Longevity Species

Chapter 958 Are you a little bloated, thinking about fighting the saint ancestor all day long? (Seco

In the secret room, Lei Dao took out a large number of life-extending treasures. The first thing to do was to refine these life-extending treasures. It was really too poor recently.

Without a lot of lifespan on his body, Lei Dao always felt very empty.


In the next moment, all life extension treasures were refined by Lei Dao. Although I went to Wan Garden this trip and gained a lot, I still feel fulfilled when I return to the ancient continent.

In the ancient continent, it represented endless life-extending treasures. As long as the opportunity came, there would be a steady stream of treasures to refine.

As a result, Lei Dao's lifespan is also rapidly increasing.

One billion years, two billion years, five billion years, ten billion years...

As Lei Dao continued to refine, the lifespan in his body also increased rapidly. Although the increase was not too large, Lei Dao was very satisfied and fulfilled.

It was much better than when he was in the maze, his body was empty, and he looked at the life-extending treasures in the maze, but the feeling of being unable to increase his life span was much better.

10 billion years, 20 billion years, 30 billion years...

Finally, Lei Dao refined all the life-extending treasures, and with the 30 Hualongchi quotas, his life span was increased by more than 30 billion years this time.

Lei Dao's lifespan was one billion years before, and now it is about 33 billion years.

"With a lifespan of 33 billion years, it can almost expand the internal realm by six times."

Lei Dao found that the internal domain still needs to be expanded, and the bigger the expansion, the better.

Now there is a maze world in the inner body domain, which is not too big or small, but it is also a burden.

The internal domain is not strong, what if it is broken?

Wouldn't it harm the practitioners in the entire lost world?

What's more, the inner body domain is the means of protection, and Lei Dao will not dislike the strength of the means of protection. The stronger the means of protection, the better!

Therefore, Lei Dao immediately mobilized his abilities and began to expand the realm in his body.

Double the realm, double the realm, triple the realm, quadruple the realm, five times the realm, six times the realm!

A full six times the domain!

Relying on the lifespan of 30 billion years, Lei Dao expanded the realm in the body again by six times. Adding the original fifty-seven times the realm, it can almost reach sixty-three times the realm.

Of course, this is not the current limit of 5% ancestor blood.

According to the ratio of the number of ancestral bloodlines to the number of realms in the body, if the realms in the body expand to the limit, the best level should be sixty-five times the realms.

Of course, it doesn't matter if there are one or two less domains now, who made him have no extra lifespan?

Therefore, Lei Dao mobilized his ability to check his current physical data.

Name: Lei Dao (34 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 3 billion 10 million years

Inner world: Sixty-three times the domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 5% (thirteen kinds of bloodlines are complete)

Lei Dao was deeply moved.

His inner body domain has expanded to a full sixty-three times, and it seems that it is not far from the original "hundred times" goal. However, thinking about it now, he still underestimated the world's cultivation system a little too much.

A hundred times domain does not seem to be the limit.

Of course, the premise is that he has a strong enough body.

And there is no doubt that the physique brought to him by the ancestor's divine body is very strong, especially now that the ancestor's bloodline has only reached five percent.

If it reaches 100%, how strong is this physique?

The ability to make a move is really no small matter.

Until now, Lei Dao has gradually realized the strength of the ancestor's blood and the ancestor's divine body, even far surpassing the ordinary ancestors, even Lei Dao has not seen many ancestors,

But he has seen saints.

Anyway, in Lei Dao's view, the saint is just like that.

Of course, Lei Dao can't be smug now.

In the ancient continent, the saint is still very strong, immortal, the ancestors have nothing to do, and they still have to keep a low profile.

After refining the life-prolonging treasures, Lei Dao simply summoned the black coffin.

Lei Dao is now thinking about it. The function of the black coffin seems to be only to suppress and seal it. It was originally used by alien beings to "refine corpses", so they should not be too demanding.

Moreover, it can withstand the destructive power of the Great Tribulation of the Era, this black coffin is no small matter, even the ancestors and saints can't do anything about it. If it can be used well, it may really become a killer.

"It's just, why do I have to think about fighting saints and ancestors all day long?"

Lei Dao was a little baffled.

He is just a questioner now, he can't even see the eyes of saints and ancestors, and now he is floating, thinking about fighting saints and ancestors all day long, is this inflated?

Lei Dao carefully sorted out his psychological journey.

It seemed that he was indeed a little bit in a trance, because of this black coffin.

Inside the black coffin, there is a terrifying corpse of a life from another world, which has been tempered by the power of destruction. Once it wakes up one day, how terrifying will it be?

What Lei Dao is thinking now is whether he can control this corpse first?

Only by controlling the corpse can Lei Dao truly feel at ease.

Otherwise, no one knows when this corpse will suddenly "resurrect" and bring about disastrous consequences.

However, Lei Dao has studied for a long time, and even combined with Xiao Hei's research, but it didn't help. There are two spaces in the black coffin, and he can only control one space.

In another space, the corpse was sleeping.

"Could it be that we really have to wait until the Great Tribulation of the Era, or have a lot of destructive power?"

Lei Dao thought about it, maybe the key lies in the great calamity of the era and the power of destruction.

