Longevity Species

Chapter 962 Become the ancestor first, then talk about other things! (third change)

Lei Dao's current practice of bloodlines still relies on the cultivation of bloodlines skills, and then the skills are successfully cultivated to obtain the corresponding bloodlines. Of course, this is also the unique advantage of Lei Dao World's practice system.

Because there is a divine body!

Other mainstream cultivators in the Ming world, that is, cultivating in the physical body, actually have more blood in their bodies, and they will conflict instead. However, Lei Dao has a divine body to reconcile, and in addition, he has used supernatural powers to walk out of the path of the ancestor's blood, so he can continue to absorb With all kinds of blood.

But now, Lei Dao felt that it was still too troublesome.

After all, it is quite troublesome to obtain a bloodline practice method, can you simplify it a little more?

For example, to get a bloodline, of course it has to be a complete bloodline, and then it can be integrated into the body with supernatural powers, and its lifespan can be increased to gradually grow, and finally fully integrated into the ancestor's bloodline?

Lei Dao felt that it should be feasible!

"You can give it a try."

Lei Dao directly entered the maze world. In the maze world, many practitioners of the bright world were trapped, including countless great masters and masters. Naturally, there were quite a few of them with various bloodlines.

As Lei Dao is the master of the lost world, it couldn't be easier to ask for a little blood.

Soon, Lei Dao obtained as many as ten bloodlines.

Of course, they are all just ordinary blood.


The next moment, Lei Dao tried to refine these bloodlines. With the dominance of Lei Dao's divine body, he could indeed forcibly refine and absorb these bloodlines. However, a little bit of bloodlines has not yet been fully completed, so naturally it cannot bring any benefit to the ancestor's bloodlines. .

Therefore, Lei Dao has to activate the ability to directly increase the lifespan.

For the first bloodline, Lei Dao spent four billion years of lifespan before raising it to perfection.

The second bloodline, Lei Dao spent 3.5 billion years of lifespan to raise it to perfection.

Then the third bloodline, Lei Dao spent 4.5 billion years of lifespan to raise it to perfection.

Fourth, fifth, sixth...

Every time Lei Dao upgrades an ordinary bloodline to Dzogchen, it will then be integrated into the ancestor bloodline. All the bloodlines that have been promoted to the state of Dzogchen can be integrated into the bloodlines of the ancestors without any problem.

It can also strengthen the ancestor's bloodline, and even Lei Dao can feel it, but it seems to be a bit difficult to completely transform the ancestor's bloodline and increase it by one percent.

To put it simply, several perfect ordinary bloodlines do not seem to be enough to transform the ancestor's bloodline to the point of transformation.

Therefore, Lei Dao could only continue to upgrade the ordinary bloodline and integrate it into the ancestor bloodline.

Seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth...

Finally, after Lei Dao merged into ten common bloodlines, his ancestor's bloodline was slightly shocked, and then, the ancestor's divine body began a new round of reorganization.

This also means that the bloodline of the ancestor has transformed!

Lei Dao quietly felt the transformation of the ancestor's divine body. He is already familiar with this transformation process, and even familiar with it, it will take a certain amount of time.

This is a natural process and there is nothing dangerous about it.

It's just that Lei Dao was a little helpless.


The required lifespan is too high!

This time, Lei Dao raised all ten common bloodlines to Dzogchen and integrated them into the ancestor's bloodline. It seems to be successful, but in reality? Too much to pay!

Ten common bloodlines took a total of 41 billion years of lifespan!

This is a full life span of more than 40 billion years.

You know, if it is a top bloodline, in fact, one bloodline can increase the bloodline of the ancestor by one percent, and the lifespan consumed is only 30 billion years, or even less than 30 billion years.

If it is a powerful bloodline, then almost three kinds of bloodlines are needed to upgrade the ancestor's bloodline, but it only consumes about 32 billion years of lifespan.

Now, Lei Dao uses ordinary blood to strengthen the ancestor's blood. Although it can be successful, it needs more than ten bloods and consumes more than 40 billion years of life.

This kind of consumption is really too big.

Even, if this continues in the future, it is still hard to say whether Lei Dao can increase the blood of the ancestor to 100% and completely achieve the ancestor.

After all, where do you get that much life?

Even if Lei Dao is "making a fortune" now, these life spans should not be wasted casually.

"Ordinary blood can also improve the ancestor's blood. Although it consumes a lot, it can be improved after all. What about the ancestor's blood? The blood of the ancestor, do I have to ask the master to give me some of his ancestor's blood?"

Lei Dao hesitated, he really had some ideas.

Lei Dao has fused with the top bloodline, that is, the Kunpeng bloodline, and the effect is indeed very good.

But what if it is stronger than the top bloodline?

For example, the blood of the ancestors.

In fact, each ancestor represents a bloodline, but some ancestors left bloodlines, while others did not leave any bloodlines.

In other words, most of the ancestors did not leave blood.

For example, Lei Dao's master, the ancestor Kong, has never heard that he left any blood. So, is the blood of the ancestor Kong very strong?

Once obtained, what changes will it bring to Lei Dao's ancestor bloodline?

Lei Dao didn't know.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he still didn't dare to ask.

After all, the blood of the ancestors is the biggest secret of every ancestor. Once the blood is exposed, it will even be targeted by other ancestors. The weakness of the first ancestor cannot be easily exposed, and any secrets cannot be easily exposed, even if it is a master and an apprentice.

