Longevity Species

Chapter 961 The Harvest of a Lifespan of 100 Billion Years! (Second more)

In Pancheng, Lei Dao is back.

"Master, are you back?"

The spirit swallowing patriarch felt that it was very fast. How long has it been since Lei Dao went out?

It only took a month or two to come and go, and now he is back, and seeing Lei Dao in a hurry, looking dusty, is this a big reward?

"By the way, I'm back. How many Hualongchi quotas did you sell this time?"

Reid asked again.

He was in a good mood, so he was actually not too concerned about how many Hualongchi quotas could be sold.

"Master, it's only been two months, and only five seats have been sold."

"Five places? It's not bad, you keep the secret room and continue to sell Hualongchi places, I have to go to retreat."

After all, Lei Dao has entered the secret room impatiently.

The spirit swallowing patriarch knew Lei Dao too well, and Lei Dao entered the secret room so impatiently, how much gain would this have? Even among the five places in Hualongchi, Lei Dao is all in a careless manner, which is a bit abnormal.

"Didn't I hear that the master made a big fuss recently? Could it be greater than the harvest of the Innate Secret Realm last time?"

The ancestor swallowing spirit muttered in a low voice.

If there is anyone who is most familiar with Lei Dao now, then there is no doubt that it must be Patriarch Tunling!


Lei Dao quickly returned to the secret room, and even there were five life-extending treasures for sale in the Hualong Pond in the secret room, Lei Dao was also careless.

The lifespan of the left and right is only about 5 billion years, and now Lei Dao really doesn't care much, he has to check the harvest of this trip quickly.

Therefore, Lei Dao immersed his mind in the inner realm.

"Huh? What about the five askers?"

Lei Dao saw five aspirants at once.

In Lei Dao's body realm, in fact, it is also under the suppression of the maze world. The five gods and demons who asked were trapped in the maze world, but they knew nothing about it and thought they were in the lake of life.

This is the scary part of the maze world.

Being suppressed without knowing it.

"Gods and demons are also life. What's the difference between the life of the ancient continent and the life of the bright world? If the realm in my body can bloom, it would be good to get some life of gods and demons from the ancient continent. But now, the lost world and the body The domain burden is too great..."

Lei Dao hesitated for a while, a little hesitant.


He also has a burden!

The energy of the maze is not endless, the energy source of the maze is actually a treasure of the maze, which is the heart of a suspected alien life, or the energy core.

Now the maze world is maintained entirely by the energy of the maze world treasure.

Although the energy of this mysterious treasure is huge, it will actually be exhausted one day. Moreover, despite the fact that there seem to be many aspirants and even top aspirants in the maze, there are a lot of them.

But actually?

They are all aspirants or top aspirants who have cultivated in the maze world, they are unreal and illusory, and they don't need much energy from the maze world at all.

But Lei Dao is currently suppressing five genuine aspirants, and there is even a top aspirant, which is troublesome. This requires the Mysterious World's Rare Treasure to use energy to suppress it all the time, which consumes too much.

Continuing to consume like this is completely a waste for the Lost Realm Rare Treasure.

The magical treasures of the maze world are not used for such unnecessary consumption and waste.

So, after pondering for a long time, Lei Dao still made a decision.

Even if Lei Dao wants to give birth to life in his internal body in the future, and even try to diversify life, it is not now.

He didn't need to spend so much effort, just to suppress the aspirant among the five gods and demons.

Therefore, the five gods and demons who asked him had no choice but to die!

"You all have great sins on your body, so let's dissipate completely..."

Lei Dao's heart moved.


The next moment, the power of the maze erupted instantly, even Lei Dao didn't hide the power of the domain in his body anymore, it also erupted completely, the two powers merged together, and crushed the five gods and demons fiercely.

"Ah... this is not the power of demon spirits, this is the power of the ruler of the Ming Realm..."

"Master of the Ming Realm?"

"We were fooled, the ruler of the Ming Realm intervened..."

The five aspirants who were in the maze seemed to be "awake" at this moment.

It's just that it's useless.

As Lei Dao used the power of the maze and the power of the domain in his body, he instantly crushed the five aspirants into powder and reduced them to ashes.

However, Lei Dao couldn't use the energy they left behind, and could only let it dissipate.


Raidou breathed a sigh of relief.

There is no need to suppress the five major aspirants anymore, and Lei Dao's lost world is not so burdened. Now you can take a good look at the harvest this time.


Lei Dao swept his eyes and saw that there were all kinds of rare treasures everywhere in the realm of the body, and all of them were treasures that contained vitality.

For example, that hill-like "coral" contains so much vitality that it's hard to imagine.

It seems to be stronger than the vitality in the seeds of life.

Of course, it's one thing to have strong vitality, but it's another thing to increase Lei Dao's lifespan.

