Longevity Species

Chapter 925 The power of a saint is so great that it is here! (Second more)

"Okay, this is the questioner!"

Lei Dao's eyes flickered, he seemed to have fallen into a predicament in the huge flames of exterminating the world, there were flames everywhere, and even his power of the realm was helpless.

However, Lei Dao was not in a hurry.

Even slightly excited.

This is the power of the questioner in his imagination!

It seems that the Yang Emperor he dealt with before was a "false" aspirant, but the Gouyu Great Emperor in front of him is the real aspirant, even if he can suppress it even with the power of twenty times the domain of Lei Dao.

"Since you are the real questioner, then Lei is also welcome."

The next moment, Lei Dao had nothing to hide anymore.


Thirty-five times the power of the domain suddenly exploded, and the violent power of the domain quickly formed a huge domain, and above Lei Dao's head, a huge world emerged.

"This is……"

Everyone can clearly feel the terrifying oppression coming from Lei Dao.

Everyone can feel that Lei Dao's momentum seems to have climbed to the extreme all of a sudden, no matter how far away he is, he can feel his terrifying pressure.

Could it be that this is Lei Dao's true strength?

Of course, the one who was most impacted and shocked was the Emperor Gouyu. Originally, the Emperor Gouyu was already sure of winning, but what about now? Lei Dao exploded all of a sudden, as if all his previous efforts were in vain.

Even, Lei Dao's aura at this moment has completely overwhelmed his aura.


In an instant, the World-Exterminating Flame that Emperor Gou Prison relied on was extinguished. There was no sign of struggling at all, everything was gone. No matter how powerful and powerful his World Extinguishing Flame is, there is nothing he can do about it in the face of a realm that is thirty-five times as powerful as Lei Dao.

The heavy pressure was even more shrouded in the body of the Gou prison emperor, and the Gou prison emperor was tightly imprisoned.

Even the Great Emperor Gou Prison has no possibility of struggling.

"How can your strength be so strong?"

The Great Emperor Gou Prison was full of disbelief.

He was hired by the sage Yuan, and he is also a top aspirant. Lei Dao has just become an aspirant. How can he be so strong?

It's really hard for Emperor Gou Prison to believe it.

Lei Dao said lightly: "Your Tao is very strong! However, it is still a little short. Since you are entrusted by the saint, you must be prepared to pay the price. Are you ready for this price?"

Lei Dao could feel that Emperor Gouyu was very strong.

It's just that no matter how strong it is, it's useless.

During this period of time, he has improved crazily, expanding the realm in his body to a full thirty-five times, otherwise, it would be difficult to do anything to the Prison Emperor.

As for Emperor Gouyu, Lei Dao had no mercy.

He has murderous intent!

Lei Dao will never tolerate anyone who dares to plan on his innate secret realm!

And judging by the appearance of Emperor Gouyu, there are not many life-extending treasures to buy places in the secret realm. In this case, why does Lei Dao still keep Emperor Gouyu?

"So, die!"

The next moment, Lei Dao's body's power of the domain violently suppressed, and the Gouyu Emperor roared to the sky, and the world-destroying flames all over his body wanted to burst out, but he was firmly suppressed by Lei Dao's domain power.


After all, the Great Gouyu didn't stop him, and was instantly crushed by Lei Dao with thirty-five times the power of the domain, his huge body turned into a blood mist, and the majestic Gouyu, the top aspirant, just fell.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding emperors and masters seemed to be in disbelief.

"Falled? Has the Great Emperor Gou Prison fallen?"

"How did the Great Emperor Gou Prison fall? Even among the aspirants, the Great Gou Prison is a top aspirant, stronger than Emperor Yang, why did he fall?"

"How strong is Lord Lei? It seems... It seems to be much stronger than when he was dealing with Emperor Yang."

"If one day I was suddenly told that Master Lei became the ancestor, I'm afraid I wouldn't be too surprised..."

Many great rulers and great emperors stared at the scene in front of them with dumbfounded expressions.

The Great Emperor Gou Prison has fallen.

It was as if Lei Dao had killed Emperor Gouyu casually.

It seemed that he was in a dangerous situation before, and he seemed to be at a disadvantage. In fact, maybe Lei Dao was careless and didn't exert his strength.

Unknowingly, Lei Dao's strength has been raised to such a level, which is simply unbelievable.

Not only the great emperors and masters at the scene were shocked, in fact, all the practitioners who followed this great battle were shocked.

Even the distant sages Gu and Yangdi were extremely shocked deep in their hearts.

Emperor Yang already overestimated Lei Dao.

He even felt that Raidou could win.

But winning is winning, beheading is beheading, these are two completely different natures.

Emperor Gouyu is a top aspirant, so it is normal to be defeated, after all, he is not the ancestor. But the Gou Priest was beheaded, which was very shocking.

