Longevity Species

Chapter 950 It's over! (third change)

"Swallow... swallow?"

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the scene in the distance.

The leader of the ruling alliance, who was so high-spirited and arrogant just now, seems to be dumbfounded now.

His strange treasure was actually "swallowed" by the black coffin displayed by Lei Dao, which is unbelievable, even unbelievable.

"What kind of treasure is that?"

"He actually managed to swallow the strange treasure in the hands of the leader of the Dominion Alliance."

"That is a strange treasure in the lost world. This black coffin can swallow the strange treasure and suppress the strange treasure. It is unbelievable. This must be an incredible treasure. Could it be the treasure bestowed by the ancestor?"

Many people find it incredible.

Even the leader of the Domination Alliance was stunned at the moment.

"Where is... my treasure? Where is my treasure? You... what did you do to my treasure?"

How can the leader of the dominating alliance look like a top aspirant at this moment?

Almost hysterical, almost insane.

His treasure!

He has been in the maze for an unknown number of years. From the beginning of the era to the present, it has been at least ten trillion years, and he has been trapped in the maze.

If it wasn't for the strange treasure that gave him hope, how could he have stayed in the Lost Realm for so long?

And now, his strange treasure is gone, can he still leave the lost world?

It just drives him crazy!

Lei Dao stood with his hands behind his back. At this time, although his domain had collapsed, it didn't matter. The strange treasure that ruled the leader of the alliance was also swallowed by the black coffin.

Lei Dao didn't know what was going on with the black coffin, so he didn't dare to open it rashly.

But the other party is staring at him, and there are five top aspirants, but Lei Dao has reached the end of his life, but it doesn't matter, who is Lei Dao?

After all, he has a little back hand!

"Inner body domain, expand!"

The next moment, Lei Dao directly mobilized his abilities.

He directly consumes the little life left in his body, really not much, only ten billion years of life, and it can only expand twice the domain.

Before, Lei Dao didn't think it would be useful to expand the domain twice, so there was no expansion.

But now, this is the most important backup left by Lei Dao.

The key is not to expand the realm in the body, how strong the realm in the body can be expanded, but to expand the realm in the body, and his realm in the body will be fully restored at an extremely fast speed.

Fully recovering is not an easy task.

Especially now, when the leader of the ruling alliance has lost the magic treasure of the lost world, he is just a top aspirant. With Lei Dao's current state, even the collapsed ancestor god body can resist for a period of time.

At that time, the internal realm will be restored, and Lei Dao will be able to suppress many aspirants of the Dominion League in an instant.

"You, you are the one who took away the strange treasure from this seat! Take action, hurry up, he is already at the end of his strength, let's take action together, and we can get back the strange treasure by beheading him."

At this time, the leader of the ruling alliance also knew the current situation.

Lei Dao took away the treasure!

This is simply unbelievable, even a little scary. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lei Dao was able to snatch his rare treasure, is it possible?

You know, Lei Dao is obviously at the end of his battle!

"That black coffin..."

The leader of the ruling alliance thought of that strange black coffin, that is, that strange black coffin, "swallowed" the strange treasure at once, and then flew into Lei Dao's body again.

As long as Lei Dao is beheaded, he will be able to get back the Lost Realm Rare Treasure.

Therefore, the leader of the Domination League called on the four top aspirants behind him, and ordered dozens of aspirants from the Domination League to attack Lei Dao.

The current Lei Dao is already at the end of its strength, and he doesn't believe that there is nothing he can do about it.


However, the leader of the ruling alliance ignored the current situation.


There are staring eyes everywhere!

And it's still a coveted look.

Among them, there are even some top aspirants.

Now the situation is very clear, and everyone already knows that the leader of the ruling alliance has always held a strange treasure, a treasure that is closely related to the lost world.

Even, after obtaining this treasure, one can spy on the mysteries of the entire maze, and even leave the maze. This is the common wish and the biggest goal of all the maze masters!

Leave the maze!

Therefore, they are bound to get this treasure!

"Whoosh whoosh".

At this time, beside the leader of the ruling alliance and Lei Dao, many figures appeared, all of them were aspirants, and there were even some top aspirants.

Just now they were still watching the excitement, but now, one by one couldn't bear it any longer.

Even the treasures of the maze world have appeared, how can they stand it?

"What do you want to do? This is a matter between my Juggernaut and the Dragon League. Do you want to intervene in my Juggernaut?"

The leader of the ruling alliance's face darkened, and he looked at the figures around him with cold eyes.

If it was before, he really didn't care about these people.

In the Lost World, who would dare to fight against the Domination League?

But now, at such a time, it is intriguing.

Are they trying to intervene?

"Hey, you Juggernauts are really domineering. You have treasures that can leave the maze world, or understand the mysteries of the maze world, but you have been hiding them all the time. How many years has it been? You three old turtles still have treasures. It’s really tolerable, I haven’t revealed the slightest news for so many years. If it wasn’t for the appearance of Leader Lei this time, I’m afraid you wouldn’t have exposed the strange treasures of the Lost Realm, right?”

