Longevity Species

Chapter 917: The Ancestral Divine Body Fights the Yang Emperor! (third change)

Killing intent!

A killing intent appeared on Lei Dao's body!

Cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents, it's a sworn feud!

Lei Dao is now a "businessman". He just wants to start a business quietly and resell the admission quota of the secret realm. Why is it so difficult?

Emperor Yang also narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the killing intent on Lei Dao, and trembled in his heart: "This Lei Dao is indeed a ruthless person, and he exudes killing intent when he disagrees with him. Is this going to be done?"

Emperor Yang didn't dare to be negligent, and he exuded a huge aura.

"Master Lei, you have to understand that this is the site of the ancient saint, and this innate secret realm appeared on the site of the ancient saint, so it should be under the control of this seat. You have taken over the innate secret realm by force, and you are still so arrogant. It really is worthy of being an extraterrestrial demon, and there is no bottom line in acting."

Emperor Yang said loudly.

He has manifested his real body, and his real body vaguely seems to be a huge peacock, with a faint shadow of a peacock. Moreover, there are faintly colorful rays of light above the head, which seem to form an avenue reaching the sky.

That is the Word!

The way of Emperor Yang!

It also belongs to Emperor Yang's sage path.

Obviously, Emperor Yang has embarked on the path of a saint, and is a genuine aspirant!

Lei Dao's expression is extremely dignified, a real asker, this is the first time he has seen a real asker, and he has only heard of the asker before.

In fact, many people have only heard of the Asker, but there are only a handful of people who have actually seen the Asker.

In fact, the number of aspirants is naturally far more than that of saints and ancestors, but in fact, many people have never seen an aspirant, and it seems that it is more difficult to meet the aspirant than meeting the ancestors or saints.

the reason is simple.

Very few querents are active outside.

Most of the aspirants live in seclusion and follow their own "ancestor's path". Many ancestors' paths require meditation, so few people can see the aspirant.

Even though Lei Dao has been in the ancient continent for so long, this is the first time he has seen a real aspirant.

If Lei Dao hadn't "occupied" the Innate Secret Realm this time, Emperor Yang might not have appeared.

Lei Dao raised his eyebrows, and the Emperor Yang in front of him was actually an aspirant under the command of the sage Gu, and he seemed to occupy the "righteousness". However, in Lei Dao's view, the so-called "righteousness" had no meaning at all.

"Emperor Yang, it's useless to talk too much. Wherever the innate secret realm appears, it belongs there. Is this possible? Come on, Lei knows that in the end you still have to rely on your strength to speak! If you can defeat me, you will naturally be able to occupy the innate secret realm."

Lei Dao also stood in the void, with his hands behind his back, his eyes looking down on all living beings, overlooking Emperor Yang.

What about the questioner?

Lei Dao is also an aspirant now!

Even, Lei Dao was a little excited and eager to try, he also wanted to see how strong the real questioner is?


The next moment, countless top emperors and top masters all retreated.

Even the two of them left the void slowly, so as not to affect the Innate Secret Realm.

What are you kidding?

These are two aspirants, the ancestors and the seeds of saints. How rare is it for such great beings to fight each other? It can be met but not sought, and no one wants to miss such a big battle.

As a result, countless eyes focused on the two of them.

Emperor Yang took a deep look at Lei Dao and said, "This is the first time this old man has done anything in a hundred thousand years!"

Emperor Yang's expression was very solemn, and he felt a faint threat from Lei Dao.

If there is a threat, it proves that Lei Dao's strength is definitely not inferior to him, and he is indeed an aspirant.

This made Emperor Yang very cautious.

Asker, hard to beat.

Every aspirant is a top-notch existence, with various means emerging one after another, and even has his own "Tao", and it is even more difficult to defeat.

However, Emperor Yang also has self-confidence.

He hasn't made a move for 100,000 years. For these 100,000 years, he has stayed in the saint's ancient dojo, listening to the saint's teachings every day. Even, his saint's road has gone a long way.

Even though I still don't feel that I can become a saint, it is no longer comparable to ordinary aspirants.

Therefore, Emperor Yang also has self-confidence.

However, no matter how confident Emperor Yang is, he will not take it lightly, and will never underestimate Lei Dao.

No one dares to underestimate an asker!

Therefore, the next moment, Emperor Yang went all out and took the lead.


Emperor Yang manifested the true body of a peacock, he is the top emperor of the peacock clan. Its real body manifested, unparalleled in size, and the colorful rays of light on its body seemed to block the entire void.

It's actually faintly similar to Lei Dao's realm.


Lei Dao obviously felt that the colorful light of the other party was actually a kind of domain. And it is much stronger than any power that Lei Dao has seen before, or any top emperor or top master.

"Ancestor Divine Body!"

The next moment, Lei Dao didn't dare to neglect, and also manifested the ancestor god body.


As soon as Lei Dao's ancestor god body appeared, suddenly, the void seemed to be distorted. Of course, this is an illusion, the void will not be distorted, it is a phenomenon that appears when Lei Dao's strength reaches a certain level.

For the first time, the divine body of the ancestor was shown in front of everyone.

