Longevity Species

Chapter 959 Who will go to hell if I don't go to hell? (third change)

Near the lake of life, many demon spirits have surrounded them. These demon spirits have rushed out of the demon kingdom, and they have an almost instinctive attachment to all places full of vitality.

They frantically rushed towards the lake of life.

However, the Lake of Life is the most important place for Saint Yi, therefore, there have long been a large number of strong people gathered here, including some top masters, and even aspirants!

Of course, Saint Yi is not in the lake of life. Since the outbreak of the demon tide, the saint has almost never shown up. Whether it is the saint among the gods and demons, or the saint in the demon kingdom, it seems that they have made some agreements with each other, and they cannot intervene in the demon tide at will. thing.

The outcome can only be determined by the strength of the two sides.

The demons are also practitioners, but they carry negative emotions, strong negative emotions, condensed from resentment and ghosts. If they want to practice, it is very difficult, at least ten times more difficult than gods and demons. times.

However, it would be different if they had rich life treasures. If they had enough life treasures, the speed of their cultivation would be unimaginable.

Therefore, every outbreak of a demon tide is actually an opportunity for the demon spirits, an opportunity to "transform", and all demon spirits cherish such an opportunity very much.


At some point, an unexpected visitor came near the lake of life.

This figure was a bit strange, it was clearly dressed as a cultivator in the Ming Realm, but no one made any movement towards him wherever he passed.

No matter whether it was a demon or a god, they seemed to ignore this figure.

In fact, this figure is indeed the figure of Lei Dao. Relying on the map, Lei Dao has traveled thousands of miles, no, even hundreds of millions of miles, to the vicinity of the Lake of Life, just in time to witness this great battle.

It was simply a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

Kill soaring!

Ghosts are everywhere, and all kinds of grievances emerge in endlessly. Lei Dao has never seen hell, but the scene in front of him, Lei Dao feels more terrible than hell.

This is the magic tide!

"Sure enough, all the evils in the world are in the midst of wars and killings. The lake of life in front of me has become a battlefield of hell. Only I can change all this..."

Raidou murmured softly.

However, wherever he passed, there were no gods and demons to stop him. The reason is very simple, the lost world!

Now Lei Dao has used the power of the maze world to affect the demons and gods and demons around him within a small range. As long as they get close to him, in the eyes of these demons, Lei Dao is a demon and is of the same kind. .

In the eyes of the gods and demons, Lei Dao is the gods and demons, and they are also of the same kind.

If it is far away, it will not be able to see clearly at all, because Lei Dao's maze also has the effect of isolating. Back then, even the Ming world could be isolated, and it is the same in the barren ancient continent. It can also isolate one side.

This ability is simply against the sky!

Belongs to the perfect "camouflage".

Especially on the battlefield, it is even more powerful than any other means.

The lake of life is now caught in a tug-of-war. The number of demon spirits is terrifying, seemingly endless, but there seems to be no great powerhouse. Therefore, it is still impossible to break through the defenses of the gods and demons.

The number of gods and demons is insufficient, so they can only defend passively, and the fighting in all directions of the lake of life is extremely tragic. According to this speed, the battle near the lake of life may not be able to stop within a few months.

However, how many gods and demons have to die in these few months? How many innocent lives have to die?

"The world is suffering, and these gods and demons are not all sinful. There are also good people among them, but now they are surrounded by evil tides and plunged into endless killing. If no one rescues them, they will fall into the sea of ​​suffering." gone."

Lei Dao looked pitifully.

He has not forgotten the purpose of this time, which is to "fish in troubled waters". But when "fishing in troubled waters", it seems that there is nothing wrong with saving some kind people and innocent lives by the way.

Then, the best way is to make a quick decision and end this battle quickly.

But how to end this war?

Whether it is a demon or a god, they all have a purpose in fighting near the lake of life. One attack and one defense, they all have the same purpose, that is, the lake of life!

To be precise, it is a treasure in the lake of life!

These treasures attract the demon spirits to go forward and succeed. If they want to obtain these treasures to practice, as long as they have these treasures that contain vitality, the demon spirits can even transform.

And the gods and demons around the lake of life, they are also ordered by the saints to protect the lake of life, and they can't retreat even half a step! After all, they also have a share in the treasures in the lake of life. They have been able to practice so far because of so many treasures. Now that the lake of life has been destroyed by the demon spirit, what should they do in the future?

Of course, there is another very important reason.

It is rumored that from the beginning of this era, life in the ancient continent was born from the lake of life, that is to say, the lake of life is the source of all life in the ancient continent, it is the real mother of life, and it has a high status among gods and demons. Will the demons be allowed to wreak havoc?

Therefore, this battle is destined to be tit-for-tat, and no one will back down.

However, Lei Dao saw all of this.

