Longevity Species

Chapter 926 Seriously! (third change)

"what to do?"

At this time, Lei Dao had only this thought in his mind.

Saint, he couldn't stop it.

Totally unstoppable.

As for escaping?

In fact, Lei Dao has tried it a long time ago. He wants to travel through the space, and he can do it, but the distance of the shuttle is so short that he can't even avoid the range of Saint Yuan's palm.

This palm covered the sky and the sun, covering a radius of ten li.

That is to say, the ten miles of void was completely covered by the palm of the sage Yuan, and under one palm, everything including the void was turned into nothingness.

What is the use of Lei Dao shuttle space?

He has no way to shuttle ten miles away at once.

Therefore, Lei Dao suddenly fell into a deadlock, and seemed to have no chance of escape.

For the first time, Lei Dao experienced the feeling of "no escape".

"Could it be that I'm really going to die?"

Raidou murmured softly.

He felt a little unreal.

For a long time, it seems that every time he encounters danger, he can turn evil into good fortune. What's more, he hasn't been in danger for a long, long time.

It almost made him let his guard down.

This caused Lei Dao to be reluctant to leave the Innate Secret Realm even if he felt the danger in the dark on a whim, and he was reluctant to sell the admission quota for the Secret Realm.

Greed has caused the current situation where Lei Dao must die.

Now, Lei Dao has understood.

The danger he felt coming from somewhere was not actually referring to Emperor Gouyu, but the sage Yuan! Only the sage Yuan can make Lei Dao fall into a mortal crisis.

However, Lei Dao knew it was too late now.

"Master, quickly hide in the black coffin."

At this time, Xiao Hei's voice echoed in Lei Dao's mind, appearing very anxious.

"Black coffin?"

Lei Dao's heart moved.

He remembered that he still had a black coffin, which contained the corpse of a suspected ancestor, and the material of the black coffin seemed indestructible.

Perhaps, the black coffin can block the blow of the sage Yuan.

However, this is not absolute.

Whether the black coffin can block the palm of the sage Yuan, Lei Dao is not sure now.

However, now it seems that there is no other way.

Just when Lei Dao was about to get into the black coffin, suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

"Sage Yuan, do you dare to attack this old disciple?"


In the next moment, a hole was torn open in the vast void.

This is not a gap in space, but a gap between the ancient continent and the dark world.

Immediately afterwards, a leaf flew out of it, a huge leaf.

Lei Dao couldn't be more familiar with this leaf.

That is the cave residence of Master's ancestor Kong Kong!

The next moment, the ancestor Kong flew out from among the leaves, stretched out his hand directly, and slapped the palm of the saint Yuan, which was also covering the sky and the sun.


The surrounding void was instantly shattered, Lei Dao was at the center of the explosion, and the terrifying aftermath could tear Lei Dao's ancestor god body in an instant. But fortunately, the master seems to have left some of his strength to protect Lei Dao, which caused the aftermath of the fight between the sage Yuan and the ancestor Kong, but Lei Dao couldn't help it.

"Ancestor Kong!"

The sage roared angrily.

The palm of the ancestor Kong not only defeated his attack, but even made him embarrassed.

"Sage Yuan, you are a majestic saint, and you are shameless to the younger generation, you are shameless, and the old man is shameless!"

The ancestor stood with his hands empty, his eyes extremely sharp.

Standing here, he is like a towering mountain, extremely thick and solid, it seems that no one can cross this mountain.

The sage Yuan was already out of breath, he roared angrily: "Zu Kong, do you really want to protect Lei Dao?"

"Lei Dao is a disciple of this old man, why, a master can't protect a disciple?"

"Hahaha, yes, what you said is very good. How can a master not shelter his disciples? But you sheltered his disciples. The Lingji Emperor who was killed by Lei Dao is a disciple of this sage. Should this sage protect him? ?”

"Skills are not as good as people, and death will be in vain!"

The ancestor Kong is also aggressive now, anyway, the sage Yuan has no intention of letting Lei Dao go, how can he reason with the sage Yuan? The truth is not clear, it still depends on the fist.

It's the same even if you become a sage or an ancestor.

"Okay, okay, okay! That's very good, skills are not as good as others, and death will be in vain, but I will not let my disciples die in vain."

The next moment, Sheng Yuan seemed to have made up his mind.


Suddenly, the sky changed drastically.

The entire void seemed to be overwhelmed by dark clouds, and it suddenly became extremely dark. Then, one after another, figures stepped out of the void.

They all look like sages.


These are all the incarnations of the sage yuan!

Sage Yuan, is recalling all incarnations.

Rumor has it that there are thousands of saints incarnated, and it is difficult to kill a real saint. Once the saint gathers the incarnations together, the strength will be raised to an unimaginable level.

But now, the sage Yuan is recalling the avatar, but the ancestor Kong is unmoved, as if he is letting the sage Yuan recall the avatar.

One, two, five, ten...

As the incarnations descended one after another, the entire void was densely packed, as if they were all incarnations of the sage Yuan, and the terrifying power was even more daunting.