"Hahaha, you three old turtles, how many years have you been in the maze? At least ten trillion years, you have been in the maze since the beginning of the era, and you haven't gone crazy so far. We thought you had some special method to keep Sober. From now on, it seems that you have always had the treasure of the maze world, you can secretly study the treasure of the maze world, and even hope to escape from the maze world. You have not leaked any information about such a treasure, it is really admirable!"

"It's a pity that you all failed in the end. Didn't you also take advantage of President Lei in the end?"

"Tell me the secret of the strange treasure in the maze world, otherwise, you want to get the strange treasure from the leader Lei, it is wishful thinking!"

These top aspirants may have been a little afraid of the power of the Domination Alliance.

but now?

That's not necessarily the case.

Who cares about the threat of the Domination Alliance when it involves the magic treasures of the maze world, and whether they can even escape from the maze world?

Moreover, they were also very excited, they didn't try to do anything to Lei Dao, but instead guarded Lei Dao faintly.

The Domination League does not tell them the exact news and mysteries about the mysterious treasures of the lost world, and they will not let the people of the Domination League do it.

"You are... confused, I can't take back the strange treasure. When Lei Dao recovers, with his strength just now, without the strange treasure, who can restrain him? At that time, you all don't even want to get the strange treasure."

The leader of the Dominion League was furious. He wanted to slap these top aspirants who got in the way, but he still maintained his rationality. At this time, he must not do anything, otherwise, Lei Dao would be held back by these top aspirants. Plenty of breathing time.

"Hahaha, even if League Leader Lei gets the strange treasure, it's still better than your Master League getting the strange treasure, right? For ten trillion years, you haven't revealed a little bit of information, hiding the strange treasure yourself, and secretly researching it? I think Leader Lei is not bad, Leader Lei is not as petty as you guys are. If Leader Lei can research something, maybe we can all get out of the sea of ​​suffering and return to the Ming Realm."

"That's right, your Master League is also trash. You have obtained the treasure for more than ten trillion years, have you found the mystery of the maze world? Can you leave the maze world? You can't comprehend it yourself, but you don't contribute to study it together. You should be damned!"

"Yes, either make the secret public, or wait for Leader Lei to recover, then with the help of strange treasures, you may be able to leave the maze world, you choose."

How else to choose the leader of the dominating alliance?

Alien treasure!

For ten trillion years, they have always been separated, and they have never been completely integrated. Their three leaders are also afraid and wary of each other.

How do they know the mystery of the fusion treasure?

So, how else could they choose?

"Do it!"

The next moment, the leader of the Domination League and the other four top aspirants of the Domination League also started together.

The Dominion League is in the Lost Realm, why have they ever been afraid of other forces?

It's just that I don't want to waste time on these top aspirants, but now it seems that it's okay not to waste time. If these top aspirants are not sent away, then they will not be able to regain the rare treasures from Lei Dao.


Suddenly, the war broke out again.

The sudden attack by the inquirers of the Juggernaut also made other inquirers a little angry. Especially these top aspirants, who have been suppressed by the Dominion Alliance for such a long time, and now they are still so strong when it comes to the exotic treasures of the lost world, do they really think they are soft persimmons?

Therefore, several top aspirants no longer hesitated, and immediately greeted them.

big fight!

Crazy battle!

The entire fandom was plunged into chaos and war.

No one thought that things would turn out like this.

At this time, no one even paid attention to Lei Dao anymore. In this chaotic situation, they had to either leave or join the battle group.

"This is the human heart!"

After an unknown amount of time, Lei Dao suddenly opened his eyes.


Lei Dao's eyes were extremely sharp, and he swept across the chaotic crowd.

"Those who gain the Dao will be helped a lot, but those who have lost the Dao will be helped a lot. In this sinful world, there are also true, kind and beautiful people. Devils are raging, but if there is resistance, then goodness will also appear."

There was a smile on the corner of Lei Dao's mouth.

He saw those top inquirers, the top inquirers who were unfamiliar, the inquirers who were stopping the Domination League, protecting him.

Perhaps, these people have some other purpose.

But the goodness in their hearts cannot be concealed.

Maybe they are just kindhearted.

Compared with those heinous people in the domination alliance, I don't know how much better it is.

At this moment, Lei Dao was satisfied and relieved.

Everything he did before seemed to be worth it!

Of course, the situation is still tense.

The Domination League is indeed the Domination League, the oldest, most mysterious, and most powerful force in the Lost Realm. Even with the help of other top aspirants, the Dominion League's advantages are huge.

But that's all there is to it!


The next moment, a huge realm appeared above Lei Dao's head. The mighty phantom of the realm seemed to be getting more and more solid, and even stronger!

"it's over!"


The realm, falling mightily, descended once again!

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