Longevity Species

Chapter 949: Swallowed a Mysterious Treasure in One Bite? (Second more)


A lot of vitality is lost.

At this moment, Lei Dao no longer had any hesitation, he directly mobilized his abilities and began to upgrade the blood of the ancestors.

Lei Dao's ancestral bloodline is now four percent, and there are ten bloodlines in total.

But now, Lei Dao desperately began to improve his bloodline.

The first bloodline was also selected by Lei Dao a long time ago, and it took eight billion years of life.

The second bloodline cost a little more, and took ten billion years of lifespan.

The third bloodline took 12 billion years of lifespan.

The three bloodlines just consumed 30 billion years of lifespan.

When these three bloodlines were all promoted to Dzogchen, and then Lei Dao was all integrated into the ancestral bloodline in his body, the ancestral bloodline transformed again.


The ancestor's bloodline strengthened, and the ancestor's divine body began to reorganize again. Lei Dao could clearly feel that the ancestor's bloodline was rapidly strengthening.

Lei Dao glanced at the body data.

Name: Lei Dao (34 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 11 billion 10 million years

Inner world: fifty-five times the domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 5% (thirteen kinds of bloodlines are complete)

The bloodline of the ancestors has reached 5%, and the realm in the body can continue to expand.

But Lei Dao's lifespan is only 11 billion years left. Even if it expands, it will only expand twice the domain. How much effect can it play?

It's better to rely on the ancestor god body to resist!

As Lei Dao's ancestor god body also reached 5%, after a reorganization, sure enough, the ancestor god body has been strengthened a lot, and it can already slightly resist part of the power infiltrated by the maze.

It's just that now only a part of the power has infiltrated the maze.

If the realm in the body collapses and all the power of the lost world explodes, how can Lei Dao's ancestor god body resist?


Lei Dao now urgently needs life span, and it is a large amount of life span to improve the internal realm.

If he has a lot of lifespan, even an inexhaustible lifespan, he can continuously improve the bloodline of the ancestors and the realm in the body, so why be afraid of a lost world?

Even Lei Dao has the confidence to fight against the maze!

However, this is just Lei Dao's extravagant wish.

Lifespan is difficult to increase, not to mention it is still in the Lost Realm, where the treasures of heaven and earth, life-extending treasures are all illusory.

Even after the Master League took the initiative to use the treasure that was closely related to the lost world, the entire lost world was shaken, and even a large amount of power from the lost world was used to "suppress" Lei Dao's internal realm.

Lei Dao has reason to believe that the Lost Realm may be a treasure, or a world.

Moreover, when the Mystery Realm used a lot of power to suppress the Thunder Dao Domain, some "illusions" in the Mysterious Realm even began to shatter. For example, some precious treasures of heaven and earth just disappeared out of thin air.

The inexhaustible treasures that were previously inexhaustible also disappeared.

This shows what?

It shows that all of this is really illusory. Lei Dao's previous speculations are all correct. The Lost Realm is an illusory world. Everything in it, including resources, is false and just appearances.

However, this has nothing to do with Lei Dao's pressure from the maze world. He is still under the pressure from the maze world, and this pressure is very huge.


Still can't take it.

Finally, Lei Dao's internal realm was still rapidly collapsing, and a large amount of maze power had infiltrated into Lei Dao's body, making Lei Dao unable to hold back even if he reached 5% of the ancestor god body.

"Isn't that enough?"

Raido was silent.

Even if he expands the domain twice, what's the use?

Doesn't work much anymore.

It is also impossible to increase a large amount of life span.

Perhaps, this is his limit.

At this moment, the entire fandom is in turmoil.

The strange treasure in the hands of the leader of the ruling alliance has a deep connection with the maze world. As the leader of the domination league desperately urged the strange treasure, the entire maze world fell into turmoil.

Many rulers were even crushed to powder without knowing why.

"what on earth is it?"

"How could there be such violent turmoil in the lost world?"

"The rare treasure in the hands of the Dominator League must be the core treasure of the Mystery Realm, which is related to the entire Mystery Realm. I never thought that the Mystery Realm might really be a treasure, and the core of controlling the Mysterious Realm lies in the hands of the leader of the Dominator League. hands."

For a time, many masters and aspirants stared at the rare treasure in the hands of the leader of the master alliance.

That is the treasure that can control the maze world!

Even if it can't reach the point of controlling the maze, but it can definitely affect the maze, and even finally rely on this rare treasure to leave the maze, who wouldn't be tempted?

Even the other two vice-leaders regretted it a little now.

If they mastered the strange treasure, wouldn't they be holding their fate in their own hands now?

It's a pity that it's useless for them to regret it. Now the master of the rare treasure is the leader of the Domination League!

"Leidao, you have reached your limit, give up. If you don't surrender, then die!"

The leader of the ruling alliance no longer wants to subdue Lei Dao anymore. He knows that Lei Dao cannot be subdued at all. Since you can't subdue it, let Lei Dao die!

"I really can't hold it anymore!"

It is very difficult for Lei Dao to be a good person.

