Longevity Species

Chapter 954 Control the Maze World, One Thought Lives and One Thought Dies! (first update)


At this time, many top aspirants have been alarmed.

There are many aspirants in the entire maze world, but there are actually only a dozen or so who can reach the peak aspirants. After being beheaded by Lei Dao in the Juggernaut League, there are only a few top aspirants left.

They all sensed the movement here and flew out immediately.

"Master Lei, what's going on?"

"Master Lei, you...can you really lead us out of the lost world?"

"The strange treasure of the lost world, was it enlightened by you?"

These top questioners are excited.

Maybe the other masters' perceptions are not real, but they are top inquirers, regardless of whether they are top inquirers who have achieved in the maze, but inquirers are inquirers.

They can clearly feel the changes just now.

The power of the Ming Realm!

They felt the power of the Ming Realm, what kind of long-lost power is this? They will never forget it for the rest of their lives, so they believe that Lei Dao must have found a way to leave the lost world.

Lei Dao looked at these top aspirants with complicated expressions, and even the masters and great masters in the distance, they all stared at Lei Dao earnestly, revealing a trace of longing in their eyes.

In fact, Lei Dao already knew just now that he wanted to leave the maze world easily.

Because, the maze is not a treasure, it is just the idea of ​​a powerful alien life, and what supports the operation of this idea is this maze treasure in his hand, which is the energy core of the alien life, or the heart .

As long as he evacuated his heart and isolated his heart forever, then the maze world would be destroyed by itself, and he would collapse.

But, can these people really leave the maze world?

Lei Dao also felt a little shaken in his heart.

"Ask yourselves, do you really want to leave the maze world?"

Lei Dao did not respond directly, but said lightly.

"Huh? Leader Lei, what do you mean? We really want to leave the Ming Realm. After all, we have been trapped in the Lost Realm for so many years..."

The top aspirants are very urgent.

"Really? It's easy to leave the labyrinth. Lei can send you away at any time, but you have to be prepared first, and you are ready in the labyrinth. Who will start first?"

The meaning of Lei Dao's words made everyone confused.

What does it mean?

Want to try it first to determine the eligibility to leave?

Several top aspirants looked at each other. They are all top aspirants in the current maze world, and they can be said to be standing on the top of the maze world. They are also the most urgent, hoping to leave the maze.

Because, they know that they cannot become ancestors in the maze world. Only by leaving the Lost Realm can we become the ancestors, otherwise, they will all be reduced to ashes when the era of catastrophe comes.

"Okay, the old man will try."

One of the top aspirants stood up. He was the top ascetic after the three masters of the Juggernaut League. He was already very old, and he wanted to leave the maze very urgently.

Lei Dao nodded and said: "Yes, as long as you want to leave the maze world after experiencing it, then you can do so."

After all, Lei Dao held the strange treasure of the maze world in his hand, and then gently pointed at the top aspirant.


The next moment, this top aspirant felt as if many years were being stripped from him. No, not just the years, but also his cultivation, his strength.

He is a top inquirer, but following Lei Dao's pointing out, the ancestor's road above his head suddenly reversed, not collapsed, but reversed, as if time was reversed, completely disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, he became the master. But this is not over yet, he retreated all the way from the great master to the master, until he became an ordinary master.

"You... what did you do to this old man?"

The top aspirant was terrified, even trembling all over.

He is a top questioner!

What now?

It's just that ordinary dominates. How huge is such a gap?

And all of this was under Lei Dao's finger, and he became like this in an instant. Even the ancestors couldn't do such an ability, right?

Therefore, countless people looked at Lei Dao in horror, not knowing why Lei Dao did this.

Lei Dao's eyes were calm, and he said lightly: "In the Ming Realm, Lei is the ruler now, and his words of life and death are definitely not empty words. Even if it is something that the ancestors did, in the Lost World, Lei can also do it. "


Lei Dao's voice fell, and everyone was shocked.

What the ancestors couldn't do, Lei Dao can do in the lost world?

Especially the top aspirant just now, his cultivation base regressed and became an ordinary master, which further confirmed Lei Dao's words. Even the ancestors couldn't do it, but Lei Dao really did it, and it doesn't look like it. No effort.

In fact, the moment Lei Dao grasped the magic treasure of the lost world, he already understood that he had indeed become the overlord of the lost world, or in other words, he controlled the lost world and became the master of the lost world!

It is that simple to become the master of the lost world.

The leader of the previous ruling alliance has also become the master of the lost world, and can even mobilize the power of the entire lost world. It's a pity that Lei Dao used the black coffin to take away the mysterious treasure of the lost world.

Otherwise, Lei Dao might have to be suppressed and killed by the leader of the Domination League.

This is the maze!

Although it is only an illusory world, it is a very powerful illusory world.

Perhaps, except for the ancestor, no one can break through the maze.

"You have become the master of the maze, and we have nothing to do with it. We just want to leave the maze. Master Lei, can you let us leave the maze?"

Although some masters were terrified, they still spoke up.