There are characteristics similar to those of the Kunpeng clan, as well as the characteristics of the Tianlong clan, Huofeng clan, and giant spirit clan. Therefore, it seems to be familiar, but it is very strange, which makes people feel very contradictory.

However, Lei Dao's ancestor god body is really strong, even if it is far away, those top emperors and top masters can feel its strong pressure.

"What's this?"

"What is the real body of this extraterritorial demon? Why does it seem familiar, but also strange?"

"No matter what it is, this extraterritorial demon is very strong, stronger than any top emperor or top master. Even the void is faintly distorted. Even if it is an illusion, it means that the power has reached a certain level."

"The asker, really is the asker! This kind of power can only be found in the asker."

At this moment, no one will doubt Lei Dao's identity as the "Asker".

"Five-party domain, suppress!"

Emperor Yang manifested his real body, and his body exuded multicolored rays of light, vaguely setting it off extremely powerful, like a saint.

Of course, he is no saint.

He is far from being a saint.

But in the eyes of many great emperors and gods and demons below the saint, Emperor Yang is no different from a saint. No one is an opponent of Emperor Yang. His five directions represent the five ways of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

It is a field formed by the fusion of avenues.

It claims to be able to suppress any power below the saint!

Even the power of the aspirant is no exception, it can also be suppressed!


The power of the five domains descended on Lei Dao in an instant, with layers of pressure, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, putting Lei Dao under tremendous pressure. And this kind of power seems to be endless, continuous, suppressing Lei Dao every moment, washing away the ancestor god body of Lei Dao every moment.

But what surprised Lei Dao was that his ancestral god body was not damaged in any way.

"Not injured? It's just suppression. As expected of an aspirant, my ancestor god body has barely reached the level of 2% at present, and it is indeed a little weaker. But the five directions of Emperor Yang seem to be unable to do anything to me. His ancestor god body?"

In fact, Lei Dao was already mentally prepared.

His ancestral divine body is actually not too strong. It has just increased to 2% of the ancestral bloodline just now. It can be regarded as having just condensed the ancestral divine body, barely stepping into the path of the ancestor and entering the level of the aspirant.

Compared with Yangdi, a top powerhouse who has become an aspirant countless years ago, he is naturally far inferior.

Lei Dao just wanted to try his current ancestor god body.

Unexpectedly, after this test, I found that the ancestor's divine body was very strong, really strong. It's not about attack, but about defense. It's really terrifyingly strong, and its toughness is astonishing.

Being suppressed by Emperor Yang's five-party domain, he was only suppressed and not injured.

"What a strong body, it seems that you really are an aspirant, you are all aspirants in the Ming Realm, your physical body is extremely powerful, but in my domain, your strength has been weakened a lot, and your physical body can How long will it last?"

Emperor Yang was in high spirits, showing the demeanor of a peerless powerhouse.

Under the ancestor, the asker is the strongest!

Emperor Yang is the strongest under Saint Gu's command, otherwise, Saint Gu would not have handed over all matters within the territory to Emperor Yang before leaving.

Emperor Yang has such strength!

"Hahaha, then give it a try."

Lei Dao didn't take it seriously, but inspired his fighting spirit.

He is the ancestor divine body!

This is the way of his ancestors!

Even if the ancestor's bloodline is only two percent, how can he be timid?


The next moment, Lei Dao seemed to be full of fighting spirit, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, and he exploded mightily. His ancestor god body, whether it is the blood of the dragon, the blood of the giant spirit, or the blood of the Kunpeng, will not be afraid of fighting.

Even, the more you fight, the braver you are!

As a result, Lei Dao was shaken all over, urging the ancestor's divine body to the extreme, and there were faint roars of Kunpeng, Tianlong, Giant Spirit and Fire Phoenix, and their power was terrifying.

Even if it is under the five directions, it can move freely.

Seeing such a terrifying battle, the expressions of the other top emperors and top masters all changed.

This level of fighting, this level of power is what they dream of, and only the aspirant can have such terrifying power.

As long as they touch or rub a little, they will be severely injured, let alone fight.

Although the aspirant also belongs to the level of the Great Emperor, in fact, he has a faintly transcendent status.

There is no other reason, it is because the strength is too strong!


The next moment, Emperor Yang's real body made a move. The huge figure stretched out a claw, and directly grabbed Lei Dao's ancestor god body.


A huge bloodstain appeared on Lei Dao's huge ancestor god body.


Lei Dao's ancestor god body was also injured!

This is the first time!

"Master Lei, although you are an aspirant, you should be a newly promoted aspirant, and your strength is still a bit weak. If you continue like this, you will die!"

Emperor Yang looked at Lei Dao with cold eyes.

"Yeah, I just became an aspirant, and my strength is indeed a little weaker. After all, the ancestor god body is only 2 percent. The strength is too weak. It can't even reach half of the power of the domain in my body. It seems that I I can only use the power of the realm in my body and go all out!"

Lei Dao let out a long sigh, revealing a trace of regret in his tone.

The ancestor's body was indeed too bad, and it did not exceed his expectations.

It is still reliable in the internal domain.

Now that the situation is urgent, as a last resort, Lei Dao can only burst out the power of the domain and show his true strength!

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