Lei Daozhen wanted to ask for it, he was afraid that he would be beaten to death by the ancestor Kong Kong.

That's all, you have to rely on your own efforts to improve the ancestor's blood step by step.

With the reorganization of Lei Dao's ancestor god body, the transformation of the ancestor god body soon ended. With the end of the transformation of the ancestor god body, Lei Dao felt that the realm in his body could continue to expand.

Of course, Lei Dao didn't hesitate at all, and immediately consumed 50 billion years of lifespan, directly expanding the internal domain by ten times.

After the expansion is over, Lei Dao will mobilize his abilities again to check his current physical condition.

Name: Lei Dao (34 years old)

Life Form: Primordial Divine Body

Lifespan: 34 billion 10 million years

Inner world: seventy-five times the domain (expandable)

Ancestral bloodline: 6% (23 bloodlines complete)

Lei Dao looked at the lifespan of the at. There were more than 120 billion years before, but the ancestor's blood reached 6%, which consumed more than 40 billion years and expanded the internal domain by ten times. Now it is only There are more than 34 billion years left.

The lifespan of hundreds of billions of years is still like this, let alone the future?

"Why don't you delay the expansion of the internal domain first?"

Lei Dao feels that now his strength seems to be enough to deal with the threats below the ancestors, and if he continues to expand the internal domain, the lifespan consumed is too much, and he is a little bit unable to support it.

Although the means of protecting the way are also very important, they should also be able to distinguish the priorities.

At least, this solitary 6% ancestor's bloodline is really a bit "shameful".

"By the way, we still have to try our best to find some powerful bloodlines, even top-notch bloodlines. For ordinary bloodlines, you can't practice casually unless you have to. It's a waste of life."

Lei Dao's heart was trembling.

With ten ordinary bloodlines, it is equivalent to consuming more than ten billion years of life span, otherwise, he could have raised the ancestor's bloodline to 7%!

Seven percent!

"Wait, what's the difference between seven percent and six percent?"

Lei Dao suddenly remembered a question.

He has worked so hard to upgrade the ancestor's bloodline, and every upgrade of the ancestor's bloodline is very difficult and exhausted, but what's the point after the upgrade?

Strength improved?

Or is life sublimated?

When it comes to the increase in strength, the one percent increase in ancestor blood is far less than the tenfold increase in Lei Dao's internal domain, and it is nothing to the increase in Lei Dao's strength.

What's the point of raising Lei Dao's ancestor's bloodline?

Lei Dao closed his eyes, and he carefully felt his divine body and the ancestor's blood.

At present, Lei Dao has reached 6% of the ancestor's blood, and it can be said that there is a little "ancestor's blood" in his body. This is the real ancestor's blood, which is even different from other ancestors.

"My divine body is slowly transforming in a new way..."

Raidou murmured softly.

He opened his eyes.

This kind of metamorphosis is very comprehensive, as if it is a kind of "perfection", or "supplementation".

In other words, no matter how many top bloodlines Lei Dao got, or powerful bloodlines, or ordinary bloodlines. Even though Lei Dao used his abilities to raise all these bloodlines to a perfect state, in fact, they are not really "perfect", not perfect.

On the contrary, those bloodlines have many shortcomings.

At this moment, Lei Dao's ancestor's blood seems to be gradually transforming towards a "perfect" way.

But, is there really a perfect bloodline?

And those real ancestors, are their bodies really perfect?

Not necessarily!

At least, Lei Dao knew that the focus of many ancestors was different, and the bodies of those ancestors were not transformed in a "perfect" way.

The first ancestor, what he truly comprehended was the essence of life, omniscience and omnipotence, not just the body.

But now, Lei Dao's ancestor's path is different.

The path of the ancestor, or the path of blood, created by the ability for Lei Dao is to "create" a flawless physical body, a truly perfect physical body.

Whether this is good or bad, Lei Dao is not clear.

However, this way makes Lei Dao feel very good and comfortable. He likes this simple and "brutal" way of practice. There are not so many complicated things to comprehend, and there are not so many insights.

As long as one can perfect the ancestor's bloodline bit by bit, one can eventually become the ancestor.

Perhaps, when the time comes, Lei Dao's ancestor god body will be able to break through all magic with one force, and only focus on the physical body, but it will be stronger.

Even Lei Dao felt that he didn't have to wait until he became the ancestor. He could feel that his ancestor's blood had reached 6% at present, and there were already some signs.

If it can reach 10%, it is equivalent to transforming the entire body into the "ancestral god body".

At that time, maybe there will be a very obvious "miracle" in Lei Dao.

Of course, this is just Lei Dao's feeling, but he feels that it should be almost the same.

The "10%" ancestor god body may be very different.

Moreover, Lei Dao also thought of the alien corpse in the black coffin.

The alien corpse is slowly absorbing the destructive power of the Great Tribulation of the Era to be tempered. The alien corpse is finally tempered, is it another "perfect" body?

"Maybe, you can try to temper the divine body with the power of destruction..."

Lei Dao also had a whim.

Of course, this is just thinking about it, how overbearing is the power of destruction? That is the ultimate power that can annihilate everything, destroy everything, and the entire era.

Even if Lei Dao wants to try it, he will not think about trying it until he has cultivated the ancestor's divine body to 100% perfection and achieved the ancestor.

As for now, let's honestly focus on the improvement of the ancestor's bloodline.

Become the ancestor first, then talk about other things!

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