Yes, there seems to be no conflict between Lei Dao becoming the master of the lost world and letting them leave.

But Lei Dao pointed to the top aspirant just now, and said lightly: "Of course you can leave, as long as you can reform your mistakes and become a practitioner with a good heart in the lost world, Lei will Let you leave. But once you leave, your cultivation will immediately return to the level before you fell into the lost world."

"That is to say, everything you have obtained in the Lost Realm is nothing more than a dream, and it is all false. When the time comes, you will leave the Lost Realm and return to the Bright Realm. Surely you will be able to bear such a psychological gap and Hit?"

This is Lei Dao's true intention.


The gap between the lost world and the bright world!

At this moment, everyone understood, especially the top aspirant just now, he regressed into an ordinary master, which almost drove him crazy.

This is the top aspirant he achieved after countless years of painstaking training in the Ming Realm. Although it is all illusory, he has put in a lot of hard work.

How cruel is it to obliterate his penance for hundreds of millions of years right now?

"Why is this happening?"

The top questioner murmured in a low voice.

He can't accept this reality, but this is reality.

He wholeheartedly wanted to return to the Ming Realm, but returning to the Ming Realm was really what he dreamed of? Not always!

For a moment, the entire fandom fell silent.

Everyone seems to have thought of this.

Even if someone had such an idea before, it still felt like a fantasy.

How could they live in a false world?

Can there be fakes in practice?

But after Lei Dao's words and Lei Dao's actual actions, many people understand that perhaps this is the truth. Otherwise, even the first ancestor would not be able to make a top aspirant retreat to the level of an ordinary master, let alone Lei Dao?

Lei Dao can only do this if his own cultivation is false.

"Then can my cultivation be restored?"

asked the top questioner.

"Of course, as you wish."

With a wave of Lei Dao's hand, the strength of this top aspirant was improved rapidly, from ordinary master to great master, top master, aspirant and finally the top aspirant.

This kind of loss and recovery made the mood of the top aspirant even more complicated.

However, this kind of improvement also made everyone understand that everything Lei Dao said just now is true and absolutely true. One thought is born and one thought is dead, in the lost world, Lei Dao is omnipotent.

In fact, many masters are also considering whether to leave or not.

Some people have been in the maze for a short time, and they feel that it has no effect.

Just like Yaoxin dominates, or Lei Dao.

He is the master himself, and Lei Dao himself is also a top aspirant. Even if he leaves the lost world now, returning to the bright world will not have any impact.

But others are different.

It's different for many people.

"Master Lei, you took away the treasure of the lost world, can the lost world still be maintained?"

Suddenly, one of the top aspirants asked.

This matter is related to their fundamentals!

"If I take away the magic treasure of the lost world, it will be impossible for the lost world to continue. However, I have a realm in the body, which is also vast and boundless. I can move you all into the realm in my body, so that I can If you can place the magic treasure in the inner body, the magic world will always exist."

Lei Dao knew what the other party meant.

The other party obviously wanted to stay in the maze world, but they were afraid that if they lost the treasures of the maze world, the maze world would collapse. To them, that would be too cruel, like the sky would collapse.

Many practitioners who wanted to stay in the maze felt a little shivering in their hearts.

Being moved into the inner body by Lei Dao, isn't this tied to Lei Dao?

In the maze world, Lei Dao is the supreme ruler when he thinks about life and death. Even the first ancestor can't compare with Lei Dao's authority in the maze world.

With such a knife hanging over your head, is there really no concern?

"If you are willing to stay in the Lost Realm, then Lei will create a true, kind and beautiful world where everyone lives in harmony and kindness, and no one can threaten you. You can practice quietly, meditate Perhaps, everything in the Lost Realm is illusory, but your perception will not be illusory, maybe one day, someone will find another way to become the ancestor."

Of course, how difficult is it to find another way to become the ancestor?

No one will believe it, but there are still some people who are willing to stay in the maze.

I would rather live in a false world and maintain my own false life.

Because, the bright world may be more cruel than the lost world!

"What if you don't want to stay?"

"It's easy to not want to stay. Lei will deprive you of all the cultivation and strength you have gained in the Lost Realm. Wait until you gradually adapt to your mentality, and then choose an opportunity to let you return to the Bright Realm."

This is also a way of life that Lei Dao left for these practitioners of the lost world.

For a while, many people were silent and weighing, but Lei Dao shook his head and returned directly to Lei Meng.

Anyway, the two paths, either to stay or to leave, are all chosen by themselves, and Lei Dao will not interfere too much.

However, Lei Dao believes that perhaps more people will choose to stay in the Lost Realm.

That kind of huge psychological gap is not something anyone can bear.

Even Lei Dao, when he had just experienced the supreme authority of "one thought life, one thought death", even felt a little shaken in his heart.

Even the first ancestor couldn't do this step, he could do it in the maze world, life is like this, what more can I ask for?

Why not just stay in the Lost Realm, become his supreme ruler, and spend this era, what regrets do you have?

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