Longevity Species

Chapter 928 Sad! The secret realm is gone, the admission quota is gone, the loss is too great! (Seco

"Remember, the ancestor of this seat is empty!"

The ancestor stood empty-handed, and he manifested his real body.


Ancestor Kong manifested his real body. In fact, very few people knew what Ancestor Kong's real body was, but now, Ancestor Kong's real body was presented in front of everyone.

It was nothingness!

Between the tangible and the intangible.

Afterwards, the emptiness expanded rapidly like a shadow, and more than a thousand incarnations of saints were quickly spread by the shadow of emptiness and shrouded in it.

One hundred, two hundred, three hundred...

Anyone who is shrouded in shadows, the avatars all collapse, and the sage Yuan can no longer sense it.

"What... what's going on here?"

Saint Yuan was terrified.

It's useless, it's all useless, his attack landed on Ancestor Kong's true body, as if scratching an itch, the void shadow of Ancestor Kong just stirred up ripples like water, and then there was no reaction.


Saint Yuan's attack is invalid!

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone, and it was even more frightening. After all, this is the attack of the sage Yuan, the attack of so many incarnations, not to mention smashing the barren ancient continent, but it is not a problem to turn the entire barren ancient continent upside down.

And now? How could it be possible that they did not pose any threat to the ancestor Kong?

Even Saint Gudu's face was serious. He naturally knows that the ancestor Kong is very strong, the ancestor of the Seven Tribulations, not just talking casually, every time a great calamity of the era is passed, both the saint and the ancestor will be stronger.

Even among those ancestor camps, many saints also faintly focus on the ancestor Kong. But Ancestor Kong has never made a move, and even if he did, it was a small matter. No one knows how strong Ancestor Kong is.

And now, he knows.

The strength of the first ancestor Kong has exceeded his imagination, beyond the imagination of ordinary saints, and even beyond the imagination of other great emperors and masters.

"This is the master? Between reality and nothingness, no attack can shake his real body. This kind of method... is inconceivable, really inconceivable!"

Lei Dao's eyes were full of splendor.

The strength of the master is somewhat beyond his imagination.

In the past, Master was very kind in front of him, and even looked very kind. Even if he knew that Master was the ancestor of the Seven Tribulations, he didn't pay much attention to it.

Even if he confronted the ancestor Jie last time, in fact, the ancestor Kong did not try his best.

But now, Ancestor Kong obviously wants to teach Saint Yuan a lesson, bursting out with all his strength, even the incarnations accumulated in the third era of Saint Yuan will not help.

Four hundred, five hundred, six hundred...

In an instant, the loss of Saint Yuan's avatars was close to 700. This was already half of the Saint Yuan's accumulated avatars over so many eras, and this was half of his power!

He still has to rely on these incarnations to survive the catastrophe of the era, how can he be wasted here?

"No, take it, take it for me!"

With a roar of sage Yuan, the whole person seemed to go crazy, and quickly put away nearly 700 avatars.

However, there is no possibility of recovering the seven hundred avatars that were lost, and they were all reduced to ashes by the ancestors. The accumulation of almost two epochs was wasted.

"how so?"

Saint Yuan murmured in a low voice.

He couldn't believe what he saw.

The ancestor Kong also returned to normal. He stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the sage Yuan indifferently, and said, "I have lost the accumulation of nearly two epochs, Sage Yuan. If you want to fight, I will accompany you. However, the remaining 700 incarnations of you may all be annihilated. When the time comes, what will you use to survive the catastrophe of the era?"

I'm scared, the sage is really scared.

In fact, with his previous accumulation, there shouldn't be much problem in surviving the catastrophe of the fourth era.

But now that he has damaged half of his avatars, it will not be so easy to survive the catastrophe of the fourth era. If he continues to lose, even loses all incarnations, he will fall into a deep sleep by then.

Once the catastrophe of the era comes, he will definitely die!

But, how could it be so troublesome?

Saint Yuan didn't even figure it out himself, why did this happen?

He is a majestic saint, and he is also a saint of the Three Tribulations. He has been going smoothly until he met the ancestor Kong in this era, and it seems that his journey has not been smooth.

He underestimated the ancestor too much.

Especially the ancestor Kong, the ancestor of the Seven Tribulations!

How could he have the courage to fight desperately with the ancestor of the Seven Tribulations?

That's not desperate, it's courting death!

Ancestor Kong clearly knew that the eighth epoch catastrophe would definitely not pass. Is it meaningful to fight desperately with Ancestor Kong at this time?


This time, Saint Yuan suffered heavy losses, and even if he wanted to survive the fourth era in the future, he would have to place a question mark. Of course, there is still hope, after all, only half of the avatar is lost.

If he continued to fight and wiped out all his incarnations, then he would definitely not survive the fourth era.

This is really fatal!

Sheng Renyun put all his eggs in one basket this time, and with the body of a dignified saint, he did it himself, but unexpectedly ended in a disastrous result, which Sheng Renyuan could not accept.

It's just that you have to accept it no matter how unacceptable it is!

"Ancestor Kong, it's almost enough. If we continue, other saints will not sit idly by."

At this time, Saint Gu also came to Saint Yuan's side.

He can see that the current situation of Shengren Yuan is actually very dangerous. If Shengren Yuan is so desperate at all costs, then in the fourth era of catastrophe, Shengren Yuan will fall.

