Longevity Species

Chapter 929 The balance between the divine body and the realm! (third change)

"Master, this secret realm..."

Lei Dao still wants to fight for it.

But the ancestor Kong shook his head and said: "Disciple, don't be too greedy, you have already received enough benefits, and now Saint Gu has taken back the Innate Secret Realm, this is a step for you. Otherwise, with the dignity of a saint, Even if the Innate Secret Realm is destroyed, there is no problem in killing you. After all, as a teacher, you don’t stay in the ancient continent all the time, and you can’t always take care of you.”

"Master, the disciple understands."

Raidou nodded.

You can understand it if you think about it carefully.

Practitioners in the Ming Realm have always occupied a few strongholds and never actively expanded their power, so that they can confront the barren ancient continent. Otherwise, how could the ancient continent be so peaceful?

Lei Dao occupies the innate secret realm, and saints can directly attack.

That is to say, the sage and the ancestors have disappeared, and Lei Dao just picked up a bargain. But now, the sage has returned, and Lei Dao continues to hold on to the Innate Secret Realm, that is the way to death.

Even if there is no such thing as Saint Yuan, Saint Gu will take action himself.

It is because Lei Dao is the disciple of the ancestor Kong, so the sage did not attack Lei Dao in ancient times. Otherwise, Lei Dao controlled the innate secret realm, how could he be unscathed?

"Okay, let's go back."

With a slight wave of his hand, Ancestor Kong pushed Lei Dao out of the Yezi Cave. Gradually, Ancestor Kong flew out of the ancient continent again and disappeared without a trace.

Lei Dao glanced around, he could feel the prying eyes of many eyes.

"Senior sister, let's go back to Pancheng."

At this time, Master Qinglian also came out of the Innate Secret Realm. Although the Innate Secret Realm was taken back by Saint Gu, it didn't bother the Great Emperor or Great Master inside.

Master Qinglian still had some lingering fears, so she nodded and said, "Okay, the turmoil this time is indeed too big, and it's time to avoid it."

After all, the two quickly flew towards Shangcheng, and then returned directly to Pancheng from the teleportation array in Shangcheng.

Although Lei Dao and the others left, the turmoil did not subside. On the contrary, the news spread farther and farther, and even caused a sensation in the end.

The battle between the saint and the ancestor!

Such news is not unusual at all. After all, for so many years, although there have been wars between the saints and the ancestors, they are all small fights and stop at the end.

But this time it was different.

The sage Yuan shot out angrily, and even summoned more than a thousand incarnations. It can be said that he went all out and wanted to kill. And the ancestor Kong, who has always been silent, and has even been sitting in the dark world, rarely showing his face, showed his terrifying strength and killed half of the incarnation of the sage Yuan in one fell swoop.

Severe damage to the Saint Yuan!

This news is like the half of a storm, sweeping across the entire ancient continent.

Only then did many great emperors and even saints understand the horror of the ancestor Kong.

Naturally, many emperors and masters seem to have re-acquainted with Lei Dao, the initiator of the war between saints and ancestors.

Knowing that Lei Dao was an aspirant, and that even the top aspirant, Gou Yu, died in Lei Dao's hands, this also made Lei Dao famous, and there was really a tendency to become popular throughout the ancient continent.

It's just that Lei Dao didn't want to be so popular.

He just wants to keep a low profile.

How pleasant is it to silently guard the innate secret realm and then sell the admission quota?

But now?

No more, the Innate Secret Realm is gone, how does Lei Dao sell the admission quota for the Innate Secret Realm?

It has been several days since Lei Dao returned to Pancheng, but there are no life-extending treasures to increase his lifespan. Naturally, even cultivation has become impossible, which is really painful.

Fortunately, Lei Dao's "reputation" gradually fermented, and there were actually big masters and masters coming to buy places for Hualongchi one after another.

Lei Dao's Hualongchi quota is now rather short than excessive. Compared with the admission quota of the Innate Secret Realm, the standard is naturally much lower, but it also needs life-extending treasures that increase the lifespan by at least one billion years.

In the past, Lei Dao wanted to enter the secret realm to "advertise" and promote his Hualongchi quota. I didn't expect that now, relying on his reputation, there are really many masters coming from afar to buy places in Hualongchi.

One, two, three...

With the passage of time, the number of masters who purchased Hualongchi quotas has gradually increased. In just two or three months, Lei Dao has sold a full fifty quotas, which is terrifying.

"Fifty places, let's see how much life expectancy can be increased?"

Lei Dao had already refined the last life-extending treasure, so he mobilized his ability to check his body data.

Name: Lei Dao (33 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 83 billion 10 million years

Internal world: thirty-five times the domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 2% (four kinds of bloodlines complete)

Lei Dao immediately looked at the remaining lifespan, and there were actually 83 billion years left. Lei Dao's lifespan was 28 billion years before, which means that the 50 places in Hualongchi added a total of 55 billion years to Lei Dao's lifespan.

Calculated, the life expectancy of about one billion years has been increased by almost one quota, which is about the same as Lei Dao estimated.

