Longevity Species

Chapter 945: With one's own strength, shake the Juggernaut! (first update)

Lei Dao was the only one left in Elder Weixiang's cave, whether it was Elder Chifeng or Master Longhui, or some servants in Elder Weixiang's cave, all left.

They obviously understood that something was about to happen, and if they continued to stay here, they would undoubtedly suffer disaster and be implicated, so they had better leave as soon as possible.

Lei Dao didn't care, he looked at the main hall of the Juggernaut Alliance in the distance, he could clearly feel that there were many tyrannical auras, all of them were aspirants, and they began to erupt.

Moreover, the air machine directly locked Lei Dao.

"I have long understood that it is not me who is wrong, but this world! I really want to change the whole world, but I can't do anything about it, whether it is the Ming Realm or the Ancient Desolate Continent. Maybe the Great Tribulation of the Era is the Ming Realm, the Ancient Desolate Continent, or even the dark world. It is a kind of self-purification of the world. There are too many evil things and too many evil people in the world, which led to the outbreak of the Great Tribulation of the Era, and I had to purify myself. But this kind of purification accidentally hurt many people, such as me, a person with a true, kind and beautiful heart will was accidentally injured."

"If, I purify the whole world, what will happen? Maybe, it will be a beautiful world of truth, goodness and beauty, and incomparable harmony... In the bright world, the dark world, and the ancient continent, I can't realize my ideals and ambitions, but In the lost world, maybe you can try it."

"If you want to try to create a world of truth, goodness and beauty, harmony and beauty everywhere, you must first eradicate one of the world's biggest evil forces, one of the biggest obstacles in the way, the Juggernaut League!"

Lei Dao had already made up his mind.

To change the world, start from the maze world, start from the eradication of the Domination League!


The next moment, without any hesitation, Lei Dao manifested the body of the ancestor god, which belonged to his true god. The ancestor's divine body has reached 4%, which is actually very terrifying.

A terrifying aura radiated mightily in the void. Afterwards, Lei Dao stepped forward and arrived at the main hall of the Juggernaut in the blink of an eye.

This is the core of the Juggernaut!

Lei Dao could tell at a glance that there were many terrifying auras in the main hall of the Juggernaut League. These auras were at least all aspirants, or even top aspirants.

On the bright side, there are three top aspirants and dozens of aspirants in the Juggernaut League. Such a force can be called extremely terrifying, and there will never be any aspirant who dares to oppose the Juggernaut League.

In particular, Lei Dao is clearly trying to use his own strength to forcefully challenge the Juggernaut League. How is this possible?

"Who is that? From the looks of it, it exudes terrifying hostility, trying to forcefully challenge the Domination Alliance?"

"It's unbelievable. The fandom has been around for so many years. Since the birth of the Dominion League, no one has been able to stand alone against the Dominion League."

"There used to be some aspirants who wanted to fight against the Domination Alliance, but the end result was miserable."

"That's right, the end is miserable. Even if someone fights against the Dominion League, it's not like now. They have to fight with their own strength, or they are still at the headquarters of the Domination League. Isn't this a dead end?"

"This one seems to be a questioner too, and not just an ordinary questioner. It is very likely that he is a top questioner, but he has never seen it before."

"There is news. I met someone from the Dragon League just now. They confirmed that this person is their new leader, Lei Dao!"

"The new leader of the Dragon League, that powerful existence who is a top aspirant in the Ming Realm?"

"Now there's a good show to watch."

Seeing the main hall of the headquarters of the Dominion League, there were actually aspirants blocking the gate unscrupulously, and exuding obvious hostility, many practitioners started talking.

This is a shocking event in the maze world. The Juggernaut has existed for so many years, not to mention the first time something like this happened, but it is also very rare.

Did not expect to happen now.

"Master Lei, you are an enemy of our Master League, you are seeking your own death!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, three figures appeared in front of Lei Dao.

These are the three top aspirants of the Juggernaut League, and they are also the strongest combat power on the surface.

"Self-seeking death? Maybe, for the truth, goodness and beauty in my heart, for the harmonious world in my heart, I can only take risks and fight. However, you dominance alliance and two top aspirants, let's call together, Otherwise, maybe there would be no chance."

Lei Dao said lightly.

"Huh? How do you know the details of my ruling alliance?"

One of the inquirers, who is also the leader of the Domination League, changed his face slightly, as if surprised.

Outsiders only know that there are three top aspirants in the Juggernaut League, and they are the three of them. Even within the Domination League, the number of top aspirants in the Domination League is not known.

But Lei Dao revealed their truth in one mouthful, which is indeed a bit unusual.

In fact, there are indeed five top aspirants in the Juggernaut League, but two of them are the kind who live in seclusion, and there is no movement when they break through, and they have been retreating all the time.

If you don't show it to others, naturally no one will know.

"Under Lei's domain, everyone has nothing to hide!"

Lei Dao's eyes were cold, and he seemed to be able to see through everything.

