Longevity Species

Chapter 941 Fake! Everything is illusion! (third change)

Name: Lei Dao (34 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 41 billion 10 million years

Inner world: fifty-five times the domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 4% (ten kinds of bloodlines complete)

At this moment, Lei Dao quickly called up the ability to check the body data.

Sure enough, his lifespan is still 41 billion years. Even though he has refined so many life-extending treasures in the Lost World, his lifespan has not increased at all. This alone is very strange, even weird !

Is it because of life extension treasures?

Or is it because of the supernatural ability?

Lei Dao felt that it might be neither.

It seems that there is no problem with the ability now. After all, this is the confidence that Lei Dao has practiced so far and can become a top aspirant. It is even the foundation of Lei Dao!

In the past, if there was a problem with the ability, there would be some reminders, for example, the ability would be upgraded, it would be gradually improved, etc., but there will never be a situation like this, refining life extension treasures, but not adding a little life.

This is not normal!

"There is nothing wrong with my ability, so, is it a problem with life-extending treasures?"

Lei Dao's heart moved.

He absolutely believed in supernatural powers, so the rest might be a matter of life-extending treasures. It's just that there are many life-extending treasures in it, and Lei Dao has taken them before, and the feeling is exactly the same.


Lei Dao squeezed lightly.

One of the life-prolonging treasures was instantly crushed by him, and then turned into powder, it seemed that there was not much difference. However, soon, the life extension treasure that was crushed appeared in Lei Dao's hands again.

It was as if it happened naturally, nothing changed.

Lei Dao already knew about this kind of thing, and he even tried it many times, and it was always the same. But he couldn't find anything wrong.

"There is another possibility."

Lei Dao's eyes were cold, and he murmured in a low voice: "That is, everything in the maze is fake and illusion. This kind of illusion can confuse the master, the great master, and even the aspirant. But The only thing that can’t confuse supernatural powers is because supernatural powers are not any kind of life. Only real life-extending treasures can make supernatural powers increase lifespan. Therefore, life-prolonging treasures are fake, and so is the entire maze world!"

In fact, this is not only Lei Dao's guess, many masters, great masters and even aspirants have such speculations, but they have not been able to produce strong evidence.

And Lei Dao has abilities, and his abilities are the best evidence!

However, after learning the "truth", Lei Dao's heart sank slightly, and he didn't seem very happy.

He couldn't be happier either.

If, as he guessed, the whole maze is an illusion, and they are all in the illusion, then how terrifying is the illusion?

What a terrifying energy?

Lei Dao even doubted whether the ancestor could do it.

Perhaps, the ancestors can do it, but so far I haven't heard that there are ancestors in illusion.

After all, the history of this maze has been too long, it has existed since the beginning of the era, and some people even speculate that this maze existed in the last era, and it survived the catastrophe of the era.

Of course, one cannot escape the Epoch Tribulation in the Maze World. Even in the last Era, some people were trapped in the Maze World. The power of robbery is annihilated.

Practitioners can fall and be annihilated, but not necessarily in the Lost Realm.

The maze can last forever, maybe not only in the last era, but also in the last era, or even longer...

But this is not a good thing for Lei Dao.

The lost world has existed for such a long time, how should he leave?

The longer one stays in the maze, the more extraordinary and even terrifying the maze can be felt.

Think about it, for such a long time, let's say this era, from the beginning of the era to the present, the lost world has always existed, and who has left? No, no one has ever been able to leave the maze.

Moreover, even Lei Dao, a genuine aspirant, is trapped in the maze, at least for now, there is no way out.

Even if the maze world is an illusion, it can make people become aspirants silently, and all the manifestations and characteristics are no different from real aspirants.

This is scary.

How strong is this illusion that can support so many practitioners to become aspirants?

At least, Lei Dao had never heard of it!

"It's a bit troublesome, Fanjie, everything seems to be a mystery!"

Lei Dao's heart sank slightly.

Of course, he still had a way, but he didn't use it. Before, he was full of confidence and felt that he would definitely be able to find a way to leave the lost world, but now, even Lei Dao hesitated.

However, many life-extending treasures have not been used up yet, Lei Dao has to continue to try. Moreover, Master Yaoxin has not been found yet, Lei Dao is not in a hurry, anyway, in this maze, apart from being trapped, there is no danger that could threaten him for a while, so he can take his time.


Dominate the League!

As the name suggests, it is the Domination Alliance. In the lost world, the Domination Alliance is a very old force, and it can be regarded as one of the top forces.

It only recruits masters, and only masters can become members of the master alliance.

However, such a top power is not necessarily a good thing.

