Longevity Species

Chapter 942 Lei Dao is going to make a big deal! (first update)

"It's useless, it's still useless."

In the secret room of the Dragon League, Lei Dao looked a little gloomy.

If you add the time he came out of Wan Hua Yuan, it has actually been two months now.

For two full months, he fell into the maze and achieved nothing!

According to the agreement between him and Master Niu Mo and others, if Master Yao Xin is not found within three months, he can leave the Miyu Corridor on his own.

Now, there is only one month left.

Of course, even if it's been three months, Lei Dao now only hopes that the Bull Demon Lord will not fall into the Lost Corridor, he must leave the Lost Corridor as soon as possible.

However, he has basically tried all the life-extending treasures in the maze world, but Lei Dao was disappointed that none of the life-extending treasures could increase his lifespan.

In fact, deep down, Lei Dao hoped that his previous guess was wrong. How could the entire lost world be an illusion? If there are life-extending treasures to increase lifespan, then Lei Dao's guess will be self-defeating immediately.

It's a pity, no, there is not a single treasure that can increase lifespan, which undoubtedly further confirms Lei Dao's guess. The Lost Realm is really a huge illusion, and it is an illusion that can make people unable to distinguish, and is immersive.

Even top aspirants can't tell the truth from the fake.

"It seems that there is only one last way..."

Raidou murmured softly.

The last method, he didn't want to use it unless it was absolutely necessary. Because there was too much movement, and, if it was time to use the last method, it meant that Lei Dao had no other choice.

I have high hopes for the last method, and I am afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Of course, the prerequisite is to find Master Yaoxin first.

"Leader, there is news of Yaoxin's master."

Suddenly, Great Master Jiuquan came to the secret room and reported to Lei Dao respectfully.

Lei Dao retreats, only very important things can disturb Lei Dao.

Obviously, the news of Yao Xin's domination is very important.

"Find Master Yaoxin?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, did he find Yao Xin so soon?

Sure enough, power is very important.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult for Lei Dao to find a master in the huge lost world, but with the help of the Dragon Alliance, everything would be easy.

Lei Dao stood up, left the secret room, opened the door of the secret room, and saw Great Master Jiuquan standing outside the door.

"what news?"

"Leader, it's like this, there is a master who dominates the alliance to report..."

Afterwards, Great Master Jiuquan reported all the news he had just received to Lei Dao.

Lei Dao raised his eyebrows and said: "So, it is Master Yaoxin who got the news?"


"Okay, let's go and have a look first."

Therefore, Lei Dao directly came to the main hall of Longmeng together with Master Jiuquan.

In the main hall, at the moment there is a female ruler with an unnatural expression, as if restrained.

After all, facing the "gaze" of the three aspirants, she is a mere master. If she can still be calm, then her psychological quality is too strong.

"You are the master of the message?"

Suddenly, Lei Dao's figure appeared in the hall.

"This is our leader."

"Master Lei, I... I am really a friend of Juggernaut Yaoxin. She asked me to report the news, but she can't leave the Juggernaut right now."

"Do you have a portrait of Master Yaoxin?"

"Of course there is."

In fact, it is not a portrait, and it can show the appearance of Yaoxin's master by using any means.

After Lei Dao saw it, he nodded secretly. Master Wanhua once showed Lei Dao the appearance of Master Yaoxin, and this is the person. It is not wrong. It seems that Master Yaoxin is really ruling the League.

"Leader, Master Yaoxin has encountered a little trouble."

Of course Lei Dao knew that the trouble was with the Juggernaut, or rather, with Elder Weixiang.

"The domination alliance is strong?"

Lei Dao suddenly asked the three deputy leaders.

These three deputy alliance leaders are all aspirants, and they have been in the maze world for a long time, so they naturally know the domination alliance very well.

Master Long Hui nodded and said: "Leader, the Master League is indeed very strong, very strong. There are countless top masters, and there are... many aspirants! There are even three top aspirants on the surface. Respect!"

"Three top askers?"

Lei Dao's heart trembled.

Sure enough, it is very strong. You must know that for ordinary forces, it is very good to have a top aspirant sitting in the town. It can be regarded as a first-class large-scale force. As for the Juggernaut League, there are actually three top aspirants. This is on the bright side, and no one knows how many top aspirants there are in the dark.

After all, once you become an aspirant, there are still some who have not lost their fighting spirit or enjoyed themselves, but are still devoting themselves to practice, hoping to reach a higher level through practice, and even become the ancestor, so as to leave the lost world.

Therefore, no one knows how many top aspirants there are in the Domination League.

Lei Dao was also deeply moved in his heart.

That's all in the maze world, everything in this maze world is illusory. If it is in the Ming Realm, even if it is a top large-scale force, it is still difficult to say whether there are any aspirants.

And what about the maze?

Any very ordinary force has to be in charge of the questioner.

And top forces need top aspirants even more.

There are at least three top aspirants, dozens of aspirants, and countless top masters in the top power of the Juggernaut Alliance.

If such a force is placed in the Ming Realm, it is destined to become a colossal terrorist force.

But, it's all fake.

However, in the maze world, what is false can become true.

If one fights in the Lost Realm, one's strength is not as good as that of a human being, and one dies, one is truly lost. This is true. Therefore, even if it is illusory, many practitioners who have fallen into the lost world are still practicing hard.

The maze world is not too big, day after day, there are no exits, and there are unlimited resources, how terrifying is the number of practitioners accumulated? Therefore, there are so many strong people who are no exception.

"Three top inquirers, dozens of inquirers, if you want to catch them all in one go, it will be a bit troublesome..."

Raidou frowned.

He thought about it a lot, even if he had the strength to wipe out the Juggernaut, so what?

