Longevity Species

Chapter 964: The bull demon master is a little flustered! (Second more)

Lei Dao already had a plan in mind. This trip to Julei Mountain was originally due to the outbreak of the demonic tide. Now that the demonic tide has not completely swept Julei Mountain, they may become the target of public criticism if they go in so recklessly.

The point is, Julei Mountain is not easy to enter.

It is not certain whether the magic tide can break through the magic circle of Julei Mountain.

So, at the beginning, they still had to keep a low profile.

Of course, with the Lost Realm in hand, Lei Dao doesn't mind "boosting" the tide of demons at critical moments. Anyway, the status of "king of demons" is very useful.

At that time, it would not seem too abrupt to use the identity of "King of Demons" for the second time?

Lei Dao didn't know, but he felt that it should be feasible.

"It's not too late, let's set off immediately, otherwise we will lose our chance when the demon tide breaks through Julei Mountain."

Lei Dao can do whatever he wants, he has already decided to go to Julei Mountain immediately.

"Alright, Wan Hua, you are waiting for news from us in the cave."

The master of the bull demon is also a vigorous and resolute person.

So, the two of them directly stepped out of the cave, flew out of Pancheng, and flew towards Julei Mountain.


Julei Mountain, now there are demon spirits all over the mountains and plains, and the surging demon spirits, like waves of frenzy, swept over and almost covered the entire Julei Mountain.

However, although it seems that the demon spirit is powerful and the demon tide is raging, in fact, in the void near Julei Mountain, there are many gods, demons and rulers hidden.

They all seemed to be waiting for something.

"The magic circle of Julei Mountain is really strong. It is the innate destruction thunder god formation. Even the top emperor will die if he touches it. There is nothing wrong with being extinct in ashes and smoke."

"What is the top emperor? There was once a top aspirant who wanted to forcibly break into Julei Mountain. What happened? He almost fell, and since then he dare not make the idea of ​​Julei Mountain's three eras of divine thunder."

"Perhaps, only a sage can take out the Thunder of the Three Epochs from Julei Mountain. This is also Saint Yi's territory. Why doesn't Saint Yi take out the Thunder of the Three Era?"

"Hey, I don't know about that. However, the divine thunder of the three eras is actually useless to Saint Yi, right? Moreover, the three top aspirants of Julei Mountain seem to have some relationship with Saint Yi , that's why the sage Yi didn't touch Julei Mountain."

"No matter what, now that the magic tide is breaking out, no matter how strong the magic formation is, Julei Mountain can stop the magic tide from erupting? The pollution power of the magic tide outbreak can pollute all formations, and Julei Mountain can't last long... ..."

Many gods and demons around are discussing in secret.

They are all aware of some of the situation in Julei Mountain, and usually even the top aspirants would not dare to force their way, but the outbreak of the demon tide is different. Why did the eruption of the demon tide become a major event in the ancient continent, even the saints paid attention to it?

The reason is that the power of pollution from the demon spirits is too terrifying. When the demon tide broke out, this power of pollution reached its peak. Almost nothing is not dirty, nothing is not broken.

As long as the tide is strong enough.

Now they are just waiting for the pollution power of the demon tide to defile Julei Mountain's formation, and then the Julei Mountain's formation will be self-defeating. At that time, they will take advantage of the fire to loot and get a share of the pie.

Just when the tide of monsters in Julei Mountain was raging, two figures finally arrived at Julei Mountain.

"Fortunately, Julei Mountain has not been broken yet."

Lei Dao and Bull Demon Master hurried over, and the two finally arrived at Julei Mountain. Their speed was not too slow, but it could not be considered too fast either. When they arrived at Julei Mountain, the two noticed many dark eyes. After all, they are the masters!

Ruler of the Ming Realm!

Fortunately, this time Julei Mountain is mixed with fish and dragons, there are all kinds of monsters, ghosts and snake gods, the masters of the light world and even the aspirants are hidden in the dark, everyone is watching the situation of Julei Mountain, no one cares about Lei Dao and the bull demon ruler.

But Lei Dao also kept a low profile.

At this moment, thunder flashes on Julei Mountain, and each thunder light seems to be able to annihilate a large group of demon spirits, but the number of demon spirits is too many, billowing yin and grievances, as well as terrifying negative emotions, flood Julei Mountain superior.

There is even a filthy force that covers Julei Mountain with the surge of the demon tide. Although the formations on Julei Mountain are powerful, they seem to be almost unable to resist.

"Is this the magic wave? It's really... incredible!"

This is the first time that the bull demon ruler has seen the demon tide.

Even though the demonic tide has actually happened for a long time, such a surging demonic tide is still quite shocking to the Bull Demon Lord. In such a scene, if he had to deal with it, even if he was an aspirant, he might die without a place to bury him.

"The demon tide is indeed terrifying, but it seems to be a little bit worse. Do you want to give it a boost?"

Lei Dao pondered and said.

He and the bull demon master have been watching for a while. Although the demon tide is raging, it seems that it has never been able to break through Julei Mountain, and it has been polluting Julei Mountain's formation.

