Longevity Species

Chapter 947: The confrontation between the internal realm and the maze! (third change)

When the leader of the ruling alliance saw the shards of strange objects in the hands of the deputy leader, his eyes immediately became extremely longing and eager.

how long it has been?

Even he himself can't remember clearly. In short, when he wandered into the lost world a long, long time ago, at that time, maybe it was just the beginning of the era.

There are very few practitioners in the lost world, and he has not become an aspirant.

Later, some practitioners came one after another.

Among them, there are these two deputy leaders.

The three of them discovered a treasure together, a treasure in the core area of ​​the Lost World. The three of them knew at a glance that this treasure was no small matter.

It can actually cause the shock of the entire maze.

So, the three of them fought fiercely, all trying to snatch the treasure.

It's a pity that the strength of the three is almost the same, and in the end, the treasure was divided into three. The leader got the core of the treasure, and the two deputy leaders got the fragments of the treasure.

In such a strange, mysterious and dangerous world as the Lost Realm, all three of them knew that cooperation would benefit both, and separation would harm all three. Therefore, the three of them also sincerely cooperated and established the Master Alliance together, and even practiced together during the practice to comprehend this treasure together.

Therefore, the three talents were able to advance by leaps and bounds and become top aspirants in one fell swoop!

But it's a pity that even if the three of them comprehend the treasure together, in fact, the treasure has not been completely fused, just getting closer so that all three of them can feel the breath in the treasure is enough.

To truly integrate, it must be completely in the hands of one person.

In whose hands is it in the end?

In fact, there is no definite number at all, and no one will really trust each other, even if on the surface, the three of them are the founders and leaders of the Domination League.

The three lords thought that they would always use this method to comprehend the treasures for a long time, but they didn't expect such a thing to happen now. Facing the crisis of life and death, they also quickly made a choice.

The leader of the dominating alliance is simply elated.

The treasure is finally here!

How much he dreamed of this?

Now, it has finally come true.

"Thank you two allies."

The leader of the Juggernaut League still seemed very restrained. After all, he hadn't dealt with Lei Dao in the face of the great enemy.


The two deputy lords handed over the treasure fragments to the lord, and the lord's hands trembled immediately. It's not easy, it's really not easy, Lian himself didn't even think that one day, he could completely control this treasure.


Following the lord's growl, the three treasure fragments in his hand quickly began to fuse together.

"Huh? That's..."

Lei Dao also felt something unusual.

Not only Lei Dao, but all practitioners in the entire maze can feel the difference in the entire maze, and it seems that some changes have faintly occurred. But what exactly changed, no one can tell.

However, many people have already focused on the three fragments of strange objects in the hands of the leader of the ruling alliance. Especially Lei Dao, under the shroud of the inner realm, he feels very clearly.

As the three treasure fragments gradually merged, a terrifying aura seemed to emanate from the treasures, and it even had a little connection with the lost world outside the domain.

This is very scary.

You know, Lei Dao's domain is isolated from everything.

Even the top five aspirants would never be able to contact the Lost Realm. Once they fell into his realm, they would be completely isolated from the outside world.

And now, relying on this mysterious treasure, they can actually communicate with the outside world.

This must be an amazing treasure!

"Give me town!"

Lei Dao didn't dare to be negligent, and then frantically mobilized the power of the entire domain, trying to suppress the leader of the ruling alliance and prevent the leader of the ruling alliance from merging the mysterious treasure.

It's a pity that this is not something that Lei Dao can suppress if he wants to.

As Lei Dao mobilized all the domains, he suppressed fiercely, but he couldn't suppress it.


The wind was surging, and the leader of the ruling alliance in the domain couldn't help laughing up to the sky. In his hands, the three fragments had already merged into one, forming a transparent crystal.

It looks magnificent, but it has an astonishing coercion.

"Hahaha, this treasure has finally seen the light of day again in my hands. With this treasure, who is my opponent in the lost world?"

The master of the alliance is full of vigor.


His gaze immediately turned to Lei Dao.

"Your domain is very strong, and your way of cultivation is also very unique, but after I have this treasure, your strength is useless. Because, with this treasure, I am the leader of the lost world." host!"


Following the voice of the leader of the ruling alliance, the entire lost world seemed to have set off a turbulent wave and began to shake violently.

A wave of power actually came directly towards Lei Dao's domain, as if the entire lost world had become a world, and began to suppress Lei Dao's internal domain.

"How is this going?"

"How does it feel that the lost world... has changed?"

"It is a treasure in the hands of the leader of the Domination League, which can mobilize the power of the maze world. My God, the rumors are true. The Domination League really has a treasure about the essence of the maze world."

