Longevity Species

Chapter 948 I just want to be a good person! (first update)


There was actually a crack in Lei Dao's internal body, although it was only a crack, Lei Dao's internal body could recover in an instant.

However, this is a bad phenomenon.

This shows that Lei Dao's inner body domain has also reached its limit, and he can no longer bear stronger power. That is to say, Lei Dao is about to be unable to withstand the attack of the power of the maze. The power of the maze is already stronger than that of Lei Dao's internal domain.


Sure enough, there was another crack.

With the passage of time, there are more and more cracks in Lei Dao's internal body boundary, and everyone has obviously discovered this situation.

"President Lei can't bear it anymore?"

"What kind of strange treasure is that? It's incredible that it can command the entire lost world."

"Could it be that from now on, the entire Lost Realm will be able to dominate the League and follow the lead?"

"It's a pity that Master Lei is a top aspirant in the Ming Realm, but he is about to fall into the maze world. It's sad, lamentable. The top aspirant is the seed of the ancestor..."

Many people sighed.

In fact, not everyone wants the Juggernauts to win. On the contrary, they hope that the Dominator League will fail and be defeated by Lei Dao. Otherwise, with the power of the Dominator League, will the lost world still be dominated by the Dominator League in the future?

Of course, the best outcome is to lose both sides.

However, now it seems that it is impossible to lose both sides, and Lei Dao is destined to lose.

"Hahaha, President Lei, you can't take it anymore! You are a top aspirant after all, how about it, if you are willing to surrender, this seat will spare your life and let you forget about what happened before. Even, wait for this Zodiac breaks through the maze, and may even take you out of the maze."

The leader of the dominating alliance looked at all living beings with contempt, and said to Lei Dao in high spirits at the moment.

He didn't really cherish Lei Dao as a talent, but he was jealous!

In fact, the Juggernaut has already pushed the power of the treasure to the extreme, and only then can it barely suppress Lei Dao.

Really want to continue, who knows what will happen?

If he can subdue Lei Dao, that would be the best. Wouldn't it be easy to suppress Lei Dao after he has thoroughly researched this treasure of the maze world?

Now the leader of the ruling alliance does not want to cause extra problems. He just wants to comprehend this strange treasure as soon as possible. He has a faint feeling that this strange treasure is closely related to the entire fandom. imagine.

Even, there is hope for the ancestor of achievement!


Lei Dao's eyes were cold, and even though the realm in his body was constantly cracking and even began to collapse, his will was more determined.

"The world is really full of demons and monsters. The evil forces are too strong. The devil is walking around. The kindness is suppressed. Everyone is like a walking corpse. If you don't do evil, you can't move an inch. What kind of world is this?"

"In the Ming Realm, I have seen too many ugly worlds, small worlds, and even big worlds. Maybe I have the ability to change, but I can only change a small world or a big world. What's the use of the world? It's the same in the ancient continent, the law of the jungle and the law of the jungle, I can't change it."

"When I came to the Lost World, I thought I could change this world. At least, let everyone in the Lost World live in harmony, and the world is full of truth, goodness and beauty. But, I was wrong, I was wrong, I underestimated the power of you devils, I underestimated the power of the evil forces. But you actually want me to surrender to the evil forces and bow to the evil forces?"

"Bow your head, it is impossible to bow your head, it is impossible to surrender, and it will never be possible. Since I want to change the world, I must have the determination to die! Today, I have made such a determination. I Have the determination to fight to the death, and do you have it?"

Lei Dao's voice was very low at the beginning, but now, it was like rolling thunder, "rumbling" resounding through the entire void. At this moment, Lei Dao felt that his heart was more firm, faintly, as if there was a light, illuminate his soul.

This is the power of the mind?

Lei Dao didn't know, but at this moment, he felt that he didn't have any fear, and the realm in his body seemed to be injected with a wave of energy out of thin air, fighting madly against the maze.

"Damn it, how could there be such a difficult character?"

The leader of the ruling alliance's face darkened.

In fact, Lei Dao is right in saying something, Lei Dao has the determination to fight to the death, what about him?

He didn't!

From the very beginning to the end, the leader of the dominating alliance always wanted to obtain the treasure and then leave the lost world. Even after obtaining the treasure, he thought even further. Once he leaves the lost world, he will become an aspirant in the bright world, and even, there is still a slight chance to become the ancestor.

This is the dream he pursued all his life, how could he have the determination to fight to the death?

"If you want to die, this seat will fulfill you! No matter how strong your will is, so what? Will can't replace strength!"

With a low voice, the leader of the Dominion League mobilized the treasure in his hand and mobilized all the power of the Lost Realm.


