Longevity Species

Chapter 952 The corpse in the black coffin is not the ancestor? (Second more)

Lei Dao disappeared and left the Juggernaut.

Of course, the current Juggernaut has turned into ruins.

Except for a few masters or great masters who were "screened" by Lei Dao, the other members of the master alliance all fell, causing the entire master alliance to completely disappear.

Looking at the ruins in front of them, the remaining top aspirants looked at each other in blank dismay.

What did they do just now?

It seems... It's a big deal!

"Dominate the League, is it our destruction?"

"It should be our credit, but is this a good thing or a bad thing? The Juggernaut Alliance was destroyed, but there was an extra Thunder Master, and this Thunder Master seemed to be different from the practitioners we met before. .”

"Master Lei is a person with big ambitions. He wants to change the whole world. He is that kind of idealist. Since he is an idealist, then we will help him change the world. Anyway, this is just an illusory world. Don’t you all see clearly?”

"I see clearly, how could I not see clearly? This world is an illusory world. The Juggernaut took the initiative to use the magical treasure of the maze world, and the entire maze world almost collapsed, completely exposing the reality of the maze world. It turns out that we really All living in an illusory world for trillions of years..."

These top questioners fell silent one by one.

In the past, they all just guessed that the maze world was illusory, but in fact, they also held a little bit of luck deep in their hearts. I hope that the lost world is the real world. In this way, their practice is real, and their strength is also real.

Even if he returns to the Ming Realm one day, he can become a top existence.

It doesn't even matter if you don't return to the Ming Realm.

If one can cultivate in such a unique environment as the Lost Realm, and eventually become the ancestor, wouldn't that be the best of both worlds?

After all, there are some rumors in the fandom.

Once you can achieve the ancestor, you will be able to automatically escape from the maze.

This is a word of mouth "misunderstanding".

Thinking about it now, it was just a good wish in the hearts of many practitioners trapped in the lost world, a wish that was impossible to fulfill.

In an illusory world where everything is illusory, how can one become the ancestor?

It's just wishful thinking!

However, it is better now, the previous extravagant hopes have been completely shattered, but they have ushered in a new hope, and that is Lei Dao!

This person wholeheartedly wants to change the entire fandom and create a world where truth, kindness and beauty are harmonious and everyone lives in harmony. Although the top aspirants feel that this is a bit too idealistic.

But in such an illusory world as the Lost Realm, it is not impossible.

Everything is possible!

As a result, as the matter of the Dominion Alliance slowly came to an end, the atmosphere of the entire Lost Realm was also adjusted. No matter what force, any practitioner, it seemed that the "goodness" in their hearts had been released.

It's really vaguely like a beautiful world where everyone gets along in harmony.

Of course, Lei Dao couldn't see all of this for the time being.

He returned to Leimeng and entered the secret room directly, even Master Yaoxin didn't see him.


In the secret room, Lei Dao's consciousness was suddenly immersed in the inner realm.

In the realm of his body, there is a black coffin floating quietly in the void, and the surroundings of the black coffin are suppressed by the power of the realm.

"Xiao Hei, what's the matter?"

Lei Dao directly began to communicate with Xiao Hei.

It's just that the current Xiao Hei doesn't seem to respond either, wondering if he is trying hard to suppress that mysterious treasure. What Lei Dao is most concerned about now is the strange treasure of the lost world.

He was worried, would there be some unfathomable changes between the mysterious treasure and the black coffin?

I don't know how long it took before Xiao Hei's voice sounded: "Master, I have already recovered. The energy of this undead essence pearl is really terrifying. It was finally absorbed by the black coffin."

"Wait, the source of immortality was absorbed by the black coffin? It is a rare treasure of the maze world. After being absorbed by the black coffin, how can I grasp the mysteries of the maze world, and how can I leave the maze world?"

Lei Dao was shocked.

What he valued was this mysterious treasure of the obsessed world.

"Master, the combination of the undead essence pearl and the black coffin not only allows the master to freely control the black coffin, but also the treasure is still there, so it does not affect the master's comprehension."

"It doesn't affect the comprehension, the treasure is still there?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, so he immediately asked Xiao Hei to open the black coffin.

"Master, you can open the black coffin yourself. You can try to refine this black coffin now."

"Refining the black coffin?"

Lei Dao looked a little dignified.

This black coffin is amazing!

Lei Dao knew this a long time ago. However, Lei Dao himself can't control such a magical black coffin freely. Every time he controls the black coffin, he actually relies on Xiao Hei.

Now, Xiao Hei actually said that he can refine the black coffin?

This point made Lei Dao a little puzzled, and even faintly excited.

Therefore, according to Xiao Hei's instructions, Lei Dao gradually infiltrated the power of the domain into the black coffin, and with his own consciousness, began to brand the black coffin.