According to this speed, even if it takes a whole day, it may be difficult to break through Julei Mountain's formation.

Of course, one day is nothing at all, but Lei Dao felt that it didn't seem that difficult.

Moreover, if there is a boost, maybe he can also be the first to rush into Julei Mountain and reap the greatest benefits.

However, in front of so many gods and demons, masters, and demon spirits, it is still a bit stressful to collect the treasures of the entire Julei Mountain.

Unless, it can divert attention!

"Divert attention……"

Lei Dao thought of a way, even, his eyes couldn't help but look at the Bull Demon Lord.

Is there anyone more suitable to divert attention than the bull demon master?

Of course, a Bull Demon Master would definitely not be able to attract the attention of gods, demons, rulers, and demons. After all, the Bull Demon Master is just an ordinary aspirant, and an ordinary aspirant in the Ming Realm.

There is no reputation in the ancient continent, and no one knows him except Pancheng.

But Lei Dao has a lost realm!

His maze world can confuse the real one with the real one. He can turn the Bull Demon Lord into anyone, which is perfect for attracting attention.

Anyway, the bull demon master also agreed to obey Lei Dao's order, so naturally he had to do his part, otherwise, if he got the era god thunder for no reason, I believe the bull demon master would be very embarrassed.

The bull demon master seemed to be aware of it at this time.

Lei Dao's gaze stared at him, which really made the bull demon ruler feel like he was sitting on pins and needles, and felt very wrong.

"Brother Lei, what exactly are you trying to say? What do you mean by 'boosting' just now?"

The bull demon master actually didn't want to talk to him, especially Lei Dao still looked at the bull demon master with such a "look", which made the bull demon master feel nervous.

He faintly felt that Lei Dao was playing tricks on him again? He is very "vigilant" to Lei Dao.

"Hey, Brother Niu, what is the purpose of our journey here?"

"Of course it is to enter Julei Mountain and get the God of Era."

"Then we can't even enter Julei Mountain now, don't you think we should think of a way?"

"Think of a way? Even such a terrifying wave of demons can't completely destroy the formation of Julei Mountain, so what can we do?"

"Yes, of course! As long as Brother Niu agrees, then we will be able to enter Julei Mountain soon. Well, to be precise, I will enter Julei Mountain soon. Brother Niu only needs to attract those around who are secretly spying on the treasures of Julei Mountain attention will do.”

Many thoughts ran through the mind of the Bull Demon Lord.

"Attract attention?"

"Yes, to attract attention."

"It's that simple?"

"Well, it's very simple. I have a magic treasure in my hand. You should know the effect of the magic world, and no one will see through it."

The bull demon master was a little suspicious, not just suspicious, but he just felt that there must be "a pit" in it, and it might be a "tiankeng".

But he had made an agreement with Lei Dao before. In any case, when he came to Julei Mountain, he had to obey Lei Dao's arrangements and orders for everything. Therefore, although the bull demon master felt that there was a "tiankeng" waiting for him, He had no choice but to obey Lei Dao's orders and arrangements, and try his best to cooperate with Lei Dao.

Therefore, the Bull Demon Master also seemed to have made up his mind, gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Lei, I will leave me to you, you must not be too foolish, my life and death are in your hands..."

"Okay, Lao Niu, why do you and I say this? It's just for you to perform and show off your acting skills. I will use the magic treasure of the lost world later to turn you into a big man. In short, you don't need to say anything Said, just show your domineering aura of peerless greatness, and when the time comes, you will naturally be able to deter other people."

Lei Dao has already thought up the plan, and it is very thorough, foolproof, and very cautious.

"Wait, become a big shot? What if you can't be deterred?"

The bull demon ruler immediately "paniced".

what is this?

Life depends on acting skills?

Under the eyes of everyone, in front of so many top masters, top aspirants, so many gods and demons, Lei Dao asked him to act?

What a joke!

Isn't that courting death?

Just relying on the status of a "big man" can deter everyone? The bull demon master immediately felt unreliable, and it was very unreliable.

At this time, Lei Dao looked upright, with his hands behind his back, his body seemed to exude a "sacred" light, which made people dare not look directly at him.

"Brother Niu, you are only in charge of acting and intimidating everyone. As for some people who are not convinced to be intimidated, Lei doesn't mind doing more killings, even top aspirants, do you understand?"

The bull demon master was shocked.

Got it, how could he not understand?

Lei Dao at this time has already stood at the pinnacle of cultivation, looking at the entire Ming Realm and the ancient continent, under the ancestors and saints, Lei Dao has such qualifications!

"Brother Lei, don't worry, I will act according to Brother Lei's arrangement, and I will never delay Brother Lei."

The bull demon master also said with a solemn expression.

"Okay, Lei can certainly trust Brother Niu."

Lei Dao paused, and looked towards Julei Mountain. At this moment, there are monsters all over the mountain, and the only big formation in Julei Mountain seems to be submerged, but the magic circle in it seems to be very resilient, and it has not been able to for a long time. breach.

"It's now!"

The next moment, Lei Dao let out a low shout, held the magic treasure in his hand, and instantly activated it.

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