Longevity Species

Chapter 957 Master Lei is a person with lofty ideals! (first update)

In Pancheng, at the entrance of the passage, three figures suddenly appeared.

"The ancient continent is finally back!"

The bull demon master looked at Pancheng, sighing a little.

Back then when he came to the ancient continent and Pancheng alone, he never thought that he would spend such a long time in the ancient continent in vain.

But who would have thought that after leaving the ancient continent this time, he decided not to come back, but he finally came back, and there was one more person beside him.

"This is the ancient continent?"

Master Wanhua, the Taoist companion of Lord Bull Demon, seemed very curious. It was her first time to come to the ancient continent. She had only heard about it before, but she had always stayed in the Wanhua Garden and had never been to the ancient continent.

With a sweep of Lei Dao's divine sense, he immediately noticed that the whole Pancheng seemed to be the same as when he left before.

But think about it, he only left Pancheng for a few months, how much can Pancheng change?

"The Bull Demon Master, Lei will stay in Pancheng for a while. Well, by the way, I hope the Bull Demon Master can help Lei promote the fan world in the circle of some top masters."

"Propaganda fandom?"

The bull devil master's heart moved, he looked at Lei Dao with a strange expression, and immediately thought of a possibility.

This is "Lei Yidao" starting to "sharpen the knife" again?

"That's right. It's just to promote the Mystery Realm. You don't need to do more publicity. Let's just say that Lei got a rare treasure in the Bright Realm. It can be faked and the practice in it is no worse than the Innate Secret Realm. The number of places is limited. For those top masters, think It is the most suitable for the top master who wants to embark on the path of the ancestor."

"What about the price?"

The bull demon master is already familiar with Lei Dao's "routines", and this is another place to sell, and even the places in the lost world can be sold, Lei Dao is really big-hearted.

"It's similar to the Innate Secret Realm, um, it's a little cheaper, and it's still mainly trading life-extending treasures."

Lei Dao thought about it, originally he wanted to sell it at the same price as the Innate Secret Realm quota. But the effect of the maze is still not accepted after all, and many people will definitely have some hesitation.

Therefore, don't set the price too high, try it first.

"Okay, I'll help Ray dominate the publicity."

So Lei Dao thanked him and returned to the cave.

As soon as he rushed back to the cave, the ancestor Tunling smiled and said to Lei Dao: "Master, you are back. During this time, there are many masters looking for you."

"Find me?"

"Yes, it is for the purchase of Hualongchi quotas. You have explained that you can freely sell Hualongchi quotas, so in the past few months, I have been the master and sold a total of 30 quotas."

Lei Dao's eyes lit up.

"What did you say, thirty Hualongchi quotas have been sold during this period?"

Lei Dao felt a little unbelievable.

How many places did he sell in Pancheng for so long? How come thirty quotas have been sold all at once? This is simply a big surprise!

"It's absolutely true, thirty quotas! Life-prolonging treasures are piled up in the treasury, the master can go and have a look."

Of course, Lei Dao would not listen to the one-sided words of the ancestor Tunling, so he immediately went to the treasure house to check.

Sure enough, the life-extending treasures inside had piled up like a mountain, and the life-extending treasures that were only available for thirty Hualongchi quotas were indeed sold.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Lei Dao knew that there must be a reason for the sudden "hot sale" of Hualongchi quota. In fact, the Hualongchi quota has always been very popular, but Pancheng, Shangcheng, and even the masters of several other strongholds in the Ming Realm have all been "harvested" by Lei Dao.

Even if you want to buy it, you have to afford it!

Those masters in the past couldn't afford it at all.

This is the main reason.

"Master, not long after you left Pancheng, a wave of demons broke out, so now the entire ancient continent is in chaos, and the local gods and demons of the ancient continent are also miserable. Therefore, many of our masters have gone deep into Desolate Ancient Continent took advantage of the fire to loot and got a lot of good things, that's why we were able to sell thirty Hualongchi quotas so quickly."

"Wait, Magic Tide?"

Lei Dao had never heard of any magic tide at all. After all, his time in the ancient continent was very short, and it was basically intermittent, so he didn't know what the magic tide was at all.

"Master doesn't know?"

The spirit-swallowing patriarch was a little surprised, but he only had some intuitive understanding of the demon tide after learning about the situation in Pancheng.

So, the ancestor of swallowing spirit explained to Lei Dao.

It turns out that the so-called demon tide is the tide of demon spirits, and there are not only things in the ancient continent, but also the demon world, the demon kingdom, and so on.

Although they are all in the ancient continent, they belong to different forces.

There are three major forces in the ancient continent, namely the gods and demons, the demon world, and the demon kingdom.

There may be other forces, but they are all corners, and these three forces are the most powerful. Among them, among the three forces, gods and demons are the main ones, and they are also the strongest, occupying almost 70% of the entire barren ancient continent. territory.

The Ming Realm basically has a lot of contact with the gods and demons. After all, gods and demons occupy the most extensive territory and have the greatest influence. But if it is said that the ancient continent belongs to gods and demons, that is not necessarily the case.

At least, the demon world and the demon kingdom still exist.

The so-called demon tide this time is the tide of demon spirits.

Living in the Demon Kingdom are demon spirits, a special kind of life that is a mixture of resentment and ghosts. In the Demon Kingdom, there is a sea of ​​demons, which is almost boundless, and even a saint cannot destroy it.

The Demon Sea absorbs all kinds of grievances, negative emotions, etc. from the entire ancient continent, so it is equivalent to the dark side of the ancient continent. Although it is not that strong, it cannot destroy the Demon Kingdom.

