Longevity Species

Chapter 943 Are You Threatening? (Second more)

"What's going on? Almost all the top executives of the Dragon League have been mobilized."

"These are the three deputy leaders? And the one who takes the lead, should be the mysterious new leader of the Dragon League, the top aspirant Lei Dao, right?"

"Looking at the high level of Longmeng so aggressively, where are they going?"

"Look at the direction, could it be the Domination Alliance?"

"Dragon League, the new leader, dares to challenge the Ruler League?"

Many masters and great venerables all had a flash of brilliance in their eyes, and even looked at Lei Dao and others with some excitement.

Maze is just too boring.

It is rare that some interesting things happen, and they are also very lively. The most interesting thing recently is undoubtedly the change of ownership of the Dragon League. I heard that a newcomer of a top aspirant came to the Dragon League and overwhelmed the entire Dragon League, so the position of leader of the Dragon League immediately changed hands and became that newcomer.

But few people have seen the new leader, and the rumors may be exaggerated, many practitioners do not believe it. How can a newcomer be so powerful?

It's even more strange to be a questioner.

They have been in the maze world for so long, and they haven't heard of any aspirants who have fallen into the maze world. Generally, they are masters or great masters who become aspirants after they fall into the maze world.

Very few querents fall into the Lost Realm, or at least they don't.

It is rumored that Lei Dao is an inquirer, or a top inquirer. Naturally, many people hold a skeptical attitude.

At this moment, I saw Lei Dao and his party flying towards the Juggernaut in a fierce manner, so many people followed behind them, all of them were practitioners who went to watch the excitement.

Lei Dao naturally knew that there were many people following behind him, but he didn't care.

Lei Dao didn't care, but Master Long Hui did, and the three deputy leaders of the Dragon League cared very much!

So many people are aggressively trying to dominate the League, what are they trying to do?

Master Long Hui was really afraid that Lei Dao would cause misunderstandings from the Juggernaut Alliance. With Lei Dao's "abnormal" thinking, things might get out of hand by then.

Anyway, Master Long Hui saw Lei Dao's "abnormal" thinking.

Just because of a small master, Lei Dao can think of destroying the entire master alliance, how abnormal is this?

However, Lei Dao's strength is still very strong. If the three of them don't follow, it's really worrying.

Soon, the members of the Dragon League had already arrived at the sphere of influence of the Juggernaut League.

There are so many people, and the leaders are still the four aspirants, it is impossible for the Juggernaut to really ignore them.


An aspirant came outside in person. He glanced at Lei Dao, but he didn't recognize him. However, he knew Master Long Hui, so he frowned and said: "Master Long Hui, what do you want to do when you come to my Master League?"

Master Longhui also knew this aspirant, called Master Chifeng.

So, Master Longhui hurriedly explained: "Master Chifeng, this is the new leader of our Dragon Alliance, Master Lei Dao. Our alliance is mainly looking for a friend called Master Yaoxin. According to the information we just inquired about, Yaoxin The Master is a member of the Master League, and serves as a maid beside the elder Wei Xiang. Just now, Master Yaoxin sent us the news that she wants to leave the League, so our leader came here in person."

"Leaving the Domination Alliance?"

The master of Chifeng glanced at Lei Dao, then sneered and said, "Master Long, it's not like you don't know that even though he is only a mere master, Master Yaoxin is an official member of my master alliance. Have you seen the official form of our master alliance?" Members, can you leave the Dominion Alliance casually?"

"Huh? Can't leave?"

Lei Dao's eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he stared at Master Chifeng all at once.

Master Long Hui's heart sank: "Oops, this is a bad thing!"

Master Long Hui is afraid, if there is a misunderstanding, it will be a catastrophe. Therefore, Long Hui said: "Leader, that's not what I meant, let me negotiate."

Lei Dao looked at Juggernaut Chifeng, then at Juggernaut Longhui, and finally nodded, trusting Juggernaut Longhui for the time being. Anyway, as long as Long Hui can let him take Yao Xin away as the ruler, then everything will be easy to talk about.


Lei Dao didn't say anything more, Master Longhui was relieved, he took Master Chifeng aside, and said in a low voice: "Master Chifeng, just an ordinary ruler, so what if you break away from the Juggernaut Alliance? You make a price , in short, we will agree to all your requests, as long as the alliance leader can take Yaoxin away."

Master Chifeng glanced at Master Long Hui meaningfully, and then said with a smile: "Master Long Hui, you are a dignified aspirant, even before, you were a powerful existence who created the Dragon Alliance single-handedly, and now you are all thinking about it Has this League Leader Lei risked his life?"

Master Longhui didn't know how to explain it either, he could only say with a wry smile: "Master Chifeng, it is true that I founded the Dragon League, but now the Dragon League has become the Thunder League, and from now on Master Lei will be the leader! This matter It is very important to Leader Lei, so no matter how convenient it is, you don’t want to see Leader Lei cause trouble because of this matter, right? I can tell you clearly that Leader Lei is a top aspirant, a real top aspirant !"

Chi Feng's face changed slightly.

He understood what it meant to be a "true" top aspirant.

Although he had heard some rumors before, he didn't pay much attention to them.

A newcomer, who is actually a top aspirant, is the true overlord of the Ming Realm!

Across the bright world, invincible!

Will fall into the maze?

Anyway, he didn't believe such rumors.

