Longevity Species

Chapter 946 Invincible posture! (Second more)

"Dead, the first asker has fallen."

"Oh my god, what kind of power is that? Leader Lei, with his own power, forcibly overwhelmed dozens of aspirants in the Juggernaut League, including five top aspirants, who still have an absolute advantage, and even crushed A questioner."

"Askers! Even in the maze world, due to special reasons, there are a large number of askers, but they are not Chinese cabbage. It is very rare to see the fall of an asker. I did not expect to see it now, and it is still the master of the alliance. The questioner. By the way, how long has it been since the Dominator Alliance has not had a questioner fall?"

"President Lei's strength is beyond imagination. Could it be that the real aspirants in the Ming Realm are stronger than our aspirants practicing in the Lost Realm?"

Many masters and questioners who watched around felt extremely shocked.

This battle is earth-shattering, involving the Dominion Alliance, involving the top aspirants, and no force will miss such a battle between dragons and tigers, so they are always paying attention to the situation here.

But when they saw that the situation was almost one-sided, and it was different from what they had imagined, many rulers and questioners were dumbfounded.

Even if there are aspirants among them, they basically do not become aspirants in the bright world, but become aspirants after entering the lost world. Therefore, they really don't know what is the difference between an aspirant from the outside world and an aspirant from the maze world.

They think it should be similar, but now, how to explain this one-sided situation?

Compared to the doubts of other onlookers, Lei Dao is as imposing as a rainbow, as if destroying the dead. Fifty-five times the realm descended, and his ancestor god body also exploded, completely able to withstand the fifty-five times the power of the realm.

And, what is a questioner?

This is just the beginning!


Soon, another aspirant was crushed into powder.

"Leader, we can't go on like this anymore. We have already lost two aspirants. If we continue like this, more aspirants will not be able to bear it."

"We have to figure out a way!"

"This son is a top aspirant, stronger than our five top aspirants combined, we must join hands and sacrifice that treasure."

"That treasure? No, no, unless it is absolutely necessary, you must not use that treasure. It is our only hope to break through the maze and return to the Ming Realm! Don't you all want to return to the Ming Realm? Once you return to the Ming Realm , if the comprehension of the lost world is true, then we may really hope to become top aspirants in the bright world."

The five top aspirants looked at each other.

As the top, oldest, and most mysterious force in the fandom, how can the Dominion League not have any trump cards?

With so many top aspirants, there is no benefit at all, would they be willing to stay in the Juggernaut League?

That's simply impossible!

The Juggernaut has good things, but they will not use them lightly. Even if they are facing a crisis situation, their five top aspirants are not in danger for the time being. Therefore, they will not use their cards unless they have to.

But other than hole cards, do they have a better way?

"Let's do it together and tear his domain apart!"

The leader of the Dominion League roared, and he still regarded Lei Dao's domain as the previous domain. In a sense, Lei Dao's body realm is indeed a realm.

It's just that it's far stronger and more stable than a simple domain, and it's not so easy to be broken.

At least, this is Lei Dao going all out.

The coming of his domain means that Lei Dao is also desperately trying!


The five top aspirants and dozens of aspirants worked together desperately, and their power should not be underestimated. Even if Lei Dao's domain descends, it will be shaken in an instant.

There are countless territories in the realm, and there are countless big worlds and small worlds in the territory. In short, this is similar to the bright world, except that there is no dark world, barren ancient continent and life, it is almost the same as the bright world.

When the five top aspirants and dozens of aspirants broke out together, the mighty "Road of the First Ancestor" was not known if it was Lei Dao's illusion.

In short, when the paths of the ancestors of countless aspirants broke out together, there were some faint connections, which made their power surge. As a result, the countless small worlds and big worlds in Lei Dao's body all collapsed and turned into dust.

Even the inner domain seems to be a little unstable.

But that's all.

"Hahaha, his domain is about to be torn apart, work harder!"

The leader of the ruling alliance was overjoyed. Seeing Lei Dao's inner body realm constantly vibrating and exploding, it seemed that he was about to be torn apart.

However, this is Lei Dao's inner body realm!

It is equivalent to a complete world, all the power is cyclical, it is not as simple as the domain. If it is a domain, it must maintain a steady stream of energy input, otherwise, the domain will be easily torn apart.

But Lei Dao's domain is different.

This is a complete world, no matter how earth-shaking the world is, no matter how drastic changes occur, as long as the power does not exceed the limit of the world, then it will not cause any harm.

With the continuous turbulence of the realm in Lei Dao's body, it gradually returned to calm. There seems to be a powerful force in the inner body realm, recovering all the previous injuries one by one.

Even the depleted world can be transformed into the energy of the realm, and the cycle goes back and forth.