This time, Lei Dao almost emptied the entire lake of life, leaving only a little treasure, which was left to be snatched by those demon spirits, and most of the life treasures were moved to the inner realm by Lei Dao Among them, they brought back Pancheng.

Among these treasures, life-extending treasures are actually not too many. Moreover, Lei Dao has never seen many life force treasures, whether they can prolong life, Lei Dao has to verify them in practice.

However, even if life cannot be extended, it would be very considerable if sold or exchanged.

"Let's see how much life can be increased first?"

Lei Dao didn't delay either, and immediately started refining life extension treasures.

The first is the life-extending treasures of the five Hualongchi quotas, which were refined by Lei Dao, which quickly increased the lifespan by about five billion years.

Then there are life-extending treasures in the lake of life. There are a lot of types, and Lei Dao has to be tried a little bit, so it takes a lot of time.

However, Lei Dao is not in a hurry, he has plenty of time to refine it slowly.

One billion years, two billion years, five billion years, eight billion years, ten billion years...

As time goes by, Lei Dao's lifespan increases more and more.

Lei Dao still underestimated the treasures in the lake of life.

As the source of life for gods and demons in the entire barren ancient continent, how vast are the treasures of life contained in it? Take out a little casually, far beyond anyone's imagination.

Even life-prolonging treasures are not too many, but the effect is so good that Lei Dao doubts it.


Lei Dao's feeling now is an incomparable surprise.

For the first time, Lei Dao even felt more enjoyable than absorbing the seeds of life. The large amount of life force flowing into the body felt extremely fulfilling.

Life, for Raidou, means fulfillment.

With longevity, Lei Dao has everything!

10 billion years, 20 billion years, 30 billion years, 40 billion years...

Lei Dao didn't know how long it had passed, anyway, he was completely immersed in this beautiful feeling. What he gained from this trip to the Lake of Life was far beyond his imagination. He felt as if he hadn’t done anything, so he took the Rare Treasure of the Lost World, and then tried it out, trying to get some life-extending treasures, but it turned out to be That's it.

50 billion years, 60 billion years, 70 billion years, 80 billion years, 90 billion years...


Finally, as a large amount of vitality poured into Lei Dao's body, Lei Dao felt that the body of the ancestor god was about to "explode". Lei Dao had never felt this feeling of being "exploded" by the vitality. once.

If you really want to "explode", Lei Dao thinks that it can be more violent!

Finally, Lei Dao refined all the life extension treasures in the lake of life.

Basically, everything that can increase lifespan was refined, and the result made Lei Dao feel incredible.

"135 billion years!"

Yes, this is Lei Dao's current total lifespan, which is plus the previous five billion years of Hualongchi's quota, and the remaining three billion years of his own lifespan.

In other words, the Life Lake and his party brought Lei Dao more than 120 billion years of life.

This surpassed any previous harvest by Lei Dao, and it can be called a huge harvest!

Even, this is already a surprise!

Shocking joy!

Lei Dao immediately mobilized his abilities to check the data of his body.

Name: Lei Dao (34 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 135 billion 10 million years

Inner world: Sixty-three times the domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 5% (thirteen kinds of bloodlines are complete)

"Sixty-three times the realm? It hasn't reached balance yet, and there is still room for expansion. It takes about sixty-five times the realm to reach the balance with the ancestor god body. You can expand it first."

Lei Dao's heart moved, and without hesitation, he immediately mobilized his abilities to directly expand the realm in his body.

Immediately, with a roar in Lei Dao's body, the lifespan was reduced by ten billion years, but the realm in the body expanded to sixty-five times. This is almost the limit that the body of the ancestor's body can expand to at 5% of the time, and it is also in the best balanced state.

The realm within the body cannot be expanded for the time being, then the next step is the blood of the ancestors, which is the foundation of Lei Dao!

After all, this is Lei Dao's ancestor's road!

Lei Dao's ancestor bloodline has reached 5%, and thirteen kinds of bloodlines have been integrated so far. There is only one thing, Lei Dao's powerful bloodline is lacking now.

Those powerful bloodlines comparable to the bloodlines of giant spirits were basically practiced by Lei Dao.

As for the top bloodline?

That is even more unattainable.

The number of top bloodlines is rare, and you can't find it if you want to find it. Lei Dao also collected a lot of powerful bloodlines, and now he has practiced a lot. It is not easy to find more powerful bloodlines.

But Lei Dao is not helpless.

The path of his ancestor was the fusion of blood, and he followed the path of blood, integrating the blood of thousands of families into one.

Therefore, even ordinary blood can be integrated into the ancestor blood.

However, in this way, a lot of blood may be needed, and the effect may not be comparable to that of a powerful blood. More importantly, it may consume a lot of life.

But there is no way, many things cannot be perfect, there will always be some troubles and problems.

"Then let's give it a try and see what the effect of ordinary blood is like?"

Lei Dao calmed down and chose an ordinary bloodline to try.

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