Longevity Species

Chapter 951: Once the treasure is obtained, the Juggernaut League is destroyed! (first update)

"Impossible, impossible, my strange treasure, this seat's strange treasure is in hand, the entire maze world belongs to this seat, this seat has the hope of becoming a real aspirant, and even the ancestor..."

The leader of the Domination League had a crazy expression, as if hysterical, he couldn't accept his failure. He had already seen the light of day, and even had the chance to win, so why did he end up in such a disastrous defeat all of a sudden?

Even, it is so miserable that life and death are not in their hands.

Lei Dao's inner body realm is no longer fifty-five times, but a full fifty-seven times! Compared with before, it is much stronger, and there is no magic treasure in the world. It is not difficult to suppress these dozens of aspirants, and even suppress the five top aspirants of the Juggernaut League .

Even, quite easily.

"Relying on treasures, do you want to dominate the lost world, and also want to become the ancestor?"

Raido sneered.

Evil is evil, and evil is often accompanied by greed. The leader of the ruling alliance is not only evil, but also very greedy. If he wants to become the first ancestor by relying on treasures, it is tantamount to nonsense.

From ancient times to the present, in countless epochs, Lei Dao has never heard of anyone who can become a saint or ancestor by relying on a single treasure. Even if it is a treasure used by the ancestors, so what?

To become the ancestor, you have to rely on yourself!

Obviously, in the Lost Realm, many people have been completely lost.

They are completely immersed in the endless resources of the maze, as if any resources are at their fingertips, and even their practice seems to have become easier, so many aspirants have been born.

Lei Dao once thought that as long as they left the maze world, these people would soon be able to re-cultivate in the bright world as they did when they were in the maze world, but now it seems that Lei Dao may have taken it for granted and was too optimistic.

True practice is never the same.

There is no practice that can be copied.

To practice in the Ming Realm is to practice step by step and down to earth.

Want to take a shortcut?

It's simply impossible!

Perhaps, these people left the Lost Realm and returned to the Bright Realm again. Maybe they would all collapse and become waste due to their poor mentality. After all, they were masters, inquirers, and even top inquirers in the maze world before.

What if he returned to the Ming Realm?

Falling into the abyss all of a sudden, becoming an ordinary master, or even a great master, this kind of mentality gap is so huge that even top aspirants may not be able to resist it.

"Perhaps, it's not a good thing for you to leave the lost world..."

Raidou murmured softly.

However, this matter is still far away from him, and Lei Dao himself doesn't know whether he can leave the maze world. He has to settle the matter in front of him first, and solve the matter of the Juggernaut League.

"Bang bang bang".

At this time, Lei Dao didn't hold back any more.

Fifty-seven times the realm, crazy crushing.

Dozens of aspirants in the Juggernaut League were all crushed by Lei Dao's domain, and they had no power to resist. As for those masters and great masters, Lei Dao finally saved their lives, and they will be carefully screened later.

Although the Domination League is full of crimes and crimes, there are some people who have not been in the Domination League for a long time and still maintain goodness. Lei Dao is willing to take time to screen them out.

But above the questioner, Lei Dao is not polite.

If they can become aspirants, they are all domineering in the Domination League, and the roots of evil have already been deeply rooted, that is to say, there is no way to save them, and Lei Dao will not let these people go.

Finally, dozens of aspirants died.

There are only five top aspirants left.

These five top aspirants are all extremely pale now.

Without dozens of aspirants to stand up for them, they would have to bear the weight of Lei Dao's fifty-seven times the realm! How could they bear such terrifying pressure?


Finally, the first top aspirant collapsed.

Lei Dao saw the "Road of the First Ancestor" above the other party's head collapsing, and immediately after that, the top aspirant was instantly reduced to dust.

"Huh? This energy... doesn't seem to be as strong as expected?"

Raidou frowned.

In fact, he has already discovered that even though the maze is very realistic, in fact, Lei Dao's body realm can isolate the maze to a certain extent.

Although it can't be completely isolated, it is still in the maze and is affected by the maze, but Lei Dao can resist part of the influence.

For example, he uses the internal realm to kill the enemy. In fact, after the enemy dies, the energy will dissipate in the internal realm. Although Lei Dao can't use these energies, he can feel the intensity of this energy.

And the energy intensity of the dozens of aspirants just now, and the current top aspirant after death, is very poor.

Among them, there are very few masters.

It's all about the level of energy at the master level, doesn't that explain the problem?

Big problem!

The entire maze is an illusory world.

Lei Dao snorted coldly and said: "You have been trapped in the maze since the beginning of the era, and you were just masters at that time, right? Ten trillion years have passed, but you are still just masters, trapped in the maze, and a little bit of improvement is not enough. No, even if you leave the maze world, you will never be able to become aspirants for the rest of your life."

Lei Dao shook his head, then increased the power of the realm in his body, and suppressed it again.

"Bang bang bang".