At least for the masters at the bottom, it is not a good thing.

Master Yaoxin regrets it now, she never imagined that the dignified master would be reduced to the lowest level one day.

Moreover, her mother is the top master, the disciple of the first ancestor, and even the mother's senior sister is silent master, so she can be called the overlord of the bright world, but a top aspirant!

Yaoxin, who has been loved by thousands of people since she was a child, has never thought that she will become the bottom one day, and it seems that she has no bright future.

"Why did I wander into the maze world?"

Master Yaoxin was in despair.

She originally had all kinds of treasures on her body, and she could even escape with her life when she met a top master. Therefore, regardless of the danger, she entered the maze corridor.

Who knew that once he entered, he fell into the abyss and came to the lost world.

As soon as she came to the Lost Realm, she was seen by the members of the Domination League, so they half-forced her to join the Domination League, and as a result, all the treasures on her body were taken away.

Now it's miserable, and what I do every day is actually a maid.

Yes, maid!

A top-notch ruler, the maid of the elders of the Ruler League.

The resources in the Lost Realm are unlimited, so there will not be too many things to collect resources. Instead, they will be tortured as maids. Especially in the lost world, people can't see the hope of leaving, and many practitioners start to enjoy themselves.

Master Yao Xin was favored by the top master of the Master League, Elder Wei Xiang, and became Elder Wei Xiang's maid, but this elder Wei Xiang wanted Master Yao Xin to be one of his Taoist companions.

Well, Elder Weixiang has ninety-eight Taoist companions so far...

Therefore, the fineness of this Taoist couple can be seen.

Master Yaoxin is of course unwilling, and Elder Weixiang didn't use force, so it's meaningless at all. What's more, Elder Weixiang knows that many practitioners who have just entered the maze world still have a little fantasy and want to leave the maze world.

But is it possible?

Anyway, as time goes by, no matter what practitioners, they will despair.

Once you are desperate, you will break the jar and smash it, and there will be no persistence.

Elder Weixiang has a lot of time to wait slowly. His ninety-eight Taoist companions "waited" in this way, so Elder Weixiang is very patient.

But Master Yaoxin is not reconciled.

She always felt that it was very dangerous to be here. Elder Weixiang would attack her sooner or later. Every day he stayed in the Juggernaut League, he would be in danger.

Of course, she didn't dare to escape.

In the Lost Realm, no one dared to escape, because they would be caught and brought back, and the end would be even worse.

"When will such a day end?"

Master Yaoxin shook his head and sighed.

"Master Yaoxin, have you heard that a major event happened in the Lost Realm recently. Even, I think it has something to do with you."

"Big thing? Is it related to me?"

Master Yaoxin didn't believe it at all.

She is just an ordinary ruler, she has fallen into the maze world, she is almost inconspicuous, like a drop of water in the great river, what big event will have something to do with her?

"It's true. I heard that a newcomer came to the Lost Realm recently, named Lei Dao, who is a top aspirant. As soon as he came, he overwhelmed the Dragon League and made the Dragon League change owners..."

Immediately afterwards, the maid, who was familiar with Lord Yaoxin, told all the news she had received.

Of course, her news is all rumors, which are greatly exaggerated.

However, the general facts are not wrong.

"So, this new leader of the Dragon League has been looking for a master named 'Yao Xin'? And it's been nearly ten years since he entered the maze world?"

Master Yaoxin's eyes lit up, and she was even very excited in her heart.

If Dan Dan was looking for "Yao Xin Master", then there may be a misunderstanding of the same name, but with the fact that she has entered the Lost Realm in the past ten years, it is correct, it must be her.

Although she has never heard of who the Master of Lei Dao is, it does not prevent her from wanting to get rid of the Master League and the obsessive mood of Elder Weixiang.

"Master Yaoxin, do you know this Leader Lei?"

Yao Xin's master's companion asked cautiously.

"I don't know him, but he may have some relationship with me. I'm being looked down upon by Elder Wei Xiang, so please help me go to the Dragon League and inform Leader Lei."

"No problem, but, I hope that when Leader Lei takes you out of the Dominion League, can he take me with him?"

"Take you away? Of course there is no problem. President Lei is a top aspirant. As long as he speaks, Elder Weixiang dare not let him go. Don't worry, as long as there is a chance, I will definitely take you away with me. Don't worry."

Master Yaoxin may have made a promise. , with Lei Dao's strength and status, it is definitely not a problem to take one more maid to dominate and leave.

She can't wait to leave the Juggernaut now.

"Okay, I'll go to Longmeng now."

Thus, the maid quickly left the Juggernaut League and rushed towards the Dragon League.

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