Even if he has already used all the remaining lifespan to strengthen the blood of the ancestors and the body of the ancestors, but so what? It's just a drop in the bucket.

Compared to the entire Lost World, what is his improvement in power?


Finally, the realm within Lei Dao's body completely collapsed and was completely torn apart.

The most direct consequence of the collapse of the realm is the terrifying pressure from the maze, all of which acted on Lei Dao's ancestor god body. At this moment, Lei Dao seemed to be under the weight of the entire world, making it difficult for him to move forward.

Moreover, his ancestor god body is also rapidly collapsing.

In less than a minute, his divine body will completely collapse, and then he will be resurrected with the characteristic of immortality, and in the next minute, he will be crushed into powder again.

No flukes, no accidents.

"Is this the breath of death?"

Lei Dao seemed to have felt the breath of death.

"Wait, I seem to have a way."

In Lei Dao's despair, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, as if he had thought of something.


With a big move by Lei Dao, a black coffin flew out of his inner body.

This black coffin was extremely deep and pitch-black, and it seemed full of a strange feeling, but it exuded the breath of death, and there was quite a lot of death inside.

Lei Dao has not used the black coffin for a long time, but until now, Lei Dao remembered the black coffin.

It seems that once you hide in the black coffin, no force can destroy the black coffin, right?

Of course, Lei Dao has never tried the power of a saint or ancestor.

Maybe, the sage and the ancestor have the ability to destroy the black coffin, maybe not, who knows?

But this is the last and only option for Lei Dao.

"Xiao Hei, wake up, open the black coffin and let me in."

Lei Dao immediately contacted Xiao Hei in the black coffin.

For such a long time, Xiao Hei seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and he didn't know what was going on.

Lei Dao is Xiao Hei's master, therefore, only he can wake Xiao Hei up.

"Hmm...Master, I'm awake, what's going on? Why would the master want to enter the black coffin?"

"Xiao Hei, it's too late to explain. The master is in danger. Now he must hide in the black coffin. Open the black coffin quickly."

Lei Dao didn't have time to explain, he had to hide in the black coffin as soon as possible.

"Wait, master, this aura...it's so familiar, master, this...this kind of power is so familiar, so familiar. Didn't you always want to find the power of the immortal pearl? That is , Immortal Origin Orb! The power almost similar to that of the Immortal Origin Orb is the original power of the black coffin. Hurry up, let me swallow that Immortal Origin Orb. Such a huge Origin Orb is inconceivable, really incredible, maybe it can truly Unlock the power of the black coffin..."

Xiao Hei's voice became urgent, it was excited.

"Xiao Hei, the original pearl of immortality? Where did you see the original pearl of immortality?"

Lei Dao was surprised.

It's not like he hasn't seen the immortal pearl before.

The undead origin beads of the undead were brought to the undead by Lei Dao, how could they not have seen it? But in the lost world, Lei Dao has never seen the undead original pearl.

"Master, it's that transparent crystal-like treasure. It's not the original pearl of immortality, but it's similar to the original pearl of immortality. It's stronger than the original pearl of immortality. It's the treasure and energy that the black coffin needs most!"

"Transparent crystal? You mean that rare treasure?"

"Yes, it's that rare treasure."

Lei Dao opened his mouth, and the strange treasure was actually related to the black coffin.

But that rare treasure is so strong, what will Lei Dao use to fight for it?

"Xiao Hei, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. I've been forced to such an extent by that rare treasure that I'm almost unable to hold on anymore, so I'm afraid I won't be able to fight for that rare treasure for you."

Lei Dao said with a wry smile.

If he had known that the rare treasure was related to the black coffin, he would have released the black coffin long ago.

"Master, you don't need to fight for it. You just need to let me out, and then I will open the black coffin. At that time, the black coffin will naturally swallow the strange treasure. Once the strange treasure enters the black coffin, there is no way to escape." Lost."

"Swallow the treasure, is it that simple?"

"Yes, it's that simple, you can try it if you don't believe me, master."

Lei Dao always felt a little unbelievable.

"Try it."

As soon as Lei Dao gritted his teeth, he had no better way now, so he could only follow Xiao Hei's method and directly throw the black coffin out.

"call out".

The darkness turned into a stream of light, and quickly flew towards the leader of the ruling alliance.

"What expensive thing? Break it for me!"

The leader of the Dominion League also saw the black coffin, he thought it was Lei Dao's treasure, so naturally he didn't want the black coffin to get close, and directly mobilized the power of the maze to suppress it.

However, when the terrifying maze power fell on the black coffin, it seemed to have no effect at all.

"what happened?"

The leader of the Juggernaut League was startled, could Lei Dao still be able to fight back?


The next moment, the black coffin opened violently.

A corpse could be vaguely seen in the black coffin from the outside, and with the appearance of this corpse, the entire lost world seemed to shake.


But the black coffin didn't care, as if an invisible big hand directly grabbed the rare treasure in the hands of the Juggernaut, dragged it fiercely, and dragged it directly into the black coffin, and was "swallowed" by the black coffin.


The black coffin was closed in an instant, and the entire lost world seemed to be quiet all of a sudden.

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