Longevity Species

Chapter 908 The Innate Secret Realm is Too Dangerous, Start with a dozen Great Emperors! (third chan

"Sister, is this about me?"

Lei Dao was a little "guilty". Even though he thought he was in the camp of kindness and order, he couldn't bear it when he heard that this ordinary master gave him a "good person card".

Since when did he have a "good guy halo"?

"Uh...I don't think so."

Master Qinglian was also a little speechless.

Is Lei Dao a good person? It barely counts, but is the so-called Lei Dao good man that the ordinary master said just now, and the Lei Dao she knows is the same person?

Anyway, Master Qinglian didn't think so.

But why there are those rumors from the outside world, the reason is actually very simple.

Every time Lei Dao gets a treasure, he will choose to shoot, and basically Lei Dao only needs some life-extending treasures. As for life-extending treasures, although they cannot be said to be everywhere in the barren ancient continent, they are not too precious.

Therefore, many masters and great masters can easily obtain a large number of life-extending treasures.

Usually these life-extending treasures have no effect, but in the hands of Lei Dao, they can be traded with Lei Dao. No matter how precious the treasure is, Lei Dao is not stingy and can trade it.

This is simply a good man!

Countless masters and great masters were ecstatic.

From this perspective, it is normal for outsiders to call Lei Dao a "great good man".

"Okay, take us to the Innate Secret Realm."

Lei Dao didn't hesitate anymore, going to the Innate Secret Realm was their purpose this time.

So, under the leadership of this ordinary master, Lei Dao and Qinglian master quickly went to the innate secret realm.

After leaving the City of War, they flew for a long time.

Finally, the group of three came to a big river, and the river below was surging. But in the middle of the big river, there is a vortex. The vortex is deep and dark. Even if Lei Dao's divine sense enters, it disappears without a trace, and it is impossible to detect the situation inside.

"The secret realm is in the vortex, Master Lei, I can't take you in anymore, that place is not for me to go."

The ordinary master said to Lei Dao.

The innate secret realm is fiercely contested, and it is usually the masters and top masters who compete for it. If an ordinary master goes in, it is undoubtedly a dead end.

"By the way, Master Lei, I heard that the Innate Secret Realm attracted not only our ruler, but also the Great Emperor of the Ancient Continent, and even the top emperor! But no one knows what is going on in the Secret Territory. The Great Master who came out of the Secret Territory rare."

"I see. If you go to Pancheng with the token, you can receive a dragon's blood."

"Master Xie Lei!"

Afterwards, the ordinary master left happily. A piece of dragon blood is very precious to a master. Not only did he not lose money, but he also made a lot of money on this trip.

It seems that Lei Dao, as in the legend, is really a good man!

"Sister, are you ready?"

"Let's go!"

Lord Qinglian didn't hesitate at all, so the two of them stepped directly into the vortex in the center of the big river below in a flash.


Inside the vortex, the two of them didn't feel the flow of water. Instead, they seemed to be traveling through space, but it seemed a little different.

They seem to be "wearing" something.


The next moment, Lei Dao and Master Qinglian appeared in the secret realm.

"Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon, die!"

As soon as Lei Dao and Master Qinglian appeared, a loud voice came from beside their ears. At the same time, there is still terrifying energy gathering, facing Lei Dao and Qinglian Master.

"Boundary field!"

Lei Dao almost didn't think about it, and with a thought, he immediately burst out the power of the domain, forming a domain.

Of course, Lei Dao did not mobilize all the power of the domain, but only mobilized one-tenth of the power, almost a power of the domain.

After all, Lei Dao didn't feel any great danger, so the threat was not great,


When the realm landed, everything around seemed to be imprisoned.

"What's this?"

"Damn the extraterrestrial demon, this is the top ruler of the extraterritorial demon, be careful."

"Hurry up and explode with all your strength to break through the shackles."

The voices of many great emperors.

Lei Dao raised his head and saw that there were indeed many great emperors around, not a single god or demon, all of them were great emperors!

Moreover, these great emperors surrounded the entrance tightly. Are they going to kill one by one, or two by one?

For a while, Lei Dao's face was not very good-looking.

These great emperors of the ancient continent were so cruel, they actually blocked the entrance and killed them. Fortunately, Lei Dao has a little strength, otherwise, wouldn't they be killed by them too?

Moreover, there must have been masters who entered the Innate Secret Realm before, so one can imagine what happened.

"Could it be that the so-called innate secret realm is a trap for you? The purpose is to attract the master to come, and then be beheaded by you one by one?"

Lei Dao was really angry.

Even killing intent is too difficult!

He seems to have understood the truth of the matter. This is a trap, a huge trap! The great emperors of these ancient continents don't know who came up with such a poisonous plan.

Using the Innate Secret Realm and then blocking the entrance to hunt down the ruler of the Ming Realm, this move is really too vicious, laying an ambush in advance, and beheading them one by one, who can resist?


It's too ruthless!

Lei Dao couldn't even imagine how many masters were killed by these great emperors? Think about the empty city of Shang, most of the great rulers have come to the Innate Secret Realm, could it be that they were all killed by these great emperors?

