Longevity Species

Chapter 940 Ability Strike? (Second more)


At this moment, Great Master Jiuquan opened his mouth wide, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

Especially the figure in the void, the look in his eyes looking down on all living beings, and the infinite arrogance exuding from his whole body.

Thunder Road!

A true questioner!

Even in the Ming Realm, they are all invincible and invincible terrifying powerhouses.

Now, coming to the fandom, he can naturally become one of the top experts in the fandom.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether Master Jiuquan believes or not, he is just a great master. It's whether the masters, great masters, and even the three aspirants of the Dragon League believe it or not.

Of course, the three aspirants would not believe what Lei Dao said.

What is invincible, what is invincible, what is no enemy in this life, they will never believe it. However, they believe that Lei Dao's strength is indeed very strong.

Even they, who had already become aspirants in the lost world, were suppressed by Lei Dao in an instant.

They have never encountered such a powerful master.

"Now, how do you feel?"

Lei Dao said lightly.

He has basically understood the situation in the maze world, and he doesn't want to keep a low profile in the maze world, because there is no need for it.

Is it necessary for him to start from an ordinary member, step by step to a high position, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? That's impossible, he wants to ascend to the sky in one step, directly to a high position.

Then use the power under his control to find Yaoxin to dominate. Finally, find a way to leave the maze world and return to the bright world.

Of course, the easiest of them is the first step, controlling power.

The Dragon League in front of him is the best opportunity, so of course Lei Dao will not miss it, it depends on what choices these three aspirants make.

The three aspirants of the Dragon Alliance looked at each other.

What choice do they have?

Anyway, Lei Dao just wants to control the Dragon Alliance, such an example is really normal in the Lost Realm. Some people were so powerful that they jumped up and became askers, and immediately began to fight for power and profit.

There have been countless fights for this.

They had already gotten used to it, but they didn't expect that the three of them were dignified aspirants, and they would be kicked out of the leader's throne.

But the fact is that they are not as skilled as others, so naturally they will not resist.

So, Master Long Hui took the lead and said: "Meet Leader Lei!"

The other two deputy leaders also bowed their heads, expressing their submission to Lei Dao.

Many elders and guardians below all looked at each other in blank dismay, but at this time, they also understood how to choose, so they also respectfully shouted: "Meet Leader Lei!"

From now on, the leader of the Dragon League has completely changed hands, and has become Lei Dao who has just arrived in the Lost Realm.

"That's right, Mr. Lei just came to the Lost Realm, and he doesn't need much. All of you should perform your own duties. As for the master of Longhui, you can serve as the deputy leader for now. Mr. Lei will not make any changes to the Dragon Alliance , but one thing, my order must be obeyed! Otherwise, Lei will not be polite."

Lei Dao glanced at it as a warning to everyone in the Dragon League.

"Yes, we must obey the leader's order!"

Everyone's heart trembled slightly.

Of course they knew that Lei Dao could also kill people!

Anyway, so far, Lei Dao has become the leader, and there is no loss for them, and it is even a good thing. After all, the Dragon Alliance has more powerful aspirants, and they can speak in the lost world.

The only loss is that the alliance leader, Long Hui, is in charge, but he dare not have any complaints.

"Okay, then Lei has become the leader of the alliance. You should do two things first. The first thing is to mobilize the forces of the Dragon Alliance and find a practitioner named Master Yaoxin in the Lost Realm. Well, it's been about ten years It's time to come to the maze."

"The second thing is to collect some life-extending treasures. No matter how many, the categories must be complete. Collect them all. I will be of great use."

Raidou issued an order.

However, the two things Lei Dao had to do were actually very simple, which made many elders and guardians heave a sigh of relief.

Lei Dao was not the first to find someone in the Lost Realm.

Many cultivators who have fallen into the lost world were looking for someone at the beginning, and then fell into the lost world. Looking for people, their experience is quite rich, besides, Lei Dao also said that for nearly ten years, the scope is even smaller, and it is easier to find.

As for the second thing, collecting all kinds of life-extending treasures is even simpler.

The treasures in the entire maze world are inexhaustible, so it is not easy to find life-extending treasures? It was a breeze.

"Don't worry, leader, there will be news within ten days at most."

"Okay, I'll wait."

So, with a wave of Lei Dao's hand, many elders and guardians left the hall.

Seeing that everyone left the hall, there were only two people left in the hall, Lei Dao and Master Jiuquan.

Great Master Jiuquan still feels a little unbelievable.

"You... are you really an asker?"

"Can this be fake?"

"Then you were a top aspirant when you were in the Ming Realm?"


Great Master Jiuquan was silent.