This point, even the sage Gu did not expect it.


However, the others were just shocked, while Saint Yuan was furious!

Saint Yuan was furious!

He paid a huge price.

Half of the Eternal Sun was given to Emperor Gouyu in advance, but what happened?


Emperor Gouyu was actually beheaded by Lei Dao. He paid such a high price but failed to achieve his goal. How could Saint Yuan not be furious?

What's more, even Emperor Gouyu couldn't kill Lei Dao, and the sage Yuan didn't know who else he could ask to kill Lei Dao.


The next moment, the figure of the sage Yuan had disappeared.

"Huh? There is actually a treasure."

Lei Dao stretched out his hand and took the treasure that was emitting warm light into his hand. This seems to be a half treasure, not a complete treasure, but holding it in his hand, it makes Lei Dao feel very clear-headed, and his whole body seems to have recovered to its peak all of a sudden.

This is really a rare treasure!


However, the next moment, Lei Dao's heart suddenly became alarmed, and an extremely dangerous feeling lingered in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the void burst.

This is the real void breaking, and a figure flew out from it.

This figure is sacred, noble, and domineering, and it seems impossible to look directly at it. Anyone who sees this figure, whether it is a ruler or a great emperor, seems to have a faint feeling of worship.


Here comes the saint!

Moreover, it's not an avatar, but... a real body!

In fact, saints have incarnations as well as real bodies.

But the so-called real body is actually the most powerful incarnation. Once the real body is worn out, it will take a long time for the saint to recover.

Under normal circumstances, the saint will not use his real body.

But now, the saint actually came in person.

Moreover, Lei Dao has seen this saint before, and it is the saint Yuan!

"Lei Dao, you destroyed my saint's dojo, killed my disciples, and even killed the Emperor Gouyu who was invited by me. You do have some skills, but that's all. You are Fa-rectified!"

Afterwards, Saint Yuan stretched out his palm and slapped Lei Dao hard.

This palm was the angry palm of Saint Yuan.

Otherwise, how could the majestic saint end up in person to deal with a great master?

This palm is the palm of the sage Yuan Crazy.

He tried his best, and even invited Emperor Gouyu, so what happened?

The Great Emperor Gouyu is actually dead!

It's just rubbish!

Therefore, the current Saint Yuan can only do it himself, even if his action will cause some unpredictable waves, so what? He just wants to kill now, wants to kill Lei Dao!

Kill Lei Dao at all costs!


Lei Dao opened his mouth wide, he really wanted to say that he didn't destroy Yuanling Dojo on purpose, but, is it useful? At least judging from the results, Lei Dao did kill Emperor Lingji and destroyed the Yuanling Dojo, and what the sage Yuan said was fine.

But only Lei Dao knows that the result is one thing, but the process and motivation are another! He really didn't think about destroying the Yuanling Dojo, at most he just wanted to search for the treasures of the Yuanling Dojo.

It's just that Shengren Yuan obviously won't listen to his one-sided words.

No, the sage won't even listen to his explanation.

It's just a palm, this is to kill him!




This is the saint!

As long as the sage believes that it is the truth, even if there are thousands of mouths, it is impossible to distinguish it.

So, what can Raidou do?

He can only carry it!


Hope to be able to resist the palm of the saint yuan.

"Saint, a high-ranking saint, if you can't stop this palm, you will die, but why don't I have the slightest worry, fear, or fear in my heart, but a faint excitement?"

Lei Dao wondered if he was crazy.

Other practitioners will tremble and fear when they hear the name of a saint, for fear of offending the supreme saint. And what about Raidou? He destroyed the saint dojo and killed the disciples of the saint.

Now facing the saint directly, he is not afraid, but excited?

Even Lei Dao himself wondered if he was crazy.

"Ancestor Divine Body!"

"Thirty-five times the domain!"

Lei Dao didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly manifested the ancestor god body, only 2% of the ancestor god body, which was Lei Dao's last means to save his life.

And thirty-five times the power of the domain is the entire power of Lei Dao.


Just, it didn't work.

Lei Dao's thirty-five times the power of the domain, facing the palm of the sage Yuan, was almost destructive, and was easily destroyed by the palm of the sage Yuan.

The realm within Lei Dao's body was also completely silent.

Not an opponent, not an opponent at all.

The two sides are not at the same level at all.

Even, Lei Dao had a faint feeling that let alone his thirty-five times the realm, even if it was fifty times the realm, or eighty times the realm, it is estimated that it would be difficult to be the opponent of the saint.

Saint, that is another level of life!


The realm completely collapsed, it was just a palm strike, Lei Dao actually felt a faint sense of helplessness, even if he had the courage to resist, so what?

Nothing works!

A strong sense of crisis lingered in Lei Dao's heart.

Maybe, he will die!

The power of the saint is so great that Si!

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