It's just that demon spirits are not welcome, and they are naturally hostile to gods and demons.

If the demons want to be strong, they have to devour gods and demons.

Such a natural hostile relationship makes gods and demons very hostile to demons. The line of gods and demons also limits the demon kingdom to a very small range, but the demon kingdom also has saints!

Although the number is not as high as the saints among gods and demons, they are immortal saints after all, supported by the immortal sea of ​​demons, and they are not afraid of saints of the gods and demons.

The two sides seemed to be in conflict from time to time, and after a period of time, the tide of demons would erupt. At that time, the endless demon spirits accumulated in the demon kingdom would rush out of the demon kingdom crazily, wreaking havoc on the entire ancient continent.

Even if it is to be suppressed, it will take a while.

There may even be a demon world contributing to the flames. In short, the situation is very complicated.

The current gods and demons are already overwhelmed, and they don't care about the practitioners of the Ming Realm. Even the practitioners of the Ming Realm go to fight the autumn wind and take advantage of the chaos to make a fortune.

So, to put it simply, now is the time for practitioners in the Ming Realm to "get rich".

After Lei Dao finished listening, his eyes also brightened.

"By the way, let me say that the gods and demons in the ancient continent cannot be monolithic, and the killing is so heavy. Where did so many unjust souls and so many negative emotions go? There is such a magical kingdom as the devil in such a huge ancient continent. In some places, there are even demon spirits. These demon spirits are special beings formed by various negative emotions in the ancient continent, which is a natural resistance to the gods and demons of the ancient continent!"

Lei Dao's eyes became brighter and brighter.

He once wanted to transform the ancient continent, but felt that something was wrong with the ancient continent, killing every day, how could the entire ancient continent bear it? So many wronged souls, so many negative emotions.

Now it seems that these negative emotions, these grievances, have been absorbed by the Demon Kingdom, and even formed Demon Spirits. And every once in a while, the demonic spirits would erupt into a demonic wave, rushing out of the demonic country, causing a kind of catastrophe in the ancient continent.

There was a flash of inspiration in Lei Dao's heart.

Isn't this a bit similar to the Great Tribulation of the Era?

Could it be that the Great Tribulation of the Era was also formed in this way?

However, the Great Tribulation of the Era covered the Ming Realm, the Dark Realm, and the Desolate Ancient Continent, far more thoroughly than the Demonic Tide.

"Ancestor Swallowing Soul, you have done a good job, and now most of the masters have gone out?"

"That's right, I've all gone out. If I don't take advantage of this demonic tide to make a fortune now, I might have to wait until sometime to make a fortune in the future. Hehe, if the master didn't have something to say, I would like to go out." ..."

Patriarch Tunling really wanted to go out.

It's so safe to get out now.

The gods and demons are too busy to take care of themselves, and it is very difficult to deal with demon spirits. Who would deal with practitioners of the Ming Realm?

Going out now, the degree of danger will be greatly reduced.

Lei Dao's mind also became active.

This is an opportunity, a great opportunity.

In such a chaotic situation, presumably the sage won't stare at him anymore, right?

If he sneaks out and makes a fortune, there should be no problem?

At that time, in conjunction with the sale of the quotas for the Shangfan Realm and the Hualongchi quota, he will surely have a bumper harvest and obtain a large amount of life-extending treasures.

It's just that, if you go out this time, can't you be nearby?

At least, Shengren Yuan's territory must never go again.

Wan Yisheng sees him, do you think he is an eyesore?

Lei Dao will not really challenge the bottom line of Shengren Yuan.

Or, go to the ancient site of the sage?

The last time the saint kept quiet, he took over Lei Dao's innate secret realm. Lei Dao did not forget how desperate he was. Now that the opportunity has come, can he not wander around in Shengrengu's territory?

Anyway, also charge some interest.

But after thinking about it, Lei Dao felt that it was better.

It's really hard to start with an acquaintance's site.

It is estimated that he has already entered the blacklist of Saint Yuan and Saint Gu. If he is accidentally discovered, the consequences will be disastrous.

It still has to be farther away, farther away, and messy enough.

Isn't the magic tide breaking out now?

How about going for a stroll around the Demon Kingdom? Anyway, with Lei Dao's current strength, as long as he doesn't meet the ancestor, Lei Dao doesn't think he will encounter any danger.

"Yes, just go to the vicinity of the Demon Kingdom. Where there is oppression, there will be resistance. Why is the Demon Kingdom oppressed to a very small area, and only released once in a while, how aggrieved and depressed? I'm going there to see the ugly face of something, but to see the real evil in this world."

Lei Dao is serious and has made up his mind.

Since he wants to transform the whole world, he must first touch the essence of the whole world. How can you change the world without touching the dark side of the ancient continent first?

Now Lei Dao is no longer a person who purely wants to be the ancestor.

He is a practitioner with lofty ideals and lofty goals!


Patriarch Tunling was a little confused.

How did it become oppression in the blink of an eye?

The thing between what and the demon, is it oppression?

Even if it is, what does that have to do with Lei Dao?

Lei Dao clearly wanted to fish in troubled waters!

It's just that I can't tell the truth!

The spirit-swallowing patriarch also said solemnly: "Yes, you should go and see, those demons are really miserable, master, I support you."

"Okay, without further ado, you immediately collect the information and location map of the vicinity of the Demon Kingdom, and I will go there soon."

Lei Dao explained to the Tunling Patriarch again, and then entered the secret room.

This time, he had to plan well!

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