"What's wrong? Are you not happy that I became the leader of the alliance? Don't worry, Lei has become the leader of the alliance and will not forget you. From now on, your cultivation resources will be continuously supplied, and your status in the Dragon Alliance is also an elder."

Of course, Lei Dao will not forget to give benefits to Master Jiuquan.

However, Great Master Jiuquan shook his head, sighed and said: "It was just a guess before, but now that I see you, I am sure that it is impossible to leave the maze world in this life. You are the real top aspirant , and ended up falling into the maze, who can get out?"

Great Master Jiuquan stayed in the Lost Realm for a full 100 million years.

It seems that he is giving up on himself and doesn't care whether he can leave, but in fact, deep down in his heart, I have a little hope. He looked forward to one day being able to leave the Lost Realm.

Only, now hope is dashed.

Even Lei Dao, the top aspirant, has fallen into the maze, who can leave the maze?

When Lei Dao heard the words, he did not answer directly, but said with deep eyes and a quiet tone: "Don't worry, there will be a chance, and maybe we will find a way to leave the maze soon..."

Great Master Jiuquan didn't speak, but there was undoubtedly a trace of despair in his expression.


"Leader, do you really want to surrender the Dragon League to this Lei Dao?"

Outside the main hall, several elders surrounded Long Hui to dominate, feeling a little unwilling.

Master Longhui took a look at these elders, and said coldly: "Don't say I didn't remind you, Master Lei will be the leader of the Dragon League from now on, and this will not change. As for me, is there any difference whether it is the leader or the deputy leader? ? Don’t forget, we are in the Lost Realm, what other hope do we have besides living a better life?”

Many elders were shocked.

That's right, in the Lost Realm, besides living a better life, what extravagance do they have?

Now they can be regarded as high-level members of the Dragon League, and they can live better, so why do they have to seek death?

Lei Dao is a top powerhouse who can kill aspirants, so why would it be unwise to fight Lei Dao for the position of leader of the Dragon League?

"Master, we understand."

"No, you don't understand. If you understand, you should call me deputy leader."

"Yes, Vice President."

Afterwards, these elders turned and left, leaving only three deputy leaders.

"Master Long Hui, this Master of Thunder is really strong, I feel that he didn't even use his full strength. A newcomer who has just arrived in the lost world is so tyrannical, is this a top aspirant?"

"Yes, it should be a top questioner."

"Unexpectedly, even the top aspirants have fallen into the maze. When will we hope to leave the maze?"

"Perhaps, Leader Lei is hope..."

Master Long Hui looked back at the hall.

He faintly felt that Lei Dao seemed to be different from those top aspirants in the lost world.

Perhaps, this time is an opportunity.

"Okay, everything that the lord told me must be done properly."

After finishing speaking, Master Longhui also left quickly.

With the departure of many elders and guardians of the Longmeng, the news gradually spread. The Dragon League has changed hands, which can be regarded as big news, after all, the former leader of the Dragon League was the Master of Longhui, and that was an aspirant!

It was even rumored that the leader of the Dragon League changed hands because a newcomer, a newcomer who had just arrived in the Lost Realm, had the ability to overwhelm Long Hui's leader, and even the entire Dragon League, to become the leader of the Dragon League.

This news is too explosive!

A newcomer, a newcomer who has just entered the maze world, is overwhelming the entire Dragon League. You must know that there are three aspirants in the Dragon League. How strong is a rookie who can completely suppress it?

Top questioner?

There is no doubt that if this news is true, then Lei Dao must be a top aspirant!

A top aspirant has fallen into the maze, and this news makes the hearts of many practitioners in the maze sink. In their eyes, the top aspirant is aloof, and he is a great existence second only to the ancestors.

Even the top aspirants have fallen into the maze, so what hope do they have?

This news is constantly spreading, but it seems that it will have to wait for a while to further ferment it.

Even so, many people in the Lost Realm almost "know" Lei Dao!

Leader of the Dragon League!

Top questioner!

However, there are very few people who have actually seen Lei Dao.

At this moment, Lei Dao is in the secret room.

In front of him, there was a pile of various precious life extension treasures, some of which were even used by Lei Dao.

However, Lei Dao did not continue to refine these life extension treasures.

His complexion is very ugly.

Because, just now, he finally finished the test.

As a result, he was disappointed.

"It doesn't have any effect. These life-extending treasures didn't add any life span to me. How is this possible?"

Lei Dao was shocked.

This is the first time that he has used life-extending treasures but did not increase his lifespan. What's going on?

Could it be that the ability is on strike?

Or, there is a problem with these life-extending treasures, and they can't increase their lifespan at all?

Lei Dao is not clear now, he is also looking for the reason.

After all, longevity is his foundation!

There is no lifespan, and the ability has no effect.

Therefore, Lei Dao must find the reason!

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