Longevity Species

Chapter 909 Is this the master of the secret realm by accident? (first update)

"This is the Innate Secret Realm?"

After Lei Dao beheaded more than a dozen great emperors, he had time to look around carefully. Even Lei Dao's divine sense spread rapidly and continued to extend.

The result shocked Lei Dao!

His divine sense can easily cover a big world, or even ten big worlds.

But now, it is impossible to cover a secret realm?

Is this still a mystery?

Rather, it is a world, a very huge world.

"Junior Brother Lei, I heard that the secret realm is actually similar to our world, and even far larger than our big world. It's just slightly different from the ancient continent."

Master Qinglian also whispered.

"There is indeed a difference."

When Lei Dao sensed it carefully, he immediately sensed the difference with the barren ancient continent. The biggest difference is actually the space. The space here is far less stable than the ancient continent.

It doesn't seem to be that difficult to travel through the space. At the top master level, one can travel at will.

As for Lei Dao, it was like being in the Ming Realm, like a fish in water. After all, he is a master of Kunpeng blood, and his sense of space has reached an incomparable level. As long as the space is a little weaker, he can easily travel through space.

Even in the stable space of the Desolate Ancient Continent, Lei Dao can travel through it, which shows how terrifying the space talent of Lei Dao's Kunpeng bloodline is.

"By the way, where is the avenue?"

Lei Dao can't sense the Dao now. After all, in terms of realm, Lei Dao is not a top master, let alone an aspirant, and his cultivation method has never been based on comprehending the Dao.

"The Dao is also clearer, but...it seems not as magical as the rumors say."

Lord Qinglian is a top-notch master, and has even faintly touched the limit. Even if he is not as strong as Lord Bull Demon, he is not far from the aspirant.

She can clearly sense the Dao.

"It's normal not to be as mysterious as the rumors. After all, rumors are sometimes exaggerated. Or there is another possibility, that is, we haven't found the core of the secret realm yet."

There was a bright light in Lei Dao's eyes.

This time something was beyond his expectation.

Originally, he thought that a secret realm was just a place similar to a cave, but now it seems that this is a complete world, or a miniature version of the ancient continent.

There are some inextricable connections with the barren ancient continent.

"The secret realm can be regarded as a miniature ancient continent. The road here is clearer. If you can understand it, you can also understand it when you enter the ancient continent. No wonder the innate secret realm attracts so many top emperors..."

Lei Dao also understood the real "mystery" of the Innate Secret Realm.

However, these mysteries have nothing to do with him, he came to "advertise", in order to promote his Longchi quota, such a big innate secret realm, Lei Dao didn't like it.

It's too huge, where can he find so many top emperors?

"By the way, does the secret realm have world will?"

Lei Dao's heart moved.

Since the secret realm is a tiny ancient continent, or the world, it should have will, right? Lei Dao would never dare to try the will of the ancient continent.

That is, even a saint can be easily crushed, Lei Dao dare not use his own ability to try, even though his ability seems to have the property of immortality, but who knows if his ability will be crushed by the will of the ancient continent .

But if this secret realm had a will, it would be different.

"Senior Sister, protect me!"

"Guardian? Brother Lei, what are you going to do? In this innate secret realm, there are many innate beings. The secret realm has just been born, and they are actually very powerful. There are also many top emperors and top masters. You must not act rashly."

Seeing Lei Dao's "serious" appearance, Master Qinglian was a little worried.

She was afraid that Lei Dao was serious. Once Lei Dao was serious, there must be a big event, even an earth-shaking event.

"Senior sister, don't worry, I'm just giving it a try, nothing major will happen. If it succeeds, maybe this innate secret realm will be completely in my hands."

"Uh... control an innate secret realm?"

Master Qinglian opened her eyes wide, as if she couldn't believe it.

To control an innate secret realm, even those top masters and aspirants dare not say that they can control an innate secret realm. After all, an innate secret realm will continuously attract many top masters and emperors, no matter how strong it is, it cannot withstand the siege.

Who can control an innate secret realm?

Unless it is a saint or ancestor.

But now, Lei Dao is actually trying to master an innate secret realm, is this possible?

What's more, how does Lei Dao control the innate secret realm?

Regardless of whether Prime Minister Qinglian believed it or not, Lei Dao had already started to act.


Lei Dao's consciousness began to capture something in the surrounding void. He regarded this secret realm as a world, so he was very familiar with it. After all, Lei Dao is a very experienced world master!

As time passed, Lei Dao seemed to catch something all at once.

"The will is just the beginning of chaos, a very hazy will. In this secret realm, the will was indeed born!"

Lei Dao was extremely happy in his heart.