The black coffin couldn't find anything for the time being, so Lei Dao turned his attention to the strange treasure of the maze. This is the heart of a monster from another world, the core of energy, and it can even be used as the energy source of the black coffin, so it should not be underestimated.

In particular, it can create illusions!

This kind of illusion can not only be used in the maze world, if it is used properly, it is really an unrivaled treasure.

Disguise real ones!

Even the first ancestor can't do it, but the strange treasure of the lost world can!

"As long as you hold the magic treasure in your hand, you can cut out a piece of space, or in other words, cover a part of the area, making everything within the area fall into an illusion. For practitioners below the ancestor, that is the truth..."

Many thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind.

Maybe this strange treasure of the maze world can play a miraculous effect when the tide of magic erupts this time?

Isn't Lei Dao afraid of being discovered by the ancestor?

Or was it discovered by other gods and demons?

With the Lost Realm Rare Treasure, everything is not a problem.

Even, Lei Dao had some bold ideas faintly, all of which needed this magical treasure of the maze world to realize.

Lei Dao studied in the secret room for a few days, and completely mastered the functions of the magical treasures of the maze world. He used the illusion to make people unable to lighten the real and the fake, like a dream.

Even, as long as Lei Dao is willing.

With just one thought, he can make everyone in Pancheng fall into a hallucination.

Of course, with the Ancestor Disk, Lei Dao would not dare to do this.

Perhaps, the first ancestor would not deliberately spy on the master's secrets, but if Lei Dao took the initiative to reveal the secrets, it would be different, so be careful.

"Master, the materials and information you requested have been collected."

Tunling Patriarch has been doing well in Pancheng recently relying on his quota in Hualongchi. Lei Dao told him to go down and do it so quickly.

So Lei Dao brought the information.

Sure enough, the territory and territory of many saints are marked on it, as well as the specific location of the demon country, as well as the current development trend of the demon tide, all of which are very clear and clear at a glance.

"That's right, Tun Ling, you've done a good job."

Lei Dao gave a rare praise to Patriarch Tunling.

"As long as the master is satisfied."

The spirit swallowing patriarch was also very happy.

Now that he is doing well in Pancheng, and he is so motivated, it's not that there is no benefit at all. On the contrary, if the benefits are great, if you hold the quota of Hualongchi, even if you don't dare to play tricks on the quota, isn't it easy to collect something and get some benefits for yourself?

Therefore, during this period of time, the strength of the ancestor of swallowing spirit has also improved by leaps and bounds. Maybe in the near future, even the master is expected.

Follow Lei Dao, there is no danger, and you can still practice by leaps and bounds. Is there such an easy job in the world? Anyway, the spirit-swallowing patriarch was very satisfied.

"This matter is done well, so you will continue to stay in Pancheng and sell Hualongchi quotas. If you sell more, do a good job, and when I come back, I will let you enter the maze world to practice, which is better than your current promotion. Countless times faster. Even becoming an aspirant in the future is not impossible."

Lei Dao also promised some benefits to the Tunling Patriarch.

"Become the questioner?"

The ancestor swallowing spirit was immediately excited.

O questioner!

This was something he didn't even dare to think about.

As for what the Lost Realm is, Patriarch Tunling didn't ask, as long as Lei Dao didn't tell him, he couldn't ask. If Lei Dao told him, then he would naturally know.

What's more, the ancestor Tunling knew Lei Dao too well.

Although sometimes Lei Dao's brain circuit is a bit strange, even a bit not like a normal person, and he always forgets some things, and his memory is very bad.

But it doesn't matter, Lei Dao keeps his word!

In fact, Lei Dao is still very reliable. Since Lei Dao said that he will give him some benefits, so that he can have the opportunity to advance by leaps and bounds, and even become an aspirant, then there must be such an opportunity!

"Master, don't worry, I will take good care of the house in Pancheng, and sell more places in Hualongchi. I will not disappoint the master."

The ancestor Tun Ling also stated that he would definitely complete Lei Dao's explanation.

"Very good, you go out first, I will leave quietly when the time comes, and if I talk to the outside world, no one will see me, just say that I am in retreat."

With a wave of Lei Dao's hand, Patriarch Tun Ling left.

what a man!

Now that Lei Dao looked at the spirit swallowing patriarch, he obviously couldn't believe it. This was the extremely vicious and heinous spirit swallowing patriarch back then.

Now, the spirit swallowing patriarch even exudes the brilliance of "kindness".

This was completely remodeled by Lei Dao!

Lei Dao also believes that if he can transform a spirit-swallowing patriarch, then other people will be able to transform it, and even the whole world will be able to transform it too!

After the spirit swallowing patriarch left, Lei Dao glanced at the map.

The vicinity of the Demon Kingdom is already rotten. To be honest, there are not many life-extending treasures in that kind of place.

"That's right, it's here."

Lei Dao stared at a location on the map - the lake of life!

According to rumors, the source of life in the ancient continent is a place where countless lives can be born.

There is also a sacred place for the gods and demons, and now, the shadow of the demon tide has shrouded the lake of life, Lei Dao thinks that maybe the lake of life is an opportunity!

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