But at this moment, Master Longhui said it himself, and judging from Master Longhui's attitude towards Lei Dao, it was not only respectful, but even fearful, and Master Chifeng could not believe it.

Perhaps, Lei Dao is really a top aspirant!

Anyone who involves top aspirants, even the Juggernaut, is very cautious.

Once Master Chifeng thought that he was nothing more than a mere ruler, it would not be difficult for Dragon League to pay a price and let Master Yaoxin leave the Master League.

So, Master Chifeng said slowly: "Okay, Master Lei, please come with me. People can take it away, but the Dragon League has to pay a little price."

He is still not used to calling Lei Meng.

Lei Dao didn't care, anyway, Longmeng's name was just changed by him casually, whether it was Longmeng or Leimeng, it was the same.

"It's natural."

Master Longhui had communicated with Lei Dao before, and it was not so easy for a formal member of the Master League to leave, but as long as he paid a little price, there would be no problem.

Therefore, Lei Dao naturally agreed.

So, Master Chifeng brought Lei Dao and others into the Master League, and flew towards Elder Weixiang's cave.

Soon, the group arrived at Elder Weixiang's cave.

The elder Weixiang sensed the terrifying aura from a long distance, especially the master of Chifeng, who is the real aspirant. Although they are also elders, the identity and status of the aspirant and his top master Both are very different.

"Elder Weixiang."

"Elder Chifeng, what's the matter with you?"

"That's right, this is Leader Lei..."

Afterwards, Chi Feng told about Yao Xin's dominance, and Elder Wei Xiang's face became more and more ugly.

what is this?

Lei Dao forcefully asked for it?

He is the dignified Elder of the Ruler League!

The League of Domination is in the Lost Realm, who would dare to make a mistake?

Although Elder Wei Xiang didn't really care about Yao Xin's dominance, he was aggrieved and unwilling to let Lei Dao take him away like this.

So, he turned his attention to Elder Chifeng, and said in a deep voice: "Elder Chifeng, I am also an elder of the Domination League after all. You are also an elder of the Domination League. When will other forces persecute me as an elder of the Domination League? This will Where is our domination alliance?"


Lei Dao's heart moved, and he suddenly said: "Master Long Hui, am I right? Look, this matter is not that simple, why not follow the previous plan..."

Master Long Hui's expression changed drastically, and he even gave Elder Weixiang a fierce look.

This is courting death!

Weixiang is a top master in the elder district, this is trying to pull the tiger's skin. But he may not know what kind of terrible consequences this will bring, which is to drag the entire Juggernaut into trouble.

How could Long Hui make Elder Wei Xiang fulfill his wish?

"Elder Weixiang, can it be that our leader can't even save an ordinary ruler? Our leader is a top aspirant, even if he is in the leader's league, he is also a top existence. Do you want to fight against a top aspirant? ?”

Master Longhui was already very rude.

He even simply didn't bother to pretend to be false, and was very strong directly.

That's how it is in the maze world.

Not only does it need power, but it also needs to be very strong. Of course, the premise is that there must be strong strength.

"Top questioner?"

Elder Weixiang was shocked.

In fact, he also heard about what happened in the Dragon League. How could a rookie, even if he was very strong, overwhelm the entire Dragon League? But the fact is that Longmeng was really overwhelmed by Lei Dao.

Moreover, Master Longhui said that Lei Dao is a top aspirant, and seeing Elder Chifeng's appearance, he didn't refute it, so it seems that it should be true.

"But... Ke Yaoxin is my maid, so you are using your power to snatch the maid?"

Elder Weixiang blushed.

In fact, he already regretted it in his heart, but now he is in the Juggernaut League, so what if he is a top aspirant? What else can I do with him?

"Elder Weixiang!"

Master Chifeng was also a little displeased, he had already come in person, but Elder Weixiang didn't give him face, which made him a little annoyed. For an ordinary master, is it interesting?

Elder Wei Xiang looked at Master Chi Feng, and then at Master Long Hui, the situation was stronger than others, even though he was an elder of the Master League, under the "forced" by several aspirants, he was able to distinguish priorities.

"Okay, I'll let him go, and Yaoxin will be in charge of you."

Elder Weixiang gritted his teeth, and then transmitted the voice to the cave.

Soon, a ruler came with Yaoxin.

Lei Dao recognized Master Yaoxin at a glance.

"Lei... Leader Lei."

Master Yaoxin was ecstatic.

Although she didn't know Lei Dao, she was very excited that Lei Dao could come to save her.

"Master Yaoxin, I am a good friend of your father, Lord Bull Demon. Your father and mother have reconciled now, and they asked me to come to the Miyu Corridor to find you and take you back."


Master Yaoxin has never seen Master Bull Demon before.

However, she confirmed that Lei Dao did come to find her, and she accepted her parents' entrustment.

However, even Lei Dao has fallen into the maze, how can he take her out?

Just when Lei Dao was about to take Master Yaoxin away, Elder Weixiang suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "Master Lei, you are powerful today, so of course you can take Master Yaoxin away. However, this old man will report this matter to the Master League." The elders and the leader will report, please let the leader make the decision for this old man!"


These were the cruel words that Elder Wei Xiang was angry with and let out.

But Lei Dao turned around sharply, staring at Weixiang Master with his gaze like a knife.

"Are you threatening?"

Master Long Hui's heart skipped a beat, he knew that once Elder Wei Xiang made such obvious threatening words, something bad might happen!

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