He has already thought of a very good solution, as long as all the treasures in the lake of life are taken away, without the treasures of life, no matter if it is a demon or a god, how can they continue to fight?

This is the best solution.

However, in that case, Lei Dao would have to bear tremendous pressure.

But Lei Dao shook his head, he was already prepared in his heart.

"If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

Lei Dao has made sufficient preparations and determination.

However, there is still a lack of entry point. What kind of capacity should he intervene in this war?

"Demon spirit! Yes, I am now the strongest demon spirit among the demon spirits, coming with destruction and revenge, and coming for the treasure of the Lake of Life..."

Lei Dao closed his eyes, and the next moment, an invisible force fluctuated on his body. It was Lei Dao using the power of the maze world, and quickly spread the power of the maze world, gradually expanding the scope, covering the entire Near Lake of Life.


With the spread of the power of the maze, it quickly enveloped the entire lake of life, and the light on Lei Dao's body became more and more intense. Indistinctly, a powerful negative and resentful aura rapidly expanded from Lei Dao's body.


Raidou roared angrily.

Endless resentment spread in all directions, and there was a faint, dark path floating above his head.

That's the way of the saints!


This is a questioner!

Moreover, he is also the top aspirant among the demon spirits!

"Who? Which top questioner among the demon spirits?"

"There is no news at all. We haven't received any news from the top questioner of the demon spirit. Why did he suddenly appear?"

"This appearance is a bit like the slaughterer among the demon spirits, Emperor Aroyue?"

"A Luoyue? No, he didn't come to the Lake of Life."

Many gods and demons panicked.

A top aspirant, only a top aspirant can resist. But the question is, how can there be top aspirants?

Demon tides also broke out, but basically no aspirants showed up, let alone top aspirants. Is this because the Demon Kingdom broke the agreement?

In fact, the agreement is only for saints.

For the questioner, there is no agreement.

It's just that the aspirants among the demon spirits don't actually have much demand for life treasures. Therefore, when the demon tide breaks out, they will naturally not appear, or rarely appear.

Like now, the appearance of a top demon aspirant is really strange, and it is even enough to change the situation on the battlefield.

Compared with the panic of the gods and demons, the demon spirits are in a carnival.

That is their king!

The top aspirant among the demon spirits finally appeared.

In the Demon Kingdom, there are very few aspirants, and there are not many people who can see them at ordinary times. The most well-known one may be Emperor Aluoyue, but this time, Emperor Aluoyue did not show his face, nor did the entire Demon Tide.

The demons can only rely on numbers to forcibly besiege those gods and demons, but it doesn't work. Among the gods and demons, there are aspirants. One aspirant can resist many demon spirits.

And now, an aspirant finally appeared among the demon spirits.

Moreover, looking at the body of this huge "demon spirit" at this moment, and looking at its size, it is a top aspirant, and the terrifying resentment exuding from his body is so mighty that it even impacts the gods and demons at the top level of the emperor. It's daunting.

Therefore, the whole demon is even cheering "King".

At this moment, Lei Dao is the king of demons!

Lei Dao used the maze to "disguise" himself as a top demon aspirant, feeling such a crazy momentum, he also cooperated very much, and roared to the sky: "I am the emperor of the abyss, the demon aspirant! I will lead you to conquer the lake of life and regain the glory of my demon spirit, let's fight!"

Lei Dao roared eagerly, and all the demon spirits also went crazy, shouting the name of Abyss Great Emperor one after another.

As for where did the Abyss Emperor come from?

That doesn't matter, anyway, as long as it is a demon spirit, after all, the Demon Kingdom is also very large, and it is not surprising that there are many powerful demon spirits hidden there.

Lei Dao immediately took the lead and rushed towards the lake of life.

"No, we can't let the Abyss Emperor enter the Lake of Life, let's do it together!"

Finally, five aspirants among the gods and demons couldn't bear it anymore.

There is also a top aspirant among them!

They sit in the lake of life and cannot allow any monsters to enter the lake of life.


Immediately, the five aspirants all flew towards the "Abyss Emperor", trying to prevent Lei Dao from entering the lake of life.

"Hahaha, I will swallow you first and become the king of demons first!"

Lei Dao let out a loud roar, and when he saw the five gods and devils asking him, not only did he not have any fear or fear, but he seemed very excited, and went straight to meet them.


When the maze came, Lei Dao's body became even bigger, but in fact, he used the power of the maze to suppress the five aspirants in an instant.

However, in the eyes of other demon spirits and gods and demons, Lei Dao, the "Emperor of the Abyss", is extremely terrifying, and the road of saints above his head is extremely powerful.

Lei Dao, the great emperor of the abyss, turned into an extremely violent monster all of a sudden, and "swallowed" the five great aspirants among the gods and demons in one gulp.

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