Longevity Species

Chapter 955 Leaving the Maze Realm! (Second more)

"No, the truth is the truth, and the false is the false. What's the point of living and dreaming in the maze world and holding the supreme authority? This is self-deception..."

Lei Dao's gaze became firm again.

Not only because he knows the "truth" of the lost world, but more importantly, he also has lofty ideals.

His ideal is to transform the entire Ming Realm and the Ancient Desolate Continent.

This ideal was actually a sprout from the very beginning, but after the incident in the Lost Realm, Lei Dao became more determined.

Even, he didn't want the catastrophe of the era to come again and again, that would be meaningless.

Even if he succeeds in improving the entire Ming Realm, where everyone lives in harmony and becomes a world of truth, goodness and beauty, so what? When the era of calamity comes, everything will be reduced to ashes.

Of course, Lei Dao's ideal is very lofty, and it is very difficult to achieve it, at least for now there is no way. Even Lei Dao is ready to slowly transform in a few epochs.

But the premise is that he has to become the ancestor!

"Becoming the ancestor, I don't know if this maze can help a little..."

Raidou thought about it.

The maze world can have endless resources, but for Lei Dao, it doesn't seem to have much effect. Because, what does his practice rely on?

It is life!

It is to mobilize abilities and exchange lifespan for improvement in practice.

But everything in the maze world is false, and the ability will not be "deceived" by the life-extending treasures in the maze world, and it will not increase Lei Dao's lifespan at all.

Therefore, Lei Dao's path of cultivation is still in the Ming Realm, in the ancient continent, in the real world!

However, Lei Dao's trip to the Lost Realm was not completely fruitless. On the contrary, he has gained a lot. Not only has he gained the entire Lost World, it is useless to Lei Dao, but it does not mean that it is useless to other people.

For example, some practitioners who are trapped in the bottleneck, as long as Lei Dao allows them to enter the maze world to practice for a period of time, it is also very good to train their minds, feel the feeling after breaking through the realm, and then not indulge in the maze world for a long time, If you return to the Ming Realm, you might be able to break through.

This is simply a holy place for practice!

Of course, the premise is not to be addicted. Many practitioners in the maze have been addicted to the maze for too long and can no longer adapt to the psychological gap.

That's why he became afraid to leave the maze world.

However, it is not impossible.

For example, as long as you really make up your mind, find Lei Dao to regress a little bit in the future, for example, a top aspirant regresses to become an aspirant, and then adapts for a period of time.

After I get used to it, I will step back a little bit and become the master, etc., until it is the same as when I fell into the lost world. After getting used to that for a while, maybe you will be able to leave the Lost Realm completely and return to the Bright Realm.

Of course, that requires a lot of perseverance and a long time.

For Lei Dao, even if he brought the maze world with him, it would not affect many practitioners in the maze world. Moreover, Lei Dao still has a little selfishness for you.

He put the maze into the internal realm. Although those practitioners live in the maze, in fact, they also live in the internal realm.

Isn't Lei Dao's internal body realm already cut off the path of the ancestor?

Among them, the lack of life is a very difficult problem. So far, Lei Dao has no solution. Then, there are so many practitioners in the maze world, they are all masters, basically they will not encounter survival problems, and they can survive in the inner body realm.

If time goes by, it will bring some changes to Lei Dao's inner body realm, no one can say for sure.

This can be regarded as an experiment of Lei Dao.

Of course, there are alien life, alien treasures, and that corpse!

Lei Dao refined the black coffin again. As long as there is a treasure from the lost world, Lei Dao can activate the black coffin.

It can only be said to be a hole card.

Perhaps, in the face of the great calamity of the era, there is also a little bit of confidence.

Of course, there are also hidden dangers.

Who knows when the corpse in the black coffin will be resurrected?

Or, when will the alien being thrown into the Ming Realm suddenly return to the Ming Realm to check the situation?

Lei Dao didn't know either, he could only take one step at a time.

After all, it's still not strong enough.

"I'm too weak. Weakness is the original sin. Weakness means that I can't do anything. This time I return to the Ming Realm, and return to the ancient continent. I must do my best to search for life-extending treasures!"

Lei Dao also became ruthless.

Even though he has reached the level of a top aspirant, he still feels that he is weak and unable to do anything.

"Now, it's time to leave!"

In fact, Lei Dao is still in the maze world. Of course, with his control over the maze world, it is only a thought to leave the maze world.


The next moment, Lei Dao's figure disappeared without a sound, and no one could find him.

However, Lei Dao felt that he didn't even move, and everything around him seemed to have changed again.


Lei Dao opened his eyes and saw the scene around him.

"Misty Corridor... Sure enough, I have been in the Miyu Corridor without even moving..."

