Longevity Species

Chapter 953 Resurrection of the Corpse? (third change)

"The black coffin..."

Lei Dao murmured in a low voice, his mind had withdrawn from the black coffin, but his eyes were fixed on the black coffin, especially the corpse in the black coffin.

It was indeed a corpse, but the function of the black coffin was to "resurrect" that corpse.

Of course, it is not a resurrection in a simple sense. In fact, a corpse is a corpse. It is dead and dead forever. Even if it regains consciousness, it is dead.

Even if it is resurrected, it is not the former owner of the corpse.

In fact, according to Lei Dao's speculation, the function of the black coffin should be "refining corpses".

This corpse was extremely deadly, and even had a trace of destructive force.

Yes, it is the shattering power of the Great Tribulation of the Era.

I don't know how many epochs the black coffin has gone through, but it can actually make the dead body possess the power of destruction, with a faint attribute of destruction.

This is scary.

Ordinary corpses, even ancestor corpses, should not be able to withstand the power of destruction. After all, under the ravages of the power of destruction, the first ancestor will be wiped out and completely fallen, let alone just a corpse?

But this corpse can withstand the erosion of one of the destructions of the Great Tribulation of the Era, and it absorbs and uses the power of destruction little by little.

This must be related to the protection of the black coffin.

Otherwise, just a corpse is definitely powerless to resist the mighty era of catastrophe and the power of destruction. With the black coffin blocking most of the power of destruction, and then allowing the corpse to slowly absorb the power of destruction, so that one day it will transform and "resurrect" again, how terrifying would it be?

"Xiao Hei, how long has it been since you became conscious?"

Lei Dao asked Xiao Hei.

"Master, I can't remember very well. Maybe one era, maybe several eras, my memory is very chaotic, it should have produced consciousness, and then the catastrophe of the era destroyed my consciousness again, and then produced consciousness again. Over time , I don’t even know who I am…”

Xiao Hei was also very wronged and confused.

It is just a very vague consciousness born from the black coffin and the corpse. In fact, it is so weak that it cannot even withstand the catastrophe of the era.

If the black coffin really existed for a long time, maybe several epochs, or even longer, then it might be a big trouble. No one can guarantee when the corpse in the black coffin will be resurrected.

"The safest way is to destroy the corpse, but... I can't do it!"

Raidou shook his head.

Even if he refined the black coffin, he couldn't destroy the corpse.

Very simple, this black coffin has two layers, the first layer is an ordinary black coffin. And the second floor seems to be an independent space, even if the black coffin is refined, it cannot be controlled.

That corpse was lying in the black coffin on the second floor, "lying" quietly. No one knew when it would be resurrected, or what it would look like after resurrection.

"If it is a life from another world, then throwing this corpse from another world into the Ming Realm and refining the corpse with the destructive power of the Great Tribulation of the Era is too big a feat. Perhaps, what he wants to refine must not be at the level of the ancestor. Simple……"

Raidou frowned.

It's really getting more and more complicated.

Black coffins, corpses, alien life, etc., are simply a mess. The key point is that Lei Dao still has no way of knowing the ins and outs of these things, and even the whole thing seems to be in a cloud of fog.

More importantly, why is the black coffin associated with the strange treasure of the lost world?

It is precisely because of the strange treasure of the lost world that Lei Dao was able to refine the black coffin and know so many secrets of the black coffin. This rare treasure of the lost world is like the "power" of the black coffin, providing a steady stream of Constant motivation.

As long as Lei Dao is willing, he can use the black coffin to suppress anyone.

Even, the ancestor!

Lei Dao has never tried it, but he feels that the black coffin can be given a try. At this time, the black coffin is no longer the black coffin it used to be. A real gem.

And it's a treasure from another world!

"Based on this guess, it can only be a treasure from another world that can activate the black coffin. So, the strange treasure of the lost world is actually a treasure from another world? And the strange treasure of the lost world is closely related to the lost world. , Are they treasures from other worlds or leftovers from other worlds?"

Lei Dao had a rough guess in his heart.


Lei Dao waved his hand, and in his hand, a piece of transparent crystal appeared, which was the mysterious treasure in the hands of the Master League.

This strange treasure is full of energy at first glance, and the energy is very terrifying. Holding it in his hand, Lei Dao suddenly had a feeling of being connected to the lost world, and he immediately withdrew from the inner world, and this feeling became more obvious.

It was as if he could really control the maze world!

This is still in the absence of refining. The leader of the dominating alliance at the beginning obtained this mysterious treasure to suppress Lei Dao's inner body, and even pushed Lei Dao to a desperate situation.

Lei Dao slowly closed his eyes.

This strange treasure does not need to be refined, there is no refining at all.

Lei Dao closed his eyes, carefully perceiving this strange treasure.