If this is really the case, it will be a fatal blow to the entire City of War!

For a moment, Lei Dao's killing intent was soaring, and the terrifying killing intent seemed to be solidified.

The next moment, the dozen or so emperors who were trapped immediately felt a chill all over, and immediately after that, the pressure doubled instantly.


Lei Dao directly mobilized twice the power of the domain, and suddenly, the power in the domain increased crazily, and some great emperors simply couldn't bear such terrifying pressure from Lei Dao.


The body of a great emperor collapsed instantly, exploding into a cloud of blood mist, and was crushed into fine powder by Lei Dao's domain.

And, this is just the beginning.

"Bang bang bang".

One after another, the great emperors were crushed directly, and countless great emperors began to fear.

"He... who is he?"

"Could it be the questioner?"

"No, we are not the asker's opponents, escape, we must escape!"

"It's too dangerous. The Innate Secret Realm is really too dangerous. We've only just arrived. Why are there so many casualties? We even met an aspirant."

Lei Dao continued to increase the power of the domain, causing all the emperors in the domain to be crushed one after another. After all, Lei Dao now has ten times the realm!

From twice the domain to ten times the domain, how much the strength has increased, even Lei Dao himself does not know. Anyway, when he was in the double domain, he defeated the Bull Demon Master, and was mistaken for an aspirant.

Perhaps his current strength is stronger than that of ordinary aspirants? Lei Dao is not too clear about it, and he can only know it after an actual battle.

"No, no, who the hell are you?"

In the end, only one top emperor was carried down, and Lei Dao had exerted twice the power of the domain. This top emperor is almost comparable to the ruler of the bull demon.

Back then, Lei Dao also used twice the power of the domain, and the bull demon master could only resist it.

Now the top emperor is the same, he can barely resist, but his whole body has reached the limit, as long as Lei Dao increases a little more strength, he can't hold it anymore.

"who I am?"

Lei Dao's eyes were cold, and he sneered and said: "You don't even know who I am, and you dare to attack directly, which shows how vicious you are. Tell me, how many masters have you killed?"

"How many masters have we killed?"

The top emperor suddenly laughed like crazy: "Hahaha, how many masters have we killed? We have just entered the innate secret realm, and we used it to kill the masters? On the contrary, you killed all of us as soon as you came in. Now I'm the only one left. Sure enough, the sage said, you extraterrestrial demons are the most vicious, and you will kill them all when you take a shot. We were careless this time, and we met an aspirant like you."

It can be seen that this top emperor is quite sad and angry.

However, Lei Dao hesitated.

These great emperors really never harmed the ruler?

Looking at the other party's appearance, he was so sad and angry, as if he had been wronged so much, and he seemed very unwilling.

Could it be that what the other party said is true?

Did they really just come to the secret realm?

"You really just arrived at the secret realm?"

"Of course, we have just arrived in the secret realm and are still adapting to the environment. When you appeared, we were naturally nervous and even thought it was a trap. Looking at it now, I'm afraid it was really a trap. Otherwise, how could it be possible that we just entered the secret realm? Just came in? You extraterrestrial demons are so insidious and cunning!"

The top emperor was still yelling at Lei Dao.

Lei Dao and Master Qinglian looked at each other and looked at each other.

This time, it seems that he really "wrongly killed", and it seemed that it was really a "misunderstanding".

"Junior Brother, when these top emperors come to the Innate Secret Realm, they will definitely conflict with our masters of the Ming Realm. If you kill them now, it is equivalent to saving many masters of the Ming Realm, which is a great thing."

Lord Qinglian said suddenly.

She can also see now that Lei Dao is good everywhere, with top talents, and even concepts are not a problem, and he is very affectionate.

But sometimes, it seems a little indecisive.

A little too "sticky".

Isn't it normal that the ruler of the Ming Realm and the gods and demons of the ancient continent hate each other and kill each other?

There is no distinction between good and bad.

Anyway, if we meet, it's war, nothing wrong!

"That's right, it's a great thing to kill you and save many masters!"

When Lei Dao heard the words, his expression became firm all of a sudden.


The next moment, Lei Dao continued to strengthen the power of the domain, mobilizing five times the power of the domain in an instant. Even if this top emperor is comparable to the ruler of the bull demon, it has no effect, and his body is instantly crushed into powder.


More than a dozen top emperors are dead!

Seeing this scene, Master Qinglian was shocked.

Lei Dao seems to be stronger than last time in Yuanling Dojo!

However, this encounter also made Master Qinglian understand that the Innate Secret Realm may not be that simple.

"Senior Sister, we have to be careful, the Innate Secret Territory is too dangerous. Maybe dozens or hundreds of aspirants rush out at once, and I can't protect Senior Sister Zhouquan."

Lei Dao's expression also became dignified.

He thought that there would be no danger in the Innate Secret Realm, but now it seems that he is still too optimistic and too naive.

What is he a mere questioner?

Maybe dozens of aspirants have gathered in the Xiantian secret territory, and when they swarm up, Lei Dao will be in danger, let alone Master Qinglian?

Therefore, from now on, they have to be more careful, more cautious, more cautious!

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