realm near the city of Shang, in the territory of Saint Gu.

And then... there is no more.

Lei Dao went to find Lord Qinglian, and the two came to Shang City in a hurry.

"No way, you haven't even found out the exact location of the Innate Secret Realm?"

Master Qinglian was a little speechless.

After arriving in Shangcheng, Lei Dao didn't know the exact location of the Xiantian secret realm, so how could he get to the Xiantian secret realm?

Lei Dao was also a little embarrassed, but he was not in a hurry. He scanned Shang City with his divine sense, and then stepped out in front of an ordinary master.

"My lord, we have something to ask."

This ordinary master was taken aback, but the two top masters blocked his way, even in Shang City, it was scary enough.

"Don't be nervous, we're just asking for directions. Do you know where the Innate Secret Realm was recently found near the City of Death?"

Lei Dao asked directly.

"Innate secret realm?"

This ordinary master took a look at Lei Dao and Qinglian, both of whom were top masters, so he still had some insight. Moreover, it is not surprising that it is for the innate secret realm. During this time, many top masters have flocked into the city of Shang, all for the innate secret realm.

"I do know the location of the Innate Secret Realm, and there is no map. Even if I tell you, it will be difficult to find."

"You really know?"


Lei Dao took a deep look at this ordinary master, then pondered for a while and said, "Take us to find the Innate Secret Realm, and you can go to Pancheng to get a piece of Heavenly Dragon Blood."

"Dragon Blood?"

"I'm Lei Dao, so I can naturally give you a piece of Heavenly Dragon Blood."

"You are the number one master of Pancheng, Master Lei?"

The ordinary ruler's eyes lit up.

Lei Dao!

The number one master of Pancheng!

He defeated the bull demon master, and even traded Hualongchi from the bull demon master, and now he is trading the dragon pool quota. In the eyes of outsiders, Lei Dao is quite "generous", he is simply a good person among good people.

Lei Dao successively sold many treasures, most of which were treasures from Yuanling Dojo.

Such treasures have always been stored in the saint's treasury, how can it be so easy to flow out? Many masters, great masters are not even seen. But what about Raidou?

Actually traded all these treasures.

And as long as it is a very ordinary life-extending treasure, this is simply a good person born in the world!

Therefore, Shangcheng, which is relatively close to Pancheng, also knows Lei Dao's great name.

"Master Lei, I will take you to the Innate Secret Realm."

The ordinary master immediately said enthusiastically, and flew directly out of the city.

"Aren't you afraid of us?"

Lei Dao knew that in the ancient continent, one could never trust anyone. This is Master Qinglian's teaching. How heartless is such an ordinary master to lead the way for two top masters?

"Hahaha, Master Lei is joking. You are the famous Master Lei, a well-recognized benevolent person in the ancient continent, how can I be afraid of Master Lei?"

"Uh... great kind person?"

Lei Dao was a little confused, why did he become a good person?

"Hehe, Master Lei, you don't have to be humble. You came to the ancient continent, and everything you did was for our entire Ming Realm. You fought for the treasure house of saints without fear of hardships and dangers, and even captured the Yuanling Dojo by yourself. The treasures in the dojo’s treasury are just a symbolic trade of life-extending treasures. Such precious treasures will not be taken out easily by any master, but Lord Thunder is different..."

Following the narration of this ordinary master, Lei Dao opened his mouth wide, with a stunned expression on his face, but he was actually very shocked in his heart.

When did the bloodshed, the selflessness, the joy of helping others, and the generosity all fall on Lei Dao?

Unknowingly, Lei Dao actually became a good person?

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