Seeing this scene, the leader of the Juggernaut Alliance, who was so excited just now, was dumbfounded at the moment, with a look of shock and loneliness on his face.

"How could this be? How could a field be so powerful? It's almost unbreakable!"

"This is not a domain, this... this is a world!"

"World? What kind of method is this?"

"Unheard of."

The five top aspirants also noticed it at this time.

Lei Dao's internal domain, the power seems to be continuous, and it goes round and round. No matter how they destroy within Lei Dao's domain, as long as it does not exceed the limit of Lei Dao's internal domain, it is under Lei Dao's control.

Sooner or later, they will all be suppressed!

This is the strength of the domain in Lei Dao's body, and it is also more powerful than the domain.

At this moment, Lei Dao is truly possessed. Once the domain is released, who will compete with it?

This is Lei Dao's way of protecting the way!

It is also Lei Dao who has been constantly expanding the realm, even at the expense of slowing down the speed of the ancestor's bloodline enhancement, and is unwilling to stop expanding the realm in the body.

This is the power of the inner body domain!

It is the real reliance for Lei Dao to climb to the top!


At this moment, Lei Dao is invincible in front of dozens of inquirers and five top inquirers!

"Invincible! How can there be such a powerful questioner?"

"The Juggernaut is doomed this time."

"The Dominion League has dominated the Lost Realm for so many years, and it's time for a big change. However, with the background of the Domination League for so many years, how can it be true that there is no trump card at all?"

"Let's wait and see, the hole card of the Juggernaut is not that simple."

Some top questioners are also paying attention to the Juggernaut.

They also feel sympathy for the strength of Lei Dao's combat power.

Ask yourself, if they are allowed to face Lei Dao, they will not be much better than Juggernaut.

Everyone is afraid of such an invincible aspirant.

Of course, they also knew very well that there was a reason why the Juggernaut had been able to overwhelm them for so many years.

It is even rumored that the Dominion League knows the nature of the Mysterious Realm!

The stakes are high.

There are even rumors that only the top aspirants of the Domination League know how to leave the maze.

No matter, no matter what the rumors are, no one has seen the trump cards of the Juggernaut.

"Everyone, we are already in a life-and-death crisis. If we don't use that treasure, I'm afraid it will not be as simple as being difficult to be good today, but we will all die!"

The leader of the ruling alliance said in a deep voice.

"Bang bang bang".

As soon as the words fell, a few aspirants finally couldn't hold it anymore, and were directly crushed by the pressure of the realm in Lei Dao's body, and the remaining aspirants could not last long.

Even if their five top aspirants can support it, how long can they last?

They can't see the hope of breaking the boundary in Lei Dao's body at all.

"Forget it. It's important to comprehend that treasure, and there is hope to leave the labyrinth, but compared to the current life and death crisis, whether you can leave the labyrinth or not is not important."

"Yeah, life and death are the most important thing. After we die, even if someone finally comprehends the mysteries of the lost world and leaves the lost world, what does it matter to us?"

"Hahaha, using that treasure, there is no one in the Lost Realm who is our opponent."

"Leader, we dominate the five top aspirants of the League, and only the three top aspirants have that treasure fragment, which needs to be fully fused."

"Then come on, now is the time for us to give up our prejudices and vigilance. Only by sincere cooperation can we overcome the current difficulties."

Of the five top aspirants, only three actually possess the core treasures of the Master League.

It is the leader of the Domination League and the two deputy leaders.

The three leaders are the founders of the Domination League. They heard that they got three treasures at the beginning, so they joined forces to create the Domination League. How old they are exactly, no one can say.

Moreover, no one has seen the treasure in their hands, only they know it.

Even within the Domination League, there are mostly legends.

The three leaders of the Domination League looked at each other.

In fact, they are very afraid.

At the beginning, they got a treasure together, and even fought over it, but the treasure was divided into three, and they got it separately.

For so many years, the three of them are also very vigilant, even if they learn from each other, they will hold the treasure in their own hands, for fear that it will be taken away by the other two lords.

But now, they have no choice.

If you don't restore the treasures and completely integrate them into one, you won't be able to fight against the thunder in front of you.

They have even felt the threat of death, this is absolutely not wrong, if this delay continues, they will really die!

The two deputy lords gritted their teeth and said, "Master, you hold the core of the treasure in your hand, and you are the only one who can completely fuse the treasure. We are willing to take out the fragment of the treasure, and hope that you can defeat the aspirant in front of you in one fell swoop. Resolve the crisis of our dominant alliance."

For so many years, although the two sides have been wary of each other. But in fact, they still have some foundation of trust in the leader of the ruling alliance, especially at this critical moment of life and death, they can only choose to trust the leader.

So, both of them took out a shiny piece, which seemed to be a rare treasure fragment.

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