Longevity Species

Chapter 918 This is a collapse? It's only fourteen times the realm! (first update)


Lei Dao suddenly stopped, and at the same time, a huge phantom vaguely appeared above Lei Dao's head, which looked like a world.

No, not a world, but... a world!


The next moment, the power of the realm in Lei Dao's body erupted, a full ten times the power of the realm, and the terrifying power of the realm swept out, quickly forming a realm, descending down, and the power of Emperor Yang The five domains quickly entangled.

"This... this is..."

Emperor Yang was shocked.

Completely different power, Lei Dao actually exhibited a completely different power from before, which is really incredible. You must know that every aspirant actually has and only one kind of power.

After all, they have already found their own path of sages or ancestors, and found their own "Tao". If they don't practice their core strength wholeheartedly, how can they be distracted from cultivating other strengths?

Previously, Lei Dao's ancestor god body was a typical strength of practitioners in the Ming Realm. Emperor Yang had also seen aspirants from the Ming Realm, and his power was similar to Lei Dao's ancestor god body.

It's all pure physical strength.

But now, Lei Dao has displayed a completely different power, which is obviously no longer the power of the physical body, but also a kind of domain, which seems to be the same as his five-party domain, both are domains.

How can this be?

"Hmph, if you are distracted and use two things, you will eventually lose them. This is probably your strength before you became an aspirant? It's not worth mentioning! Get rid of it!"

Emperor Yang snorted coldly.

Feeling that Lei Dao was distracted, the power of this field should not be much stronger, so, without any intention of avoiding it, the five-party field broke out directly, and met Lei Dao's boundary field fiercely.


The power of the two domains collided fiercely, and they were constantly entangled and wiped out. Whether it was the power of Lei Dao's domain domain or the power of Yangdi's five-party domain, they were both extraordinary and full of tenacity. , Crazy entanglement and killing each other.


Lei Dao was also very surprised. This is the first force that can be compared with the power of the domain since the birth of his power of the domain, and it wears off and entangles each other, as if it is evenly matched.

In the past, Lei Dao used the power of the domain, and then... there was no more. Basically, once the power of the domain was released, all enemies could be suppressed, and the outcome was no longer in suspense.

But now, the power of Lei Dao's domain has slammed into the power of the five domains, and it is evenly matched. Lei Dao's domain power can't take any advantage.

Emperor Yang was also shocked.

He couldn't be more clear about the power of his intangible domain. Nothing is indestructible, nothing is indestructible, and can suppress all forces. In the barren ancient continent, in terms of the characteristics of power alone, his five-dimensional domain power is enough to rank in the forefront.

But now, it is actually entangled with Lei Dao's second power, and no one can do anything to anyone, how is this possible?

Moreover, the key point is that Emperor Yang has gone all out, but he still can't win Lei Dao, which makes him feel a sense of crisis in his heart. Looking at Lei Dao, it seems that he is still able to handle it with ease?

"Not bad, not bad, very good. As expected, you are worthy of being an aspirant. You can actually block the power of my domain domain, and you can also block half of my domain power without losing the wind at all. It's really amazing!"

Lei Dao really admired it.

However, upon hearing Lei Dao's words, Emperor Yang's heart suddenly sank.

half power?

How can it be?

Is this only half of Lei Dao's power? In any case, Emperor Yang couldn't believe it, this is only half of the power. Perhaps, this is just Lei Dao's bluff.

However, the sense of urgency deep in Emperor Yang's heart was real, he was really nervous, and even had a faint sense of crisis.

Lei Dao didn't care what Emperor Yang was thinking, the next moment, he mobilized the power of the realm in his body again, and began to increase the power of the realm in his body little by little.

Eleven times, twelve times, thirteen times...

With the explosion of the power of the domain in Lei Dao's body, Emperor Yang obviously felt the pressure doubled. He has tried his best, but it is useless. Lei Dao's domain power seems to be endless, and it is still increasing continuously.

Every minute and every second is suffering for Emperor Yang.

"It must be the limit, it's almost there, just keep going."

Emperor Yang looked forward to Lei Dao reaching the limit.

But from ten times the power of the domain to thirteen times the power of the domain, Lei Dao was able to handle it with ease, without any intention of stagnation. But Emperor Yang has reached the real limit, and his five-party domain will collapse at any time.

"Fourteen times the domain!"


After Lei Dao stimulated the power of fourteen times the realm in his body, finally, Emperor Yang couldn't bear it anymore.


The power of Yangdi's five domains, under the suppression of Lei Dao's fourteen times the power of the domain, finally couldn't bear it and began to collapse. Once the power of the domain collapses, the whole thing will collapse in an instant.

"Crash? This is only fourteen times the realm..."

Lei Dao couldn't help but want to say something, but finally endured it. He really wanted Emperor Yang to support him for a while, so where would he go? Lei Dao still has six times the power of the domain that has not been displayed.