Immediately, the maze world was in turmoil.

A terrifying force crushed directly down, even if Lei Dao really had the determination to fight to the death, so what?

It can't make up the gap in strength at all.

No matter how strong Lei Dao's spiritual power is, it will not help.


Crazy collapse!

Lei Dao's inner body realm began to collapse as if the doomsday had come.

Even, the terrifying power of the maze world began to directly cover Lei Dao's body through the inner realm, causing Lei Dao's ancestor god body to bear a huge weight.

At this time, Lei Dao's ancestor god body experienced the weight of the maze world first-hand, and he realized how terrifying this force is. Only then did he know how much pressure his inner body domain had already borne?

Even so, the inner body domain still carried it for such a long time.

Simply incredible!


It's just that even a part of the power of the maze penetrated in and pressed on Lei Dao's ancestor god body.

There are only 4% of the ancestors' society, even if the defense is strong, they can't hold it at all. As a result, Lei Dao's ancestor god body also began to collapse, annihilated bit by bit.

Lei Dao could even feel the loss of his vitality.

Once the ancestor's divine body collapses and his vitality is lost, then he will die.

Even if he has the immortality of the ancestor god body, he can be resurrected again, but it will only annihilate the lost world one more time, and the result will not change in any way.

Death is really near.

It's not the first time that Lei Dao feels death, but this time, he has tried his best, but still can't change the ending. This time, Lei Dao is not fighting for his own life and death for the rare first time.

He is in order to change the world, to change this demonic world where evil forces are rampant.

Only, he seems to be about to fail.

The devil is smiling wildly, and good people are in danger.

The entire maze is filled with a decaying atmosphere.

Lei Dao never thought he was very noble, nor did he think he was great.

He just insisted on being a good person from the very beginning!

He's just a nice guy!

It's just that in this world, good people don't seem to be rewarded with good things.


Lei Dao raised his head sharply.

There was a gleam of brilliance in his eyes, and one picture after another appeared in his mind.

These pictures start from Leijiabao at the very beginning.

At first, he started practicing martial arts.

At that time, he insisted that he must be a good person.

However, all the people he met along the way were not good people, they were all forcing him, so Lei Dao could only fight again and again. For myself, for my loved ones, for my family.

In the end, Lei Dao walked out of the True God Realm, and he swept away all the enemies he had ever faced.

Later, he became a member of the human forces in the Ming Realm, and he also worked hard to be a good person, but at that time, Lei Dao's strength was very strong, the so-called stronger the strength, the greater the responsibility.

When Lei Dao was human, it was not enough for him to be a good person.

He has to shoulder the burden of the entire human race, and he wants to make the entire human race prosper and be good people.

Later, Lei Dao succeeded.

He led the human race to sweep away those evil and powerful races around, so that human beings no longer worry about their own safety, so that human beings have security and can live and practice quietly.

Since then, Lei Dao felt that he had changed human beings and part of the world.

However, the Ming Realm is too big, and Lei Dao is unable to change the entire Ming Realm.

Later, he went to the ancient continent, where the weak and the strong were more prey than the Ming Realm, and it was also more cruel. Even, there are high-ranking saints there, and Lei Dao is powerless to change the ancient continent.

At that time, Lei Dao even wondered if he was wrong?

He is just an ordinary practitioner.

At most it is the questioner, so what?

There are many people who are stronger than him, and there are even saints and ancestors. What is he?

Is it possible to wish to change the entire Ming Realm and the entire barren ancient continent? It's just wishful thinking.

Even his master, the ancestor Kong, can only sit in the dark world, and can't change the entire bright world and the ancient continent. How can Lei Dao, how can he want to change the whole world?

From then on, Lei Dao became disheartened and kept his "ambition" deep in his heart.

Until I came to the maze.

In the beginning, his goal was only to find Yao Xin's master, and then leave the lost world.

But Lei Dao was pleasantly surprised to find that there are no saints or ancestors in the lost world, but there are many masters, great masters and even aspirants.

This is a world that is more cruel than the Ancient Continent and the Ming Realm.

Maybe, he has the ability to change the world?

So, Lei Dao started to act, he wanted to purify the entire lost world!

But, this time, it seemed that even he was involved.

The evil forces are more powerful than he imagined.

He is dying!

But even if he had to die, he would not regret it.

He just wants to be a good guy!

But, in this cannibalistic world, why is it so difficult to be a good person?

"There is no way out..."

The next moment, Lei Dao's eyes flashed brightly.

"Ancestral bloodline, let's improve..."

The vitality in Lei Dao's body suddenly disappeared.

This is the active loss of life force, and the life force that is lost is... lifespan!

Ability, activated!

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