Lei Dao was speechless.

He remembered very clearly that before he fell into the maze, he used the inner body realm to collapse the emptiness of the maze corridors for countless miles, that's why he "found" the maze.

But actually?

Now he is still in place.

Even the surrounding void has not fully recovered, it is still dead silent.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't even move. It wasn't the maze he found, but he had already fallen into the maze at that time.

"This maze is really... scary!"

Even if Lei Dao is already the master of the maze, he is still afraid of the "illusion" of the maze.

It's really terrible, no matter how careful you are, it's useless, as long as you are within the envelope of the maze, you will be tricked. It doesn't matter whether it's an ordinary aspirant or a top aspirant, it's the same.

If Lei Dao were to try again, as long as he didn't have a black coffin, the result might not be very good.

Lei Dao couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Before he became a top aspirant and defeated some powerful enemies one after another, he was actually a little smug, thinking that the bright world can be controlled, and no one can do anything to him.

But in fact, the Ming Realm is still very dangerous. Even among the top aspirants, it is estimated that many are stronger than Lei Dao. Now even Lei Dao has been tricked into the Lost Realm without knowing it, so what right does he have to be proud and complacent?

Therefore, Lei Dao restrained his mind and calmed down again.

He had to find the Bull Demon Master first.

However, the bull demon master didn't fall into the maze, maybe, he was just in the maze corridor.

And Lei Dao took away the maze, so the maze corridor lost the support of the energy of the maze, and it would naturally disappear slowly, and eventually collapse completely.

Therefore, it is not difficult to find the bull demon master now.

Because, Lei Dao's divine sense can already cover the entire lost corridor.

"Huh? Found it!"

The next moment, Lei Dao's figure jumped into the space channel directly.


The bull demon ruler has been feeling flustered recently.

The three-month period is approaching, but Lei Dao still has no news, and he has found nothing in the corridor of the lost domain.

This maze corridor is really weird. From the outside, it seems to be very small, but he has been in the maze corridor for nearly three months, and he has not walked through the maze corridor.

This is not normal!

You know, he is an aspirant now, he has almost stood at the peak of cultivation in the Ming Realm, but he is still unable to walk through a small corridor of the Lost Realm, how is this possible?

But it is a fact!

If Master Yaoxin could not be found in the end, then Master Bull Demon would also feel ashamed of Master Wanhua. He had never even seen one side of his daughter, and now he would never see her again.

Even if he became a questioner, he seemed to be just as powerless.


At this moment, a figure suddenly stepped from the void.

"Master Lei? It's great that you're here!"

The bull demon master suddenly saw Lei Dao, and his face was happy.

However, when he saw that there was no one else around Lei Dao, he couldn't help showing a hint of disappointment on his face: "Even Master Lei couldn't find his daughter? It seems that this corridor in the Lost Domain is really weird. One of the restricted areas..."

Of course the bull demon master was a little disappointed.

Lei Dao also failed to find the master Yaoxin, and he also found nothing.

Once the three months are up, Lei Dao will be able to leave. At that time, he will rely on his own strength. When will he find it?

Perhaps, Yaoxin will never be found to dominate.

Lei Dao smiled slightly and said, "Master Yaoxin, you can come out."

After all, Lei Dao waved his hand, and a figure appeared in front of the Bull Demon Lord.

"You...you are Yaoxin?"

The blood in Bull Demon Ruler's body felt cordial.

This is his daughter, Master Yaoxin!

It can't be wrong, it must be Yaoxin who dominates.

It turned out that Lei Dao had already found the master Yaoxin.

"Master Lei, where am I?"

Master Yaoxin is still a little confused.

"You have returned to the Ming Realm, um, this is the Bull Demon Master, your father."

"my father?"

Master Yaoxin is a little confused, is this her father?

She has never met her father, but her mother has rarely told her father's news. Although Lei Dao mentioned it, he didn't expect to see her father so soon.

However, looking at the bull demon master's five big and three rough appearances, Yao Xin faintly felt a little "disgusted".

No matter how you look at it, I feel that the bull demon master is not as good as Lei Dao.

She really hoped that Lei Dao was her father.

"Yes, the Overlord Bull Demon is your father."

Seeing that the bull demon master seemed to want to ask about specific matters, Lei Dao waved his hands and said, "Now go back to Wan Garden first. If there is anything, we can talk about it after returning to Wan Garden."

It's too weird here, and Lei Dao doesn't want to stay here any longer.

What's more, there are too many facts this time, and many secrets are involved, and it will not be clear for a while.

"Okay, then go back to Wan Garden first."

The bull demon master also nodded, anyway, he has found the master Yaoxin, and his goal has been achieved.

So, a group of three people shuttled directly through the space, heading towards Wan Huayuan.

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