A lifespan of 83 billion years, this is a number that Lei Dao thinks is very "normal". Who told him to have seen the "big scene" when he sold the admission quota for the secret realm?

Lei Dao is not too excited about this lifespan.

Now Lei Dao has no choice. His internal body domain has reached its limit. If he continues to expand the internal body domain, the ancestor god body will collapse, and the loss outweighs the gain.

Therefore, the internal realm can no longer be expanded, so the only way to improve the bloodline of the ancestors is.

Therefore, Lei Dao began to select several powerful bloodlines.

In the end, Lei Dao selected three powerful bloodlines.

These three powerful bloodlines are no worse than the bloodlines of Giant Spirit and Tianlong, and should make Lei Dao's ancestor bloodline reach 3%.

Of course, whether it can strengthen the blood of the ancestors still has to be tried.

Thus, Lei Dao began to cultivate the first bloodline.

This time, it took nine billion years of lifespan for the first type of blood to be cultivated to perfection.

The second bloodline cultivated to perfection, and it took 12 billion years of lifespan.

The third kind of bloodline has been cultivated to perfection, and it took ten billion years of lifespan.

The three bloodlines spent a total of 31 billion years of lifespan.

This made Lei Dao frowned slightly.

This consumes one billion more years of lifespan than the previous three bloodlines.

In fact, this is also very normal. It is impossible for Lei Dao to control each bloodline to consume only 10 billion years of lifespan. It is also normal to consume more lifespan.

Therefore, Lei Dao fused the three perfect bloodlines into the bloodline of the ancestor.


Not contrary to Lei Dao's expectations, Lei Dao's ancestor god body began to reorganize again.

Lei Dao had expected this reorganization. Once the reorganization starts, it means that Lei Dao's ancestor blood will increase to 3%.

Moreover, every time there is a reorganization, the body of the ancestor god will be greatly improved.

Originally, Lei Dao's ancestor god body was already comparable to ordinary aspirants. After this reorganization, the ancestor god body has been greatly improved, and I am afraid that his strength will also improve by leaps and bounds.

At that time, even if he does not rely on the internal realm, Lei Daoguang will have a place among the aspirants by relying on the strength of the ancestor god body.

"The ancient continent is too dangerous. I can't even stop an incarnation of a saint. No way, my strength is too weak. The blood of the ancestors needs to be cultivated, but the realm in the body must also be expanded!"

Lei Dao has already planned the practice method.

That is the bloodline of the ancestors and the realm in the body go hand in hand.

Previously, Lei Dao expected that once his ancestral blood increased by 1%, then his internal body would be able to continue to expand, at least temporarily avoiding imbalance.

This is Lei Dao's conjecture, and now he feels it carefully, and sure enough, the balance between the realm in the body and the divine body has been restored, and it can continue to expand.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao no longer hesitated.

"Expand the internal domain."

At this moment, Lei Dao's body realm has reached thirty-five times, but as Lei Dao expands again, his body realm is also expanding rapidly.

Thirty-six times, thirty-seven times, thirty-eight times, thirty-nine times, forty times...

The speed of Lei Dao's expansion this time is not too fast, even quite slow.

Because, he must always pay attention to the balance between the divine body and the domain in his body. Once the internal domain expands too fast and there are signs of imbalance, then he will stop expanding immediately.

Balance is very important!

However, the internal domain has expanded five times in a row, and there seems to be no sign of imbalance between the divine body and the domain, so Lei Dao continues to improve, anyway, his current lifespan is very sufficient.

Forty-one times, forty-two times, forty-three times...

Finally, Lei Dao felt a little pressure.

His divine body is under a little pressure.

The body realm has reached forty-three times, that is, after expanding eight times, the ancestor god body has a little pressure. However, this is just pressure, and it has not reached the point of imbalance.

As a result, Leidao continued to expand.

Forty-four times, forty-five times!

Finally, at the forty-five times the domain, Lei Dao stopped.

One is because Lei Dao's lifespan has almost been exhausted, and the other is because basically the divine body has reached its limit, and the expansion of the realm in the body has reached a critical point.

It can no longer continue to expand. Once it continues to expand, the divine body and the realm will be out of balance.

Therefore, Lei Dao mobilized his abilities and checked his physical condition again.

Name: Lei Dao (33 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 2 billion 10 million years

Inner world: forty-five times the domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 3% (seven bloodlines complete)

There are only two billion years left in Lei Dao's lifespan, and neither the bloodline of the ancestor nor the realm can be further improved. As for the inner world, Lei Dao has expanded the domain to a full forty-five times!

This is a scary number!

The blood of the ancestors has also reached three percent.

All in all, this time it was a huge gain.

And the bigger gain is that Lei Dao faintly noticed the balance between the divine body and the inner realm. If the ancestor's bloodline is increased by almost one percent, then the internal domain can be expanded by about ten times.

Of course, this is not necessarily accurate, and there may be some changes in the future.

"The blood of the ancestor is only 3%, how long will it be before the real ancestor?"

Even Lei Dao's heart sank slightly.

The ancestor, it seems that it is not as easy as he imagined.

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