In the distant void, Saint Gu's eyes narrowed sharply, and he even stood up: "It's real, Saint Yuan is real!"


Emperor Yang also looked at the incarnations of the sage Yuan in awe.

Every incarnation seems to be able to easily destroy an aspirant like Emperor Yang, let alone dozens or even hundreds of incarnations?

The number of avatars is increasing.

Ten, twenty, fifty, eighty, one hundred...

In the blink of an eye, the number of Saint Yuan's incarnations in the void exceeded a hundred, and there were more and more, seemingly countless.

"This is the saint?"

Raidou murmured softly.

He was pale now.

There are hundreds of incarnations of saints, even if they are slightly weaker than the incarnation that attacked him before, they are definitely not something that Lei Dao can compete with now.

And such avatars, for the sage Yuan, there are hundreds, thousands, or even more.

How can I fight this?

Even Lei Dao felt desperate.

This is the saint!

Supreme saint!

No wonder no great emperor dared to challenge the majesty of a saint in the ancient continent. Just an incarnation is enough to kill any great emperor.

So what if the emperor is stronger?

What's more, one avatar is not enough, there are two, three, or even thousands.

This is not a level at all and cannot be compared.

Now Lei Dao also understands the power of the saint.

In the past, Lei Dao seemed to be a little bit ambitious. He felt that if his inner body realm expanded to tens or hundreds of times, there would be such a glimmer of hope that he would be comparable to a saint?

Thinking about it now, his thinking was too simple.

The sage is supreme, how can he only have such a little power?

"Teacher, now you know how powerful the saint is?"

Master ancestor Kong said lightly.

"Yes, Master, the sage is supreme, and the disciple has finally seen it."

Lei Dao also answered honestly.

"Okay, let's go to the teacher's cave first after seeing it. This time, the saint is serious, and you may not be able to bear the aftermath of staying for a while. This time, the teacher must beat these saints hard."

Ancestor Kong obviously also took it seriously.

This time the sage is really moving, and he also needs to show the majesty of the ancestor.

Once the two fight, Lei Dao can't bear the aftermath.

Lei Dao couldn't help but said: "Master, can you protect that innate secret realm? After all, the innate secret realm belongs to the disciples, and it would be a pity if it was destroyed."

"The Innate Secret Realm? Hahaha, of course someone will protect it. What's more, do you think the Innate Secret Realm will still be yours after this incident? Go ahead, and accept some things as soon as they are good, otherwise it will be too late."

After all, with a wave of Ancestor Kong's hand, Lei Dao was moved to Ye Zi's "cave house", where it would be very safe, even if a sage fought against the ancestor Kong, it would not be able to shake the cave house of Ancestor Kong.

Lei Dao was a little confused.

Besides him, who else would protect the Innate Secret Realm?

"Could it be... Saint Gu?"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

Yes, it must be Saint Gu.

You know, this is the territory of Saint Gu!

The sage Yuandu has returned, there is no reason why the sage Gu has not returned. What's more, in the battle between the saint and the ancestor, only the power of the saint can protect the innate secret realm.

It's just a pity for Lei Dao.

If the sage Gu protects the innate secret realm, then after this battle, how can he still have his share in the innate secret realm?

Lei Dao is not reconciled!

This innate secret realm is his cash cow, but now it seems that this cash cow has to be handed over to others, but he is not strong enough, and there is nothing he can do.

Everyone is waiting quietly, even the ancestor Kong is also waiting quietly.

In fact, this is not the first time that Zu Kong has fought against the sage Yuan, but every time he fights, there are only one or two incarnations, and it is Zu Kong who has the absolute upper hand.

However, this time the sage is really moving, and if he wants to recall all his incarnations to fight, it will be different.

The sage is very different from the patriarch, quite different even.

The great power of the ancestor belongs to himself, but the saint is different.

The saint's primordial spirit entrusts the void of the ancient continent, and can mobilize part of the power of the ancient continent. They are immortal, but their own strength is not as good as that of their ancestors, and they need to rely on the power of the ancient continent.

Therefore, the sage fights directly, relying on the incarnation.

The true combat power of a saint basically depends on incarnations, the more incarnations, the stronger the combat power. However, each incarnation requires a lot of effort and resources from the saint.

Basically, the older the saint, the more epochs he has experienced, and the accumulation of multiple epochs will result in a terrifying number of incarnations.

All these ancient saints were summoned by their real incarnations. Even the top ancestors might not be able to take advantage of them.

This is the case with Sage Yuan.

He was also barely an old saint.

Now, as time goes on, he summons more and more avatars.

Finally, Sage Yuan stopped summoning the avatar.

All his incarnations have basically been summoned to this void.

Looking around, the dense crowd seems to be the incarnation of the sage Yuan, and anyone who sees it will be horrified and terrified.

"Ancestor Kong, what do you think of these incarnations that I have accumulated through three eras?"

The sage Yuan stood with his hands behind his back, staring coldly at the ancestor Kong.

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