"It can mobilize the power of the maze, that is to say, is it possible to really use this to leave the maze?"

For a moment, all the masters looked at the treasure in the hands of the leader of the master alliance, and their eyes were extremely hot.

There is hope to leave the maze world, who doesn't yearn for it?

Any master, any questioner, once trapped in the maze, basically has one and only one wish, and that is to leave the maze.

Therefore, no matter who it is, once they have the means to leave the maze, they will pay attention, even at all costs.

But, the fight is still going on.

The battle between Lei Dao and the Juggernaut is not over yet, even though the maze is very strong, Lei Dao can still hold on for a while.

"This treasure may help me leave the maze. It's just that I can't hold it anymore."

Raidou frowned.

His inner body realm is very strong, even just a moment ago, Lei Dao was full of high spirits, suppressing dozens of aspirants, and the five top aspirants were almost invincible.

But now, he is suppressed.

It was severely suppressed by the entire fandom.

However, this kind of suppression does not seem to be as terrible as Lei Dao imagined, the absolute suppression of him by a saint or ancestor. If it was a saint or ancestor who made the move, even if his inner body was dozens of times stronger, it would be crushed in an instant.

Therefore, although the power of the lost world is very strong, it should not have reached the level of the power of the ancestors.

In other words, relying on this treasure alone, it is still impossible to exert the power of the ancestor level.

That being the case, Lei Dao has nothing to fear.


The next moment, Lei Dao took the initiative to shrink the domain.

Originally, Lei Dao's inner body domain enveloped the entire Juggernaut League. In his heart, the Juggernaut League is a place where filth is hidden, and the masters and aspirants inside are all heinous and heinous people.

However, now Lei Dao discovered that the real culprit may be the five top aspirants.

In other words, it is the leader of the ruling alliance!

The leader of the domination alliance is the real heinous crime.

To get rid of evil, of course we must first get rid of the evil head of hunger.

As a result, Lei Dao quickly shrinks the realm in the body, and if the realm in the body shrinks rapidly, its power will also be increased tenfold, dozens of times, or even hundreds of times.

"Huh? Are we free?"

"It doesn't seem to be suppressed anymore. It should be the master of thunder who has devoted all his energy to suppressing the leader."

"what should we do?"

"What else can we do? Don't intervene, the lord seems to have a treasure. Besides, even if we intervene, how can we help? It's tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg and looking for a dead end. Let's wait and see what happens."

"Yes, wait and see."

In fact, not only dozens of aspirants were liberated, but were removed from the suppression range of the inner body by Lei Dao, and even the five top aspirants were also removed.

He didn't want to waste a little power of the realm on other people.

Now Lei Dao has only one strong enemy, and that is the leader of the Juggernaut League!

The eyes of the other two deputy leaders flickered.

They do somewhat understand Lei Dao's intentions, but even if they are top aspirants, can they really intervene? That's not necessarily true!

What's more, seeing that the leader is still in the upper hand and has the upper hand, they will naturally not take the risk of dealing with Lei Dao alone. If Lei Dao deals with them alone, he will die.

Ten times, twenty times, thirty times...

As Lei Dao shrunk the realm in his body, suddenly, Lei Dao's realm in his body had shrunk to only about ten feet in size.

It is only ten feet in size, and it is only suppressing the leader of the ruling alliance.

This is the fifty-five times the realm of Lei Dao!

All the forces in the domain are suppressing the leader of the ruling alliance.

Even the leader of the ruling alliance, who obtained the treasure, couldn't help but face a change of expression in the face of the pressure from the domain that suddenly increased countless times. He could even faintly feel the breath of death.

If he couldn't bear it, he might really die!

"Damn it, how could there be such a strong aspirant? No, I have already mastered the core of the maze, I will be the master of the maze, no one can do anything to me, break it for me!"

The leader of the ruling alliance gritted his teeth, and then violently raised the transparent crystal treasure in his hand.

Immediately, the transparent crystal treasure seemed to swell all of a sudden, and circles of phantoms directly penetrated the realm of Lei Dao and formed a connection with the outside realm.

This connection immediately caused the entire maze world to shake again.


This time, the entire maze world vibrated even more violently, and there was even a strange roar echoing in everyone's ears.

In the entire maze, it seems that a terrifying monster that shakes the heavens and the earth has emerged faintly, with an infinitely huge body, stretching across the void, constantly swallowing a large number of worlds.

Regardless of the small world or the big world, or even the realm, they are all swallowed up, and the entire void seems to be about to collapse.

Even Lei Dao's realm couldn't resist this terrifying power.


Finally, Lei Dao's internal body boundary actually cracked a crack.

Suddenly, Lei Dao's face changed drastically.

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