Sure enough, in Lei Dao's mind, a terrifying monster like a giant wolf appeared, covering the sky and covering the sun, straddling the void of the Ming Realm, roaring up to the sky, as if it could devour everything.

Of course, there is only this picture.

"This strange treasure is not a treasure, but...the core! The core of a powerful alien life, or can it be understood as a heart?"

Lei Dao's heart moved.

In fact, he had already speculated in his heart.

If it is said that the magical treasure of the lost world is the heart, which gathers all the essence and power of life in other worlds, then what is the lost world?

Could it be the body of a life form from another world?

No, it doesn't look like it. Everything in the Lost Realm is illusory and fake. How could it be the body of a life from another world?

Then there is only one possibility.

The entire lost world is actually the "obsession" of beings from other worlds.

Simply put, it is an idea.

This is a world formed by an idea after the death of a life from another world. Originally, there is no energy to support it, so it will dissipate sooner or later. However, the life from another world still has a heart.

It is this mysterious treasure.

With the existence of this mysterious treasure, the thoughts of beings from other worlds can be supported, and then form a lost world, and even the corridors in the lost world in the bright world are probably formed after the death of alien beings. Yes, it's just that there is no support from the heart energy, so it is impossible to trap the practitioner.

But if Lei Dao's guess is true, then this alien life is very terrifying.

How terrifying is it that thoughts can form a huge world after death, and even trap top aspirants?

If the maze world is also related to life from another world, and the black coffin is also a treasure from another world, then it would make sense to combine the treasure of the maze world with the black coffin. Perhaps, the two came from the same place.

"If I take this heart, will the maze world collapse?"

Lei Dao suddenly raised his head, he was going to give it a try.


Lei Dao flew out of the secret room and came to the void outside Lei Meng.

Now around Leimeng, people are paying attention all the time, especially Lei Dao, the new first questioner in the lost world, who can even be regarded as the overlord of the entire lost world, who doesn't pay attention?

Lei Dao has received a lot of attention. As soon as he appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Is that Lord Lei?"

"President Lei received the strange treasure of the maze world. This treasure of the maze world was in the hands of the leader of the domination league before. It seems that he didn't comprehend anything, but it is closely related to the maze world. Can the chief Lei comprehend something, even , take us out of the maze world?"

"I don't know. After all, the Rare Treasure of the Mysterious Realm has been in the hands of the leader of the Master League for so many years. What is the result? I have not realized anything, and I can't leave the Mysterious Realm. It will be able to comprehend thoroughly, let alone lead us out of the lost world."

"Hahaha, that's not necessarily the case. What is the talent of the leader of the ruling alliance? Before he fell into the maze, he was just a ruler. But what about the leader Lei? He is the real top aspirant in the Ming world, and the talent difference between the two is incomparable Huge, maybe, Leader Lei can comprehend the strange treasures of the maze world in a short period of time?"

Many people actually have a glimmer of expectation.

Ever since they learned about the strange treasure of the Mystery World, many people put their hopes on Lei Dao.

Even if they can't get the strange treasure, they still want to leave the lost world.

Lei Dao didn't care about the eyes around him, he just came to have a try, to confirm the guess in his heart.


In Lei Dao's hand, there appeared a strange treasure from the lost world, which was a treasure that was suspected to be the heart of a life in another world. As soon as the strange treasure appeared, it echoed with the surrounding maze. Lei Dao could easily mobilize everything in the maze to suppress everyone in the maze.

Even without any effort.

Lei Dao knew that all of this was actually false, and that being suppressed in the Lost Realm was actually just an illusion. But if you can't get rid of the illusion, it's no different from reality.

This is the power of the maze world.

Here, the aspirant is the aspirant, and the top aspirant can even easily crush the aspirant of the Ming Realm. As long as they can't get rid of the illusion, it will be the same, and they will definitely be restricted by the maze.


The next moment, Lei Dao threw the strange treasure of the lost world into the black coffin.

At this moment, the strange treasures of the lost world were completely isolated, and the black coffin fully possessed the ability to isolate the strange treasures. Moreover, Lei Dao still manipulated the black coffin to isolate the rare treasure.


Cracks began to appear around the maze, and the whole world, like a mirror, began to shatter, and it happened in every place in the maze.

"How is this going?"

"The maze seems to be collapsing."

"The Lost Realm collapsed? So we can all return to the Bright Realm?"

"Hahaha, I can even feel the power of the Ming Realm..."

Many were ecstatic.

The lost world is like a cage, trapping them firmly in it.

What they dream of is to get out of the lost world.

And now, there seems to be hope?

However, Lei Dao frowned, and instantly took out the mysterious treasure from the black coffin.

Everything just now returned to its original state, as if it had never happened before.

But everyone's eyes were extremely fanatical looking at the figure in the void.

Even the most stupid people know that the changes in the lost world just now must be closely related to Lei Dao.

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