"The realm...is this the power of the realm? It's really amazing, it makes us all feel the pressure, but, do you really think that with the power of the realm, you can destroy our Juggernaut Alliance by yourself? It's just delusional! "

The leader of the ruling alliance waved his hand, and immediately, dozens of figures appeared behind him.


They are all questioners!

Of course, this is not because the leader of the Dominion League is too cautious and must use so many strong men, but because Lei Dao's domain has enveloped the entire Dominion League at once.

Everyone can feel the power of Lei Dao's domain.

The power of this field is so strong that the three top aspirants all felt a little pressure, so they naturally dare not take it lightly.

Even the leader of the domination alliance secretly notified that the remaining two top aspirants had made a move.

Otherwise, if the boat capsized in the gutter, it would be a big joke.

What's more, he didn't dare to underestimate any top aspirant, and no one dared to underestimate him.

Even the leader of the ruling alliance secretly scolded Elder Weixiang in his heart.

You are a mere elder, even if you are an elder of the Juggernaut League, you can frighten ordinary aspirants of ordinary forces, but you dare to offend top aspirants, do you think you have a long life?

Now it has dragged the Juggernaut into the water instead.

Of course, it is fine for the Juggernaut to be subdued, or to remain calm, but in this way, what prestige will the Juggernaut still have in the future? This is dragging the Juggernaut into the water abruptly.

Fortunately, Elder Weixiang died, otherwise, the leader of the ruling alliance would not easily let go of Elder Weixiang who caused such a big event.


Soon, two top aspirants also appeared.

This time, a total of five top aspirants stood opposite Lei Dao.

"It's finally here. It's okay. It's okay to save Lei Dao from chasing and killing the remnants one by one. Today, none of the most vicious and vicious people in the Dominion League can escape!"

Lei Dao's eyes were cold, but there was no killing intent on his body. Instead, there was a kind of sacred aura of sacrificing one's life for benevolence, which made people puzzled.

"Just relying on your domain? I'm afraid it won't be possible to destroy my entire Domination League!"

"Really? If the domain can't do it, then...the domain will come!"


The next moment, Lei Dao didn't hesitate at all, the realm in his body instantly manifested, and above his head, an extremely huge realm appeared.

This realm is not illusory, but real, and it is the realm within Lei Dao's body.

A part of the whole body fell down with a bang, covering the entire Dominion League within it.

"Is this... the real realm?"

Many rulers and questioners were shocked in their hearts.

The pressure, the endless pressure!

With the advent of Lei Dao's domain, the pressure on many masters and aspirants has increased exponentially, even tenfold, making their pressure amazing.

How could a top questioner have such terrifying power?

"Do it!"

The leader of the ruling alliance was shocked. At this time, he dared not confront Lei Dao any longer.

If we really continue to confront each other, I am afraid that the side of the Juggernaut Alliance will take the initiative to cause chaos. At that time, wouldn't it be self-destructive and give Lei Dao a chance?

Naturally, he would not give Lei Dao a chance, so he did it brazenly!


The five top aspirants of the Juggernaut Alliance didn't seem to care about the face of bullying the few, and they didn't feel that they were losing face. The strength that Lei Dao showed now gave all the five top aspirants a premonition that something was wrong.

Therefore, it is best to make a quick decision.

Following the actions of the five top inquirers, the remaining dozens of inquirers also did the same.

Dozens of inquirers, five top inquirers.

All of them have realized the path of their ancestors, and they will go all out when they make a move.

No matter how strong Lei Dao's internal body boundary is, it seems to feel torn apart.

But Lei Dao was unmoved.

He manifested the realm in his body, and when the realm descended, there was no way out. Once the realm is torn apart and defeated, its foundation will also be damaged.

Therefore, at this time, he can only fight with all his strength!

"Fifty-five times the domain, suppress it for me!"

Lei Dao raised his head to the sky and roared.

The power of the realm in his body has exploded to the extreme.

Fifty-five times the realm!

This is Lei Dao's strongest method at present, even if it is 4% of the ancestor god body, it is far behind. This is Lei Dao's method of protecting Dao.

"Bang bang bang".

As Lei Dao mobilized fifty-five times the realm, suddenly, the power of his realm covering the entire Juggernaut Alliance skyrocketed instantly, and the terrifying pressure inside made many Juggernauts unable to bear it immediately.

The dominating body instantly collapsed and turned into blood mist.

Lei Dao has no soft-heartedness, let alone mercy. In his opinion, the Juggernaut League is already a heinous evil force, so there are almost no true, good and beautiful people in the Juggernaut League.

Even if there is, it is very few.

It is normal to have misunderstandings. For more people to enjoy a kind and beautiful world, even if Lei Dao accidentally hurts him, he will not care.

This is a trade-off!

"Ah... what kind of power is this? Impossible, the old man is the inquirer..."

Finally, even the questioner couldn't hold it anymore, and began to explode instantly, turning into dust.

This scene shocked the hearts of the five top aspirants.

If the questioners are all dead, then they will die too!

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