This proves that he is correct. This secret realm is actually a derivative world of the Ancient Desolate Continent. It is attached to the Ancient Desolate Continent and is closely related to the Ancient Desolate Continent, but it exists independently to some extent.

Even the Ancient Desolate Continent can be counted as a world, but this world is almost as huge as the Ming Realm.

"If you have the will of the world, then it's easy to handle. The next step is to control the will of the world and become the master of this secret realm!"

There was a flash of light in Lei Dao's eyes.

The next moment, Lei Dao's consciousness quickly extended towards the core of the secret realm, and soon broke into the core area of ​​the secret realm.


As soon as Lei Dao's consciousness broke in, he encountered a severe blow from the will of the entire secret realm. This level of blow, even if Lei Dao's consciousness is already very, very strong, even comparable to the aspirant.

But so what?

In front of the will of the secret realm, it was useless at all, and it was instantly smashed into powder. Even the top emperor or master, even the aspirant, dare not say that they can replace the will of the secret realm.

Even though this secret realm has just been opened, and even the will is hazy, it does not affect the terrifying power of the will of the world.

Lei Dao's consciousness was torn apart in an instant. If it was another master, it would be equivalent to falling at this time. If even the consciousness was torn to pieces, it would naturally be dead and couldn't die anymore.

But Raidou is different.

His consciousness was just shredded, not completely annihilated.

Because, he has supernatural powers!

Lei Dao's ability has the characteristic of immortality. Even if the will of the secret realm was strong, it tore Lei Dao's consciousness into pieces in an instant, but a little bit remained.

And this little bit of consciousness has the characteristic of immortality. It is useless to let the will of the secret realm continue to bombard and kill, but this last bit of consciousness of Lei Dao can't be helped.

However, the will of the secret realm seems to be very tenacious, and has not yielded, but has been trying to "eliminate" the last consciousness of Lei Dao.

Now that Lei Dao's consciousness has been broken, he has no reaction at all, and has lost his sense of the outside world.

Master Qinglian became more and more anxious.

As time went by, Master Qinglian discovered that Lei Dao hadn't moved at all. Even if she shouted Lei Dao loudly, it was useless, Lei Dao remained motionless.

Master Qinglian began to feel a little worried.

What happened to Raidou?

What happened?

"Junior Brother Lei, you must have nothing to do..."

Master Qinglian can't do much now, but follow Lei Dao's instructions, stay close at every step, and guard Lei Dao's side.

Time passed little by little.

One day, two days, three days...

In the blink of an eye, ten full days have passed.

Maybe even Lei Dao didn't realize that he spent so long in the will of the secret realm. This will of the secret realm is far stronger than the will of the small world or even the big world that Lei Dao knows.


Finally, the will of the secret realm succumbed, and it found that Lei Dao's consciousness could not be wiped out no matter what, so it succumbed.

The will of the secret realm no longer tried to obliterate Lei Dao's consciousness, and Lei Dao's consciousness began to slowly recover.

It didn't take long for Lei Dao's consciousness to fully recover.

"I... am I in the will of the secret realm?"

Lei Dao's memory is somewhat missing. After all, he has been shattered so many times by the will of the secret realm, and it is normal for his consciousness to be confused. It also took him a while to sort out his memory properly.

"It took ten days to control the will of the secret realm. The will of the innate secret realm is really strong. It seems that you can't try it casually in the future. This time, the sequelae are a bit serious..."

In Lei Dao's consciousness, there are actually some memory loss, even permanent loss.

Fortunately, it is not very serious.

This also reminded Lei Dao that although he has supernatural powers and immortality, his consciousness cannot be wiped out casually. In the past, the erasure time was short, but this time it was eradicated for a full ten days.

If it takes a long time, Lei Dao's memory loss may be even more serious.

Lei Dao was actually whimsical in the past, and it is theoretically feasible to control the will of the ancient continent, but the key point is, can Lei Dao's supernatural power and immortality be able to resist the will of the ancient continent?

Facts have proved that Lei Dao is really a bit whimsical.

Even if the power of immortality can resist it, the will of the ancient continent can wipe out Lei Dao for a long, long time, even until the end of the era.

Even if it is wiped out for thousands of years, all of Lei Dao's memories will disappear, and even his consciousness will be muddled. At that time, he will no longer be him, so what's the point?

Therefore, one must not easily try to control the will of the ancient continent.

However, this time it was a success.

"So, I am now the master of the secret realm?"

A thought flashed in Lei Dao's mind, and suddenly, his heart was extremely hot.

He has just come to this innate secret realm, and he is not even familiar with the secret realm.

Is this the master of the secret realm by accident?

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