At any rate, Saint Gu also had friendship with Saint Yuan, so he didn't want to see this scene.

After all, it is still a long time for the saints.

Even, they will not be limited to the twelve trillion years of this epoch, and there will be the next epoch, or even the next epoch. Saints compete with each other, but they also need to support each other.

Only by supporting each other can we seize the opportunity in the new era.

Otherwise, if you do nothing in the new era, you can never expect to survive the catastrophe of the next era.

The ancestor Kong glanced at Saint Gu, his eyes narrowed slightly and said: "Why, Saint Gu also wants to try?"

"Ancestor Kong is joking, you are the ancestor of the Seven Tribulations, even if we two saints put together, we are not your opponent. However, we also have Saints of the Seven Tribulations, if we really fight, even if you are not afraid, what about the others? , and your disciples, and even other ancestors, I’m afraid they won’t be so lucky.”

There are words in the old sayings of the saints.

The reason why the sage and the ancestors did not go to war on a large scale is actually the case. Both sides have scruples and are very afraid.

Whether it is the first ancestor or the sage, after all, they are not the generation of extinction, after all, there are things they care about, and as long as they care, they will have scruples.

"Now it's not a matter of the old man not stopping, but the sage Yuan Yi bullying the small, directly attacking the old man's disciple. If the old man can't keep the disciple, wouldn't it be ridiculous and generous?"

Ancestor Kong said lightly.

Saint Gu looked at Saint Yuan, and said calmly: "I believe Saint Yuan will not attack the disciple of the ancestor Kong again, Saint Yuan, how about it?"

The sage Yuan glanced at Ancestor Kong, and then at Lei Dao who was in Ye Zidong's mansion.

Even if he fought against the ancestor Kong, it didn't seem to have any effect on Lei Dao.

This time, it was really nothing, and even suffered heavy losses!

The saint is not reconciled!

But what if you are not reconciled?


At this time, the ancestor Kong also summoned Lei Dao.

Lei Dao glanced at Shengren Yuan, now that Shengren Yuan is so miserable, in fact, he can't bear it. After all, he was the one who caused so many troubles.

Therefore, Lei Dao said cautiously: "Your Majesty Yuan, in fact, I have always had something to say to you. I didn't destroy your dojo on purpose, everything was accidental..."


Saint Yuan's expression sank and he said, "Could it be an accident to kill Lingji?"

"Yes, yes, it was really an accident. I just wanted to enter the Yuanling Dojo to walk along with a few treasures. Who would have thought that the Yuanling Dojo would collapse without a fight, and the Emperor Lingji was not careful. Killed..."

Hearing Lei Dao's words, Sheng Yuan even showed signs of going berserk again.

"Leidao, you go back first."

Ancestor Kong hurriedly moved Lei Dao back to Ye Zidong Mansion.

He was also a little embarrassed.

Lei Dao said that, wouldn't it add fuel to the fire?

What does it mean to accidentally kill the Lingji Emperor?

What's more, why did Yuanling Dojo accidentally destroy Yuanling Dojo without a fight? This is simply another stab in the heart of the sage.

That kind of pain can only be experienced by the sage Yuan.

"Okay, I promise you that I will not take action against Lei Dao myself again."

In the end, Sheng Yuan gritted his teeth and made a promise.

However, he is a dignified saint, and he has plenty of ways to deal with Lei Dao.

In the future, he can't directly attack Lei Dao, but there are other ways. It is simply impossible for him to give up targeting Lei Dao. What a shame and humiliation for a dignified saint to lose more than half of his incarnations because of a mere master and an aspirant?

Of course the ancestor Kong knew the little thoughts of the sage Yuan, but he ignored it.

Today's Lei Dao has even grown beyond the imagination of the ancestor Kong.

As long as the sage Yuan doesn't take action himself, so what if there are some small tricks?

Perhaps, that is also the test that Lei Dao must pass!

It is also impossible for him to stay in the ancient continent all the time and escort Lei Dao. It would be consummated if the sage could make a promise and not take action himself.

What's more, the ancestor Kong never thought of knocking the sage Yuan into the dust, so that the sage Yuan could not pass through the catastrophe of the era, it would be meaningless at all.

"Okay, that's all for now."

The ancestor Kong also nodded, and this matter is over.


Saint Yuan's face was ashen, he snorted coldly, turned around and got into the space passage, and disappeared without a trace. He has no face to stay here.

Saint Gu was also about to leave. At this time, Lei Dao couldn't help shouting again: "Sage Gu, that Innate Secret Realm is mine..."

"Oh? The Innate Secret Realm is in this sage's territory, even if you controlled it before, it is now my sage's. Ancestor Kong, is there any problem?"

"no problem."

Ancestor Kong shook his head.

The saints have come forward, and Lei Dao is still thinking about the innate secret realm, so he doesn't take the saints seriously.

Therefore, the sage Gu Ye waved his hand, covering the Innate Secret Realm with a large formation, and then stepped into the space and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing the emptiness in front of him, especially the Innate Secret Realm in the distance, which was also marked with the "Sage Ancient", Lei Dao was very sad.

That was his innate secret realm!

Now they are all gone, and the admission quota is gone, so the life-extending treasures are also gone. If you want to increase your lifespan while lying down like before, that's simply impossible.

What a big loss this time!

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