Finally, among the five aspirants, only the leader of the Dominion Alliance remained.

He is still supporting himself.

Of course, this is also Lei Dao's intention.

Lei Dao wants the leader of the Dominion League to witness the destruction of his Dominion League, the earth-shaking changes in the entire Maze World, and the transformation of the entire Maze World by Lei Dao, making the Maze World a beautiful world of truth, goodness and beauty in his mind!

"I have lost. I have been working hard for hundreds of millions of years, planning for hundreds of millions of years, and I am actually defeated. But, without this seat, you will never want to leave the maze world for the rest of your life, and you will never even want to know what the magic treasures of the maze world are for. Hahaha……"

The leader of the ruling alliance had cold eyes, and even faintly sneered.

However, behind the ridicule is the endless remorse of the leader of the Dominion League, just a little bit, he even got the treasure of the lost world, why is it just a little bit short?

"Don't want to leave the maze world for the rest of your life?"

Lei Dao sneered and said: "If you know, why don't you still stay in the maze? At this point, you still don't want to tell the truth. Forget it, I wanted to save your life to see the changes in the maze. Now It seems that suppressing you doesn't seem to have any effect, if that's the case, then..."

The smile on the face of the leader of the ruling alliance suddenly froze.

"Wait, you can't kill me. Once I die, you will never try to figure out what that treasure is. How dare you kill me?"

The leader of the Juggernaut Alliance seemed unable to believe his eyes.

Is there such a person?

The treasure of the maze world is a treasure that he has painstakingly studied for hundreds of millions of years. How could Lei Dao want to kill him when he has not figured out the treasure of the maze world?

Isn't Lei Dao worried that he won't be able to leave the maze?

It's just that Lei Dao doesn't seem to play his cards according to common sense.

He won't be threatened by the leader of the dominion alliance, and all the treasures are in his hands, so he can't study the specific function of the treasures? What's more, Lei Dao has vaguely understood the situation in the Lost Realm, and now there is no need to keep the great disaster of the leader of the ruling alliance.

Therefore, the leader of the ruling alliance has no choice but to die!


The next moment, the body of the ruler of Mengmeng turned into a piece of powder, and he didn't even utter a scream before being crushed into powder by the power of the domain in Lei Dao's body.


The dignified top inquirer, one of the founders of the Juggernaut League, the strongest top inquirer in the entire fandom, just died in the hands of Lei Dao, and he was still so unwilling.

But what's the use of not being reconciled?

After all, he is dead!

It is no longer possible to make waves, and everything in the lost world will have nothing to do with the leader of the ruling alliance.

At this moment, even the top aspirants around who helped Lei Dao to block the Juggernaut Alliance felt a slight chill in their hearts. In fact, the leader of the Juggernaut is right about one thing.

Lei Dao is more dangerous than the Juggernaut!

After all, Lei Dao destroyed the Juggernaut League with his own power, and he also mastered the magic treasure in the hands of the leader of the Dominion League. Now the powerhouses in the entire Mystery World combined may not be Lei Dao's opponent.

Lei Dao is like a sharp knife hanging above their heads, who dares to be presumptuous?

Still, there are some benefits in the end.

That is, Lei Dao is different from Juggernaut.

It seems that Lei Dao's work is more open and aboveboard. To put it simply, it is a bit "sincere".

Although many people feel that one should not be too honest, otherwise it is easy to suffer. But even wicked people, people with vicious thoughts, are willing to deal with honest people.

Because rest assured!

At this time, everyone's eyes were on Lei Dao.

Lei Dao swept his eyes, and said calmly: "Do you want the mysterious treasure in Lei's hands?"

He could naturally feel the coveting and prying eyes in these gazes.

However, these top aspirants hurriedly shook their heads and said: "If you say you don't want it, you must be lying. Who doesn't want this kind of treasure? However, we are not the opponent of Lord Lei, and we dare not take it. We There is only one request now, and I hope that Master Lei will take us with us when he leaves the Lost Realm."

And that's their only request.

They also don't want to fight for hegemony in the fandom. In an illusory world, an unreal world, what's the use of fighting for hegemony? They can become overlords in a small world or in a big world.

It doesn't make any sense to stay in the maze world.

They just want to leave!

"Leaving the maze world? No problem. As long as Lei can open the maze world, he will let you go. However, the future order of the maze world must be changed. The matter of dominating the alliance cannot happen again. clear?"

"Understood, we all understand. A harmonious, sincere and beautiful world is what we all hope to see, and no one wants to be as overbearing as the Juggernaut. Don't worry, we will clean up the rules when we go back in the future, so that the lost world will move towards a better future." direction of development.”

Lei Dao nodded, everything was difficult at the beginning.

The Lost Realm has been like this for so many years. If it is to be cleaned up, it must be cleaned up slowly and changed slowly. All of this will take time.

It will also take time for Lei Dao to study the treasures of the maze world, the black coffin, and how to leave the maze world.

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