Only by imprinting the mark can Lei Dao be considered as refining the black coffin.

After all, this black coffin is also a treasure, which needs to be refined.


The next moment, there was a roar in Lei Dao's mind.

His consciousness extended into the black coffin. This time it was different from before. Lei Dao's consciousness could not enter the black coffin at all.

But this time, the fusion of the mysterious treasure and the black coffin seems to have made the black coffin more "complete", restored some of its previous functions, and even allowed Lei Dao to refine it.

When Lei Dao's consciousness extended into the black coffin, he began to imprint his consciousness in the black coffin according to the refining method given by Xiao Hei. This time, it was obviously different from before, Lei Dao's progress was smooth.

In his mind, pictures quickly emerged.

This picture is the "history" of the black coffin.

The black coffin seemed to be made of very special materials and was made by various extremely mysterious means, but who made it, even Lei Dao didn't know.

After all, when refining the black coffin, you can only see a little bit of information about the black coffin, which is also the information "included" in the black coffin, and it's just the information "recorded" by the dark and hazy consciousness.

But in fact, the black coffin cannot be conscious, even if it is born, it will be erased.

However, after being erased, these pictures will still be branded in the black coffin, as long as anyone can refine them in the future, they will be able to obtain these pictures.

Xiao Hei can barely be regarded as the consciousness of Hei Coffin.

But I don't know how many generations of consciousness it is.

Moreover, Xiao Hei's consciousness seems to be different, as if he was born with the corpse in the black coffin and the black coffin, it is not the complete consciousness of the black coffin.

Once Lei Dao refines the black coffin, he can actually replace Xiao Hei, but Xiao Hei can still live in the black coffin, and even, one day, with Lei Dao's help, Xiao Hei can become a real living being!

This may be Xiao Hei's lifelong dream.

Transformed into real life!

Therefore, this is the reason why Xiao Hei asked Lei Dao to refine the black coffin, hoping that one day, Xiao Hei could be liberated.

Of course, this has no conflict with Lei Dao, but it can strengthen Lei Dao's strength.

When he has strength in the future, it will not be difficult to help Xiao Hei transform into a real life.

Next, there was no picture in Lei Dao's mind, and he seemed to be immersed in it for a long, long time.


Suddenly one day, Lei Dao felt that his consciousness was shaking, as if something big was about to happen. Immediately afterwards, Lei Dao "saw" that its body, that is, the black coffin itself, seemed to be filled with a great corpse by a certain great existence.

The corpse has since been placed in a black coffin.

Afterwards, the black coffin seemed to break through some kind of shackles, a certain barrier, and came to a strange world.

"The black coffin is not a thing of the light world, not even the dark world, or a thing of the ancient continent?"

Raidou regained consciousness.

He was extremely shocked in his heart, even if he only accepted a little bit of the memory that came with the black coffin and saw some fragmented pictures, this has already made Lei Dao speculate about the origin of the black coffin.

The black coffin is not something from the Ming Realm!

Where did the black coffin come from?

As Lei Dao knows so far, the whole world is the Ming Realm, the Dark Realm, and the Desolate Ancient Continent. The Trinity should be connected with each other to form a whole.

You can actually know every era catastrophe.

Every era of catastrophe sweeps across the bright world, the dark world, and the ancient continent, and no one can escape. It doesn't matter if you hide in the Ming Realm or the Ancient Continent, or hide in the Dark Realm, it's useless.

As soon as the era of catastrophe came, everything was reduced to ashes.

Then, after waiting for a long time, a new era began, and new lives were born in the Ming Realm and the ancient continent.

The Dark Realm is like a bridge connecting the Bright Realm and the ancient continent.

But besides this, there are other worlds, Lei Dao is not clear.

Not only Lei Dao is not clear, but even the ancestors and saints are probably not clear. Many people think that this is the whole world.

But now, Lei Dao obtained a little bit of memory left in the black coffin, and some fragmented pictures.

He faintly sensed that the origin of this black coffin was extraordinary.

This black coffin does not belong to the Ming Realm or the Ancient Continent.

Even, before Lei Dao felt that the corpse in the black coffin should be the ancestor.

But now it seems that it was wrong, very wrong.

The corpse in the black coffin is not the ancestor.

And it may be a great life from outside the Ming Realm!

It's just that it's not the ancestor, it's a life from another world, why was it put in such a coffin for so long?

Moreover, after so many epochs, the ancestors didn't discover it?

Or, was it only this era that was thrown into the Ming Realm?

Lei Dao didn't know.

He couldn't get an answer from the black coffin, and Xiao Hei couldn't give him an answer either.

But, he didn't get nothing.

"This black coffin is amazing!"

Lei Dao's eyes lit up, and his eyes flickered slightly.

This time, the biggest harvest may be this black coffin.

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