However, now Lei Dao has not continued to increase the power of the domain, and has maintained fourteen times the power of the domain. Otherwise, if he suddenly burst out with twenty times the power of the domain, I am afraid that Emperor Yang's domain will be crushed to pieces in an instant. Then even Emperor Yang would be crushed into powder by Lei Dao's domain.

Although Lei Dao had the intention to kill just now, but now, he feels that it is unnecessary.

There is really no need to kill Emperor Yang.

Emperor Yang is also an aspirant after all, and his net worth should be quite rich. Moreover, such a strong person must have many friends, and he may also be an aspirant.

Even if he is not an aspirant, he must be a top emperor.

Perhaps, there is a need to comprehend the Dao of the Secret Realm.

If there is a need, it is easy to handle. This is a potential "visited guest" of Lei Dao, how can he be killed at will? What's more, even if Emperor Yang is beheaded, it won't bring much benefit, instead it will offend a saint.

Well, Lei Dao is also very clear that he has offended Saint Yuan and destroyed Saint Yuan's dojo. Although he is unquestionable, Sage Yuan probably doesn't even care if he means it or not.

Once the saint returns, Lei Daok will be in trouble.

Offended a saint, and then offended another saint? This is not advisable, although there are too many debts, but as long as Lei Dao wants to make a living in the ancient continent, it is best not to offend all the saints to death.

At present, there is no conflict between Lei Dao and Saint Gu.

At most, it is the Innate Secret Realm. This is just a trivial matter, a normal competition.

If he killed Emperor Yang, it would be different.

The nature will become very serious.

Even the ancestors of the Ming Realm didn't really fight the saints to the death, they were all limited battles. Lei Dao, a mere master, offended the saints to death?

This is unwise!

What's more, Lei Dao now thinks that the most important thing is his "business", and for the sake of "business", he can still "compromise" appropriately.

Therefore, Lei Dao withdrew the power of the domain, stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were condescending, as if overlooking Emperor Yang, and said lightly: "Emperor Yang, you are defeated!"

Emperor Yang was shocked all over, and then he seemed to lose his fighting spirit all of a sudden.

Yes, he lost.

Even if he was not actually injured, it was just that the power of the five domains collapsed. To Emperor Yang, there was no damage, but he knew that he was defeated.

The power of his domain is no match for Lei Dao's domain power. And without the power of the domain, he will be suppressed by Lei Dao's domain at any time, and there is no suspense about the outcome.

Even if Lei Dao wanted to kill Emperor Yang, it would be a breeze.

In other words, the life and death of Emperor Yang are now in the hands of Lei Dao.

He is a questioner!

Emperor Yang never thought that he, a dignified aspirant, would die in the hands of another aspirant instead of dying on the way to attack the saint.

Moreover, he is also an aspirant of the Ming Realm!


Extremely aggrieved!

"You won, Master Lei."

Emperor Yang said bitterly.


As Emperor Yang's words fell, the countless top emperors and top masters who were watching the battle seemed to be unable to believe their eyes and the scene in front of them.


Emperor Yang was actually defeated!

This old-fashioned aspirant hadn't made a move for a hundred thousand years. He was once a famous person in the barren ancient continent. He was even placed with high hopes by the ancient capital of saints. He hoped to challenge the powerful existence of the ancestor, but he was defeated.

This is really shocking.

Even if Lei Dao used his own strength to suppress hundreds of top emperors and top masters, and monopolize the innate secret realm, it is far less shocking than it is now.

That is the questioner!

Almost "undefeated" asker.

Just like that, he was defeated by Lei Dao, and it seemed that Lei Dao almost defeated Yang Emperor with great ease.

"How could Lord Yangdi lose?"

"Not only did he lose, but he also lost so badly that there was no suspense. Even Master Lei could easily kill Emperor Yang."

"Unbelievable, really unbelievable, our Pancheng really produced a remarkable strongman! Under the seat of the ancestor Kong, a remarkable strongman was finally born!"

"Even Emperor Yang has been defeated. Who would dare to make the idea of ​​ruling the innate secret realm of Lei? Hahaha, this innate secret realm is estimated to be in the hands of the ruler for a long time. Perhaps, the admission quota of the ruler of Lei can really be considered." one time……"

Some top masters already have some ideas in their minds.

In fact, these top masters have also collected a lot of life-extending treasures during this period, but they are still waiting. After all, Lei Dao has not met a "weighty" strong man yet.

If Lei Dao was defeated or even killed, wouldn't the life-extending treasures they paid be wasted?

Therefore, many masters are waiting and watching.

Now, Lei Dao has shown his terrifying strength, even Emperor Yang has been defeated, what else do they have to worry about?

The Innate Secret Realm will definitely be in Lei Dao's hands for a long time.

You can buy this admission quota!

"Emperor Yang, you have lost, since you have lost, you have to pay the price!"

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were on Lei Dao.

They wanted to know, how would Lei Dao deal with Emperor Yang?

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