There are so many masters, so many questioners, but they are innocent in the lost world. They are not the gods and demons of the ancient continent. Maybe they have a relationship in the end, and maybe they have a little relationship with Lei Dao.

Isn't it a bit too rough to catch everything in one go?

Lei Dao couldn't bear it.

According to the female leader of the Juggernaut, Yaoxin was not tortured or persecuted in the Juggernaut, even the elder Weixiang who wanted Yaoxin to become a Taoist companion did not actually force Yaoxin dominate.

It doesn't look like a vicious force at first glance, how could Lei Dao have the heart to destroy the Juggernaut Alliance, or even wipe it all out?

That would kill a lot of people!

In the Lost Realm, once one dies, one is truly lost, no different from the Bright Realm.

"Wait, lord, what are you thinking? Could it be that you want to wipe out all the lords?"

Juggernaut Long Hui had a peaceful discussion with Lei Dao at the beginning, but judging from Lei Dao's meaning, is this the rhythm to wipe out the Juggernaut Alliance?

No, such a thought is too dangerous.

That is the Domination League!

If there is any enmity or grievance, it will be wiped out as soon as he makes a move?

At this moment, Master Longhui's heart trembled slightly.

He seemed to be aware of Lei Dao's harmless "face" and ruthless attitude "under the disguise" of his seemingly kind.

Just to find a master.

Even the ruler didn't suffer any harm, it can be considered that the Juggernaut League has taken in the Juggernaut Yaoxin, Lei Dao is thinking about killing all the Juggernaut League.

How dark-hearted is this?

How vicious is this?

Anyway, at this moment, Master Long Hui and the other two deputy leaders couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

Fortunately, they didn't have much conflict with Lei Dao before.

Fortunately, they saw the opportunity quickly and surrendered to Lei Dao.

Otherwise, they might have been dead for an unknown amount of time.

Too cruel!

How could Lei Dao do this?

No, not even thoughts!

"Leader, the ruling alliance is not a vicious force. Even if there is a problem, it is only the problem of the elder Weixiang. We only need to take down the elder Weixiang. Moreover, with your identity and status, just say, Weixiang Elder Xiang will not give face?"

Master Long Hui hastily "persuaded" Lei Dao.

Never have such dangerous thoughts.

Every now and then, people would be wiped out, and the League of Masters would go up and down. The number of masters was countless.

Of course, Master Long Hui was so afraid, not only because he was afraid of Lei Dao, but also because he was afraid of the Master League.

That's the Domination Alliance!

There is no one of the oldest forces in the entire lost world. The energy of the Juggernaut is also terrifying. If you really want to provoke the Juggernaut, how can the Juggernaut spare the Dragon League?

At that time, not only Lei Dao will die, but the entire Dragon League will die.

They don't want to be led into the fire pit by Lei Dao, and they will be doomed forever.

Hearing the words of Master Longhui, Lei Dao seemed to have "suddenly realized", he nodded and said: "It seems to make sense, and what you said is right, this is just the matter of Elder Weixiang, and it is only about Yaoxin's ruling a mere It’s all about mastering, this should be a trivial matter.”

"Yes, small things, really just small things."

Master Long Hui finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lei Dao is also reflecting. He seems to have changed his mind recently.

He always thinks about killing the weeds and eradicating the roots. Is this because he was "frightened" by those gods and demons in the ancient continent?

"No, what if Elder Weixiang refuses to give in and release Master Yaoxin? If that's the case, I will forcefully rescue Master Yaoxin, and Elder Weixiang will definitely go to the senior management of the Master League, and then the senior management of the Master League He will try to convince me. After all, I am just a newcomer, even if I have caused a little disturbance recently and took charge of the Dragon League, in the eyes of the higher-ups of the Master League, the Dragon League is nothing more than an ant, not worth mentioning."

"If I defeat or even behead the high-level members of the Domination League, it will completely anger the Domination League. They will feel that the Dragon League is provoking the status of the Domination League, and then the Domination League will start a full-scale war against our Dragon League. The blood flowed like a river, either the Dragon League was destroyed, or the Juggernaut League was destroyed, and finally fell into a tragic situation of life and death..."

Lei Dao looked like he "had already seen it clearly".

"Wait, that's not the case, leader, you really think too much..."

Master Long Hui hastily interrupted Lei Dao's words.

Can't let Lei Dao go on talking, if you go on talking, you don't know what will happen.

The three deputy leaders suddenly felt that the leader Lei in front of him had a somewhat "abnormal" brain circuit, um, his ideas were quite "unique", barely thoughtful, right?

But, is this too much thinking?

For a mere master, the master league and Lei Dao, the top aspirant, will not die forever?

I really think too much...

"Leader, why don't I go to the Juggernaut League first to see if I can bring Yaoxin back smoothly?"

Master Longhui suggested.

"Don't be so troublesome, let Lei go in person. Well, you can also follow, as long as you bring back Yaoxin Master, everything will be easy to talk about."

Lei Dao thought for a while, indeed, he still couldn't judge Elder Weixiang and Juggernaut with the greatest malice.

What if Elder Weixiang is really a good person?

Therefore, he went to take a look in person and had a cordial conversation with Elder Weixiang. If everything went well, he didn't have to worry about it.


"Don't worry, I won't do it lightly. I just go to have a friendly chat with Elder Weixiang and bring back Master Yaoxin. It won't be a big deal."

Lei Dao acted resolutely, and he felt that it was not too late, so he set off immediately.

Master Long Hui and the other two deputy leaders looked at each other.

For some reason, there was even a hint of despair in their eyes.

If Lei Dao's trip does not go smoothly, the consequences will be disastrous.

Lei Dao is going to make a big deal!

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